import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawElementType, ExcalidrawSelectionElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, FontFamilyValues, OrderedExcalidrawElement, PointBinding, StrokeRoundness, } from "../element/types"; import type { AppState, BinaryFiles, LibraryItem, NormalizedZoomValue, } from "../types"; import type { ImportedDataState, LegacyAppState } from "./types"; import { getNonDeletedElements, getNormalizedDimensions, isInvisiblySmallElement, refreshTextDimensions, } from "../element"; import { isTextElement, isUsingAdaptiveRadius } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { randomId } from "../random"; import { DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, FONT_FAMILY, ROUNDNESS, DEFAULT_SIDEBAR, DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS, } from "../constants"; import { getDefaultAppState } from "../appState"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor"; import { bumpVersion } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { getUpdatedTimestamp, updateActiveTool } from "../utils"; import { arrayToMap } from "../utils"; import type { MarkOptional, Mutable } from "../utility-types"; import { detectLineHeight, getContainerElement, getDefaultLineHeight, } from "../element/textElement"; import { normalizeLink } from "./url"; import { syncInvalidIndices } from "../fractionalIndex"; type RestoredAppState = Omit< AppState, "offsetTop" | "offsetLeft" | "width" | "height" >; export const AllowedExcalidrawActiveTools: Record< AppState["activeTool"]["type"], boolean > = { selection: true, text: true, rectangle: true, diamond: true, ellipse: true, line: true, image: true, arrow: true, freedraw: true, eraser: false, custom: true, frame: true, embeddable: true, hand: true, laser: false, magicframe: false, }; export type RestoredDataState = { elements: OrderedExcalidrawElement[]; appState: RestoredAppState; files: BinaryFiles; }; const getFontFamilyByName = (fontFamilyName: string): FontFamilyValues => { if (Object.keys(FONT_FAMILY).includes(fontFamilyName)) { return FONT_FAMILY[ fontFamilyName as keyof typeof FONT_FAMILY ] as FontFamilyValues; } return DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY; }; const repairBinding = (binding: PointBinding | null) => { if (!binding) { return null; } return { ...binding, focus: binding.focus || 0 }; }; const restoreElementWithProperties = < T extends Required<Omit<ExcalidrawElement, "customData">> & { customData?: ExcalidrawElement["customData"]; /** @deprecated */ boundElementIds?: readonly ExcalidrawElement["id"][]; /** @deprecated */ strokeSharpness?: StrokeRoundness; }, K extends Pick<T, keyof Omit<Required<T>, keyof ExcalidrawElement>>, >( element: T, extra: Pick< T, // This extra Pick<T, keyof K> ensure no excess properties are passed. // @ts-ignore TS complains here but type checks the call sites fine. keyof K > & Partial<Pick<ExcalidrawElement, "type" | "x" | "y" | "customData">>, ): T => { const base: Pick<T, keyof ExcalidrawElement> = { type: extra.type || element.type, // all elements must have version > 0 so getSceneVersion() will pick up // newly added elements version: element.version || 1, versionNonce: element.versionNonce ?? 0, index: element.index ?? null, isDeleted: element.isDeleted ?? false, id: || randomId(), fillStyle: element.fillStyle || DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.fillStyle, strokeWidth: element.strokeWidth || DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.strokeWidth, strokeStyle: element.strokeStyle ?? DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.strokeStyle, roughness: element.roughness ?? DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.roughness, opacity: element.opacity == null ? DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.opacity : element.opacity, angle: element.angle || 0, x: extra.x ?? element.x ?? 0, y: extra.y ?? element.y ?? 0, strokeColor: element.strokeColor || DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.strokeColor, backgroundColor: element.backgroundColor || DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS.backgroundColor, width: element.width || 0, height: element.height || 0, seed: element.seed ?? 