import { point, pointDistance, pointFromVector, pointsEqual } from "./point"; import type { Ellipse, GenericPoint, Line, Segment } from "./types"; import { PRECISION } from "./utils"; import { vector, vectorAdd, vectorDot, vectorFromPoint, vectorScale, } from "./vector"; /** * Construct an Ellipse object from the parameters * * @param center The center of the ellipse * @param angle The slanting of the ellipse in radians * @param halfWidth Half of the width of a non-slanted version of the ellipse * @param halfHeight Half of the height of a non-slanted version of the ellipse * @returns The constructed Ellipse object */ export function ellipse( center: Point, halfWidth: number, halfHeight: number, ): Ellipse { return { center, halfWidth, halfHeight, } as Ellipse; } /** * Determines if a point is inside or on the ellipse outline * * @param p The point to test * @param ellipse The ellipse to compare against * @returns TRUE if the point is inside or on the outline of the ellipse */ export const ellipseIncludesPoint = ( p: Point, ellipse: Ellipse, ) => { const { center, halfWidth, halfHeight } = ellipse; const normalizedX = (p[0] - center[0]) / halfWidth; const normalizedY = (p[1] - center[1]) / halfHeight; return normalizedX * normalizedX + normalizedY * normalizedY <= 1; }; /** * Tests whether a point lies on the outline of the ellipse within a given * tolerance * * @param point The point to test * @param ellipse The ellipse to compare against * @param threshold The distance to consider a point close enough to be "on" the outline * @returns TRUE if the point is on the ellise outline */ export const ellipseTouchesPoint = ( point: Point, ellipse: Ellipse, threshold = PRECISION, ) => { return ellipseDistanceFromPoint(point, ellipse) <= threshold; }; /** * Determine the shortest euclidean distance from a point to the * outline of the ellipse * * @param p The point to consider * @param ellipse The ellipse to calculate the distance to * @returns The eucledian distance */ export const ellipseDistanceFromPoint = ( p: Point, ellipse: Ellipse, ): number => { const { halfWidth, halfHeight, center } = ellipse; const a = halfWidth; const b = halfHeight; const translatedPoint = vectorAdd( vectorFromPoint(p), vectorScale(vectorFromPoint(center), -1), ); const px = Math.abs(translatedPoint[0]); const py = Math.abs(translatedPoint[1]); let tx = 0.707; let ty = 0.707; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const x = a * tx; const y = b * ty; const ex = ((a * a - b * b) * tx ** 3) / a; const ey = ((b * b - a * a) * ty ** 3) / b; const rx = x - ex; const ry = y - ey; const qx = px - ex; const qy = py - ey; const r = Math.hypot(ry, rx); const q = Math.hypot(qy, qx); tx = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, ((qx * r) / q + ex) / a)); ty = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, ((qy * r) / q + ey) / b)); const t = Math.hypot(ty, tx); tx /= t; ty /= t; } const [minX, minY] = [ a * tx * Math.sign(translatedPoint[0]), b * ty * Math.sign(translatedPoint[1]), ]; return pointDistance(pointFromVector(translatedPoint), point(minX, minY)); }; /** * Calculate a maximum of two intercept points for a line going throug an * ellipse. */ export function ellipseSegmentInterceptPoints( e: Readonly>, s: Readonly>, ): Point[] { const rx = e.halfWidth; const ry = e.halfHeight; const dir = vectorFromPoint(s[1], s[0]); const diff = vector(s[0][0] -[0], s[0][1] -[1]); const mDir = vector(dir[0] / (rx * rx), dir[1] / (ry * ry)); const mDiff = vector(diff[0] / (rx * rx), diff[1] / (ry * ry)); const a = vectorDot(dir, mDir); const b = vectorDot(dir, mDiff); const c = vectorDot(diff, mDiff) - 1.0; const d = b * b - a * c; const intersections: Point[] = []; if (d > 0) { const t_a = (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / a; const t_b = (-b + Math.sqrt(d)) / a; if (0 <= t_a && t_a <= 1) { intersections.push( point( s[0][0] + (s[1][0] - s[0][0]) * t_a, s[0][1] + (s[1][1] - s[0][1]) * t_a, ), ); } if (0 <= t_b && t_b <= 1) { intersections.push( point( s[0][0] + (s[1][0] - s[0][0]) * t_b, s[0][1] + (s[1][1] - s[0][1]) * t_b, ), ); } } else if (d === 0) { const t = -b / a; if (0 <= t && t <= 1) { intersections.push( point( s[0][0] + (s[1][0] - s[0][0]) * t, s[0][1] + (s[1][1] - s[0][1]) * t, ), ); } } return intersections; } export function ellipseLineIntersectionPoints( { center, halfWidth, halfHeight }: Ellipse, [g, h]: Line, ): Point[] { const [cx, cy] = center; const x1 = g[0] - cx; const y1 = g[1] - cy; const x2 = h[0] - cx; const y2 = h[1] - cy; const a = Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) / Math.pow(halfWidth, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2) / Math.pow(halfHeight, 2); const b = 2 * ((x1 * (x2 - x1)) / Math.pow(halfWidth, 2) + (y1 * (y2 - y1)) / Math.pow(halfHeight, 2)); const c = Math.pow(x1, 2) / Math.pow(halfWidth, 2) + Math.pow(y1, 2) / Math.pow(halfHeight, 2) - 1; const t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a); const t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a); const candidates = [ point(x1 + t1 * (x2 - x1) + cx, y1 + t1 * (y2 - y1) + cy), point(x1 + t2 * (x2 - x1) + cx, y1 + t2 * (y2 - y1) + cy), ].filter((p) => !isNaN(p[0]) && !isNaN(p[1])); if (candidates.length === 2 && pointsEqual(candidates[0], candidates[1])) { return [candidates[0]]; } return candidates; }