@ -1,25 +1,39 @@
import React , { useEffect , useRef , useState } from "react" ;
import type { ActionManager } from "../actions/manager" ;
import type { AppClassProperties , BinaryFiles , UIAppState } from "../types" ;
import {
actionExportWithDarkMode ,
actionChangeExportBackground ,
actionChangeExportEmbedScene ,
actionChangeExportScale ,
actionChangeProjectName ,
} from "../actions/actionExport" ;
import { probablySupportsClipboardBlob } from "../clipboard" ;
import { canvasToBlob } from "../data/blob" ;
import { NonDeletedExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types" ;
import { t } from "../i18n" ;
import { getSelectedElements , isSomeElementSelected } from "../scene" ;
import { AppClassProperties , BinaryFiles , UIAppState } from "../types" ;
import { Dialog } from "./Dialog" ;
import { clipboard } from "./icons" ;
import Stack from "./Stack" ;
import OpenColor from "open-color" ;
import { CheckboxItem } from "./CheckboxItem" ;
import {
isFirefox ,
} from "../constants" ;
import { canvasToBlob } from "../data/blob" ;
import { nativeFileSystemSupported } from "../data/filesystem" ;
import { ActionManager } from "../actions/manager" ;
import { NonDeletedExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types" ;
import { t } from "../i18n" ;
import { getSelectedElements , isSomeElementSelected } from "../scene" ;
import { exportToCanvas } from "../packages/utils" ;
import "./ExportDialog.scss" ;
import { copyIcon , downloadIcon , helpIcon } from "./icons" ;
import { Button } from "./Button" ;
import { Dialog } from "./Dialog" ;
import { RadioGroup } from "./RadioGroup" ;
import { Switch } from "./Switch" ;
import { Tooltip } from "./Tooltip" ;
import "./ImageExportDialog.scss" ;
import { useAppProps } from "./App" ;
const supportsContextFilters =
"filter" in document . createElement ( "canvas" ) . getContext ( "2d" ) ! ;
@ -36,50 +50,36 @@ export const ErrorCanvasPreview = () => {
) ;
} ;
export type ExportCB = (
elements : readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement [ ] ,
scale? : number ,
) = > void ;
const ExportButton : React.FC < {
color : keyof OpenColor ;
onClick : ( ) = > void ;
title : string ;
shade? : number ;
children? : React.ReactNode ;
} > = ( { children , title , onClick , color , shade = 6 } ) = > {
return (
< button
className = "ExportDialog-imageExportButton"
style = { {
[ "--button-color" as any ] : OpenColor [ color ] [ shade ] ,
[ "--button-color-darker" as any ] : OpenColor [ color ] [ shade + 1 ] ,
[ "--button-color-darkest" as any ] : OpenColor [ color ] [ shade + 2 ] ,
} }
title = { title }
aria - label = { title }
onClick = { onClick }
{ children }
< / button >
) ;
type ImageExportModalProps = {
appState : UIAppState ;
elements : readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement [ ] ;
files : BinaryFiles ;
actionManager : ActionManager ;
onExportImage : AppClassProperties [ "onExportImage" ] ;
} ;
const ImageExportModal = ( {
elements ,
appState ,
elements ,
files ,
actionManager ,
onExportImage ,
} : {
appState : UIAppState ;
elements : readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement [ ] ;
files : BinaryFiles ;
actionManager : ActionManager ;
onExportImage : AppClassProperties [ "onExportImage" ] ;
} ) = > {
} : ImageExportModalProps ) = > {
const appProps = useAppProps ( ) ;
const [ projectName , setProjectName ] = useState ( appState . name ) ;
const someElementIsSelected = isSomeElementSelected ( elements , appState ) ;
const [ exportSelected , setExportSelected ] = useState ( someElementIsSelected ) ;
const [ exportWithBackground , setExportWithBackground ] = useState (
appState . exportBackground ,
) ;
const [ exportDarkMode , setExportDarkMode ] = useState (
appState . exportWithDarkMode ,
) ;
const [ embedScene , setEmbedScene ] = useState ( appState . exportEmbedScene ) ;
const [ exportScale , setExportScale ] = useState ( appState . exportScale ) ;
const previewRef = useRef < HTMLDivElement > ( null ) ;
