import cssVariables from "./css/variables.module.scss"; import type { AppProps } from "./types"; import type { ExcalidrawElement, FontFamilyValues } from "./element/types"; import { COLOR_PALETTE } from "./colors"; export const isDarwin = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform); export const isWindows = /^Win/.test(navigator.platform); export const isAndroid = /\b(android)\b/i.test(navigator.userAgent); export const isFirefox = "netscape" in window && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("rv:") > 1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") > 1; export const isChrome = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1; export const isSafari = !isChrome && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1; export const isIOS = /iPad|iPhone/.test(navigator.platform) || // iPadOS 13+ (navigator.userAgent.includes("Mac") && "ontouchend" in document); // keeping function so it can be mocked in test export const isBrave = () => (navigator as any).brave?.isBrave?.name === "isBrave"; export const supportsResizeObserver = typeof window !== "undefined" && "ResizeObserver" in window; export const APP_NAME = "Excalidraw"; export const DRAGGING_THRESHOLD = 10; // px export const LINE_CONFIRM_THRESHOLD = 8; // px export const ELEMENT_SHIFT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT = 5; export const ELEMENT_TRANSLATE_AMOUNT = 1; export const TEXT_TO_CENTER_SNAP_THRESHOLD = 30; export const SHIFT_LOCKING_ANGLE = Math.PI / 12; export const DEFAULT_LASER_COLOR = "red"; export const CURSOR_TYPE = { TEXT: "text", CROSSHAIR: "crosshair", GRABBING: "grabbing", GRAB: "grab", POINTER: "pointer", MOVE: "move", AUTO: "", }; export const POINTER_BUTTON = { MAIN: 0, WHEEL: 1, SECONDARY: 2, TOUCH: -1, ERASER: 5, } as const; export const POINTER_EVENTS = { enabled: "all", disabled: "none", // asserted as any so it can be freely assigned to React Element // "pointerEnvets" CSS prop inheritFromUI: "var(--ui-pointerEvents)" as any, } as const; export enum EVENT { COPY = "copy", PASTE = "paste", CUT = "cut", KEYDOWN = "keydown", KEYUP = "keyup", MOUSE_MOVE = "mousemove", RESIZE = "resize", UNLOAD = "unload", FOCUS = "focus", BLUR = "blur", DRAG_OVER = "dragover", DROP = "drop", GESTURE_END = "gestureend", BEFORE_UNLOAD = "beforeunload", GESTURE_START = "gesturestart", GESTURE_CHANGE = "gesturechange", POINTER_MOVE = "pointermove", POINTER_DOWN = "pointerdown", POINTER_UP = "pointerup", STATE_CHANGE = "statechange", WHEEL = "wheel", TOUCH_START = "touchstart", TOUCH_END = "touchend", HASHCHANGE = "hashchange", VISIBILITY_CHANGE = "visibilitychange", SCROLL = "scroll", // custom events EXCALIDRAW_LINK = "excalidraw-link", MENU_ITEM_SELECT = "menu.itemSelect", MESSAGE = "message", FULLSCREENCHANGE = "fullscreenchange", } export const YOUTUBE_STATES = { UNSTARTED: -1, ENDED: 0, PLAYING: 1, PAUSED: 2, BUFFERING: 3, CUED: 5, } as const; export const ENV = { TEST: "test", DEVELOPMENT: "development", }; export const CLASSES = { SHAPE_ACTIONS_MENU: "App-menu__left", }; // 1-based in case we ever do `if(element.fontFamily)` export const FONT_FAMILY = { Virgil: 1, Helvetica: 2, Cascadia: 3, Assistant: 4, }; export const THEME = { LIGHT: "light", DARK: "dark", } as const; export const FRAME_STYLE = { strokeColor: "#bbb" as ExcalidrawElement["strokeColor"], strokeWidth: 2 as ExcalidrawElement["strokeWidth"], strokeStyle: "solid" as ExcalidrawElement["strokeStyle"], fillStyle: "solid" as ExcalidrawElement["fillStyle"], roughness: 0 as ExcalidrawElement["roughness"], roundness: null as ExcalidrawElement["roundness"], backgroundColor: "transparent" as ExcalidrawElement["backgroundColor"], radius: 8, nameOffsetY: 3, nameColorLightTheme: "#999999", nameColorDarkTheme: "#7a7a7a", nameFontSize: 14, nameLineHeight: 