You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
5.6 KiB

"labels": {
"paste": "Incolla",
"selectAll": "",
"copy": "Copia",
"copyAsPng": "Copia negli appunti come PNG",
"copyAsSvg": "Copia negli appunti come PNG",
"bringForward": "",
"sendToBack": "",
"bringToFront": "",
"sendBackward": "",
"delete": "Elimina",
"copyStyles": "",
"pasteStyles": "",
"stroke": "Tratto",
"background": "Sfondo",
"fill": "Riempimento",
"strokeWidth": "",
"sloppiness": "Imprecisione",
"opacity": "Opacità",
"fontSize": "",
"fontFamily": "",
"onlySelected": "Solo selezionati",
"withBackground": "Con Sfondo",
"handDrawn": "",
"normal": "Normale",
"code": "Codice",
"small": "Piccolo",
"medium": "Medio",
"large": "Grande",
"veryLarge": "",
"solid": "Pieno",
"hachure": "Tratteggio obliquo",
"crossHatch": "",
"thin": "Sottile",
"bold": "Grassetto",
"extraBold": "",
"architect": "Architetto",
"artist": "Artista",
"cartoonist": "Fumettista",
"fileTitle": "Titolo file",
"colorPicker": "Selettore colore",
"canvasBackground": "Sfondo tela",
"drawingCanvas": "",
"layers": "Livelli",
"actions": "",
"language": "Lingua",
"createRoom": "Condividi una sessione di collaborazione in diretta",
"duplicateSelection": "",
"untitled": ""
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "Ripristina la tela",
"export": "Esporta",
"exportToPng": "Esporta come PNG",
"exportToSvg": "Esporta come SVG",
"copyToClipboard": "Copia negli appunti",
"copyPngToClipboard": "Copia PNG negli appunti",
"save": "Salva",
"load": "Carica",
"getShareableLink": "Ottieni link condivisibile",
"close": "Chiudi",
"selectLanguage": "",
"scrollBackToContent": "Scorri indietro fino al contenuto",
"zoomIn": "Aumenta ingrandimento",
"zoomOut": "Riduci ingrandimento",
"resetZoom": "Ripristina ingrandimento",
"menu": "Menù",
"done": "Fatto",
"edit": "Modifica",
"undo": "Annulla",
"redo": "Ripeti",
"roomDialog": "Inizia collaborazione in diretta",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"createNewRoom": "Crea nuova stanza",
"toggleFullScreen": "Attiva/Disattiva schermo intero"
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "Questo cancellerà l'intera tela. Sei sicuro?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "Non riesco a creare un link condivisibile.",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "Impossibile caricare un file no valido",
"importBackendFailed": "Importazione dal server fallita.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "Non è possibile esportare una tela vuota.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Impossibile copiare negli appunti. Provare usando il browser Chrome.",
"decryptFailed": "Impossibile decriptare i dati.",
"uploadedSecurly": "L'upload è stato protetto con la crittografia end-to-end, il che significa che il server Excalidraw e terze parti non possono leggere il contenuto."
"toolBar": {
"selection": "Selezione",
"rectangle": "Rettangolo",
"diamond": "Rombo",
"ellipse": "Ellisse",
"arrow": "Freccia",
"line": "Linea",
"text": "Testo",
"lock": "Mantieni lo strumento selezionato attivo dopo aver disegnato"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "Azioni sulla Tela",
"selectedShapeActions": "Impostazioni della forma selezionata",
"shapes": "Forme"
"hints": {
"linearElement": "Clicca per iniziare una linea in più punti, trascina per singola linea",
"linearElementMulti": "Clicca sull'ultimo punto o premi Esc o Invio per finire",
"resize": "Puoi mantenere le proporzioni tenendo premuto SHIFT durante il ridimensionamento",
"rotate": "Puoi mantenere gli angoli tenendo premuto SHIFT durante la rotazione"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "Si è verificato un errore. Provare ",
"headingMain_button": "ricaricando la pagina.",
"clearCanvasMessage": "Se ricaricare non funziona, prova ",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "pulire la tela.",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " Questo risulterà nella perdita del lavoro ",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "",
"trackedToSentry_post": " è stato tracciato nel nostro sistema.",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "",
"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
"openIssueMessage_post": "",
"sceneContent": "Contenuto della scena:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "Puoi invitare persone nella tua scena attuale per collaborare con te.",
"desc_privacy": "Non preoccuparti, la sessione utilizza la crittografia end-to-end, quindi qualsiasi cosa disegni rimarrà privata. Nemmeno il nostro server sarà in grado di vedere cosa hai creato.",
"button_startSession": "Avvia sessione",
"button_stopSession": "Termina sessione",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "La sessione di collaborazione è attualmente in corso.",
"desc_persistenceWarning": "Nota che i dati della scena sono condivisi tra i collaboratori in modo P2P e non persistono sul nostro server. Quindi, se tutti vi disconnetterete, perderete i dati a meno che non li si esporti in un file o in un link condivisibile.",
"desc_shareLink": "Condividi questo link con chiunque desideri collaborare:",
"desc_exitSession": "Interrompere la sessione scollegherà la tua stanza ma potrai continuare a lavorare con la scena, localmente. Tieni presente che questo non influirà sulle altre persone, e che saranno ancora in grado di collaborare alla loro versione."
"errorDialog": {
"title": ""
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"shortcutsDialog": {
"title": "",
"shapes": "",
"or": "",
"click": "",
"curvedArrow": "",
"curvedLine": "",
New Crowdin translations (#1228) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Arabic) * New translations en.json (Italian) * New translations en.json (Spanish) * New translations en.json (Russian) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Polish) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Korean) * New translations en.json (Indonesian) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Hungarian) * New translations en.json (Hindi) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (German) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en.json (Turkish) * New translations en.json (Portuguese) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en.json (Norwegian) * New translations en.json (Dutch) * New translations en.json (Greek) * New translations en.json (French) * New translations en.json (Portuguese)
5 years ago
"editor": "",
"view": "",
"blog": "",
"howto": "",
"github": ""