@ -1,24 +1,144 @@
import rough from "roughjs/bin/rough";
import { NonDeletedExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types";
import {
} from "../element/types";
import {
} from "../element/bounds";
import { renderSceneToSvg, renderStaticScene } from "../renderer/renderScene";
import { distance, isOnlyExportingSingleFrame } from "../utils";
import { distance, getFontString } from "../utils";
import { AppState, BinaryFiles } from "../types";
import { DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, SVG_NS, THEME_FILTER } from "../constants";
import {
} from "../constants";
import { getDefaultAppState } from "../appState";
import { serializeAsJSON } from "../data/json";
import {
} from "../element/image";
import { elementsOverlappingBBox } from "../packages/withinBounds";
import { getFrameElements, getRootElements } from "../frame";
import { isFrameElement, newTextElement } from "../element";
import { Mutable } from "../utility-types";
import { newElementWith } from "../element/mutateElement";
import Scene from "./Scene";
const SVG_EXPORT_TAG = `<!-- svg-source:excalidraw -->`;
// getContainerElement and getBoundTextElement and potentially other helpers
// depend on `Scene` which will not be available when these pure utils are
// called outside initialized Excalidraw editor instance or even if called
// from inside Excalidraw if the elements were never cached by Scene (e.g.
// for library elements).
// As such, before passing the elements down, we need to initialize a custom
// Scene instance and assign them to it.
// FIXME This is a super hacky workaround and we'll need to rewrite this soon.
const __createSceneForElementsHack__ = (
elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[],
) => {
const scene = new Scene();
// we can't duplicate elements to regenerate ids because we need the
// orig ids when embedding. So we do another hack of not mapping element
// ids to Scene instances so that we don't override the editor elements
// mapping
scene.replaceAllElements(elements, false);
return scene;
const truncateText = (element: ExcalidrawTextElement, maxWidth: number) => {
if (element.width <= maxWidth) {
return element;
const canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")!;
ctx.font = getFontString({
fontFamily: element.fontFamily,
fontSize: element.fontSize,
let text = element.text;
const metrics = ctx.measureText(text);
if (metrics.width > maxWidth) {
// we iterate from the right, removing characters one by one instead
// of bulding the string up. This assumes that it's more likely
// your frame names will overflow by not that many characters
// (if ever), so it sohuld be faster this way.
for (let i = text.length; i > 0; i--) {
const newText = `${text.slice(0, i)}...`;
if (ctx.measureText(newText).width <= maxWidth) {
text = newText;
return newElementWith(element, { text, width: maxWidth });
* When exporting frames, we need to render frame labels which are currently
* being rendered in DOM when editing. Adding the labels as regular text
* elements seems like a simple hack. In the future we'll want to move to
* proper canvas rendering, even within editor (instead of DOM).
