import { getDefaultAppState } from "./appState"; import { AppStateChange, ElementsChange } from "./change"; import { ENV } from "./constants"; import { newElementWith } from "./element/mutateElement"; import { deepCopyElement } from "./element/newElement"; import { OrderedExcalidrawElement } from "./element/types"; import { Emitter } from "./emitter"; import { AppState, ObservedAppState } from "./types"; import { isShallowEqual } from "./utils"; // hidden non-enumerable property for runtime checks const hiddenObservedAppStateProp = "__observedAppState"; export const getObservedAppState = (appState: AppState): ObservedAppState => { const observedAppState = { name:, editingGroupId: appState.editingGroupId, viewBackgroundColor: appState.viewBackgroundColor, selectedElementIds: appState.selectedElementIds, selectedGroupIds: appState.selectedGroupIds, editingLinearElementId: appState.editingLinearElement?.elementId || null, selectedLinearElementId: appState.selectedLinearElement?.elementId || null, }; Object.defineProperty(observedAppState, hiddenObservedAppStateProp, { value: true, enumerable: false, }); return observedAppState; }; const isObservedAppState = ( appState: AppState | ObservedAppState, ): appState is ObservedAppState => Object.hasOwn(appState, hiddenObservedAppStateProp); export type StoreActionType = "capture" | "update" | "none"; export const StoreAction: { [K in Uppercase]: StoreActionType; } = { CAPTURE: "capture", UPDATE: "update", NONE: "none", } as const; /** * Represent an increment to the Store. */ class StoreIncrementEvent { constructor( public readonly elementsChange: ElementsChange, public readonly appStateChange: AppStateChange, ) {} } /** * Store which captures the observed changes and emits them as `StoreIncrementEvent` events. * * @experimental this interface is experimental and subject to change. */ export interface IStore { onStoreIncrementEmitter: Emitter<[StoreIncrementEvent]>; get snapshot(): Snapshot; set snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot); /** * Use to schedule update of the snapshot, useful on updates for which we don't need to calculate increments (i.e. remote updates). */ shouldUpdateSnapshot(): void; /** * Use to schedule calculation of a store increment. */ shouldCaptureIncrement(): void; /** * Based on the scheduled operation, either only updates store snapshot or also calculates increment and emits the result as a `StoreIncrementEvent`. * * @emits StoreIncrementEvent when increment is calculated. */ commit( elements: Map | undefined, appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ): void; /** * Clears the store instance. */ clear(): void; /** * Filters out yet uncomitted elements from `nextElements`, which are part of in-progress local async actions (ephemerals) and thus were not yet commited to the snapshot. * * This is necessary in updates in which we receive reconciled elements, already containing elements which were not yet captured by the local store (i.e. collab). */ filterUncomittedElements( prevElements: Map, nextElements: Map, ): Map; } export class Store implements IStore { public readonly onStoreIncrementEmitter = new Emitter< [StoreIncrementEvent] >(); private scheduledActions: Set = new Set(); private _snapshot = Snapshot.empty(); public get snapshot() { return this._snapshot; } public set snapshot(snapshot: Snapshot) { this._snapshot = snapshot; } // TODO: Suspicious that this is called so many places. Seems error-prone. public shouldCaptureIncrement = () => { this.scheduleAction(StoreAction.CAPTURE); }; public shouldUpdateSnapshot = () => { this.scheduleAction(StoreAction.UPDATE); }; private scheduleAction = (action: StoreActionType) => { this.scheduledActions.add(action); this.satisfiesScheduledActionsInvariant(); }; public commit = ( elements: Map | undefined, appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ): void => { try { // Capture has precedence since it also performs update if (this.scheduledActions.has(StoreAction.CAPTURE)) { this.captureIncrement(elements, appState); } else if (this.scheduledActions.has(StoreAction.UPDATE)) { this.updateSnapshot(elements, appState); } } finally { this.satisfiesScheduledActionsInvariant(); // Defensively reset all scheduled actions, potentially cleans up other runtime garbage this.scheduledActions = new Set(); } }; public captureIncrement = ( elements: Map | undefined, appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ) => { const prevSnapshot = this.snapshot; const nextSnapshot = this.snapshot.maybeClone(elements, appState); // Optimisation, don't continue if nothing has changed if (prevSnapshot !== nextSnapshot) { // Calculate and record the changes based on the previous and next snapshot const elementsChange = nextSnapshot.meta.didElementsChange ? ElementsChange.calculate(prevSnapshot.elements, nextSnapshot.elements) : ElementsChange.empty(); const appStateChange = nextSnapshot.meta.didAppStateChange ? AppStateChange.calculate(prevSnapshot.appState, nextSnapshot.appState) : AppStateChange.empty(); if (!elementsChange.isEmpty() || !appStateChange.isEmpty()) { // Notify listeners with the increment this.onStoreIncrementEmitter.trigger( new StoreIncrementEvent(elementsChange, appStateChange), ); } // Update snapshot this.snapshot = nextSnapshot; } }; public updateSnapshot = ( elements: Map | undefined, appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ) => { const nextSnapshot = this.snapshot.maybeClone(elements, appState); if (this.snapshot !