const [ renderError , setRenderError ] = useState < Error | null > ( null ) ;
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ const ImageExportModal = ({
return ;
const maxWidth = previewNode . offsetWidth ;
const maxHeight = previewNode . offsetHeight ;
if ( ! maxWidth ) {
return ;
@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ const ImageExportModal = ({
appState ,
files ,
maxWidthOrHeight : maxWidth,
maxWidthOrHeight : Math.max( maxWidth, maxHeight ) ,
} )
. then ( ( canvas ) = > {
setRenderError ( null ) ;
@ -118,89 +119,190 @@ const ImageExportModal = ({
} , [ appState , files , exportedElements ] ) ;
return (
< div className = "ExportDialog" >
< div className = "ExportDialog__preview" ref = { previewRef } >
{ renderError && < ErrorCanvasPreview / > }
< / div >
{ supportsContextFilters &&
actionManager . renderAction ( "exportWithDarkMode" ) }
< div style = { { display : "grid" , gridTemplateColumns : "1fr" } } >
< div
style = { {
display : "grid" ,
gridTemplateColumns : "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(190px, 1fr))" ,
// dunno why this is needed, but when the items wrap it creates
// an overflow
overflow : "hidden" ,
} }
{ actionManager . renderAction ( "changeExportBackground" ) }
{ someElementIsSelected && (
< CheckboxItem
checked = { exportSelected }
onChange = { ( checked ) = > setExportSelected ( checked ) }
{ t ( "labels.onlySelected" ) }
< / CheckboxItem >
< div className = "ImageExportModal" >
< h3 > { t ( "imageExportDialog.header" ) } < / h3 >
< div className = "ImageExportModal__preview" >
< div className = "ImageExportModal__preview__canvas" ref = { previewRef } >
{ renderError && < ErrorCanvasPreview / > }
< / div >
< div className = "ImageExportModal__preview__filename" >
{ ! nativeFileSystemSupported && (
< input
type = "text"
className = "TextInput"
value = { projectName }
style = { { width : "30ch" } }
disabled = {
typeof appProps . name !== "undefined" || appState . viewModeEnabled
onChange = { ( event ) = > {
setProjectName ( event . target . value ) ;
actionManager . executeAction (
actionChangeProjectName ,
"ui" ,
event . target . value ,
) ;
} }
/ >
) }
{ actionManager . renderAction ( "changeExportEmbedScene" ) }
< / div >
< / div >
< div style = { { display : "flex" , alignItems : "center" , marginTop : ".6em" } } >
< Stack.Row gap = { 2 } >
{ actionManager . renderAction ( "changeExportScale" ) }
< / Stack.Row >
< p style = { { marginLeft : "1em" , userSelect : "none" } } >
{ t ( "buttons.scale" ) }
< / p >
< / div >
< div
style = { {
display : "flex" ,
alignItems : "center" ,
justifyContent : "center" ,
margin : ".6em 0" ,
} }
{ ! nativeFileSystemSupported &&
actionManager . renderAction ( "changeProjectName" ) }
< / div >
< Stack.Row gap = { 2 } justifyContent = "center" style = { { margin : "2em 0" } } >
< ExportButton
color = "indigo"
title = { t ( "buttons.exportToPng" ) }
aria - label = { t ( "buttons.exportToPng" ) }
onClick = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . png , exportedElements )
< div className = "ImageExportModal__settings" >
< h3 > { t ( "imageExportDialog.header" ) } < / h3 >
{ someElementIsSelected && (
< ExportSetting
label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.label.onlySelected" ) }
name = "exportOnlySelected"
< Switch
name = "exportOnlySelected"
checked = { exportSelected }
onChange = { ( checked ) = > {
setExportSelected ( checked ) ;
} }
/ >
< / ExportSetting >
) }
< ExportSetting
label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.label.withBackground" ) }
name = "exportBackgroundSwitch"
< Switch
name = "exportBackgroundSwitch"
checked = { exportWithBackground }
onChange = { ( checked ) = > {
setExportWithBackground ( checked ) ;
actionManager . executeAction (
actionChangeExportBackground ,
"ui" ,
checked ,
) ;
} }
/ >
< / ExportSetting >
{ supportsContextFilters && (
< ExportSetting
label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.label.darkMode" ) }
name = "exportDarkModeSwitch"
< Switch
name = "exportDarkModeSwitch"
