@ -15677,6 +15677,75 @@ exports[`regression tests undo/redo drawing an element: [end of test] number of
exports[`regression tests undo/redo drawing an element: [end of test] number of renders 1`] = `24`;
exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] appState 1`] = `
Object {
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"isLoading": false,
"isResizing": false,
"isRotating": false,
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"multiElement": null,
"name": "Unbenannt-201933152653",
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"username": "",
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"zoom": 1,
exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] history 1`] = `
Object {
"recording": false,
"redoStack": Array [],
"stateHistory": Array [
Object {
"appState": Object {
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"selectedElementIds": Object {},
"viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",
"elements": Array [],
exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] number of elements 1`] = `0`;
exports[`regression tests updates fontSize & fontFamily appState: [end of test] number of renders 1`] = `4`;
exports[`regression tests zoom hotkeys: [end of test] appState 1`] = `
Object {
"collaborators": Map {},