@ -11,6 +11,22 @@ The change should be grouped under one of the below section and must contain PR
Please add the latest change on the top under the correct section.
## 0.16.1 (2023-09-21)
## Excalidraw Library
**_This section lists the updates made to the excalidraw library and will not affect the integration._**
### Fixes
- More eye-droper fixes [#7019 ](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/7019 )
### Refactor
- Move excalidraw-app outside src [#6987 ](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/6987 )
## 0.16.0 (2023-09-19)
- Support creating containers, linear elements, text containers, labelled arrows and arrow bindings programatically [#6546 ](https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw/pull/6546 )