@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { rescalePoints } from "../points";
import {
rotate ,
adjustXYWithRotation ,
getFlipAdjustment ,
centerPoint ,
rotatePoint ,
} from "../math" ;
@ -13,21 +12,16 @@ import {
ExcalidrawTextElement ,
NonDeletedExcalidrawElement ,
NonDeleted ,
ExcalidrawGenericElement ,
ExcalidrawElement ,
} from "./types" ;
import {
getElementAbsoluteCoords ,
getCommonBounds ,
getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords ,
} from "./bounds" ;
import { is GenericElement, is LinearElement, isTextElement } from "./typeChecks" ;
import { is LinearElement, isTextElement } from "./typeChecks" ;
import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement" ;
import { getPerfectElementSize } from "./sizeHelpers" ;
import {
getCursorForResizingElement ,
normalizeTransformHandleType ,
} from "./resizeTest" ;
import { getCursorForResizingElement } from "./resizeTest" ;
import { measureText , getFontString } from "../utils" ;
import { updateBoundElements } from "./binding" ;
import {
@ -49,7 +43,6 @@ const normalizeAngle = (angle: number): number => {
export const transformElements = (
pointerDownState : PointerDownState ,
transformHandleType : MaybeTransformHandleType ,
setTransformHandle : ( nextTransformHandle : MaybeTransformHandleType ) = > void ,
selectedElements : readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement [ ] ,
resizeArrowDirection : "origin" | "end" ,
isRotateWithDiscreteAngle : boolean ,
@ -101,8 +94,7 @@ export const transformElements = (
) ;
updateBoundElements ( element ) ;
} else if ( transformHandleType ) {
if ( isGenericElement ( element ) ) {
resizeSingleGenericElement (
resizeSingleElement (
pointerDownState . originalElements . get ( element . id ) as typeof element ,
shouldKeepSidesRatio ,
element ,
@ -111,26 +103,6 @@ export const transformElements = (
pointerX ,
pointerY ,
) ;
} else {
const keepSquareAspectRatio = shouldKeepSidesRatio ;
resizeSingleNonGenericElement (
element ,
transformHandleType ,
isResizeCenterPoint ,
keepSquareAspectRatio ,
pointerX ,
pointerY ,
) ;
setTransformHandle (
normalizeTransformHandleType ( element , transformHandleType ) ,
) ;
if ( element . width < 0 ) {
mutateElement ( element , { width : - element . width } ) ;
if ( element . height < 0 ) {
mutateElement ( element , { height : - element . height } ) ;
// update cursor
@ -414,8 +386,8 @@ const resizeSingleTextElement = (
} ;
const resizeSingle Generic Element = (
stateAtResizeStart : NonDeleted < ExcalidrawGeneric Element> ,
const resizeSingle Element = (
stateAtResizeStart : NonDeleted ExcalidrawElement,
shouldKeepSidesRatio : boolean ,
element : NonDeletedExcalidrawElement ,
transformHandleDirection : TransformHandleDirection ,
@ -423,251 +395,184 @@ const resizeSingleGenericElement = (
pointerX : number ,
pointerY : number ,
) = > {
const [ x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ] = getElementAbsoluteCoords ( stateAtResizeStart ) ;
// Gets bounds corners
const [ x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords (
stateAtResizeStart ,
stateAtResizeStart . width ,
stateAtResizeStart . height ,
) ;
const startTopLeft : Point = [ x1 , y1 ] ;
const startBottomRight : Point = [ x2 , y2 ] ;
const startCenter : Point = centerPoint ( startTopLeft , startBottomRight ) ;
// Calculate new dimensions based on cursor position
let newWidth = stateAtResizeStart . width ;
let newHeight = stateAtResizeStart . height ;
const rotatedPointer = rotatePoint (
[ pointerX , pointerY ] ,
startCenter ,
- stateAtResizeStart . angle ,
) ;
//Get bounds corners rendered on screen
const [ esx1 , esy1 , esx2 , esy2 ] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords (
element ,
element . width ,
element . height ,
) ;
const boundsCurrentWidth = esx2 - esx1 ;
const boundsCurrentHeight = esy2 - esy1 ;
// It's important we set the initial scale value based on the width and height at resize start,
// otherwise previous dimensions affected by modifiers will be taken into account.
