import { exportToCanvas as _exportToCanvas, exportToSvg as _exportToSvg, } from "../excalidraw/scene/export"; import { getDefaultAppState } from "../excalidraw/appState"; import { restore } from "../excalidraw/data/restore"; import { MIME_TYPES } from "../excalidraw/constants"; import { encodePngMetadata } from "../excalidraw/data/image"; import { serializeAsJSON } from "../excalidraw/data/json"; import { copyBlobToClipboardAsPng, copyTextToSystemClipboard, copyToClipboard, } from "../excalidraw/clipboard"; import type { AppState, BinaryFiles } from "../excalidraw/types"; import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, NonDeleted, } from "../excalidraw/element/types"; export { MIME_TYPES }; type ExportOpts = { elements: readonly NonDeleted[]; appState?: Partial>; files: BinaryFiles | null; maxWidthOrHeight?: number; exportingFrame?: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null; getDimensions?: ( width: number, height: number, ) => { width: number; height: number; scale?: number }; }; export const exportToCanvas = ({ elements, appState, files, maxWidthOrHeight, getDimensions, exportPadding, exportingFrame, }: ExportOpts & { exportPadding?: number; }) => { const { elements: restoredElements, appState: restoredAppState } = restore( { elements, appState }, null, null, ); const { exportBackground, viewBackgroundColor } = restoredAppState; return _exportToCanvas( restoredElements, { ...restoredAppState, offsetTop: 0, offsetLeft: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, files || {}, { exportBackground, exportPadding, viewBackgroundColor, exportingFrame }, (width: number, height: number) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); if (maxWidthOrHeight) { if (typeof getDimensions === "function") { console.warn( "`getDimensions()` is ignored when `maxWidthOrHeight` is supplied.", ); } const max = Math.max(width, height); // if content is less then maxWidthOrHeight, fallback on supplied scale const scale = maxWidthOrHeight < max ? maxWidthOrHeight / max : appState?.exportScale ?? 1; canvas.width = width * scale; canvas.height = height * scale; return { canvas, scale, }; } const ret = getDimensions?.(width, height) || { width, height }; canvas.width = ret.width; canvas.height = ret.height; return { canvas, scale: ret.scale ?? 1, }; }, ); }; export const exportToBlob = async ( opts: ExportOpts & { mimeType?: string; quality?: number; exportPadding?: number; }, ): Promise => { let { mimeType = MIME_TYPES.png, quality } = opts; if (mimeType === MIME_TYPES.png && typeof quality === "number") { console.warn(`"quality" will be ignored for "${MIME_TYPES.png}" mimeType`); } // typo in MIME type (should be "jpeg") if (mimeType === "image/jpg") { mimeType = MIME_TYPES.jpg; } if (mimeType === MIME_TYPES.jpg && !opts.appState?.exportBackground) { console.warn( `Defaulting "exportBackground" to "true" for "${MIME_TYPES.jpg}" mimeType`, ); opts = { ...opts, appState: { ...opts.appState, exportBackground: true }, }; } const canvas = await exportToCanvas(opts); quality = quality ? quality : /image\/jpe?g/.test(mimeType) ? 0.92 : 0.8; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { canvas.toBlob( async (blob) => { if (!blob) { return reject(new Error("couldn't export to blob")); } if ( blob && mimeType === MIME_TYPES.png && opts.appState?.exportEmbedScene ) { blob = await encodePngMetadata({ blob, metadata: serializeAsJSON( // NOTE as long as we're using the Scene hack, we need to ensure // we pass the original, uncloned elements when serializing // so that we keep ids stable opts.elements, opts.appState, opts.files || {}, "local", ), }); } resolve(blob); }, mimeType, quality, ); }); }; export const exportToSvg = async ({ elements, appState = getDefaultAppState(), files = {}, exportPadding, renderEmbeddables, exportingFrame, }: Omit & { exportPadding?: number; renderEmbeddables?: boolean; }): Promise => {"HIIII FROM UTILS WORKSPACE"); const { elements: restoredElements, appState: restoredAppState } = restore( { elements, appState }, null, null, ); const exportAppState = { ...restoredAppState, exportPadding, }; return _exportToSvg(restoredElements, exportAppState, files, { exportingFrame, renderEmbeddables, }); }; export const exportToClipboard = async ( opts: ExportOpts & { mimeType?: string; quality?: number; type: "png" | "svg" | "json"; }, ) => { if (opts.type === "svg") { const svg = await exportToSvg(opts); await copyTextToSystemClipboard(svg.outerHTML); } else if (opts.type === "png") { await copyBlobToClipboardAsPng(exportToBlob(opts)); } else if (opts.type === "json") { await copyToClipboard(opts.elements, opts.files); } else { throw new Error("Invalid export type"); } };