1.25, }; export const WINDOWS_EMOJI_FALLBACK_FONT = "Segoe UI Emoji"; export const MIN_FONT_SIZE = 1; export const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 20; export const DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY: FontFamilyValues = FONT_FAMILY.Virgil; export const DEFAULT_TEXT_ALIGN = "left"; export const DEFAULT_VERTICAL_ALIGN = "top"; export const DEFAULT_VERSION = "{version}"; export const DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_HANDLE_SPACING = 2; export const SIDE_RESIZING_THRESHOLD = 2 * DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_HANDLE_SPACING; // a small epsilon to make side resizing always take precedence // (avoids an increase in renders and changes to tests) const EPSILON = 0.00001; export const DEFAULT_COLLISION_THRESHOLD = 2 * SIDE_RESIZING_THRESHOLD - EPSILON; export const COLOR_WHITE = "#ffffff"; export const COLOR_CHARCOAL_BLACK = "#1e1e1e"; // keep this in sync with CSS export const COLOR_VOICE_CALL = "#a2f1a6"; export const CANVAS_ONLY_ACTIONS = ["selectAll"]; export const GRID_SIZE = 20; // TODO make it configurable? export const IMAGE_MIME_TYPES = { svg: "image/svg+xml", png: "image/png", jpg: "image/jpeg", gif: "image/gif", webp: "image/webp", bmp: "image/bmp", ico: "image/x-icon", avif: "image/avif", jfif: "image/jfif", } as const; export const ALLOWED_PASTE_MIME_TYPES = ["text/plain", "text/html"] as const; export const MIME_TYPES = { json: "application/json", // excalidraw data excalidraw: "application/vnd.excalidraw+json", excalidrawlib: "application/vnd.excalidrawlib+json", // image-encoded excalidraw data "excalidraw.svg": "image/svg+xml", "excalidraw.png": "image/png", // binary binary: "application/octet-stream", // image ...IMAGE_MIME_TYPES, } as const; export const EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES = { png: "png", svg: "svg", clipboard: "clipboard", } as const; export const EXPORT_DATA_TYPES = { excalidraw: "excalidraw", excalidrawClipboard: "excalidraw/clipboard", excalidrawLibrary: "excalidrawlib", excalidrawClipboardWithAPI: "excalidraw-api/clipboard", } as const; export const EXPORT_SOURCE = window.EXCALIDRAW_EXPORT_SOURCE || window.location.origin; // time in milliseconds export const IMAGE_RENDER_TIMEOUT = 500; export const TAP_TWICE_TIMEOUT = 300; export const TOUCH_CTX_MENU_TIMEOUT = 500; export const TITLE_TIMEOUT = 10000; export const VERSION_TIMEOUT = 30000; export const SCROLL_TIMEOUT = 100; export const ZOOM_STEP = 0.1; export const MIN_ZOOM = 0.1; export const MAX_ZOOM = 30.0; export const HYPERLINK_TOOLTIP_DELAY = 300; // Report a user inactive after IDLE_THRESHOLD milliseconds export const IDLE_THRESHOLD = 60_000; // Report a user active each ACTIVE_THRESHOLD milliseconds export const ACTIVE_THRESHOLD = 3_000; export const THEME_FILTER = cssVariables.themeFilter; export const URL_QUERY_KEYS = { addLibrary: "addLibrary", } as const; export const URL_HASH_KEYS = { addLibrary: "addLibrary", } as const; export const DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS: AppProps["UIOptions"] = { canvasActions: { changeViewBackgroundColor: true, clearCanvas: true, export: { saveFileToDisk: true }, loadScene: true, saveToActiveFile: true, toggleTheme: null, saveAsImage: true, }, tools: { image: true, }, }; // breakpoints // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // md screen export const MQ_MAX_WIDTH_PORTRAIT = 730; export const MQ_MAX_WIDTH_LANDSCAPE = 1000; export const MQ_MAX_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE = 500; // sidebar export const MQ_RIGHT_SIDEBAR_MIN_WIDTH = 1229; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const LIBRARY_SIDEBAR_WIDTH = parseInt(cssVariables.rightSidebarWidth); export const MAX_DECIMALS_FOR_SVG_EXPORT = 2; export const