const atStartBoundsWidth = startBottomRight [ 0 ] - startTopLeft [ 0 ] ;
const atStartBoundsHeight = startBottomRight [ 1 ] - startTopLeft [ 1 ] ;
let scaleX = atStartBoundsWidth / boundsCurrentWidth ;
let scaleY = atStartBoundsHeight / boundsCurrentHeight ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "e" ) ) {
newWidth = rotatedPointer [ 0 ] - startTopLeft [ 0 ] ;
scaleX = ( rotatedPointer [ 0 ] - startTopLeft [ 0 ] ) / boundsCurrentWidth ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "s" ) ) {
newHeight = rotatedPointer [ 1 ] - startTopLeft [ 1 ] ;
scaleY = ( rotatedPointer [ 1 ] - startTopLeft [ 1 ] ) / boundsCurrentHeight ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "w" ) ) {
newWidth = startBottomRight [ 0 ] - rotatedPointer [ 0 ] ;
scaleX = ( startBottomRight [ 0 ] - rotatedPointer [ 0 ] ) / boundsCurrentWidth ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "n" ) ) {
newHeight = startBottomRight [ 1 ] - rotatedPointer [ 1 ] ;
scaleY = ( startBottomRight [ 1 ] - rotatedPointer [ 1 ] ) / boundsCurrentHeight ;
// Linear elements dimensions differ from bounds dimensions
const eleInitialWidth = stateAtResizeStart . width ;
const eleInitialHeight = stateAtResizeStart . height ;
// We have to use dimensions of element on screen, otherwise the scaling of the
// dimensions won't match the cursor for linear elements.
let eleNewWidth = element . width * scaleX ;
let eleNewHeight = element . height * scaleY ;
// adjust dimensions for resizing from center
if ( isResizeFromCenter ) {
newWidth = 2 * newWidth - stateAtResizeStart . width ;
newHeight = 2 * newHeight - stateAtResizeStart . height ;
eleNewWidth = 2 * eleNewWidth - eleInitialW idth;
eleNewHeight = 2 * eleNewHeight - eleInitialH eight;
// adjust dimensions to keep sides ratio
if ( shouldKeepSidesRatio ) {
const widthRatio = Math . abs ( newWidth) / stateAtResizeStart . w idth;
const heightRatio = Math . abs ( newHeight) / stateAtResizeStart . h eight;
const widthRatio = Math . abs ( eleNewWidth) / eleInitialW idth;
const heightRatio = Math . abs ( eleNewHeight) / eleInitialH eight;
if ( transformHandleDirection . length === 1 ) {
n ewHeight *= widthRatio ;
n ewWidth *= heightRatio ;
eleN ewHeight *= widthRatio ;
eleN ewWidth *= heightRatio ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . length === 2 ) {
const ratio = Math . max ( widthRatio , heightRatio ) ;
newWidth = stateAtResizeStart . width * ratio * Math . sign ( n ewWidth) ;
newHeight = stateAtResizeStart . height * ratio * Math . sign ( n ewHeight) ;
eleNewWidth = eleInitialWidth * ratio * Math . sign ( eleN ewWidth) ;
eleNewHeight = eleInitialHeight * ratio * Math . sign ( eleN ewHeight) ;
const [
newBoundsX1 ,
newBoundsY1 ,
newBoundsX2 ,
newBoundsY2 ,
] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords (
stateAtResizeStart ,
eleNewWidth ,
eleNewHeight ,
) ;
const newBoundsWidth = newBoundsX2 - newBoundsX1 ;
const newBoundsHeight = newBoundsY2 - newBoundsY1 ;
// Calculate new topLeft based on fixed corner during resize
let newTopLeft = startTopLeft as [ number , number ] ;
let newTopLeft = [ . . . startTopLeft ] as [ number , number ] ;
if ( [ "n" , "w" , "nw" ] . includes ( transformHandleDirection ) ) {
newTopLeft = [
startBottomRight [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( newWidth ) ,
startBottomRight [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( newHeight ) ,
startBottomRight [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( new Bounds Width) ,
startBottomRight [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( new Bounds Height) ,
] ;
if ( transformHandleDirection === "ne" ) {
