11 years ago | |
trunk | 11 years ago | |
.gitignore | 12 years ago | |
AUTHORS.txt | 11 years ago | |
LICENSE | 11 years ago | |
README.md | 11 years ago |
SRS(SIMPLE RTMP Server) over state-threads created in 2013.
SRS is a simple, RTMP/HLS, high-performance, single(plan)/multiple processes, edge(plan)/origin live server.
SRS supports vhost, rtmp, HLS, transcoding, forward, http hooks.
Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin
See also: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server
See also: http://winlinvip.github.io/simple-rtmp-server
TencentQQ: http://url.cn/WAHICw (Group: 212189142)
The PRIMARY AUTHORS are (and/or have been)(Authors ordered by first contribution):
- winlin(winterserver): http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin
- wenjie(wenjiegit): http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid/25006789.html
About the primary AUTHORS:
- Contribute important features to SRS.
- Names of all PRIMARY AUTHORS response in NetConnection.connect and metadata.
And here is an inevitably incomplete list of MUCH-APPRECIATED CONTRIBUTORS --
people who have submitted patches, reported bugs, added translations, helped
answer newbie questions, and generally made SRS that much better: AUTHORS.txt
Usage(RTMP) for RTMP only
Requires: Centos6.x 64bits, others see Build
Step 0: get SRS
git clone https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server && cd simple-rtmp-server/trunk
Step 1: build SRS
./configure --with-ssl --without-hls --without-ffmpeg --without-http && make
Step 2: start SRS
./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Step 3: Adobe FMLE publish demo live stream
FMS URL: rtmp:// Stream: livestream
Step 4: VLC (2.1+) play live stream.
rtmp url: rtmp://
Usage(simple) for all features
Requires: Centos6.x 64bits, others see Build
Step -1: get SRS
git clone https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server && cd simple-rtmp-server/trunk
Step 0: build SRS system.
bash scripts/build.sh
Step 1: start SRS all demo features.
bash scripts/run.sh
Step 2: SRS live show: http://your-server-ip
Step 3: stop SRS demo
bash scripts/stop.sh
Usage(detail) for all features
Requires: Centos6.x 64bits, others see Build
Step 0: get SRS
git clone https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server && cd simple-rtmp-server/trunk
Step 1: build SRS
./configure --with-ssl --with-hls --with-ffmpeg --with-http && make
Step 2: start SRS
./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
Step 3(optinal): start SRS listen at 19350 to forward to
./objs/srs -c conf/srs.19350.conf
Step 4(optinal): start nginx for HLS
sudo ./objs/nginx/sbin/nginx
Step 5(optinal): start http hooks for SRS callback
python ./research/api-server/server.py 8085
Step 6: publish demo live stream
FMS URL: rtmp:// Stream: livestream FFMPEG to publish the default demo stream: for((;;)); do \ ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv \ -vcodec copy -acodec copy \ -f flv -y rtmp://; \ sleep 1; \ done
Step 7: publish players live stream
FMS URL: rtmp:// Stream: livestream FFMPEG to publish the players demo stream: for((;;)); do \ ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv \ -vcodec copy -acodec copy \ -f flv -y rtmp://; \ sleep 1; \ done
Step 8: add server ip to client hosts as demo.
# edit the folowing file: # linux: /etc/hosts # windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts # where server ip is demo.srs.com
Step 9: play live stream.
players: http://demo.srs.com/players rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com/live/livestream m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream.html
Step 10(optinal): play live stream auto transcoded
rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_ld m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_ld.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_ld.html rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_sd m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_sd.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/live/livestream_sd.html
Step 11(optinal): play live stream auto forwarded, the hls dir change to /forward
rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com:19350/live/livestream m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream.html rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com:19350/live/livestream_ld m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream_ld.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream_ld.html rtmp url: rtmp://demo.srs.com:19350/live/livestream_sd m3u8 url: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream_sd.m3u8 for android: http://demo.srs.com/forward/live/livestream_sd.html
Step 12(optinal): modify the config and reload it (all features support reload)
killall -1 srs
or use specified signal to reload:
killall -s SIGHUP srs
System Architecture:
+------------------------------------------------------+ | SRS(Simple RTMP Server) | +---------------+---------------+-----------+----------+ | API/hook | Transcoder | HLS | RTMP | | http-parser | FFMPEG/x264 | NGINX/ts | protocol | +---------------+---------------+-----------+----------+ | Network(state-threads) | +------------------------------------------------------+ | All Linux(RHEL,CentOS,Ubuntu,Fedora...) | +------------------------------------------------------+
Modularity Architecture:
+------------------------------------------------------+ | Main(srs/bandwidth/librtmp) | +------------------------------------------------------+ | App(Server/Client application) | +------------------------------------------------------+ | RTMP(Protocol stack) | +------------------------------------------------------+ | Kernel(depends on Core, provides error/log) | +------------------------------------------------------+ | Core(depends only on system apis) | +------------------------------------------------------+
Stream Architecture:
+---------+ +----------+ + Publish + + Deliver | +---|-----+ +----|-----+ +-----------+-------------------------+----------------+ | Encoder | SRS(Simple RTMP Server) | Client | +-----------+-------------------------+----------------+ | (FMLE, | +-> RTMP protocol ----+-> Flash Player | | FFMPEG, --+-> +-> HLS/NGINX --------+-> m3u8 player | | Flash, | +-> Fowarder ---------+-> RTMP Server | | XSPLIT, | +-> Transcoder -------+-> RTMP Server | | ...) | +-> DVR --------------+-> FILE | | | +-> BandwidthTest ----+-> Flash/StLoad | +-----------+-------------------------+----------------+
(plan) RTMP cluster(origin/edge) Architecture:
Remark: cluster over forward, see Cluster
+---------+ +-----------------+ +-----------------------+ + Encoder +--+-->-+ SRS(RTMP Edge) +--->-+ (RTMP Origin) | +---------+ | +-----------------+ | SRS/FMS/NGINX-RTMP | | | Red5/HELIX/CRTMP | +-------------------------->-+ ...... | +-----------------------+ Schema#1: Any RTMP encoder push RTMP stream to RTMP (origin/edge)server, where SRS RTMP Edge server will forward stream to origin. +-------------+ +-----------------+ +--------------------+ | RTMP Origin +-->-+ SRS(RTMP Edge) +--+->-+ Client(RTMP/HLS) | +-------------+ +-----------------+ | | Flash/IOS/Android | | +--------------------+ | | +-----------------+ +->-+ SRS(RTMP Edge) + +-----------------+ Schema#2: SRS RTMP Edge server pull stream from origin (or upstream SRS RTMP Edge server), then delivery to Client.
