import { COLOR_CHARCOAL_BLACK, COLOR_VOICE_CALL, COLOR_WHITE, THEME, } from "./constants"; import { roundRect } from "./renderer/roundRect"; import { InteractiveCanvasRenderConfig } from "./scene/types"; import { Collaborator, InteractiveCanvasAppState, SocketId, UserIdleState, } from "./types"; function hashToInteger(id: string) { let hash = 0; if (id.length === 0) { return hash; } for (let i = 0; i < id.length; i++) { const char = id.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; } return hash; } export const getClientColor = ( socketId: SocketId, collaborator: Collaborator | undefined, ) => { // to get more even distribution in case `id` is not uniformly distributed to // begin with, we hash it const hash = Math.abs(hashToInteger(collaborator?.id || socketId)); // we want to get a multiple of 10 number in the range of 0-360 (in other // words a hue value of step size 10). There are 37 such values including 0. const hue = (hash % 37) * 10; const saturation = 100; const lightness = 83; return `hsl(${hue}, ${saturation}%, ${lightness}%)`; }; /** * returns first char, capitalized */ export const getNameInitial = (name?: string | null) => { // first char can be a surrogate pair, hence using codePointAt const firstCodePoint = name?.trim()?.codePointAt(0); return ( firstCodePoint ? String.fromCodePoint(firstCodePoint) : "?" ).toUpperCase(); }; export const renderRemoteCursors = ({ context, renderConfig, appState, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, }: { context: CanvasRenderingContext2D; renderConfig: InteractiveCanvasRenderConfig; appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState; normalizedWidth: number; normalizedHeight: number; }) => { // Paint remote pointers for (const [socketId, pointer] of renderConfig.remotePointerViewportCoords) { let { x, y } = pointer; const collaborator = appState.collaborators.get(socketId); x -= appState.offsetLeft; y -= appState.offsetTop; const width = 11; const height = 14; const isOutOfBounds = x < 0 || x > normalizedWidth - width || y < 0 || y > normalizedHeight - height; x = Math.max(x, 0); x = Math.min(x, normalizedWidth - width); y = Math.max(y, 0); y = Math.min(y, normalizedHeight - height); const background = getClientColor(socketId, collaborator);; context.strokeStyle = background; context.fillStyle = background; const userState = renderConfig.remotePointerUserStates.get(socketId); const isInactive = isOutOfBounds || userState === UserIdleState.IDLE || userState === UserIdleState.AWAY; if (isInactive) { context.globalAlpha = 0.3; } if (renderConfig.remotePointerButton.get(socketId) === "down") { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = "#ffffff88"; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 1; context.strokeStyle = background; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } // TODO remove the dark theme color after we stop inverting canvas colors const IS_SPEAKING_COLOR = appState.theme === THEME.DARK ? "#2f6330" : COLOR_VOICE_CALL; const isSpeaking = collaborator?.isSpeaking; if (isSpeaking) { // cursor outline for currently speaking user context.fillStyle = IS_SPEAKING_COLOR; context.strokeStyle = IS_SPEAKING_COLOR; context.lineWidth = 10; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 0, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 11, y + 8); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); } // Background (white outline) for arrow context.fillStyle = COLOR_WHITE; context.strokeStyle = COLOR_WHITE; context.lineWidth = 6; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 0, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 11, y + 8); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); // Arrow context.fillStyle = background; context.strokeStyle = background; context.lineWidth = 2; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.beginPath(); if (isInactive) { context.moveTo(x - 1, y - 1); context.lineTo(x - 1, y + 15); context.lineTo(x + 5, y + 10); context.lineTo(x + 12, y + 9); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } else { context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 0, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 11, y + 8); context.closePath(); context.fill(); context.stroke(); } const username = renderConfig.remotePointerUsernames.get(socketId) || ""; if (!isOutOfBounds && username) { context.font = "600 12px sans-serif"; // font has to be set before context.measureText() const offsetX = (isSpeaking ? x + 0 : x) + width / 2; const offsetY = (isSpeaking ? y + 0 : y) + height + 2; const paddingHorizontal = 5; const paddingVertical = 3; const measure = context.measureText(username); const measureHeight = measure.actualBoundingBoxDescent + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent; const finalHeight = Math.max(measureHeight, 12); const boxX = offsetX - 1; const boxY = offsetY - 1; const boxWidth = measure.width + 2 + paddingHorizontal * 2 + 2; const boxHeight = finalHeight + 2 + paddingVertical * 2 + 2; if (context.roundRect) { context.beginPath(); context.roundRect(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, 8); context.fillStyle = background; context.fill(); context.strokeStyle = COLOR_WHITE; context.stroke(); if (isSpeaking) { context.beginPath(); context.roundRect(boxX - 2, boxY - 2, boxWidth + 4, boxHeight + 4, 8); context.strokeStyle = IS_SPEAKING_COLOR; context.stroke(); } } else { roundRect(context, boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, 8, COLOR_WHITE); } context.fillStyle = COLOR_CHARCOAL_BLACK; context.fillText( username, offsetX + paddingHorizontal + 1, offsetY + paddingVertical + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent + Math.floor((finalHeight - measureHeight) / 2) + 2, ); // draw three vertical bars signalling someone is speaking if (isSpeaking) { context.fillStyle = IS_SPEAKING_COLOR; const barheight = 8; const margin = 8; const gap = 5; context.fillRect( boxX + boxWidth + margin, boxY + (boxHeight / 2 - barheight / 2), 2, barheight, ); context.fillRect( boxX + boxWidth + margin + gap, boxY + (boxHeight / 2 - (barheight * 2) / 2), 2, barheight * 2, ); context.fillRect( boxX + boxWidth + margin + gap * 2, boxY + (boxHeight / 2 - barheight / 2), 2, barheight, ); } } context.restore(); context.closePath(); } };