1, groupIds: element.groupIds ?? [], frameId: element.frameId ?? null, roundness: element.roundness ? element.roundness : element.strokeSharpness === "round" ? { // for old elements that would now use adaptive radius algo, // use legacy algo instead type: isUsingAdaptiveRadius(element.type) ? ROUNDNESS.LEGACY : ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS, } : null, boundElements: element.boundElementIds ? => ({ type: "arrow", id })) : element.boundElements ?? [], updated: element.updated ?? getUpdatedTimestamp(), link: ? normalizeLink( : null, locked: element.locked ?? false, }; if ("customData" in element || "customData" in extra) { base.customData = "customData" in extra ? extra.customData : element.customData; } return { ...base, ...getNormalizedDimensions(base), ...extra, } as unknown as T; }; const restoreElement = ( element: Exclude<ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawSelectionElement>, ): typeof element | null => { switch (element.type) { case "text": let fontSize = element.fontSize; let fontFamily = element.fontFamily; if ("font" in element) { const [fontPx, _fontFamily]: [string, string] = ( element as any ).font.split(" "); fontSize = parseFloat(fontPx); fontFamily = getFontFamilyByName(_fontFamily); } const text = (typeof element.text === "string" && element.text) || ""; // line-height might not be specified either when creating elements // programmatically, or when importing old diagrams. // For the latter we want to detect the original line height which // will likely differ from our per-font fixed line height we now use, // to maintain backward compatibility. const lineHeight = element.lineHeight || (element.height ? // detect line-height from current element height and font-size detectLineHeight(element) : // no element height likely means programmatic use, so default // to a fixed line height getDefaultLineHeight(element.fontFamily)); element = restoreElementWithProperties(element, { fontSize, fontFamily, text, textAlign: element.textAlign || DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN, verticalAlign: element.verticalAlign || DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN, containerId: element.containerId ?? null, originalText: element.originalText || text, autoResize: element.autoResize ?? true, lineHeight, }); // if empty text, mark as deleted. We keep in array // for data integrity purposes (collab etc.) if (!text && !element.isDeleted) { element = { ...element, originalText: text, isDeleted: true }; element = bumpVersion(element); } return element; case "freedraw": { return restoreElementWithProperties(element, { points: element.points, lastCommittedPoint: null, simulatePressure: element.simulatePressure, pressures: element.pressures, }); } case "image": return restoreElementWithProperties(element, { status: element.status || "pending", fileId: element.fileId, scale: element.scale || [1, 1], }); case "line": // @ts-ignore LEGACY type // eslint-disable-next-line no-fallthrough case "draw": case "arrow": { const { startArrowhead = null, endArrowhead = element.type === "arrow" ? "arrow" : null, } = element; let x = element.x; let y = element.y; let points = // migrate old arrow model to new one !Array.isArray(element.points) || element.points.length < 2 ? [ [0, 0], [element.width, element.height], ] : element.points; if (points[0][0] !== 0 || points[0][1] !== 0) { ({ points, x, y } = LinearElementEditor.getNormalizedPoints(element)); } return restoreElementWithProperties(element, { type: (element.type as ExcalidrawElementType | "draw") === "draw" ? "line" : element.type, startBinding: repairBinding(element.startBinding), endBinding: repairBinding(element.endBinding), lastCommittedPoint: null, startArrowhead, endArrowhead, points, x, y, }); } // generic elements case "ellipse": case "rectangle": case "diamond": case "iframe": case "embeddable": return restoreElementWithProperties(element, {}); case "magicframe": case "frame": return restoreElementWithProperties(element, { name: ?? null, }); // Don't use default case so as to catch a missing an element type case. // We also don't want to throw, but instead return void so we filter // out these unsupported elements from the restored array. } return null; }; /** * Repairs container element's boundElements array by removing duplicates and * fixing containerId of bound elements if not present. Also removes any * bound elements that do not exist in the elements array. * * NOTE mutates elements. */ const repairContainerElement = ( container: Mutable<ExcalidrawElement>, elementsMap: Map<string, Mutable<ExcalidrawElement>>, ) => { if (container.boundElements) { // copy because we're not cloning on restore, and we don't want to mutate upstream const boundElements = container.boundElements.slice(); // dedupe bindings & fix boundElement.containerId if not set already const boundIds = new Set<ExcalidrawElement["id"]>(); container.boundElements = boundElements.reduce( ( acc: Mutable<NonNullable<ExcalidrawElement["boundElements"]>>, binding, ) => { const boundElement = elementsMap.get(; if (boundElement && !boundIds.has( { boundIds.add(; if (boundElement.isDeleted) { return acc; } acc.push(binding); if ( isTextElement(boundElement) && // being slightly conservative here, preserving existing containerId // if defined, lest boundElements is stale !boundElement.containerId ) { (boundElement as Mutable<ExcalidrawTextElement>).containerId =; } } return acc; }, [], ); } }; /** * Repairs target bound element's container's boundElements array, * or removes contaienrId if container does not exist. * * NOTE mutates elements. */ const repairBoundElement = ( boundElement: Mutable<ExcalidrawTextElement>, elementsMap: Map<string, Mutable<ExcalidrawElement>>, ) => { const container = boundElement.containerId ? elementsMap.get(boundElement.containerId) : null; if (!container) { boundElement.containerId = null; return; } if (boundElement.isDeleted) { return; } if ( container.boundElements && !container.boundElements.find((binding) => === ) { // copy because we're not cloning on restore, and we don't want to mutate upstream const boundElements = ( container.boundElements || (container.boundElements = []) ).slice(); boundElements.push({ type: "text", id: }); container.boundElements = boundElements; } }; /** * Remove an element's frameId if its containing frame is non-existent * * NOTE mutates elements. */ const repairFrameMembership = ( element: Mutable<ExcalidrawElement>, elementsMap: Map<string, Mutable<ExcalidrawElement>>, ) => { if (element.frameId) { const containingFrame = elementsMap.get(element.frameId); if (!containingFrame) { element.frameId = null; } } }; export const restoreElements = ( elements: ImportedDataState["elements"], /** NOTE doesn't serve for reconciliation */ localElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null | undefined, opts?: { refreshDimensions?: boolean; repairBindings?: boolean } | undefined, ): OrderedExcalidrawElement[] => { // used to detect duplicate top-level element ids const existingIds = new Set<string>(); const localElementsMap = localElements ? arrayToMap(localElements) : null; const restoredElements = syncInvalidIndices( (elements || []).reduce((elements, element) => { // filtering out selection, which is legacy, no longer kept in elements, // and causing issues if retained if (element.type !== "selection" && !isInvisiblySmallElement(element)) { let migratedElement: ExcalidrawElement | null = restoreElement(element); if (migratedElement) { const localElement = localElementsMap?.get(; if (localElement && localElement.version > migratedElement.version) { migratedElement = bumpVersion( migratedElement, localElement.version, ); } if (existingIds.has( { migratedElement = { ...migratedElement, id: randomId() }; } existingIds.add(; elements.push(migratedElement); } } return elements; }, [] as ExcalidrawElement[]), ); if (!opts?.repairBindings) { return restoredElements; } // repair binding. Mutates elements. const restoredElementsMap = arrayToMap(restoredElements); for (const element of restoredElements) { if (element.frameId) { repairFrameMembership(element, restoredElementsMap); } if (isTextElement(element) && element.containerId) { repairBoundElement(element, restoredElementsMap); } else if (element.boundElements) { repairContainerElement(element, restoredElementsMap); } if (opts.refreshDimensions && isTextElement(element)) { Object.assign( element, refreshTextDimensions( element, getContainerElement(element, restoredElementsMap), restoredElementsMap, ), ); } } return restoredElements; }; const coalesceAppStateValue = < T extends keyof ReturnType<typeof getDefaultAppState>, >( key: T, appState: Exclude<ImportedDataState["appState"], null | undefined>, defaultAppState: ReturnType<typeof getDefaultAppState>, ) => { const value = appState[key]; // NOTE the value! assertion is needed in TS 4.5.5 (fixed in newer versions) return value !