const bottomLeft = [
stateAtResizeStart . x ,
stateAtResizeStart . y + stateAtResizeStart . height ,
] ;
newTopLeft = [ bottomLeft [ 0 ] , bottomLeft [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( newHeight ) ] ;
const bottomLeft = [ startTopLeft [ 0 ] , startBottomRight [ 1 ] ] ;
newTopLeft = [ bottomLeft [ 0 ] , bottomLeft [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( newBoundsHeight ) ] ;
if ( transformHandleDirection === "sw" ) {
const topRight = [
stateAtResizeStart . x + stateAtResizeStart . width ,
stateAtResizeStart . y ,
] ;
newTopLeft = [ topRight [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( newWidth ) , topRight [ 1 ] ] ;
const topRight = [ startBottomRight [ 0 ] , startTopLeft [ 1 ] ] ;
newTopLeft = [ topRight [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( newBoundsWidth ) , topRight [ 1 ] ] ;
// Keeps opposite handle fixed during resize
if ( shouldKeepSidesRatio ) {
if ( [ "s" , "n" ] . includes ( transformHandleDirection ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 0 ] = startCenter [ 0 ] - new Width / 2 ;
newTopLeft [ 0 ] = startCenter [ 0 ] - new Bounds Width / 2 ;
if ( [ "e" , "w" ] . includes ( transformHandleDirection ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 1 ] = startCenter [ 1 ] - new Height / 2 ;
newTopLeft [ 1 ] = startCenter [ 1 ] - new Bounds Height / 2 ;
// Flip horizontally
if ( n ewWidth < 0 ) {
if ( eleN ewWidth < 0 ) {
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "e" ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 0 ] -= Math . abs ( new Width) ;
newTopLeft [ 0 ] -= Math . abs ( new Bounds Width) ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "w" ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 0 ] += Math . abs ( new Width) ;
newTopLeft [ 0 ] += Math . abs ( new Bounds Width) ;
// Flip vertically
if ( n ewHeight < 0 ) {
if ( eleN ewHeight < 0 ) {
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "s" ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 1 ] -= Math . abs ( new Height) ;
newTopLeft [ 1 ] -= Math . abs ( new Bounds Height) ;
if ( transformHandleDirection . includes ( "n" ) ) {
newTopLeft [ 1 ] += Math . abs ( new Height) ;
newTopLeft [ 1 ] += Math . abs ( new Bounds Height) ;
if ( isResizeFromCenter ) {
newTopLeft [ 0 ] = startCenter [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( new Width) / 2 ;
newTopLeft [ 1 ] = startCenter [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( new Height) / 2 ;
newTopLeft [ 0 ] = startCenter [ 0 ] - Math . abs ( new Bounds Width) / 2 ;
newTopLeft [ 1 ] = startCenter [ 1 ] - Math . abs ( new Bounds Height) / 2 ;
// adjust topLeft to new rotation point
const angle = stateAtResizeStart . angle ;
const rotatedTopLeft = rotatePoint ( newTopLeft , startCenter , angle ) ;
const newCenter : Point = [
newTopLeft [ 0 ] + Math . abs ( new Width) / 2 ,
newTopLeft [ 1 ] + Math . abs ( new Height) / 2 ,
newTopLeft [ 0 ] + Math . abs ( new Bounds Width) / 2 ,
newTopLeft [ 1 ] + Math . abs ( new Bounds Height) / 2 ,
] ;
const rotatedNewCenter = rotatePoint ( newCenter , startCenter , angle ) ;
newTopLeft = rotatePoint ( rotatedTopLeft , rotatedNewCenter , - angle ) ;
const resizedElement = {
width : Math.abs ( newWidth ) ,
height : Math.abs ( newHeight ) ,
x : newTopLeft [ 0 ] ,
y : newTopLeft [ 1 ] ,
} ;
updateBoundElements ( element , {
newSize : { width : resizedElement.width , height : resizedElement.height } ,
} ) ;
mutateElement ( element , resizedElement ) ;
} ;
const resizeSingleNonGenericElement = (
element : NonDeleted < Exclude < ExcalidrawElement , ExcalidrawGenericElement > > ,
