import * as GA from "../ga"; import * as GAPoint from "../gapoints"; import * as GADirection from "../gadirections"; import * as GALine from "../galines"; import * as GATransform from "../gatransforms"; import type { ExcalidrawBindableElement, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawRectangleElement, ExcalidrawDiamondElement, ExcalidrawEllipseElement, ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement, ExcalidrawImageElement, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, ExcalidrawIframeLikeElement, NonDeleted, ExcalidrawLinearElement, PointBinding, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, ElementsMap, NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ExcalidrawTextElement, ExcalidrawArrowElement, OrderedExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, FixedPoint, SceneElementsMap, } from "./types"; import type { Bounds } from "./bounds"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "./bounds"; import type { AppState, Point } from "../types"; import { isPointOnShape } from "../../utils/collision"; import { getElementAtPosition } from "../scene"; import { isArrowElement, isBindableElement, isBindingElement, isBoundToContainer, isElbowArrow, isFrameLikeElement, isLinearElement, isRectangularElement, isTextElement, } from "./typeChecks"; import type { ElementUpdate } from "./mutateElement"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import type Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "./linearElementEditor"; import { arrayToMap, tupleToCoors } from "../utils"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { getBoundTextElement, handleBindTextResize } from "./textElement"; import { getElementShape } from "../shapes"; import { aabbForElement, clamp, distanceSq2d, getCenterForBounds, getCenterForElement, pointInsideBounds, pointToVector, rotatePoint, } from "../math"; import { compareHeading, HEADING_DOWN, HEADING_LEFT, HEADING_RIGHT, HEADING_UP, headingForPointFromElement, vectorToHeading, type Heading, } from "./heading"; import { segmentIntersectRectangleElement } from "../../utils/geometry/geometry"; export type SuggestedBinding = | NonDeleted | SuggestedPointBinding; export type SuggestedPointBinding = [ NonDeleted, "start" | "end" | "both", NonDeleted, ]; export const shouldEnableBindingForPointerEvent = ( event: React.PointerEvent, ) => { return !event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD]; }; export const isBindingEnabled = (appState: AppState): boolean => { return appState.isBindingEnabled; }; export const FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE = 5; const getNonDeletedElements = ( scene: Scene, ids: readonly ExcalidrawElement["id"][], ): NonDeleted[] => { const result: NonDeleted[] = []; ids.forEach((id) => { const element = scene.getNonDeletedElement(id); if (element != null) { result.push(element); } }); return result; }; export const bindOrUnbindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, startBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", endBindingElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, scene: Scene, ): void => { const boundToElementIds: Set = new Set(); const unboundFromElementIds: Set = new Set(); bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge( linearElement, startBindingElement, endBindingElement, "start", boundToElementIds, unboundFromElementIds, elementsMap, ); bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge( linearElement, endBindingElement, startBindingElement, "end", boundToElementIds, unboundFromElementIds, elementsMap, ); const onlyUnbound = Array.from(unboundFromElementIds).filter( (id) => !boundToElementIds.has(id), ); getNonDeletedElements(scene, onlyUnbound).forEach((element) => { mutateElement(element, { boundElements: element.boundElements?.filter( (element) => element.type !== "arrow" || !==, ), }); }); }; const bindOrUnbindLinearElementEdge = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", otherEdgeBindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | "keep", startOrEnd: "start" | "end", // Is mutated boundToElementIds: Set, // Is mutated unboundFromElementIds: Set, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): void => { // "keep" is for method chaining convenience, a "no-op", so just bail out if (bindableElement === "keep") { return; } // null means break the bind, so nothing to consider here if (bindableElement === null) { const unbound = unbindLinearElement(linearElement, startOrEnd); if (unbound != null) { unboundFromElementIds.add(unbound); } return; } // While complext arrows can do anything, simple arrow with both ends trying // to bind to the same bindable should not be allowed, start binding takes // precedence if (isLinearElementSimple(linearElement)) { if ( otherEdgeBindableElement == null || (otherEdgeBindableElement === "keep" ? // TODO: Refactor - Needlessly complex !isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge( linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd, ) : startOrEnd === "start" || !== ) { bindLinearElement( linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd, elementsMap, ); boundToElementIds.add(; } } else { bindLinearElement(linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd, elementsMap); boundToElementIds.add(; } }; const getOriginalBindingIfStillCloseOfLinearElementEdge = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, edge: "start" | "end", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): NonDeleted | null => { const coors = getLinearElementEdgeCoors(linearElement, edge, elementsMap); const elementId = edge === "start" ? linearElement.startBinding?.elementId : linearElement.endBinding?.elementId; if (elementId) { const element = elementsMap.get(elementId); if ( isBindableElement(element) && bindingBorderTest(element, coors, elementsMap) ) { return element; } } return null; }; const getOriginalBindingsIfStillCloseToArrowEnds = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): (NonDeleted | null)[] => ["start", "end"].map((edge) => getOriginalBindingIfStillCloseOfLinearElementEdge( linearElement, edge as "start" | "end", elementsMap, ), ); const getBindingStrategyForDraggingArrowEndpoints = ( selectedElement: NonDeleted, isBindingEnabled: boolean, draggingPoints: readonly number[], elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], ): (NonDeleted | null | "keep")[] => { const startIdx = 0; const endIdx = selectedElement.points.length - 1; const startDragged = draggingPoints.findIndex((i) => i === startIdx) > -1; const endDragged = draggingPoints.findIndex((i) => i === endIdx) > -1; const start = startDragged ? isBindingEnabled ? getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "start", elementsMap, elements, ) : null // If binding is disabled and start is dragged, break all binds : // We have to update the focus and gap of the binding, so let's rebind getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "start", elementsMap, elements, ); const end = endDragged ? isBindingEnabled ? getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "end", elementsMap, elements, ) : null // If binding is disabled and end is dragged, break all binds : // We have to update the focus and gap of the binding, so let's rebind getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "end", elementsMap, elements, ); return [start, end]; }; const getBindingStrategyForDraggingArrowOrJoints = ( selectedElement: NonDeleted, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], isBindingEnabled: boolean, ): (NonDeleted | null | "keep")[] => { const [startIsClose, endIsClose] = getOriginalBindingsIfStillCloseToArrowEnds( selectedElement, elementsMap, ); const start = startIsClose ? isBindingEnabled ? getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "start", elementsMap, elements, ) : null : null; const end = endIsClose ? isBindingEnabled ? getElligibleElementForBindingElement( selectedElement, "end", elementsMap, elements, ) : null : null; return [start, end]; }; export const bindOrUnbindLinearElements = ( selectedElements: NonDeleted[], elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], scene: Scene, isBindingEnabled: boolean, draggingPoints: readonly number[] | null, ): void => { selectedElements.forEach((selectedElement) => { const [start, end] = draggingPoints?.length ? // The arrow edge points are dragged (i.e. start, end) getBindingStrategyForDraggingArrowEndpoints( selectedElement, isBindingEnabled, draggingPoints ?? [], elementsMap, elements, ) : // The arrow itself (the shaft) or the inner joins are dragged getBindingStrategyForDraggingArrowOrJoints( selectedElement, elementsMap, elements, isBindingEnabled, ); bindOrUnbindLinearElement(selectedElement, start, end, elementsMap, scene); }); }; export const getSuggestedBindingsForArrows = ( selectedElements: NonDeleted[], elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): SuggestedBinding[] => { // HOT PATH: Bail out if selected elements list is too large if (selectedElements.length > 50) { return []; } return ( selectedElements .filter(isLinearElement) .flatMap((element) => getOriginalBindingsIfStillCloseToArrowEnds(element, elementsMap), ) .filter( (element): element is NonDeleted => element !== null, ) // Filter out bind candidates which are in the // same selection / group with the arrow // // TODO: Is it worth turning the list into a set to avoid dupes? .filter( (element) => selectedElements.filter((selected) => === element?.id) .length === 0, ) ); }; export const maybeBindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, appState: AppState, pointerCoords: { x: number; y: number }, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], ): void => { if (appState.startBoundElement != null) { bindLinearElement( linearElement, appState.startBoundElement, "start", elementsMap, ); } const hoveredElement = getHoveredElementForBinding( pointerCoords, elements, elementsMap, isElbowArrow(linearElement) && isElbowArrow(linearElement), ); if (hoveredElement !== null) { if ( !isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge( linearElement, hoveredElement, "end", ) ) { bindLinearElement(linearElement, hoveredElement, "end", elementsMap); } } }; export const bindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): void => { if (!isArrowElement(linearElement)) { return; } const binding: PointBinding = { elementId:, ...calculateFocusAndGap( linearElement, hoveredElement, startOrEnd, elementsMap, ), ...(isElbowArrow(linearElement) ? calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding( linearElement, hoveredElement, startOrEnd, elementsMap, ) : { fixedPoint: null }), }; mutateElement(linearElement, { [startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"]: binding, }); const boundElementsMap = arrayToMap(hoveredElement.boundElements || []); if (!boundElementsMap.has( { mutateElement(hoveredElement, { boundElements: (hoveredElement.boundElements || []).concat({ id:, type: "arrow", }), }); } }; // Don't bind both ends of a simple segment const isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBoundOnOppositeEdge = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): boolean => { const otherBinding = linearElement[startOrEnd === "start" ? "endBinding" : "startBinding"]; return isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBound( linearElement, otherBinding?.elementId, bindableElement, ); }; export const isLinearElementSimpleAndAlreadyBound = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, alreadyBoundToId: ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"] | undefined, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ): boolean => { return ( alreadyBoundToId === && isLinearElementSimple(linearElement) ); }; const isLinearElementSimple = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, ): boolean => linearElement.points.length < 3; const unbindLinearElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", ): ExcalidrawBindableElement["id"] | null => { const field = startOrEnd === "start" ? "startBinding" : "endBinding"; const binding = linearElement[field]; if (binding == null) { return null; } mutateElement(linearElement, { [field]: null }); return binding.elementId; }; export const getHoveredElementForBinding = ( pointerCoords: { x: number; y: number; }, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, fullShape?: boolean, ): NonDeleted | null => { const hoveredElement = getElementAtPosition( elements, (element) => isBindableElement(element, false) && bindingBorderTest( element, pointerCoords, elementsMap, // disable fullshape snapping for frame elements so we // can bind to frame children fullShape && !isFrameLikeElement(element), ), ); return hoveredElement as NonDeleted | null; }; const calculateFocusAndGap = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): { focus: number; gap: number } => { const direction = startOrEnd === "start" ? -1 : 1; const edgePointIndex = direction === -1 ? 0 : linearElement.points.length - 1; const adjacentPointIndex = edgePointIndex - direction; const edgePoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, edgePointIndex, elementsMap, ); const adjacentPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, adjacentPointIndex, elementsMap, ); return { focus: determineFocusDistance( hoveredElement, adjacentPoint, edgePoint, elementsMap, ), gap: Math.max( 1, distanceToBindableElement(hoveredElement, edgePoint, elementsMap), ), }; }; // Supports translating, rotating and scaling `changedElement` with bound // linear elements. // Because scaling involves moving the focus points as well, it is // done before the `changedElement` is updated, and the `newSize` is passed // in explicitly. export const updateBoundElements = ( changedElement: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, options?: { simultaneouslyUpdated?: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; oldSize?: { width: number; height: number }; changedElements?: Map; }, ) => { const { oldSize, simultaneouslyUpdated, changedElements } = options ?? {}; const simultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds = getSimultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds( simultaneouslyUpdated, ); if (!isBindableElement(changedElement)) { return; } boundElementsVisitor(elementsMap, changedElement, (element) => { if (!isLinearElement(element) || element.isDeleted) { return; } // In case the boundElements are stale if (!doesNeedUpdate(element, changedElement)) { return; } const bindings = { startBinding: maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling( changedElement, element.startBinding, oldSize, ), endBinding: maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling( changedElement, element.endBinding, oldSize, ), }; // `linearElement` is being moved/scaled already, just update the binding if (simultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds.has( { mutateElement(element, bindings); return; } const updates = bindableElementsVisitor( elementsMap, element, (bindableElement, bindingProp) => { if ( bindableElement && isBindableElement(bindableElement) && (bindingProp === "startBinding" || bindingProp === "endBinding") && === element[bindingProp]?.elementId ) { const point = updateBoundPoint( element, bindingProp, bindings[bindingProp], bindableElement, elementsMap, ); if (point) { return { index: bindingProp === "startBinding" ? 