interface Window { ClipboardItem: any; __EXCALIDRAW_SHA__: string | undefined; EXCALIDRAW_ASSET_PATH: string | undefined; EXCALIDRAW_EXPORT_SOURCE: string; EXCALIDRAW_THROTTLE_RENDER: boolean | undefined; gtag: Function; sa_event: Function; fathom: { trackEvent: Function }; } interface CanvasRenderingContext2D { // roundRect?: ( x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, radii: | number // [all-corners] | [number] // [all-corners] | [number, number] // [top-left-and-bottom-right, top-right-and-bottom-left] | [number, number, number] // [top-left, top-right-and-bottom-left, bottom-right] | [number, number, number, number], // [top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left] ) => void; } interface Clipboard extends EventTarget { write(data: any[]): Promise; } // PNG encoding/decoding // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type TEXtChunk = { name: "tEXt"; data: Uint8Array }; declare module "png-chunk-text" { function encode( name: string, value: string, ): { name: "tEXt"; data: Uint8Array }; function decode(data: Uint8Array): { keyword: string; text: string }; } declare module "png-chunks-encode" { function encode(chunks: TEXtChunk[]): Uint8Array; export = encode; } declare module "png-chunks-extract" { function extract(buffer: Uint8Array): TEXtChunk[]; export = extract; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- interface Blob { handle?: import("browser-fs-acces").FileSystemHandle; name?: string; } declare module "*.scss"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------— // ensure Uint8Array isn't assignable to ArrayBuffer // (due to TS structural typing) // interface ArrayBuffer { _brand?: "ArrayBuffer"; } interface Uint8Array { _brand?: "Uint8Array"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------— // declare module "image-blob-reduce" { import type { PicaResizeOptions, Pica } from "pica"; namespace ImageBlobReduce { interface ImageBlobReduce { toBlob(file: File, options: ImageBlobReduceOptions): Promise; _create_blob( this: { pica: Pica }, env: { out_canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; out_blob: Blob; }, ): Promise; } interface ImageBlobReduceStatic { new (options?: any): ImageBlobReduce; (options?: any): ImageBlobReduce; } interface ImageBlobReduceOptions extends PicaResizeOptions { max: number; } } const reduce: ImageBlobReduce.ImageBlobReduceStatic; export = reduce; } declare namespace jest { interface Expect { toBeNonNaNNumber(): void; } }