checked = { exportDarkMode }
onChange = { ( checked ) = > {
setExportDarkMode ( checked ) ;
actionManager . executeAction (
actionExportWithDarkMode ,
"ui" ,
checked ,
) ;
} }
/ >
< / ExportSetting >
) }
< ExportSetting
label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.label.embedScene" ) }
tooltip = { t ( "imageExportDialog.tooltip.embedScene" ) }
name = "exportEmbedSwitch"
< / ExportButton >
< ExportButton
color = "red"
title = { t ( "buttons.exportToSvg" ) }
aria - label = { t ( "buttons.exportToSvg" ) }
onClick = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . svg , exportedElements )
< Switch
name = "exportEmbedSwitch"
checked = { embedScene }
onChange = { ( checked ) = > {
setEmbedScene ( checked ) ;
actionManager . executeAction (
actionChangeExportEmbedScene ,
"ui" ,
checked ,
) ;
} }
/ >
< / ExportSetting >
< ExportSetting
label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.label.scale" ) }
name = "exportScale"
< / ExportButton >
{ / * f i r e f o x s u p p o r t s c l i p b o a r d A P I u n d e r a f l a g ,
so let ' s throw and tell people what they can do * / }
{ ( probablySupportsClipboardBlob || isFirefox ) && (
< ExportButton
title = { t ( "buttons.copyPngToClipboard" ) }
onClick = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . clipboard , exportedElements )
< RadioGroup
name = "exportScale"
value = { exportScale }
onChange = { ( scale ) = > {
setExportScale ( scale ) ;
actionManager . executeAction ( actionChangeExportScale , "ui" , scale ) ;
} }
choices = { EXPORT_SCALES . map ( ( scale ) = > ( {
value : scale ,
label : ` ${ scale } \ u00d7 ` ,
} ) ) }
/ >
< / ExportSetting >
< div className = "ImageExportModal__settings__buttons" >
< Button
className = "ImageExportModal__settings__buttons__button"
title = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.exportToPng" ) }
aria - label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.exportToPng" ) }
onSelect = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . png , exportedElements )
{ downloadIcon } { t ( "imageExportDialog.button.exportToPng" ) }
< / Button >
< Button
className = "ImageExportModal__settings__buttons__button"
title = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.exportToSvg" ) }
aria - label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.exportToSvg" ) }
onSelect = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . svg , exportedElements )
color = "gray"
shade = { 7 }
{ clipboard }
< / ExportButton >
{ downloadIcon } { t ( "imageExportDialog.button.exportToSvg" ) }
< / Button >
{ ( probablySupportsClipboardBlob || isFirefox ) && (
< Button
className = "ImageExportModal__settings__buttons__button"
title = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.copyPngToClipboard" ) }
aria - label = { t ( "imageExportDialog.title.copyPngToClipboard" ) }
onSelect = { ( ) = >
onExportImage ( EXPORT_IMAGE_TYPES . clipboard , exportedElements )
{ copyIcon } { t ( "imageExportDialog.button.copyPngToClipboard" ) }
< / Button >
) }
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
) ;
} ;
type ExportSettingProps = {
label : string ;
children : React.ReactNode ;
tooltip? : string ;
name? : string ;
} ;
const ExportSetting = ( {
label ,
children ,
tooltip ,
name ,
} : ExportSettingProps ) = > {
return (
< div className = "ImageExportModal__settings__setting" title = { label } >
< label
htmlFor = { name }
className = "ImageExportModal__settings__setting__label"
{ label }
{ tooltip && (
< Tooltip label = { tooltip } long = { true } >
{ helpIcon }
< / Tooltip >
) }
< / Stack.Row >
< / label >
< div className = "ImageExportModal__settings__setting__content" >
{ children }
< / div >
< / div >
) ;
} ;
@ -225,7 +327,7 @@ export const ImageExportDialog = ({
return (
< Dialog onCloseRequest = { onCloseRequest } title= { t ( "buttons.exportImage" ) } >
< Dialog onCloseRequest = { onCloseRequest } size= "wide" title = { false } >
< ImageExportModal
elements = { elements }
appState = { appState }