0 : element.points.length - 1, point, }; } } return null; }, ).filter( ( update, ): update is NonNullable<{ index: number; point: Point; isDragging?: boolean; }> => update !== null, ); LinearElementEditor.movePoints( element, updates, elementsMap, { ...( === element.startBinding?.elementId ? { startBinding: bindings.startBinding } : {}), ...( === element.endBinding?.elementId ? { endBinding: bindings.endBinding } : {}), }, { changedElements, }, ); const boundText = getBoundTextElement(element, elementsMap); if (boundText && !boundText.isDeleted) { handleBindTextResize(element, elementsMap, false); } }); }; const doesNeedUpdate = ( boundElement: NonDeleted, changedElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ) => { return ( boundElement.startBinding?.elementId === || boundElement.endBinding?.elementId === ); }; const getSimultaneouslyUpdatedElementIds = ( simultaneouslyUpdated: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | undefined, ): Set => { return new Set((simultaneouslyUpdated || []).map((element) =>; }; export const getHeadingForElbowArrowSnap = ( point: Readonly, otherPoint: Readonly, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | undefined | null, aabb: Bounds | undefined | null, elementsMap: ElementsMap, origPoint: Point, ): Heading => { const otherPointHeading = vectorToHeading(pointToVector(otherPoint, point)); if (!bindableElement || !aabb) { return otherPointHeading; } const distance = getDistanceForBinding( origPoint, bindableElement, elementsMap, ); if (!distance) { return vectorToHeading( pointToVector(point, getCenterForElement(bindableElement)), ); } const pointHeading = headingForPointFromElement(bindableElement, aabb, point); return pointHeading; }; const getDistanceForBinding = ( point: Readonly, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const distance = distanceToBindableElement( bindableElement, point, elementsMap, ); const bindDistance = maxBindingGap( bindableElement, bindableElement.width, bindableElement.height, ); return distance > bindDistance ? null : distance; }; export const bindPointToSnapToElementOutline = ( point: Readonly, otherPoint: Readonly, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | undefined, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): Point => { const aabb = bindableElement && aabbForElement(bindableElement); if (bindableElement && aabb) { // TODO: Dirty hacks until tangents are properly calculated const heading = headingForPointFromElement(bindableElement, aabb, point); const intersections = [ ...intersectElementWithLine( bindableElement, [point[0], point[1] - 2 * bindableElement.height], [point[0], point[1] + 2 * bindableElement.height], FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, elementsMap, ), ...intersectElementWithLine( bindableElement, [point[0] - 2 * bindableElement.width, point[1]], [point[0] + 2 * bindableElement.width, point[1]], FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, elementsMap, ), ]; const isVertical = compareHeading(heading, HEADING_LEFT) || compareHeading(heading, HEADING_RIGHT); const dist = Math.abs( distanceToBindableElement(bindableElement, point, elementsMap), ); const isInner = isVertical ? dist < bindableElement.width * -0.1 : dist < bindableElement.height * -0.1; intersections.sort( (a, b) => distanceSq2d(a, point) - distanceSq2d(b, point), ); return isInner ? headingToMidBindPoint(otherPoint, bindableElement, aabb) : intersections.filter((i) => isVertical ? Math.abs(point[1] - i[1]) < 0.1 : Math.abs(point[0] - i[0]) < 0.1, )[0] ?? point; } return point; }; const headingToMidBindPoint = ( point: Point, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, aabb: Bounds, ): Point => { const center = getCenterForBounds(aabb); const heading = vectorToHeading(pointToVector(point, center)); switch (true) { case compareHeading(heading, HEADING_UP): return rotatePoint( [(aabb[0] + aabb[2]) / 2 + 0.1, aabb[1]], center, bindableElement.angle, ); case compareHeading(heading, HEADING_RIGHT): return rotatePoint( [aabb[2], (aabb[1] + aabb[3]) / 2 + 0.1], center, bindableElement.angle, ); case compareHeading(heading, HEADING_DOWN): return rotatePoint( [(aabb[0] + aabb[2]) / 2 - 0.1, aabb[3]], center, bindableElement.angle, ); default: return rotatePoint( [aabb[0], (aabb[1] + aabb[3]) / 2 - 0.1], center, bindableElement.angle, ); } }; export const avoidRectangularCorner = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, p: Point, ): Point => { const center = getCenterForElement(element); const nonRotatedPoint = rotatePoint(p, center, -element.angle); if (nonRotatedPoint[0] < element.x && nonRotatedPoint[1] < element.y) { // Top left if (nonRotatedPoint[1] - element.y > -FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE) { return rotatePoint( [element.x - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, element.y], center, element.angle, ); } return rotatePoint( [element.x, element.y - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE], center, element.angle, ); } else if ( nonRotatedPoint[0] < element.x && nonRotatedPoint[1] > element.y + element.height ) { // Bottom left if (nonRotatedPoint[0] - element.x > -FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE) { return rotatePoint( [element.x, element.y + element.height + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE], center, element.angle, ); } return rotatePoint( [element.x - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, element.y + element.height], center, element.angle, ); } else if ( nonRotatedPoint[0] > element.x + element.width && nonRotatedPoint[1] > element.y + element.height ) { // Bottom right if ( nonRotatedPoint[0] - element.x < element.width + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE ) { return rotatePoint( [ element.x + element.width, element.y + element.height + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, ], center, element.angle, ); } return rotatePoint( [ element.x + element.width + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, element.y + element.height, ], center, element.angle, ); } else if ( nonRotatedPoint[0] > element.x + element.width && nonRotatedPoint[1] < element.y ) { // Top right if ( nonRotatedPoint[0] - element.x < element.width + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE ) { return rotatePoint( [element.x + element.width, element.y - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE], center, element.angle, ); } return rotatePoint( [element.x + element.width + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, element.y], center, element.angle, ); } return p; }; export const snapToMid = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, p: Point, tolerance: number = 0.05, ): Point => { const { x, y, width, height, angle } = element; const center = [x + width / 2 - 0.1, y + height / 2 - 0.1] as Point; const nonRotated = rotatePoint(p, center, -angle); // snap-to-center point is adaptive to element size, but we don't want to go // above and below certain px distance const verticalThrehsold = clamp(tolerance * height, 5, 80); const horizontalThrehsold = clamp(tolerance * width, 5, 80); if ( nonRotated[0] <= x + width / 2 && nonRotated[1] > center[1] - verticalThrehsold && nonRotated[1] < center[1] + verticalThrehsold ) { // LEFT return rotatePoint([x - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, center[1]], center, angle); } else if ( nonRotated[1] <= y + height / 2 && nonRotated[0] > center[0] - horizontalThrehsold && nonRotated[0] < center[0] + horizontalThrehsold ) { // TOP return rotatePoint([center[0], y - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE], center, angle); } else if ( nonRotated[0] >= x + width / 2 && nonRotated[1] > center[1] - verticalThrehsold && nonRotated[1] < center[1] + verticalThrehsold ) { // RIGHT return rotatePoint( [x + width + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, center[1]], center, angle, ); } else if ( nonRotated[1] >= y + height / 2 && nonRotated[0] > center[0] - horizontalThrehsold && nonRotated[0] < center[0] + horizontalThrehsold ) { // DOWN return rotatePoint( [center[0], y + height + FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE], center, angle, ); } return p; }; const updateBoundPoint = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, startOrEnd: "startBinding" | "endBinding", binding: PointBinding | null | undefined, bindableElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): Point | null => { if ( binding == null || // We only need to update the other end if this is a 2 point line element (binding.elementId !== && linearElement.points.length > 2) ) { return null; } const direction = startOrEnd === "startBinding" ? -1 : 1; const edgePointIndex = direction === -1 ? 0 : linearElement.points.length - 1; if (isElbowArrow(linearElement)) { const fixedPoint = normalizeFixedPoint(binding.fixedPoint) ?? calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding( linearElement, bindableElement, startOrEnd === "startBinding" ? "start" : "end", elementsMap, ).fixedPoint; const globalMidPoint = [ bindableElement.x + bindableElement.width / 2, bindableElement.y + bindableElement.height / 2, ] as Point; const global = [ bindableElement.x + fixedPoint[0] * bindableElement.width, bindableElement.y + fixedPoint[1] * bindableElement.height, ] as Point; const rotatedGlobal = rotatePoint( global, globalMidPoint, bindableElement.angle, ); return LinearElementEditor.pointFromAbsoluteCoords( linearElement, rotatedGlobal, elementsMap, ); } const adjacentPointIndex = edgePointIndex - direction; const adjacentPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, adjacentPointIndex, elementsMap, ); const focusPointAbsolute = determineFocusPoint( bindableElement, binding.focus, adjacentPoint, elementsMap, ); let newEdgePoint: Point; // The linear element was not originally pointing inside the bound shape, // we can point directly at the focus point if ( === 0) { newEdgePoint = focusPointAbsolute; } else { const intersections = intersectElementWithLine( bindableElement, adjacentPoint, focusPointAbsolute,, elementsMap, ); if (intersections.length === 0) { // This should never happen, since focusPoint should always be // inside the element, but just in case, bail out newEdgePoint = focusPointAbsolute; } else { // Guaranteed to intersect because focusPoint is always inside the shape newEdgePoint = intersections[0]; } } return LinearElementEditor.pointFromAbsoluteCoords( linearElement, newEdgePoint, elementsMap, ); }; export const calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): { fixedPoint: FixedPoint } => { const bounds = [ hoveredElement.x, hoveredElement.y, hoveredElement.x + hoveredElement.width, hoveredElement.y + hoveredElement.height, ] as Bounds; const edgePointIndex = startOrEnd === "start" ? 0 : linearElement.points.length - 1; const globalPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, edgePointIndex, elementsMap, ); const otherGlobalPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, edgePointIndex, elementsMap, ); const snappedPoint = bindPointToSnapToElementOutline( globalPoint, otherGlobalPoint, hoveredElement, elementsMap, ); const globalMidPoint = [ bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) / 2, bounds[1] + (bounds[3] - bounds[1]) / 2, ] as Point; const nonRotatedSnappedGlobalPoint = rotatePoint( snappedPoint, globalMidPoint, -hoveredElement.angle, ) as Point; return { fixedPoint: normalizeFixedPoint([ (nonRotatedSnappedGlobalPoint[0] - hoveredElement.x) / hoveredElement.width, (nonRotatedSnappedGlobalPoint[1] - hoveredElement.y) / hoveredElement.height, ]), }; }; const maybeCalculateNewGapWhenScaling = ( changedElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement, currentBinding: PointBinding | null | undefined, newSize: { width: number; height: number } | undefined, ): PointBinding | null | undefined => { if (currentBinding == null || newSize == null) { return currentBinding; } const { width: newWidth, height: newHeight } = newSize; const { width, height } = changedElement; const newGap = Math.max( 1, Math.min( maxBindingGap(changedElement, newWidth, newHeight), * (newWidth < newHeight ? newWidth / width : newHeight / height), ), ); return { ...currentBinding, gap: newGap }; }; const getElligibleElementForBindingElement = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], ): NonDeleted | null => { return getHoveredElementForBinding( getLinearElementEdgeCoors(linearElement, startOrEnd, elementsMap), elements, elementsMap, ); }; const getLinearElementEdgeCoors = ( linearElement: NonDeleted, startOrEnd: "start" | "end", elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, ): { x: number; y: number } => { const index = startOrEnd === "start" ? 