import { act, fireEvent, render, waitFor } from "./test-utils"; import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import React from "react"; import { expect, vi } from "vitest"; import * as MermaidToExcalidraw from "@excalidraw/mermaid-to-excalidraw"; import { getTextEditor, updateTextEditor } from "./queries/dom"; vi.mock("@excalidraw/mermaid-to-excalidraw", async (importActual) => { const module = (await importActual()) as any; return { __esModule: true, ...module, }; }); const parseMermaidToExcalidrawSpy = vi.spyOn( MermaidToExcalidraw, "parseMermaidToExcalidraw", ); parseMermaidToExcalidrawSpy.mockImplementation( async ( definition: string, options?: MermaidToExcalidraw.MermaidOptions | undefined, ) => { const firstLine = definition.split("\n")[0]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (firstLine === "flowchart TD") { resolve({ elements: [ { id: "Start", type: "rectangle", groupIds: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 69.703125, height: 44, strokeWidth: 2, label: { groupIds: [], text: "Start", fontSize: 20, }, link: null, }, { id: "Stop", type: "rectangle", groupIds: [], x: 2.7109375, y: 94, width: 64.28125, height: 44, strokeWidth: 2, label: { groupIds: [], text: "Stop", fontSize: 20, }, link: null, }, { id: "Start_Stop", type: "arrow", groupIds: [], x: 34.852, y: 44, strokeWidth: 2, points: [ [0, 0], [0, 50], ], roundness: { type: 2, }, start: { id: "Start", }, end: { id: "Stop", }, }, ], }); } else { reject(new Error("ERROR")); } }); }, ); vi.spyOn(React, "useRef").mockReturnValue({ current: { parseMermaidToExcalidraw: parseMermaidToExcalidrawSpy, }, }); describe("Test ", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await render( , ); }); it("should open mermaid popup when active tool is mermaid", async () => { const dialog = document.querySelector(".ttd-dialog")!; await waitFor(() => dialog.querySelector("canvas")); expect(dialog.outerHTML).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should close the popup and set the tool to selection when close button clicked", () => { const dialog = document.querySelector(".ttd-dialog")!; const closeBtn = dialog.querySelector(".Dialog__close")!;; expect(document.querySelector(".ttd-dialog")).toBe(null); expect(window.h.state.activeTool).toStrictEqual({ customType: null, lastActiveTool: null, locked: false, type: "selection", }); }); it("should show error in preview when mermaid library throws error", async () => { const dialog = document.querySelector(".ttd-dialog")!; expect(dialog).not.toBeNull(); const selector = ".ttd-dialog-input"; let editor = await getTextEditor(selector, true); expect(dialog.querySelector('[data-testid="mermaid-error"]')).toBeNull(); expect(editor.textContent).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "flowchart TD A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping) B --> C{Let me think} C -->|One| D[Laptop] C -->|Two| E[iPhone] C -->|Three| F[Car]" `); await act(async () => { updateTextEditor(editor, "flowchart TD1"); await new Promise((cb) => setTimeout(cb, 0)); }); editor = await getTextEditor(selector, false); expect(editor.textContent).toBe("flowchart TD1"); expect( dialog.querySelector('[data-testid="mermaid-error"]'), ).toMatchInlineSnapshot("null"); }); });