== nextSnapshot) { // Update snapshot this.snapshot = nextSnapshot; } }; public filterUncomittedElements = ( prevElements: Map, nextElements: Map, ) => { for (const [id, prevElement] of prevElements.entries()) { const nextElement = nextElements.get(id); if (!nextElement) { // Nothing to care about here, elements were forcefully deleted continue; } const elementSnapshot = this.snapshot.elements.get(id); // Checks for in progress async user action if (!elementSnapshot) { // Detected yet uncomitted local element nextElements.delete(id); } else if (elementSnapshot.version < prevElement.version) { // Element was already commited, but the snapshot version is lower than current current local version nextElements.set(id, elementSnapshot); } } return nextElements; }; public clear = (): void => { this.snapshot = Snapshot.empty(); this.scheduledActions = new Set(); }; private satisfiesScheduledActionsInvariant = () => { if (!(this.scheduledActions.size >= 0 && this.scheduledActions.size <= 3)) { const message = `There can be at most three store actions scheduled at the same time, but there are "${this.scheduledActions.size}".`; console.error(message, this.scheduledActions.values()); if (import.meta.env.DEV || import.meta.env.MODE === ENV.TEST) { throw new Error(message); } } }; } export class Snapshot { private constructor( public readonly elements: Map, public readonly appState: ObservedAppState, public readonly meta: { didElementsChange: boolean; didAppStateChange: boolean; isEmpty?: boolean; } = { didElementsChange: false, didAppStateChange: false, isEmpty: false, }, ) {} public static empty() { return new Snapshot( new Map(), getObservedAppState(getDefaultAppState() as AppState), { didElementsChange: false, didAppStateChange: false, isEmpty: true }, ); } public isEmpty() { return this.meta.isEmpty; } /** * Efficiently clone the existing snapshot, only if we detected changes. * * @returns same instance if there are no changes detected, new instance otherwise. */ public maybeClone( elements: Map | undefined, appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ) { const nextElementsSnapshot = this.maybeCreateElementsSnapshot(elements); const nextAppStateSnapshot = this.maybeCreateAppStateSnapshot(appState); let didElementsChange = false; let didAppStateChange = false; if (this.elements !== nextElementsSnapshot) { didElementsChange = true; } if (this.appState !== nextAppStateSnapshot) { didAppStateChange = true; } if (!didElementsChange && !didAppStateChange) { return this; } const snapshot = new Snapshot(nextElementsSnapshot, nextAppStateSnapshot, { didElementsChange, didAppStateChange, }); return snapshot; } private maybeCreateAppStateSnapshot( appState: AppState | ObservedAppState | undefined, ) { if (!appState) { return this.appState; } // Not watching over everything from the app state, just the relevant props const nextAppStateSnapshot = !isObservedAppState(appState) ? getObservedAppState(appState) : appState; const didAppStateChange = this.detectChangedAppState(nextAppStateSnapshot); if (!didAppStateChange) { return this.appState; } return nextAppStateSnapshot; } private detectChangedAppState(nextObservedAppState: ObservedAppState) { return !isShallowEqual(this.appState, nextObservedAppState, { selectedElementIds: isShallowEqual, selectedGroupIds: isShallowEqual, }); } private maybeCreateElementsSnapshot( elements: Map | undefined, ) { if (!elements) { return this.elements; } const didElementsChange = this.detectChangedElements(elements); if (!didElementsChange) { return this.elements; } const elementsSnapshot = this.createElementsSnapshot(elements); return elementsSnapshot; } /** * Detect if there any changed elements. * * NOTE: we shouldn't just use `sceneVersionNonce` instead, as we need to call this before the scene updates. */ private detectChangedElements( nextElements: Map, ) { if (this.elements === nextElements) { return false; } if (this.elements.size !== nextElements.size) { return true; } // loop from right to left as changes are likelier to happen on new elements const keys = Array.from(nextElements.keys()); for (let i = keys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const prev = this.elements.get(keys[i]); const next = nextElements.get(keys[i]); if ( !prev || !next || !== || prev.versionNonce !== next.versionNonce ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Perform structural clone, cloning only elements that changed. */ private createElementsSnapshot( nextElements: Map, ) { const clonedElements = new Map(); for (const [id, prevElement] of this.elements.entries()) { // Clone previous elements, never delete, in case nextElements would be just a subset of previous elements // i.e. during collab, persist or whenenever isDeleted elements get cleared if (!nextElements.get(id)) { // When we cannot find the prev element in the next elements, we mark it as deleted clonedElements.set( id, newElementWith(prevElement, { isDeleted: true }), ); } else { clonedElements.set(id, prevElement); } } for (const [id, nextElement] of nextElements.entries()) { const prevElement = clonedElements.get(id); // At this point our elements are reconcilled already, meaning the next element is always newer if ( !prevElement || // element was added (prevElement && prevElement.versionNonce !== nextElement.versionNonce) // element was updated ) { clonedElements.set(id, deepCopyElement(nextElement)); } } return clonedElements; } }