0 : -1; return tupleToCoors( LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( linearElement, index, elementsMap, ), ); }; // We need to: // 1: Update elements not selected to point to duplicated elements // 2: Update duplicated elements to point to other duplicated elements export const fixBindingsAfterDuplication = ( sceneElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], oldElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map, // There are three copying mechanisms: Copy-paste, duplication and alt-drag. // Only when alt-dragging the new "duplicates" act as the "old", while // the "old" elements act as the "new copy" - essentially working reverse // to the other two. duplicatesServeAsOld?: "duplicatesServeAsOld" | undefined, ): void => { // First collect all the binding/bindable elements, so we only update // each once, regardless of whether they were duplicated or not. const allBoundElementIds: Set = new Set(); const allBindableElementIds: Set = new Set(); const shouldReverseRoles = duplicatesServeAsOld === "duplicatesServeAsOld"; const duplicateIdToOldId = new Map( [...oldIdToDuplicatedId].map(([key, value]) => [value, key]), ); oldElements.forEach((oldElement) => { const { boundElements } = oldElement; if (boundElements != null && boundElements.length > 0) { boundElements.forEach((boundElement) => { if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has( { allBoundElementIds.add(; } }); allBindableElementIds.add(oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!); } if (isBindingElement(oldElement)) { if (oldElement.startBinding != null) { const { elementId } = oldElement.startBinding; if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has(elementId)) { allBindableElementIds.add(elementId); } } if (oldElement.endBinding != null) { const { elementId } = oldElement.endBinding; if (shouldReverseRoles && !oldIdToDuplicatedId.has(elementId)) { allBindableElementIds.add(elementId); } } if (oldElement.startBinding != null || oldElement.endBinding != null) { allBoundElementIds.add(oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!); } } }); // Update the linear elements ( sceneElements.filter(({ id }) => allBoundElementIds.has(id), ) as ExcalidrawLinearElement[] ).forEach((element) => { const { startBinding, endBinding } = element; mutateElement(element, { startBinding: newBindingAfterDuplication( startBinding, oldIdToDuplicatedId, ), endBinding: newBindingAfterDuplication(endBinding, oldIdToDuplicatedId), }); }); // Update the bindable shapes sceneElements .filter(({ id }) => allBindableElementIds.has(id)) .forEach((bindableElement) => { const oldElementId = duplicateIdToOldId.get(; const boundElements = sceneElements.find( ({ id }) => id === oldElementId, )?.boundElements; if (boundElements && boundElements.length > 0) { mutateElement(bindableElement, { boundElements: => oldIdToDuplicatedId.has( ? { id: oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(!, type: boundElement.type, } : boundElement, ), }); } }); }; const newBindingAfterDuplication = ( binding: PointBinding | null, oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map, ): PointBinding | null => { if (binding == null) { return null; } return { ...binding, elementId: oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(binding.elementId) ?? binding.elementId, }; }; export const fixBindingsAfterDeletion = ( sceneElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], deletedElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ): void => { const elements = arrayToMap(sceneElements); for (const element of deletedElements) { BoundElement.unbindAffected(elements, element, mutateElement); BindableElement.unbindAffected(elements, element, mutateElement); } }; const newBoundElements = ( boundElements: ExcalidrawElement["boundElements"], idsToRemove: Set, elementsToAdd: Array = [], ) => { if (!boundElements) { return null; } const nextBoundElements = boundElements.filter( (boundElement) => !idsToRemove.has(, ); nextBoundElements.push( (x) => ({ id:, type: x.type } as | ExcalidrawArrowElement | ExcalidrawTextElement), ), ); return nextBoundElements; }; export const bindingBorderTest = ( element: NonDeleted, { x, y }: { x: number; y: number }, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, fullShape?: boolean, ): boolean => { const threshold = maxBindingGap(element, element.width, element.height); const shape = getElementShape(element, elementsMap); return ( isPointOnShape([x, y], shape, threshold) || (fullShape === true && pointInsideBounds([x, y], aabbForElement(element))) ); }; export const maxBindingGap = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, elementWidth: number, elementHeight: number, ): number => { // Aligns diamonds with rectangles const shapeRatio = element.type === "diamond" ? 1 / Math.sqrt(2) : 1; const smallerDimension = shapeRatio * Math.min(elementWidth, elementHeight); // We make the bindable boundary bigger for bigger elements return Math.max(16, Math.min(0.25 * smallerDimension, 32)); }; export const distanceToBindableElement = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, point: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): number => { switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": return distanceToRectangle(element, point, elementsMap); case "diamond": return distanceToDiamond(element, point, elementsMap); case "ellipse": return distanceToEllipse(element, point, elementsMap); } }; const distanceToRectangle = ( element: | ExcalidrawRectangleElement | ExcalidrawTextElement | ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement | ExcalidrawImageElement | ExcalidrawIframeLikeElement | ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, point: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): number => { const [, pointRel, hwidth, hheight] = pointRelativeToElement( element, point, elementsMap, ); return Math.max( GAPoint.distanceToLine(pointRel, GALine.equation(0, 1, -hheight)), GAPoint.distanceToLine(pointRel, GALine.equation(1, 0, -hwidth)), ); }; const distanceToDiamond = ( element: ExcalidrawDiamondElement, point: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): number => { const [, pointRel, hwidth, hheight] = pointRelativeToElement( element, point, elementsMap, ); const side = GALine.equation(hheight, hwidth, -hheight * hwidth); return GAPoint.distanceToLine(pointRel, side); }; const distanceToEllipse = ( element: ExcalidrawEllipseElement, point: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): number => { const [pointRel, tangent] = ellipseParamsForTest(element, point, elementsMap); return -GALine.sign(tangent) * GAPoint.distanceToLine(pointRel, tangent); }; const ellipseParamsForTest = ( element: ExcalidrawEllipseElement, point: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): [GA.Point, GA.Line] => { const [, pointRel, hwidth, hheight] = pointRelativeToElement( element, point, elementsMap, ); const [px, py] = GAPoint.toTuple(pointRel); // We're working in positive quadrant, so start with `t = 45deg`, `tx=cos(t)` let tx = 0.707; let ty = 0.707; const a = hwidth; const b = hheight; // This is a numerical method to find the params tx, ty at which // the ellipse has the closest point to the given point [0, 1, 2, 3].forEach((_) => { const xx = a * tx; const yy = b * ty; const ex = ((a * a - b * b) * tx ** 3) / a; const ey = ((b * b - a * a) * ty ** 3) / b; const rx = xx - ex; const ry = yy - ey; const qx = px - ex; const qy = py - ey; const r = Math.hypot(ry, rx); const q = Math.hypot(qy, qx); tx = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, ((qx * r) / q + ex) / a)); ty = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, ((qy * r) / q + ey) / b)); const t = Math.hypot(ty, tx); tx /= t; ty /= t; }); const closestPoint = GA.point(a * tx, b * ty); const