import { compressData, decompressData, } from "../../packages/excalidraw/data/encode"; import { decryptData, generateEncryptionKey, IV_LENGTH_BYTES, } from "../../packages/excalidraw/data/encryption"; import { serializeAsJSON } from "../../packages/excalidraw/data/json"; import { restore } from "../../packages/excalidraw/data/restore"; import { ImportedDataState } from "../../packages/excalidraw/data/types"; import { SceneBounds } from "../../packages/excalidraw/element/bounds"; import { isInvisiblySmallElement } from "../../packages/excalidraw/element/sizeHelpers"; import { isInitializedImageElement } from "../../packages/excalidraw/element/typeChecks"; import { ExcalidrawElement, FileId, OrderedExcalidrawElement, } from "../../packages/excalidraw/element/types"; import { t } from "../../packages/excalidraw/i18n"; import { AppState, BinaryFileData, BinaryFiles, SocketId, UserIdleState, } from "../../packages/excalidraw/types"; import { MakeBrand } from "../../packages/excalidraw/utility-types"; import { bytesToHexString } from "../../packages/excalidraw/utils"; import { DELETED_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT, FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_BYTES, ROOM_ID_BYTES, WS_SUBTYPES, } from "../app_constants"; import { encodeFilesForUpload } from "./FileManager"; import { saveFilesToFirebase } from "./firebase"; export type SyncableExcalidrawElement = OrderedExcalidrawElement & MakeBrand<"SyncableExcalidrawElement">; export const isSyncableElement = ( element: OrderedExcalidrawElement, ): element is SyncableExcalidrawElement => { if (element.isDeleted) { if (element.updated > - DELETED_ELEMENT_TIMEOUT) { return true; } return false; } return !isInvisiblySmallElement(element); }; export const getSyncableElements = ( elements: readonly OrderedExcalidrawElement[], ) => elements.filter((element) => isSyncableElement(element), ) as SyncableExcalidrawElement[]; const BACKEND_V2_GET = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BACKEND_V2_GET_URL; const BACKEND_V2_POST = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_BACKEND_V2_POST_URL; const generateRoomId = async () => { const buffer = new Uint8Array(ROOM_ID_BYTES); window.crypto.getRandomValues(buffer); return bytesToHexString(buffer); }; export type EncryptedData = { data: ArrayBuffer; iv: Uint8Array; }; export type SocketUpdateDataSource = { INVALID_RESPONSE: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.INVALID_RESPONSE; }; SCENE_INIT: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.INIT; payload: { elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; }; }; SCENE_UPDATE: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.UPDATE; payload: { elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; }; }; MOUSE_LOCATION: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.MOUSE_LOCATION; payload: { socketId: SocketId; pointer: { x: number; y: number; tool: "pointer" | "laser" }; button: "down" | "up"; selectedElementIds: AppState["selectedElementIds"]; username: string; }; }; USER_VISIBLE_SCENE_BOUNDS: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.USER_VISIBLE_SCENE_BOUNDS; payload: { socketId: SocketId; username: string; sceneBounds: SceneBounds; }; }; IDLE_STATUS: { type: WS_SUBTYPES.IDLE_STATUS; payload: { socketId: SocketId; userState: UserIdleState; username: string; }; }; }; export type SocketUpdateDataIncoming = SocketUpdateDataSource[keyof SocketUpdateDataSource]; export type SocketUpdateData = SocketUpdateDataSource[keyof SocketUpdateDataSource] & { _brand: "socketUpdateData"; }; const RE_COLLAB_LINK = /^#room=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+),([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$/; export const isCollaborationLink = (link: string) => { const hash = new URL(link).hash; return RE_COLLAB_LINK.test(hash); }; export const getCollaborationLinkData = (link: string) => { const hash = new URL(link).hash; const match = hash.match(RE_COLLAB_LINK); if (match && match[2].length !