@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
} from "../constants" ;
import {
getCommonBounds ,
newElement ,
newLinearElement ,
redrawTextBoundingBox ,
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ import {
import { bindLinearElement } from "../element/binding" ;
import {
ElementConstructorOpts ,
newFrameElement ,
newImageElement ,
newTextElement ,
} from "../element/newElement" ;
@ -135,9 +137,7 @@ export type ValidContainer =
export type ExcalidrawElementSkeleton =
| Extract <
Exclude < ExcalidrawElement , ExcalidrawSelectionElement > ,
| ExcalidrawEmbeddableElement
| ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement
| ExcalidrawFrameElement
ExcalidrawEmbeddableElement | ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement
| ( {
type : Extract < ExcalidrawLinearElement [ " type " ] , " line " > ;
@ -158,7 +158,12 @@ export type ExcalidrawElementSkeleton =
x : number ;
y : number ;
fileId : FileId ;
} & Partial < ExcalidrawImageElement > ) ;
} & Partial < ExcalidrawImageElement > )
| ( {
type : "frame" ;
children : readonly ExcalidrawElement [ "id" ] [ ] ;
name? : string ;
} & Partial < ExcalidrawFrameElement > ) ;
width : 100 ,
@ -437,7 +442,6 @@ export const convertToExcalidrawElements = (
const elements : ExcalidrawElementSkeleton [ ] = JSON . parse (
JSON . stringify ( elementsSkeleton ) ,
) ;
const elementStore = new ElementStore ( ) ;
const elementsWithIds = new Map < string , ExcalidrawElementSkeleton > ( ) ;
const oldToNewElementIdMap = new Map < string , string > ( ) ;
@ -536,8 +540,15 @@ export const convertToExcalidrawElements = (
break ;
case "frame" : {
excalidrawElement = newFrameElement ( {
x : 0 ,
y : 0 ,
. . . element ,
} ) ;
break ;
case "freedraw" :
case "frame" :
case "embeddable" : {
excalidrawElement = element ;
break ;
@ -641,5 +652,60 @@ export const convertToExcalidrawElements = (
// Once all the excalidraw elements are created, we can add frames since we
// need to calculate coordinates and dimensions of frame which is possibe after all
// frame children are processed.
for ( const [ id , element ] of elementsWithIds ) {
if ( element . type !== "frame" ) {
continue ;
const frame = elementStore . getElement ( id ) ;
if ( ! frame ) {
throw new Error ( ` Excalidraw element with id ${ id } doesn't exist ` ) ;
const childrenElements : ExcalidrawElement [ ] = [ ] ;
element . children . forEach ( ( id ) = > {
const newElementId = oldToNewElementIdMap . get ( id ) ;
if ( ! newElementId ) {
throw new Error ( ` Element with ${ id } wasn't mapped correctly ` ) ;
const elementInFrame = elementStore . getElement ( newElementId ) ;
if ( ! elementInFrame ) {
throw new Error ( ` Frame element with id ${ newElementId } doesn't exist ` ) ;
Object . assign ( elementInFrame , { frameId : frame.id } ) ;
elementInFrame ? . boundElements ? . forEach ( ( boundElement ) = > {
const ele = elementStore . getElement ( boundElement . id ) ;
if ( ! ele ) {
throw new Error (
` Bound element with id ${ boundElement . id } doesn't exist ` ,
) ;
Object . assign ( ele , { frameId : frame.id } ) ;
childrenElements . push ( ele ) ;
} ) ;
childrenElements . push ( elementInFrame ) ;
} ) ;
let [ minX , minY , maxX , maxY ] = getCommonBounds ( childrenElements ) ;
const PADDING = 10 ;
minX = minX - PADDING ;
minY = minY - PADDING ;
maxX = maxX + PADDING ;
maxY = maxY + PADDING ;
// Take the max of calculated and provided frame dimensions, whichever is higher
const width = Math . max ( frame ? . width , maxX - minX ) ;
const height = Math . max ( frame ? . height , maxY - minY ) ;
Object . assign ( frame , { x : minX , y : minY , width , height } ) ;
return elementStore . getElements ( ) ;
} ;