tangent = GALine.orthogonalThrough(pointRel, closestPoint); return [pointRel, tangent]; }; // Returns: // 1. the point relative to the elements (x, y) position // 2. the point relative to the element's center with positive (x, y) // 3. half element width // 4. half element height // // Note that for linear elements the (x, y) position is not at the // top right corner of their boundary. // // Rectangles, diamonds and ellipses are symmetrical over axes, // and other elements have a rectangular boundary, // so we only need to perform hit tests for the positive quadrant. const pointRelativeToElement = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, pointTuple: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): [GA.Point, GA.Point, number, number] => { const point = GAPoint.from(pointTuple); const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const center = coordsCenter(x1, y1, x2, y2); // GA has angle orientation opposite to `rotate` const rotate = GATransform.rotation(center, element.angle); const pointRotated = GATransform.apply(rotate, point); const pointRelToCenter = GA.sub(pointRotated, GADirection.from(center)); const pointRelToCenterAbs = GAPoint.abs(pointRelToCenter); const elementPos = GA.offset(element.x, element.y); const pointRelToPos = GA.sub(pointRotated, elementPos); const halfWidth = (x2 - x1) / 2; const halfHeight = (y2 - y1) / 2; return [pointRelToPos, pointRelToCenterAbs, halfWidth, halfHeight]; }; const relativizationToElementCenter = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): GA.Transform => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const center = coordsCenter(x1, y1, x2, y2); // GA has angle orientation opposite to `rotate` const rotate = GATransform.rotation(center, element.angle); const translate = GA.reverse( GATransform.translation(GADirection.from(center)), ); return GATransform.compose(rotate, translate); }; const coordsCenter = ( x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ): GA.Point => { return GA.point((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2); }; // The focus distance is the oriented ratio between the size of // the `element` and the "focus image" of the element on which // all focus points lie, so it's a number between -1 and 1. // The line going through `a` and `b` is a tangent to the "focus image" // of the element. const determineFocusDistance = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, // Point on the line, in absolute coordinates a: Point, // Another point on the line, in absolute coordinates (closer to element) b: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): number => { const relateToCenter = relativizationToElementCenter(element, elementsMap); const aRel = GATransform.apply(relateToCenter, GAPoint.from(a)); const bRel = GATransform.apply(relateToCenter, GAPoint.from(b)); const line = GALine.through(aRel, bRel); const q = element.height / element.width; const hwidth = element.width / 2; const hheight = element.height / 2; const n = line[2]; const m = line[3]; const c = line[1]; const mabs = Math.abs(m); const nabs = Math.abs(n); let ret; switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": ret = c / (hwidth * (nabs + q * mabs)); break; case "diamond": ret = mabs < nabs ? c / (nabs * hwidth) : c / (mabs * hheight); break; case "ellipse": ret = c / (hwidth * Math.sqrt(n ** 2 + q ** 2 * m ** 2)); break; } return ret || 0; }; const determineFocusPoint = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, // The oriented, relative distance from the center of `element` of the // returned focusPoint focus: number, adjecentPoint: Point, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): Point => { if (focus === 0) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const center = coordsCenter(x1, y1, x2, y2); return GAPoint.toTuple(center); } const relateToCenter = relativizationToElementCenter(element, elementsMap); const adjecentPointRel = GATransform.apply( relateToCenter, GAPoint.from(adjecentPoint), ); const reverseRelateToCenter = GA.reverse(relateToCenter); let point; switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "diamond": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": point = findFocusPointForRectangulars(element, focus, adjecentPointRel); break; case "ellipse": point = findFocusPointForEllipse(element, focus, adjecentPointRel); break; } return GAPoint.toTuple(GATransform.apply(reverseRelateToCenter, point)); }; // Returns 2 or 0 intersection points between line going through `a` and `b` // and the `element`, in ascending order of distance from `a`. const intersectElementWithLine = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, // Point on the line, in absolute coordinates a: Point, // Another point on the line, in absolute coordinates b: Point, // If given, the element is inflated by this value gap: number = 0, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): Point[] => { if (isRectangularElement(element)) { return segmentIntersectRectangleElement(element, [a, b], gap); } const relateToCenter = relativizationToElementCenter(element, elementsMap); const aRel = GATransform.apply(relateToCenter, GAPoint.from(a)); const bRel = GATransform.apply(relateToCenter, GAPoint.from(b)); const line = GALine.through(aRel, bRel); const reverseRelateToCenter = GA.reverse(relateToCenter); const intersections = getSortedElementLineIntersections( element, line, aRel, gap, ); return => GAPoint.toTuple(GATransform.apply(reverseRelateToCenter, point)), ); }; const getSortedElementLineIntersections = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, // Relative to element center line: GA.Line, // Relative to element center nearPoint: GA.Point, gap: number = 0, ): GA.Point[] => { let intersections: GA.Point[]; switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "diamond": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": const corners = getCorners(element); intersections = corners .flatMap((point, i) => { const edge: [GA.Point, GA.Point] = [point, corners[(i + 1) % 4]]; return intersectSegment(line, offsetSegment(edge, gap)); }) .concat( corners.flatMap((point) => getCircleIntersections(point, gap, line)), ); break; case "ellipse": intersections = getEllipseIntersections(element, gap, line); break; } if (intersections.length < 2) { // Ignore the "edge" case of only intersecting with a single corner return []; } const sortedIntersections = intersections.sort( (i1, i2) => GAPoint.distance(i1, nearPoint) - GAPoint.distance(i2, nearPoint), ); return [ sortedIntersections[0], sortedIntersections[sortedIntersections.length - 1], ]; }; const getCorners = ( element: | ExcalidrawRectangleElement | ExcalidrawImageElement | ExcalidrawDiamondElement | ExcalidrawTextElement | ExcalidrawIframeLikeElement | ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, scale: number = 1, ): GA.Point[] => { const hx = (scale * element.width) / 2; const hy = (scale * element.height) / 2; switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": return [ GA.point(hx, hy), GA.point(hx, -hy), GA.point(-hx, -hy), GA.point(-hx, hy), ]; case "diamond": return [ GA.point(0, hy), GA.point(hx, 0), GA.point(0, -hy), GA.point(-hx, 