From fe3d0b5e8b25d1530b5902359fdd21ed99cd3e93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aakansha Doshi <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 18:26:19 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?docs:=20release=20@excalidraw/excalidraw@0.12.0?=
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 src/packages/excalidraw/ | 242 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/packages/excalidraw/package.json |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/packages/excalidraw/ b/src/packages/excalidraw/
index c5030800d..f4123f058 100644
--- a/src/packages/excalidraw/
+++ b/src/packages/excalidraw/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ The change should be grouped under one of the below section and must contain PR
 Please add the latest change on the top under the correct section.
-## Unreleased
+## 0.12.0 (2022-07-07)
 ### Excalidraw API
@@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ Please add the latest change on the top under the correct section.
 - Allow returning `null ` in [`renderFooter`]( prop [#5282](
+- Transpile `browser-fs-access` dependency so that its `for await` syntax doesn't force `es2018` requirement onto dependent projects [#5041](
 - Use `window.EXCALIDRAW_ASSET_PATH` for fonts when exporting to svg [#5065](
 - Library menu now properly rerenders if open when library is updated using `updateScene({ libraryItems })` [#4995](
@@ -97,11 +99,243 @@ In Browser :point_down:
 React.createElement(ExcalidrawLib.Excalidraw, opts);
-### Excalidraw Library
+## Excalidraw Library
+**_This section lists the updates made to the excalidraw library and will not affect the integration._**
+### Features
+- Throttle scene rendering to animation framerate [#5422](
+- Make toast closable and allow custom duration [#5308](
+- Collab component state handling rewrite & fixes [#5046](
+- Support debugging PWA in dev [#4853](
+- Redirect to vscode marketplace [#5285](
+- Go-to-excalidrawplus button [#5202](
+- Autoredirect to Excalidraw+ if special cookie is present [#5183](
+- Support resubmitting published library items [#5174](
+- Support adding multiple library items on canvas [#5116](
+- Support customType in activeTool [#5144](
+- Stop event propagation when key handled [#5091](
+- Rewrite library state management & related refactor [#5067](
+- Delay initial loading message & tweak design [#5049](
+- Reconcile when saving to firebase [#4991](
+- Hide trash button during collaboration [#5037](
+- Refactor local persistence & fix race condition on SW reload [#5032](
+- Element locking [#4964](
+- Copy to clipboard all text nodes as text [#5013](
+- Create and expose serializeLibraryAsJSON [#5009](
+- Hide penMode button on reload if not enabled [#4992](
+- Eraser toggle to switch back to the previous tool [#4981](
+- Save penDetected and penMode, and detect pen already on ToolButton click [#4955](
+- Support binding text to container via context menu [#4935](
+- Map shortcut O to ellipse and Add eraser shortcut E [#4930](
+- Update eraser cursor [#4922](
+- Add Eraser 🎉 [#4887](
+- Added optional REACT_APP_WS_SERVER_URL for forks usecases [#4889](
+- Rewrite collab server connecting [#4881](
+- Support vertical text align for bound containers [#4852](
+- Support custom colors 🎉 [#4843](
+- Support Links in Exported SVG [#4791](
+- Scale font size when bound text containers resized with shift pressed [#4828](
+### Fixes
+- Autorelease job name [#5412](
+- Action name for autorelease [#5411](
+- Typecast file to fix the build [#5410](
+- File handle not persisted when importing excalidraw files [#5372](
+- Library not scrollable when no published items installed [#5352](
+- Focus traps inside popovers [#5317](
+- Unable to use cmd/ctrl-delete/backspace in inputs [#5348](
+- Delay loading until language imported [#5344](
+- Command to trigger release [#5347](
+- Remove unnecessary options passed to language detector [#5336](
+- Stale `appState.pendingImageElement` [#5322](
+- Non-letter shortcuts being swallowed by color picker [#5316](
+- Bind text to correct container when nested [#5307](
+- Copy bound text style when copying element having bound text [#5305](
+- Copy arrow head when using copy styles [#5303](
+- Unsafely accessing draggingElement [#5216](
+- Library load button does not work [#5205](
