import type { GenericPoint, Radians, Vector } from "./types"; /** * Create a vector from the x and y coordiante elements. * * @param x The X aspect of the vector * @param y T Y aspect of the vector * @returns The constructed vector with X and Y as the coordinates */ export function vector( x: number, y: number, originX: number = 0, originY: number = 0, ): Vector { return [x - originX, y - originY] as Vector; } /** * Turn a point into a vector with the origin point. * * @param p The point to turn into a vector * @param origin The origin point in a given coordiante system * @returns The created vector from the point and the origin */ export function vectorFromPoint( p: Point, origin: Point = [0, 0] as Point, ): Vector { return vector(p[0] - origin[0], p[1] - origin[1]); } /** * Cross product is a binary operation on two vectors in 2D space. * It results in a vector that is perpendicular to both vectors. * * @param a One of the vectors to use for the directed area calculation * @param b The other vector to use for the directed area calculation * @returns The directed area value for the two vectos */ export function vectorCross(a: Vector, b: Vector): number { return a[0] * b[1] - b[0] * a[1]; } /** * Dot product is defined as the sum of the products of the * two vectors. * * @param a One of the vectors for which the sum of products is calculated * @param b The other vector for which the sum of products is calculated * @returns The sum of products of the two vectors */ export function vectorDot(a: Vector, b: Vector) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1]; } /** * Determines if the value has the shape of a Vector. * * @param v The value to test * @returns TRUE if the value has the shape and components of a Vectors */ export function isVector(v: unknown): v is Vector { return ( Array.isArray(v) && v.length === 2 && typeof v[0] === "number" && !isNaN(v[0]) && typeof v[1] === "number" && !isNaN(v[1]) ); } /** * Add two vectors by adding their coordinates. * * @param a One of the vectors to add * @param b The other vector to add * @returns The sum vector of the two provided vectors */ export function vectorAdd(a: Readonly, b: Readonly): Vector { return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]] as Vector; } /** * Add two vectors by adding their coordinates. * * @param start One of the vectors to add * @param end The other vector to add * @returns The sum vector of the two provided vectors */ export function vectorSubtract( start: Readonly, end: Readonly, ): Vector { return [start[0] - end[0], start[1] - end[1]] as Vector; } /** * Scale vector by a scalar. * * @param v The vector to scale * @param scalar The scalar to multiply the vector components with * @returns The new scaled vector */ export function vectorScale(v: Vector, scalar: number): Vector { return vector(v[0] * scalar, v[1] * scalar); } /** * Calculates the sqare magnitude of a vector. Use this if you compare * magnitudes as it saves you an SQRT. * * @param v The vector to measure * @returns The scalar squared magnitude of the vector */ export function vectorMagnitudeSq(v: Vector) { return v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1]; } /** * Calculates the magnitude of a vector. * * @param v The vector to measure * @returns The scalar magnitude of the vector */ export function vectorMagnitude(v: Vector) { return Math.sqrt(vectorMagnitudeSq(v)); } /** * Normalize the vector (i.e. make the vector magnitue equal 1). * * @param v The vector to normalize * @returns The new normalized vector */ export const vectorNormalize = (v: Vector): Vector => { const m = vectorMagnitude(v); return vector(v[0] / m, v[1] / m); }; /** * Rotate a vector by the given radians * @param v Target vector * @param a Angle to rotate in radians * @returns The rotated vector */ export const vectorRotate = (v: Vector, a: Radians): Vector => { const cos = Math.cos(a); const sin = Math.sin(a); return vector(v[0] * cos - v[1] * sin, v[0] * sin + v[1] * cos); };