mirror of https://github.com/ossrs/srs.git
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
383 lines
9.2 KiB
383 lines
9.2 KiB
listen 1935 1936;
pid ./objs/srs.pid;
chunk_size 60000;
ff_log_dir ./objs;
srs_log_tank console;
srs_log_level trace;
srs_log_file ./objs/srs.log;
max_connections 1000;
daemon off;
utc_time off;
pithy_print_ms 10000;
heartbeat {
enabled off;
interval 9.3;
device_id my-srs-device;
summaries off;
stats {
network 0;
disk sda sdb xvda xvdb;
http_api {
enabled on;
listen 1985;
crossdomain on;
raw_api {
enabled on;
allow_reload on;
allow_query on;
allow_update on;
http_server {
enabled off;
listen 8080;
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
stream_caster {
enabled off;
caster mpegts_over_udp;
output rtmp://;
listen 8935;
rtp_port_min 57200;
rtp_port_max 57300;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
vhost vhost.srs.com {
enabled off;
chunk_size 128;
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cluster {
mode remote;
origin localhost:1935;
token_traverse off;
vhost same.edge.srs.com;
debug_srs_upnode off;
forward {
enabled off;
play {
time_jitter full;
mix_correct off;
atc off;
atc_auto off;
mw_latency 100;
gop_cache off;
queue_length 10;
send_min_interval 10.0;
reduce_sequence_header on;
publish {
mr off;
mr_latency 350;
firstpkt_timeout 20000;
normal_timeout 7000;
refer {
enabled off;
all github.com github.io;
publish github.com github.io;
play github.com github.io;
bandcheck {
enabled off;
key 35c9b402c12a7246868752e2878f7e0e;
interval 30;
limit_kbps 4000;
security {
enabled off;
allow play all;
allow publish all;
deny publish all;
http_static {
enabled off;
mount [vhost]/hls;
dir ./objs/nginx/html/hls;
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enabled off;
fast_cache 30;
mount [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;
hstrs on;
http_hooks {
enabled off;
on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs;
on_hls http://localhost:8085/api/v1/hls;
exec {
enabled off;
publish ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -f flv -i [url] -c copy -y ./[stream].flv;
hls {
enabled off;
hls_fragment 10;
hls_td_ratio 1.5;
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hls_window 60;
hls_on_error ignore;
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hls_ts_file [app]/[stream]-[seq].ts;
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hls_nb_notify 64;
hls_wait_keyframe on;
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enabled off;
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hds_path ./objs/nginx/html;
dvr {
enabled off;
dvr_plan session;
dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].[timestamp].flv;
dvr_duration 30;
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time_jitter full;
ingest livestream {
enabled off;
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type file;
url ./doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv;
ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
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enabled off;
iformat flv;
vfilter {
s 30;
ss 300;
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vfps 25;
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vpreset medium;
vparams {
t 100;
coder 1;
b_strategy 2;
bf 3;
refs 10;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 70;
asample_rate 44100;
achannels 2;
aparams {
profile:a aac_low;
oformat flv;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream];
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enabled off;
ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
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enabled off;
iformat flv;
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s 30;
ss 300;
vcodec libx264;
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vthreads 12;
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t 100;
coder 1;
b_strategy 2;
bf 3;
refs 10;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 70;
asample_rate 44100;
achannels 2;
aparams {
profile:a aac_low;
oformat flv;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
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enabled off;
ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
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enabled off;
iformat flv;
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s 30;
ss 300;
vcodec libx264;
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vthreads 12;
vprofile main;
vpreset medium;
vparams {
t 100;
coder 1;
b_strategy 2;
bf 3;
refs 10;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 70;
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achannels 2;
aparams {
profile:a aac_low;
oformat flv;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
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vbitrate 1200;
vfps 25;
vwidth 1382;
vheight 576;
vthreads 6;
vprofile main;
vpreset medium;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 70;
asample_rate 44100;
achannels 2;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
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enabled off;
vcodec libx264;
vbitrate 800;
vfps 25;
vwidth 1152;
vheight 480;
vthreads 4;
vprofile main;
vpreset fast;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 60;
asample_rate 44100;
achannels 2;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
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vfps 20;
vwidth 768;
vheight 320;
vthreads 2;
vprofile baseline;
vpreset superfast;
acodec libfdk_aac;
abitrate 45;
asample_rate 44100;
achannels 2;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];
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vcodec copy;
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abitrate 45;
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achannels 2;
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vpreset superfast;
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enabled off;
vcodec copy;
acodec copy;
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];