const addFrameLabelsAsTextElements = (
elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
opts: Pick<AppState, "exportWithDarkMode">,
) => {
const nextElements: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[] = [];
let frameIdx = 0;
for (const element of elements) {
if (isFrameElement(element)) {
let textElement: Mutable<ExcalidrawTextElement> = newTextElement({
x: element.x,
y: element.y - FRAME_STYLE.nameOffsetY,
fontFamily: 4,
fontSize: FRAME_STYLE.nameFontSize,
FRAME_STYLE.nameLineHeight as ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"],
strokeColor: opts.exportWithDarkMode
? FRAME_STYLE.nameColorDarkTheme
: FRAME_STYLE.nameColorLightTheme,
text: element.name || `Frame ${frameIdx}`,
textElement.y -= textElement.height;
textElement = truncateText(textElement, element.width);
return nextElements;
const getFrameRenderingConfig = (
exportingFrame: ExcalidrawFrameElement | null,
frameRendering: AppState["frameRendering"] | null,
): AppState["frameRendering"] => {
frameRendering = frameRendering || getDefaultAppState().frameRendering;
return {
enabled: exportingFrame ? true : frameRendering.enabled,
outline: exportingFrame ? false : frameRendering.outline,
name: exportingFrame ? false : frameRendering.name,
clip: exportingFrame ? true : frameRendering.clip,
export const exportToCanvas = async (
elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
appState: AppState,
@ -27,10 +147,12 @@ export const exportToCanvas = async (
}: {
exportBackground: boolean;
exportPadding?: number;
viewBackgroundColor: string;
exportingFrame?: ExcalidrawFrameElement | null;
createCanvas: (
width: number,
@ -42,7 +164,26 @@ export const exportToCanvas = async (
return { canvas, scale: appState.exportScale };
) => {
const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize(elements, exportPadding);
const tempScene = __createSceneForElementsHack__(elements);
elements = tempScene.getNonDeletedElements();
let nextElements: ExcalidrawElement[];
if (exportingFrame) {
exportPadding = 0;
nextElements = elementsOverlappingBBox({
bounds: exportingFrame,
type: "overlap",
} else {
nextElements = addFrameLabelsAsTextElements(elements, appState);
const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize(
exportingFrame ? [exportingFrame] : getRootElements(nextElements),
const { canvas, scale = 1 } = createCanvas(width, height);
@ -50,25 +191,27 @@ export const exportToCanvas = async (
const { imageCache } = await updateImageCache({
imageCache: new Map(),
fileIds: getInitializedImageElements(elements).map(
fileIds: getInitializedImageElements(nextElements).map(
(element) => element.fileId,
const onlyExportingSingleFrame = isOnlyExportingSingleFrame(elements);
rc: rough.canvas(canvas),
visibleElements: elements,
elements: nextElements,
visibleElements: nextElements,
appState: {
frameRendering: getFrameRenderingConfig(
exportingFrame ?? null,
appState.frameRendering ?? null,
viewBackgroundColor: exportBackground ? viewBackgroundColor : null,
scrollX: -minX + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding),
scrollY: -minY + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding),
scrollX: -minX + exportPadding,
scrollY: -minY + exportPadding,
zoom: defaultAppState.zoom,
shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: false,
theme: appState.exportWithDarkMode ? "dark" : "light",
@ -80,6 +223,8 @@ export const exportToCanvas = async (
return canvas;
@ -92,35 +237,65 @@ export const exportToSvg = async (
viewBackgroundColor: string;
exportWithDarkMode?: boolean;
exportEmbedScene?: boolean;
renderFrame?: boolean;
frameRendering?: AppState["frameRendering"];
files: BinaryFiles | null,
opts?: {
serializeAsJSON?: () => string;
renderEmbeddables?: boolean;
exportingFrame?: ExcalidrawFrameElement | null;
): Promise<SVGSVGElement> => {
const {
const tempScene = __createSceneForElementsHack__(elements);
elements = tempScene.getNonDeletedElements();
let {
exportScale = 1,
} = appState;
const { exportingFrame = null } = opts || {};
let nextElements: ExcalidrawElement[] = [];
if (exportingFrame) {
exportPadding = 0;
nextElements = elementsOverlappingBBox({
bounds: exportingFrame,
type: "overlap",
} else {
nextElements = addFrameLabelsAsTextElements(elements, {
exportWithDarkMode: appState.exportWithDarkMode ?? false,
let metadata = "";
// we need to serialize the "original" elements before we put them through
// the tempScene hack which duplicates and regenerates ids
if (exportEmbedScene) {
try {
metadata = await (
await import(/* webpackChunkName: "image" */ "../../src/data/image")
text: opts?.serializeAsJSON
? opts?.serializeAsJSON?.()
: serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files || {}, "local"),
// when embedding scene, we want to embed the origionally supplied
// elements which don't contain the temp frame labels.
