import "../utils/test-utils"; import { curve, curveClosestPoint, curveIntersectLine, curvePointDistance, } from "./curve"; import { line } from "./line"; import { pointFrom } from "./point"; describe("Math curve", () => { describe("line intersection", () => { it("point is found when control points are the same", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(100, 0), pointFrom(100, 100), pointFrom(100, 100), pointFrom(0, 100), ); const l = line(pointFrom(0, 0), pointFrom(200, 200)); expect(curveIntersectLine(c, l)).toCloselyEqualPoints([[87.5, 87.5]]); }); it("point is found when control points aren't the same", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(100, 0), pointFrom(100, 60), pointFrom(60, 100), pointFrom(0, 100), ); const l = line(pointFrom(0, 0), pointFrom(200, 200)); expect(curveIntersectLine(c, l)).toCloselyEqualPoints([[72.5, 72.5]]); }); it("points are found when curve is sliced at 3 points", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(-50, -50), pointFrom(10, -50), pointFrom(10, 50), pointFrom(50, 50), ); const l = line(pointFrom(0, 112.5), pointFrom(90, 0)); expect(curveIntersectLine(c, l)).toCloselyEqualPoints([ [49.99999999999996, 50], ]); }); it("can be detected where the determinant is overly precise", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(41.028864759926016, 12.226249068355052), pointFrom(41.028864759926016, 33.55958240168839), pointFrom(30.362198093259348, 44.22624906835505), pointFrom(9.028864759926016, 44.22624906835505), ); const l = line( pointFrom(-82.30963544324186, -41.19949363038283), pointFrom(188.2149592542487, 134.75505940984908), ); expect(curveIntersectLine(c, l)).toCloselyEqualPoints([ [34.4078, 34.7168], ]); }); }); describe("point closest to other", () => { it("point can be found", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(-50, -50), pointFrom(10, -50), pointFrom(10, 50), pointFrom(50, 50), ); const p = pointFrom(0, 0); expect([curveClosestPoint(c, p)]).toCloselyEqualPoints([ [5.965462100367372, -3.04104878946646], ]); }); }); describe("point shortest distance", () => { it("can be determined", () => { const c = curve( pointFrom(-50, -50), pointFrom(10, -50), pointFrom(10, 50), pointFrom(50, 50), ); const p = pointFrom(0, 0); expect(curvePointDistance(c, p)).toBeCloseTo(6.695873043213627); }); }); });