EXPORT_SCALES = [1, 2, 3]; export const DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING = 10; // px export const DEFAULT_MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH_OR_HEIGHT = 1440; export const MAX_ALLOWED_FILE_BYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024; export const SVG_NS = ""; export const ENCRYPTION_KEY_BITS = 128; export const VERSIONS = { excalidraw: 2, excalidrawLibrary: 2, } as const; export const BOUND_TEXT_PADDING = 5; export const ARROW_LABEL_WIDTH_FRACTION = 0.7; export const ARROW_LABEL_FONT_SIZE_TO_MIN_WIDTH_RATIO = 11; export const VERTICAL_ALIGN = { TOP: "top", MIDDLE: "middle", BOTTOM: "bottom", }; export const TEXT_ALIGN = { LEFT: "left", CENTER: "center", RIGHT: "right", }; export const ELEMENT_READY_TO_ERASE_OPACITY = 20; // Radius represented as 25% of element's largest side (width/height). // Used for LEGACY and PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS algorithms, or when the element is // below the cutoff size. export const DEFAULT_PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS = 0.25; // Fixed radius for the ADAPTIVE_RADIUS algorithm. In pixels. export const DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_RADIUS = 32; // roundness type (algorithm) export const ROUNDNESS = { // Used for legacy rounding (rectangles), which currently works the same // as PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS, but we need to differentiate for UI purposes and // forwards-compat. LEGACY: 1, // Used for linear elements & diamonds PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS: 2, // Current default algorithm for rectangles, using fixed pixel radius. // It's working similarly to a regular border-radius, but attemps to make // radius visually similar across differnt element sizes, especially // very large and very small elements. // // NOTE right now we don't allow configuration and use a constant radius // (see DEFAULT_ADAPTIVE_RADIUS constant) ADAPTIVE_RADIUS: 3, } as const; export const ROUGHNESS = { architect: 0, artist: 1, cartoonist: 2, } as const; export const STROKE_WIDTH = { thin: 1, bold: 2, extraBold: 4, } as const; export const DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PROPS: { strokeColor: ExcalidrawElement["strokeColor"]; backgroundColor: ExcalidrawElement["backgroundColor"]; fillStyle: ExcalidrawElement["fillStyle"]; strokeWidth: ExcalidrawElement["strokeWidth"]; strokeStyle: ExcalidrawElement["strokeStyle"]; roughness: ExcalidrawElement["roughness"]; opacity: ExcalidrawElement["opacity"]; locked: ExcalidrawElement["locked"]; } = { strokeColor:, backgroundColor: COLOR_PALETTE.transparent, fillStyle: "solid", strokeWidth: 2, strokeStyle: "solid", roughness: ROUGHNESS.artist, opacity: 100, locked: false, }; export const LIBRARY_SIDEBAR_TAB = "library"; export const DEFAULT_SIDEBAR = { name: "default", defaultTab: LIBRARY_SIDEBAR_TAB, } as const; export const LIBRARY_DISABLED_TYPES = new Set([ "iframe", "embeddable", "image", ] as const); // use these constants to easily identify reference sites export const TOOL_TYPE = { selection: "selection", rectangle: "rectangle", diamond: "diamond", ellipse: "ellipse", arrow: "arrow", line: "line", freedraw: "freedraw", text: "text", image: "image", eraser: "eraser", hand: "hand", frame: "frame", magicframe: "magicframe", embeddable: "embeddable", laser: "laser", } as const; export const EDITOR_LS_KEYS = { OAI_API_KEY: "excalidraw-oai-api-key", // legacy naming (non)scheme MERMAID_TO_EXCALIDRAW: "mermaid-to-excalidraw", PUBLISH_LIBRARY: "publish-library-data", } as const; /** * not translated as this is used only in public, stateless API as default value * where filename is optional and we can't retrieve name from app state */ export const DEFAULT_FILENAME = "Untitled";