0), ]; } }; // Returns intersection of `line` with `segment`, with `segment` moved by // `gap` in its polar direction. // If intersection coincides with second segment point returns empty array. const intersectSegment = ( line: GA.Line, segment: [GA.Point, GA.Point], ): GA.Point[] => { const [a, b] = segment; const aDist = GAPoint.distanceToLine(a, line); const bDist = GAPoint.distanceToLine(b, line); if (aDist * bDist >= 0) { // The intersection is outside segment `(a, b)` return []; } return [GAPoint.intersect(line, GALine.through(a, b))]; }; const offsetSegment = ( segment: [GA.Point, GA.Point], distance: number, ): [GA.Point, GA.Point] => { const [a, b] = segment; const offset = GATransform.translationOrthogonal( GADirection.fromTo(a, b), distance, ); return [GATransform.apply(offset, a), GATransform.apply(offset, b)]; }; const getEllipseIntersections = ( element: ExcalidrawEllipseElement, gap: number, line: GA.Line, ): GA.Point[] => { const a = element.width / 2 + gap; const b = element.height / 2 + gap; const m = line[2]; const n = line[3]; const c = line[1]; const squares = a * a * m * m + b * b * n * n; const discr = squares - c * c; if (squares === 0 || discr <= 0) { return []; } const discrRoot = Math.sqrt(discr); const xn = -a * a * m * c; const yn = -b * b * n * c; return [ GA.point( (xn + a * b * n * discrRoot) / squares, (yn - a * b * m * discrRoot) / squares, ), GA.point( (xn - a * b * n * discrRoot) / squares, (yn + a * b * m * discrRoot) / squares, ), ]; }; const getCircleIntersections = ( center: GA.Point, radius: number, line: GA.Line, ): GA.Point[] => { if (radius === 0) { return GAPoint.distanceToLine(line, center) === 0 ? [center] : []; } const m = line[2]; const n = line[3]; const c = line[1]; const [a, b] = GAPoint.toTuple(center); const r = radius; const squares = m * m + n * n; const discr = r * r * squares - (m * a + n * b + c) ** 2; if (squares === 0 || discr <= 0) { return []; } const discrRoot = Math.sqrt(discr); const xn = a * n * n - b * m * n - m * c; const yn = b * m * m - a * m * n - n * c; return [ GA.point((xn + n * discrRoot) / squares, (yn - m * discrRoot) / squares), GA.point((xn - n * discrRoot) / squares, (yn + m * discrRoot) / squares), ]; }; // The focus point is the tangent point of the "focus image" of the // `element`, where the tangent goes through `point`. const findFocusPointForEllipse = ( ellipse: ExcalidrawEllipseElement, // Between -1 and 1 (not 0) the relative size of the "focus image" of // the element on which the focus point lies relativeDistance: number, // The point for which we're trying to find the focus point, relative // to the ellipse center. point: GA.Point, ): GA.Point => { const relativeDistanceAbs = Math.abs(relativeDistance); const a = (ellipse.width * relativeDistanceAbs) / 2; const b = (ellipse.height * relativeDistanceAbs) / 2; const orientation = Math.sign(relativeDistance); const [px, pyo] = GAPoint.toTuple(point); // The calculation below can't handle py = 0 const py = pyo === 0 ? 0.0001 : pyo; const squares = px ** 2 * b ** 2 + py ** 2 * a ** 2; // Tangent mx + ny + 1 = 0 const m = (-px * b ** 2 + orientation * py * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, squares - a ** 2 * b ** 2))) / squares; let n = (-m * px - 1) / py; if (n === 0) { // if zero {-0, 0}, fall back to a same-sign value in the similar range n = (, -0) ? -1 : 1) * 0.01; } const x = -(a ** 2 * m) / (n ** 2 * b ** 2 + m ** 2 * a ** 2); return GA.point(x, (-m * x - 1) / n); }; const findFocusPointForRectangulars = ( element: | ExcalidrawRectangleElement | ExcalidrawImageElement | ExcalidrawDiamondElement | ExcalidrawTextElement | ExcalidrawIframeLikeElement | ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, // Between -1 and 1 for how far away should the focus point be relative // to the size of the element. Sign determines orientation. relativeDistance: number, // The point for which we're trying to find the focus point, relative // to the element center. point: GA.Point, ): GA.Point => { const relativeDistanceAbs = Math.abs(relativeDistance); const orientation = Math.sign(relativeDistance); const corners = getCorners(element, relativeDistanceAbs); let maxDistance = 0; let tangentPoint: null | GA.Point = null; corners.forEach((corner) => { const distance = orientation * GALine.through(point, corner)[1]; if (distance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = distance; tangentPoint = corner; } }); return tangentPoint!; }; export const bindingProperties: Set = new Set([ "boundElements", "frameId", "containerId", "startBinding", "endBinding", ]); export type BindableProp = "boundElements"; export type BindingProp = | "frameId" | "containerId" | "startBinding" | "endBinding"; type BoundElementsVisitingFunc = ( boundElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, bindingProp: BindableProp, bindingId: string, ) => void; type BindableElementVisitingFunc = ( bindableElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, bindingProp: BindingProp, bindingId: string, ) => T; /** * Tries to visit each bound element (does not have to be found). */ const boundElementsVisitor = ( elements: ElementsMap, element: ExcalidrawElement, visit: BoundElementsVisitingFunc, ) => { if (isBindableElement(element)) { // create new instance so that possible mutations won't play a role in visiting order const boundElements = element.boundElements?.slice() ?? []; // last added text should be the one we keep (~previous are duplicates) boundElements.forEach(({ id }) => { visit(elements.get(id), "boundElements", id); }); } }; /** * Tries to visit each bindable element (does not have to be found). */ const bindableElementsVisitor = ( elements: ElementsMap, element: ExcalidrawElement, visit: BindableElementVisitingFunc, ): T[] => { const result: T[] = []; if (element.frameId) { const id = element.frameId; result.push(visit(elements.get(id), "frameId", id)); } if (isBoundToContainer(element)) { const id = element.containerId; result.push(visit(elements.get(id), "containerId", id)); } if (isArrowElement(element)) { if (element.startBinding) { const id = element.startBinding.elementId; result.push(visit(elements.get(id), "startBinding", id)); } if (element.endBinding) { const id = element.endBinding.elementId; result.push(visit(elements.get(id), "endBinding", id)); } } return result; }; /** * Bound element containing bindings to `frameId`, `containerId`, `startBinding` or `endBinding`. */ export class BoundElement { /** * Unbind the affected non deleted bindable elements (removing element from `boundElements`). * - iterates non deleted bindable elements (`containerId` | `startBinding.elementId` | `endBinding.elementId`) of the current element * - prepares updates to unbind each bindable element's `boundElements` from the current element */ public static unbindAffected( elements: ElementsMap, boundElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, updateElementWith: ( affected: ExcalidrawElement, updates: ElementUpdate, ) => void, ) { if (!boundElement) { return; } bindableElementsVisitor(elements, boundElement, (bindableElement) => { // bindable element is deleted, this is fine if (!bindableElement || bindableElement.isDeleted) { return; } boundElementsVisitor( elements, bindableElement, (_, __, boundElementId) => { if (boundElementId === { updateElementWith(bindableElement, { boundElements: newBoundElements( bindableElement.boundElements, new Set([boundElementId]), ), }); } }, ); }); } /** * Rebind the next affected non deleted bindable elements (adding element to `boundElements`). * - iterates non deleted bindable elements (`containerId` | `startBinding.elementId` | `endBinding.elementId`) of the current element * - prepares updates to rebind each bindable element's `boundElements` to the current element * * NOTE: rebind expects that affected elements were previously unbound with `BoundElement.unbindAffected` */ public static rebindAffected = ( elements: ElementsMap, boundElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, updateElementWith: ( affected: ExcalidrawElement, updates: ElementUpdate, ) => void, ) => { // don't try to rebind element that is deleted if (!boundElement || boundElement.isDeleted) { return; } bindableElementsVisitor( elements, boundElement, (bindableElement, bindingProp) => { // unbind from bindable elements, as bindings from non deleted elements into deleted elements are incorrect if (!bindableElement || bindableElement.isDeleted) { updateElementWith(boundElement, { [bindingProp]: null }); return; } // frame bindings are unidirectional, there is nothing to rebind if (bindingProp === "frameId") { return; } if ( bindableElement.boundElements?.find((x) => === ) { return; } if (isArrowElement(boundElement)) { // rebind if not found! updateElementWith(bindableElement, { boundElements: newBoundElements( bindableElement.boundElements, new Set(), new Array(boundElement), ), }); } if (isTextElement(boundElement)) { if (!bindableElement.boundElements?.find((x) => x.type === "text")) { // rebind only if there is no other text bound already updateElementWith(bindableElement, { boundElements: newBoundElements( bindableElement.boundElements, new Set(), new Array(boundElement), ), }); } else { // unbind otherwise updateElementWith(boundElement, { [bindingProp]: null }); } } }, ); }; } /** * Bindable element containing bindings to `boundElements`. */ export class BindableElement { /** * Unbind the affected non deleted bound elements (resetting `containerId`, `startBinding`, `endBinding` to `null`). * - iterates through non deleted `boundElements` of the current element * - prepares updates to unbind each bound element from the current element */ public static unbindAffected( elements: ElementsMap, bindableElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, updateElementWith: ( affected: ExcalidrawElement, updates: ElementUpdate, ) => void, ) { if (!bindableElement) { return; } boundElementsVisitor(elements, bindableElement, (boundElement) => { // bound element is deleted, this is fine if (!boundElement || boundElement.isDeleted) { return; } bindableElementsVisitor( elements, boundElement, (_, bindingProp, bindableElementId) => { // making sure there is an element to be unbound if (bindableElementId === { updateElementWith(boundElement, { [bindingProp]: null }); } }, ); }); } /** * Rebind the affected non deleted bound elements (for now setting only `containerId`, as we cannot rebind arrows atm). * - iterates through non deleted `boundElements` of the current element * - prepares updates to rebind each bound element to the current element or unbind it from `boundElements` in case of conflicts * * NOTE: rebind expects that affected elements were previously unbound with `BindaleElement.unbindAffected` */ public static rebindAffected = ( elements: ElementsMap, bindableElement: ExcalidrawElement | undefined, updateElementWith: ( affected: ExcalidrawElement, updates: ElementUpdate, ) => void, ) => { // don't try to rebind element that is deleted (i.e. updated as deleted) if (!bindableElement || bindableElement.isDeleted) { return; } boundElementsVisitor( elements, bindableElement, (boundElement, _, boundElementId) => { // unbind from bindable elements, as bindings from non deleted elements into deleted elements are incorrect if (!boundElement || boundElement.isDeleted) { updateElementWith(bindableElement, { boundElements: newBoundElements( bindableElement.boundElements, new Set([boundElementId]), ), }); return; } if (isTextElement(boundElement)) { const boundElements = bindableElement.boundElements?.slice() ?? []; // check if this is the last element in the array, if not, there is an previously bound text which should be unbound if ( boundElements.reverse().find((x) => x.type === "text")?.id === ) { if (boundElement.containerId !== { // rebind if not bound already! updateElementWith(boundElement, { containerId:, } as ElementUpdate); } } else { if (boundElement.containerId !== null) { // unbind if not unbound already updateElementWith(boundElement, { containerId: null, } as ElementUpdate); } // unbind from boundElements as the element got bound to some other element in the meantime updateElementWith(bindableElement, { boundElements: newBoundElements( bindableElement.boundElements, new Set([]), ), }); } } }, ); }; } export const getGlobalFixedPointForBindableElement = ( fixedPointRatio: [number, number], element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, ) => { const [fixedX, fixedY] = normalizeFixedPoint(fixedPointRatio); return rotatePoint( [element.x + element.width * fixedX, element.y + element.height * fixedY], getCenterForElement(element), element.angle, ); }; const getGlobalFixedPoints = ( arrow: ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const startElement = arrow.startBinding && (elementsMap.get(arrow.startBinding.elementId) as | ExcalidrawBindableElement | undefined); const endElement = arrow.endBinding && (elementsMap.get(arrow.endBinding.elementId) as | ExcalidrawBindableElement | undefined); const startPoint: Point = startElement && arrow.startBinding ? getGlobalFixedPointForBindableElement( arrow.startBinding.fixedPoint, startElement as ExcalidrawBindableElement, ) : [arrow.x + arrow.points[0][0], arrow.y + arrow.points[0][1]]; const endPoint: Point = endElement && arrow.endBinding ? getGlobalFixedPointForBindableElement( arrow.endBinding.fixedPoint, endElement as ExcalidrawBindableElement, ) : [ arrow.x + arrow.points[arrow.points.length - 1][0], arrow.y + arrow.points[arrow.points.length - 1][1], ]; return [startPoint, endPoint]; }; export const getArrowLocalFixedPoints = ( arrow: ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const [startPoint, endPoint] = getGlobalFixedPoints(arrow, elementsMap); return [ LinearElementEditor.pointFromAbsoluteCoords(arrow, startPoint, elementsMap), LinearElementEditor.pointFromAbsoluteCoords(arrow, endPoint, elementsMap), ]; }; export const normalizeFixedPoint = ( fixedPoint: T, ): T extends null ? null : FixedPoint => { // Do not allow a precise 0.5 for fixed point ratio // to avoid jumping arrow heading due to floating point imprecision if (fixedPoint && (fixedPoint[0] === 0.5 || fixedPoint[1] === 0.5)) { return => ratio === 0.5 ? 0.5001 : ratio, ) as T extends null ? null : FixedPoint; } return fixedPoint as any as T extends null ? null : FixedPoint; };