== 22) { window.alert(t("alerts.invalidEncryptionKey")); return null; } return match ? { roomId: match[1], roomKey: match[2] } : null; }; export const generateCollaborationLinkData = async () => { const roomId = await generateRoomId(); const roomKey = await generateEncryptionKey(); if (!roomKey) { throw new Error("Couldn't generate room key"); } return { roomId, roomKey }; }; export const getCollaborationLink = (data: { roomId: string; roomKey: string; }) => { return `${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname}#room=${data.roomId},${data.roomKey}`; }; /** * Decodes shareLink data using the legacy buffer format. * @deprecated */ const legacy_decodeFromBackend = async ({ buffer, decryptionKey, }: { buffer: ArrayBuffer; decryptionKey: string; }) => { let decrypted: ArrayBuffer; try { // Buffer should contain both the IV (fixed length) and encrypted data const iv = buffer.slice(0, IV_LENGTH_BYTES); const encrypted = buffer.slice(IV_LENGTH_BYTES, buffer.byteLength); decrypted = await decryptData(new Uint8Array(iv), encrypted, decryptionKey); } catch (error: any) { // Fixed IV (old format, backward compatibility) const fixedIv = new Uint8Array(IV_LENGTH_BYTES); decrypted = await decryptData(fixedIv, buffer, decryptionKey); } // We need to convert the decrypted array buffer to a string const string = new window.TextDecoder("utf-8").decode( new Uint8Array(decrypted), ); const data: ImportedDataState = JSON.parse(string); return { elements: data.elements || null, appState: data.appState || null, }; }; const importFromBackend = async ( id: string, decryptionKey: string, ): Promise => { try { const response = await fetch(`${BACKEND_V2_GET}${id}`); if (!response.ok) { window.alert(t("alerts.importBackendFailed")); return {}; } const buffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); try { const { data: decodedBuffer } = await decompressData( new Uint8Array(buffer), { decryptionKey, }, ); const data: ImportedDataState = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(decodedBuffer), ); return { elements: data.elements || null, appState: data.appState || null, }; } catch (error: any) { console.warn( "error when decoding shareLink data using the new format:", error, ); return legacy_decodeFromBackend({ buffer, decryptionKey }); } } catch (error: any) { window.alert(t("alerts.importBackendFailed")); console.error(error); return {}; } }; export const loadScene = async ( id: string | null, privateKey: string | null, // Supply local state even if importing from backend to ensure we restore // localStorage user settings which we do not persist on server. // Non-optional so we don't forget to pass it even if `undefined`. localDataState: ImportedDataState | undefined | null, ) => { let data; if (id != null && privateKey != null) { // the private key is used to decrypt the content from the server, take // extra care not to leak it data = restore( await importFromBackend(id, privateKey), localDataState?.appState, localDataState?.elements, { repairBindings: true, refreshDimensions: false }, ); } else { data = restore(localDataState || null, null, null, { repairBindings: true, }); } return { elements: data.elements, appState: data.appState, // note: this will always be empty because we're not storing files // in the scene database/localStorage, and instead fetch them async // from a different database files: data.files, }; }; type ExportToBackendResult = | { url: null; errorMessage: string } | { url: string; errorMessage: null }; export const exportToBackend = async ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: Partial, files: BinaryFiles, ): Promise => { const encryptionKey = await generateEncryptionKey("string"); const payload = await compressData( new TextEncoder().encode( serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files, "database"), ), { encryptionKey }, ); try { const filesMap = new Map(); for (const element of elements) { if (isInitializedImageElement(element) && files[element.fileId]) { filesMap.set(element.fileId, files[element.fileId]); } } const filesToUpload = await encodeFilesForUpload({ files: filesMap, encryptionKey, maxBytes: FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_BYTES, }); const response = await fetch(BACKEND_V2_POST, { method: "POST", body: payload.buffer, }); const json = await response.json(); if ( { const url = new URL(window.location.href); // We need to store the key (and less importantly the id) as hash instead // of queryParam in order to never send it to the server url.hash = `json=${},${encryptionKey}`; const urlString = url.toString(); await saveFilesToFirebase({ prefix: `/files/shareLinks/${}`, files: filesToUpload, }); return { url: urlString, errorMessage: null }; } else if (json.error_class === "RequestTooLargeError") { return { url: null, errorMessage: t("alerts.couldNotCreateShareableLinkTooBig"), }; } return { url: null, errorMessage: t("alerts.couldNotCreateShareableLink") }; } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); return { url: null, errorMessage: t("alerts.couldNotCreateShareableLink") }; } };