== undefined ? value! : defaultAppState[key]; }; const LegacyAppStateMigrations: { [K in keyof LegacyAppState]: ( ImportedDataState: Exclude<ImportedDataState["appState"], null | undefined>, defaultAppState: ReturnType<typeof getDefaultAppState>, ) => [LegacyAppState[K][1], AppState[LegacyAppState[K][1]]]; } = { isSidebarDocked: (appState, defaultAppState) => { return [ "defaultSidebarDockedPreference", appState.isSidebarDocked ?? coalesceAppStateValue( "defaultSidebarDockedPreference", appState, defaultAppState, ), ]; }, }; export const restoreAppState = ( appState: ImportedDataState["appState"], localAppState: Partial<AppState> | null | undefined, ): RestoredAppState => { appState = appState || {}; const defaultAppState = getDefaultAppState(); const nextAppState = {} as typeof defaultAppState; // first, migrate all legacy AppState properties to new ones. We do it // in one go before migrate the rest of the properties in case the new ones // depend on checking any other key (i.e. they are coupled) for (const legacyKey of Object.keys( LegacyAppStateMigrations, ) as (keyof typeof LegacyAppStateMigrations)[]) { if (legacyKey in appState) { const [nextKey, nextValue] = LegacyAppStateMigrations[legacyKey]( appState, defaultAppState, ); (nextAppState as any)[nextKey] = nextValue; } } for (const [key, defaultValue] of Object.entries(defaultAppState) as [ keyof typeof defaultAppState, any, ][]) { // if AppState contains a legacy key, prefer that one and migrate its // value to the new one const suppliedValue = appState[key]; const localValue = localAppState ? localAppState[key] : undefined; (nextAppState as any)[key] = suppliedValue !== undefined ? suppliedValue : localValue !== undefined ? localValue : defaultValue; } return { ...nextAppState, cursorButton: localAppState?.cursorButton || "up", // reset on fresh restore so as to hide the UI button if penMode not active penDetected: localAppState?.penDetected ?? (appState.penMode ? appState.penDetected ?? false : false), activeTool: { ...updateActiveTool( defaultAppState, nextAppState.activeTool.type && AllowedExcalidrawActiveTools[nextAppState.activeTool.type] ? nextAppState.activeTool : { type: "selection" }, ), lastActiveTool: null, locked: nextAppState.activeTool.locked ?? false, }, // Migrates from previous version where appState.zoom was a number zoom: typeof appState.zoom === "number" ? { value: appState.zoom as NormalizedZoomValue, } : appState.zoom?.value ? appState.zoom : defaultAppState.zoom, openSidebar: // string (legacy) typeof (appState.openSidebar as any as string) === "string" ? { name: } : nextAppState.openSidebar, }; }; export const restore = ( data: Pick<ImportedDataState, "appState" | "elements" | "files"> | null, /** * Local AppState (`this.state` or initial state from localStorage) so that we * don't overwrite local state with default values (when values not * explicitly specified). * Supply `null` if you can't get access to it. */ localAppState: Partial<AppState> | null | undefined, localElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null | undefined, elementsConfig?: { refreshDimensions?: boolean; repairBindings?: boolean }, ): RestoredDataState => { return { elements: restoreElements(data?.elements, localElements, elementsConfig), appState: restoreAppState(data?.appState, localAppState || null), files: data?.files || {}, }; }; const restoreLibraryItem = (libraryItem: LibraryItem) => { const elements = restoreElements( getNonDeletedElements(libraryItem.elements), null, ); return elements.length ? { ...libraryItem, elements } : null; }; export const restoreLibraryItems = ( libraryItems: ImportedDataState["libraryItems"] = [], defaultStatus: LibraryItem["status"], ) => { const restoredItems: LibraryItem[] = []; for (const item of libraryItems) { // migrate older libraries if (Array.isArray(item)) { const restoredItem = restoreLibraryItem({ status: defaultStatus, elements: item, id: randomId(), created:, }); if (restoredItem) { restoredItems.push(restoredItem); } } else { const _item = item as MarkOptional< LibraryItem, "id" | "status" | "created" >; const restoredItem = restoreLibraryItem({ ..._item, id: || randomId(), status: _item.status || defaultStatus, created: _item.created ||, }); if (restoredItem) { restoredItems.push(restoredItem); } } } return restoredItems; };