// But it also requires that the exportToSvg is being supplied with
// only the elements that we're exporting, and no extra.
text: serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files || {}, "local"),
} catch (error: any) {
const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize(elements, exportPadding);
const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize(
exportingFrame ? [exportingFrame] : getRootElements(nextElements),
// initialize SVG root
const svgRoot = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "svg");
@ -148,33 +323,23 @@ export const exportToSvg = async (
assetPath = `${assetPath}/dist/excalidraw-assets/`;
// do not apply clipping when we're exporting the whole scene
const isExportingWholeCanvas =
Scene.getScene(elements[0])?.getNonDeletedElements()?.length ===
const offsetX = -minX + exportPadding;
const offsetY = -minY + exportPadding;
const onlyExportingSingleFrame = isOnlyExportingSingleFrame(elements);
const offsetX = -minX + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding);
const offsetY = -minY + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding);
const exportingFrame =
isExportingWholeCanvas || !onlyExportingSingleFrame
? undefined
: elements.find((element) => element.type === "frame");
const frameElements = getFrameElements(elements);
let exportingFrameClipPath = "";
if (exportingFrame) {
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(exportingFrame);
const cx = (x2 - x1) / 2 - (exportingFrame.x - x1);
const cy = (y2 - y1) / 2 - (exportingFrame.y - y1);
exportingFrameClipPath = `<clipPath id=${exportingFrame.id}>
<rect transform="translate(${exportingFrame.x + offsetX} ${
exportingFrame.y + offsetY
}) rotate(${exportingFrame.angle} ${cx} ${cy})"
for (const frame of frameElements) {
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(frame);
const cx = (x2 - x1) / 2 - (frame.x - x1);
const cy = (y2 - y1) / 2 - (frame.y - y1);
exportingFrameClipPath += `<clipPath id=${frame.id}>
<rect transform="translate(${frame.x + offsetX} ${
frame.y + offsetY
}) rotate(${frame.angle} ${cx} ${cy})"
@ -193,6 +358,10 @@ export const exportToSvg = async (
font-family: "Cascadia";
src: url("${assetPath}Cascadia.woff2");
@font-face {
font-family: "Assistant";
src: url("${assetPath}Assistant-Regular.woff2");
@ -210,14 +379,19 @@ export const exportToSvg = async (
const rsvg = rough.svg(svgRoot);
renderSceneToSvg(elements, rsvg, svgRoot, files || {}, {
renderSceneToSvg(nextElements, rsvg, svgRoot, files || {}, {
exportWithDarkMode: appState.exportWithDarkMode,
exportingFrameId: exportingFrame?.id || null,
renderEmbeddables: opts?.renderEmbeddables,
exportWithDarkMode: appState.exportWithDarkMode ?? false,
renderEmbeddables: opts?.renderEmbeddables ?? false,
frameRendering: getFrameRenderingConfig(
exportingFrame ?? null,
appState.frameRendering ?? null,
return svgRoot;
@ -226,36 +400,9 @@ const getCanvasSize = (
elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[],
exportPadding: number,
): Bounds => {
// we should decide if we are exporting the whole canvas
// if so, we are not clipping elements in the frame
// and therefore, we should not do anything special
const isExportingWholeCanvas =
Scene.getScene(elements[0])?.getNonDeletedElements()?.length ===
const onlyExportingSingleFrame = isOnlyExportingSingleFrame(elements);
if (!isExportingWholeCanvas || onlyExportingSingleFrame) {
const frames = elements.filter((element) => element.type === "frame");
const exportedFrameIds = frames.reduce((acc, frame) => {
acc[frame.id] = true;
return acc;
}, {} as Record<string, true>);
// elements in a frame do not affect the canvas size if we're not exporting
// the whole canvas
elements = elements.filter(
(element) => !exportedFrameIds[element.frameId ?? ""],
const [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] = getCommonBounds(elements);
const width =
distance(minX, maxX) + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding * 2);
const height =
distance(minY, maxY) + (onlyExportingSingleFrame ? 0 : exportPadding * 2);
const width = distance(minX, maxX) + exportPadding * 2;
const height = distance(minY, maxY) + exportPadding * 2;
return [minX, minY, width, height];