transformHandleType : "n" | "s" | "w" | "e" | "nw" | "ne" | "sw" | "se" ,
isResizeFromCenter : boolean ,
keepSquareAspectRatio : boolean ,
pointerX : number ,
pointerY : number ,
) = > {
const [ x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ] = getElementAbsoluteCoords ( element ) ;
const cx = ( x1 + x2 ) / 2 ;
const cy = ( y1 + y2 ) / 2 ;
// rotation pointer with reverse angle
const [ rotatedX , rotatedY ] = rotate (
pointerX ,
pointerY ,
cx ,
cy ,
- element . angle ,
// Readjust points for linear elements
const rescaledPoints = rescalePointsInElement (
stateAtResizeStart ,
eleNewWidth ,
eleNewHeight ,
) ;
// For linear elements (x,y) are the coordinates of the first drawn point not the top-left corner
// So we need to readjust (x,y) to be where the first point should be
const newOrigin = [ . . . newTopLeft ] ;
newOrigin [ 0 ] += stateAtResizeStart . x - newBoundsX1 ;
newOrigin [ 1 ] += stateAtResizeStart . y - newBoundsY1 ;
let scaleX = 1 ;
let scaleY = 1 ;
if (
transformHandleType === "e" ||
transformHandleType === "ne" ||
transformHandleType === "se"
) {
scaleX = ( rotatedX - x1 ) / ( x2 - x1 ) ;
if (
transformHandleType === "s" ||
transformHandleType === "sw" ||
transformHandleType === "se"
) {
scaleY = ( rotatedY - y1 ) / ( y2 - y1 ) ;
if (
transformHandleType === "w" ||
transformHandleType === "nw" ||
transformHandleType === "sw"
) {
scaleX = ( x2 - rotatedX ) / ( x2 - x1 ) ;
if (
transformHandleType === "n" ||
transformHandleType === "nw" ||
transformHandleType === "ne"
) {
scaleY = ( y2 - rotatedY ) / ( y2 - y1 ) ;
let nextWidth = element . width * scaleX ;
let nextHeight = element . height * scaleY ;
if ( keepSquareAspectRatio ) {
nextWidth = nextHeight = Math . max ( nextWidth , nextHeight ) ;
const [ nextX1 , nextY1 , nextX2 , nextY2 ] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords (
element ,
nextWidth ,
nextHeight ,
) ;
const deltaX1 = ( x1 - nextX1 ) / 2 ;
const deltaY1 = ( y1 - nextY1 ) / 2 ;
const deltaX2 = ( x2 - nextX2 ) / 2 ;
const deltaY2 = ( y2 - nextY2 ) / 2 ;
const rescaledPoints = rescalePointsInElement ( element , nextWidth , nextHeight ) ;
updateBoundElements ( element , {
newSize : { width : nextWidth , height : nextHeight } ,
} ) ;
const [ finalX1 , finalY1 , finalX2 , finalY2 ] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords (
. . . element ,
const resizedElement = {
width : Math.abs ( eleNewWidth ) ,
height : Math.abs ( eleNewHeight ) ,
x : newOrigin [ 0 ] ,
y : newOrigin [ 1 ] ,
. . . rescaledPoints ,
} ,
Math . abs ( nextWidth ) ,
Math . abs ( nextHeight ) ,
) ;
const [ flipDiffX , flipDiffY ] = getFlipAdjustment (
transformHandleType ,
nextWidth ,
nextHeight ,
nextX1 ,
nextY1 ,
nextX2 ,
nextY2 ,
finalX1 ,
finalY1 ,
finalX2 ,
finalY2 ,
isLinearElement ( element ) ,
element . angle ,
) ;
const [ nextElementX , nextElementY ] = adjustXYWithRotation (
getSidesForTransformHandle ( transformHandleType , isResizeFromCenter ) ,
element . x - flipDiffX ,
element . y - flipDiffY ,
element . angle ,
deltaX1 ,
deltaY1 ,
deltaX2 ,
deltaY2 ,
) ;
} ;
if (
nextW idth !== 0 &&
nextH eight !== 0 &&
Number . isFinite ( nextElementX ) &&
Number . isFinite ( nextElementY )
resizedElement . width !== 0 &&
resizedElement . height !== 0 &&
Number . isFinite ( resizedElement . x ) &&
Number . isFinite ( resizedElement . y )
) {
mutateElement ( element , {
width : nextWidth ,
height : nextHeight ,
x : nextElementX ,
y : nextElementY ,
. . . rescaledPoints ,
updateBoundElements ( element , {
newSize : { width : resizedElement.width , height : resizedElement.height } ,
} ) ;
mutateElement ( element , resizedElement ) ;
} ;