diff --git a/docs/shortcuts.md b/docs/shortcuts.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19894b1fb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/shortcuts.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+### General
+| Function     | Mac | Other |
+| ------------ | :-: | :---: |
+| Load         |
+| Save         |
+| Export       |
+| Clear canvas |
+### Shapes
+| Function  |    Mac     |   Other    |
+| --------- | :--------: | :--------: |
+| Selection | `S` or `1` | `S` or `1` |
+| Rectangle | `R` or `2` | `R` or `2` |
+| Diamond   | `D` or `3` | `D` or `3` |
+| Ellipse   | `E` or `4` | `E` or `4` |
+| Arrow     | `A` or `5` | `A` or `5` |
+| Line      | `L` or `6` | `L` or `6` |
+| Text      | `T` or `7` | `T` or `7` |
+| Lock      |            |            |
+### Editor
+| Function       | Mac  |       Other        |
+| -------------- | :--: | :----------------: |
+| Copy           |  ⌘C  |     `Ctrl + C`     |
+| Paste          |  ⌘V  |     `Ctrl + V`     |
+| Copy styles    | ⇧⌘V  | `Ctrl + Shift + V` |
+| Paste styles   | ⇧⌘C  | `Ctrl + Shift + C` |
+| Delete         |  ⌫   |       `Del`        |
+| Send to back   | ⌥⌘\[ | `Ctrl + Shift + [` |
+| Bring to front | ⌥⌘\] | `Ctrl + Shift + ]` |
+| Send backwards | ⌘\[  |     `Ctrl + [`     |
+| Bring forward  | ⌘\]  |     `Ctrl + ]`     |
+### View
+| Function   | Mac |   Other    |
+| ---------- | :-: | :--------: |
+| Zoom in    | ⌘+  | `Ctrl + +` |
+| Zoom out   | ⌘-  | `Ctrl + -` |
+| Zoom reset | ⌘0  | `Ctrl + 0` |