+- Do not deselect when not zooming using touchscreen pinch [#5181](
+- Wheel zoom normalization [#5165](
+- Hide sidebar when `custom` tool active [#5179](
+- Don't save deleted ExcalidrawElements to Firebase [#5108](
+- Eraser removed deleted elements [#5155](
-#### Chore
+- Handle `ColorPicker` parentSelector being undefined [#5152](
-- Transpile `browser-fs-access` dependency so that its `for await` syntax doesn't force es2018 requirement onto dependent projects [#5041](
+- Library multiselect not accounting for published state [#5132](
+- Chart display fix [#5154](
+- Update opacity of bound text when opacity of container updated [#5142](
+- Jumping of text when typing single line in bound text [#5139](
+- Remove opacity scroll wheel interaction [#5111](
+- Propagate keydown events from excalidraw-wysiwyg inputs [#5099](
+- Don't bind text to container if double clicked else instead of center [#5105](
+- ToolIcon height not using rem [#5092](
+- Excalidraw named export type [#5078](
+- BoundElementIds when arrows bound to elements are deleted [#5077](
+- Don't merge libraryItems on updateScene [#5076](
+- SVG metadata extraction regex on multiline elements [#5074](
+- Eraser cursor showing on theme change when not using eraser [#4990](
+- Update `storage.rules` [#5020](
+- Add image button not working on iPad [#5038](
+- Ensure svg image dimensions are always set [#5044](
+- Pinch zoom in view mode [#5001](
+- Select whole group on righclick & few lock-related fixes [#5022](
+- Export serializeLibraryAsJSON from the package [#5017](
+- Support copying PNG to clipboard on Safari [#3746](
+- More copyText fixes [#5016](
+- Copy to clipboard all text nodes as text [#5014](
+- Update cursorButton once freedraw is released [#4996](
+- Decouple actionFinalize and actionErase [#4984](
+- Using stale state when switching tools [#4989](
+- UpdateWysiwygStyle updatedElement is undefined TypeError [#4980](
+- Adding check for link length to prevent early return [#4982](
+- Show link icon for bound text containers [#4960](
+- Cancel erase elements on pointer up if eraser is not active on pointer up [#4956](
+- Restore original opacities when alt pressed while erasing [#4954](
+- Don't bind text to container if already present [#4946](
+- Erase all elements which are hit with single point click [#4934](
+- Add multiElement-edit finalize action to Desktop (currently only visible in Mobile view) [#4764](
+- Hide eraser in view mode in desktop [#4929](
+- Undo when erasing elements by clicking [#4921](
+- Undo when erasing [#4900](
+- Incorrectly erasing on mobile [#4899](
+- Don't crash on drop highlighted text onto canvas [#4890](
+- Paste styles shortcut [#4886](
+- Freedraw element's background fill color missing from SVG when exporting with package API exportToSvg() [#4871](
+- Improve pointer syncing performance [#4883](
+- Collab room initialization [#4882](
+- Ensure verticalAlign properties not shown when no element selected [#4860](
+- Binding text to non-bindable containers and not always preferring selection [#4655](
+- Don't show align icons for single bound container element [#4846](
+- Redraw text bounding box when pasting styles [#4845](
+- Restore cursor position after bound text container value updated [#4836](
+- Support resizing multiple bound text containers [#4824](
+- Also check overflowY: overlay in detectScroll [#4806](
+- Stuck resizing when resizing bound text container very fast beyond threshold [#4804](
+### Refactor
+- Don't pass array to handleBindTextResize [#4826](
+### Build
+- Extract all i18n files into locales folder [#5419](
+- Automate release step fully [#5414](
+- Use next and preview tags instead of separate packages for next and preview release [#5346](
+- Support runtime React Jsx in @excalidraw/utils [#4866](
+- Release @excalidraw/utils 0.1.1 [#4862](
+- Remove build packages workflow [#4835](
 ## 0.11.0 (2022-02-17)
diff --git a/src/packages/excalidraw/package.json b/src/packages/excalidraw/package.json
index 04f35eaba..4c3397a51 100644
--- a/src/packages/excalidraw/package.json
+++ b/src/packages/excalidraw/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "@excalidraw/excalidraw",
-  "version": "0.11.0",
+  "version": "0.12.0",
   "main": "main.js",
   "types": "types/packages/excalidraw/index.d.ts",
   "files": [