(plan) SRS Multiple processes Architecture:
+---------------------------+ +-----+ worker process(3) | +----------------+ | +---------------------------+ | master process |---(2)---+ | (1)manager | | +---------------------------+ +----------------+ +-----+ worker process N | | +---------------------------+ | | +---------------------------+ +-----+ bandwidth test process(4) | +---------------------------+ Remark: (1) master process: to fork processes, schedule fd(client) to the "right" process, forward messages between processes (2) communication: master process use unix domain socket to communicate with worker processes. (3) worker process: to provide RTMP streaming service, generate HLS files. (4) bandwidth test process: for all bandwidth test request, to make the bandwidth testing has minimal effect to streaming service
Bandwidth Test Workflow:
+------------+ +----------+ | Client | | Server | +-----+------+ +-----+----+ | | | connect vhost-------------> | | <-----------result(success) | | | | <----------call(start play) | | result(playing)----------> | | <-------------data(playing) | | <-----------call(stop play) | | result(stopped)----------> | | | | <-------call(start publish) | | result(publishing)-------> | | data(publishing)---------> | | <--------call(stop publish) | | result(stopped)(1)-------> | | | | <--------------------report | | final(2)-----------------> | | <END> | @See: class SrsBandwidth comments.
System Requirements
Supported operating systems and hardware:
- All Linux , both 32 and 64 bits
- All handware.
- Simple: also stable enough.
- High-performance: single-thread, async socket, event/st-thread driven.
- With RTMP edge server, support origin server.
- NO vod streaming, live streaming only.
- With multiple processes, support single process.
- Support vhost, support __defaultVhost__.
- Support adobe rtmp live streaming.
- Support apple HLS(m3u8) live streaming.
- Support reload config to enable changes.
- Support cache last gop for flash player to fast startup.
- Support listen at multiple ports.
- Support long time(>4.6hours) publish/play.
- High performace, 1800 connections(500kbps), 900Mbps, CPU 90.2%, 41MB
- Support forward publish stream to build active-standby cluster.
- Support broadcast by forward the stream to other servers(origin/edge).
- Support live stream transcoding by ffmpeg.
- Support live stream forward(acopy/vcopy) by ffmpeg.
- Support ffmpeg filters(logo/overlay/crop), x264 params.
- Support audio transcode only, speex/mp3 to aac
- Support http callback api hooks(for authentication and injection).
- Support bandwidth test api and flash client.
- Player, publisher(encoder), and demo pages(jquery+bootstrap).
- Demo video meeting or chat(SRS+cherrypy+jquery+bootstrap).
- [dev] Full documents in wiki, in chineses.
- [dev] Support RTMP(play-publish) library: srs-librtmp
- [plan] Support RTSP(RTP, SDP)
- [plan] Support system utest
- [plan] Support HLS cluster, use RTMP ATC to generate the TS
- [plan] Support RTMP edge server, push/pull stream from any RTMP server
- [plan] Support multiple processes, for both origin and edge
- [plan] Support network based cli and json result.
- [no-plan] Support adobe flash refer/token/swf verification.
- [no-plan] Support adobe amf3 codec.
- [no-plan] Support dvr(record live to vod file)
- [no-plan] Support encryption: RTMPE/RTMPS, HLS DRM
- [no-plan] Support RTMPT, http to tranverse firewalls
- [no-plan] Support file source, transcoding file to live stream
- 300 connections, 150Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 18.8%, MEM 5956KB.
- 600 connections, 300Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 32.1%, MEM 9808KB.
- 900 connections, 450Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 49.9%, MEM 11MB.
- 1200 connections, 600Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 72.4%, MEM 15MB.
- 1500 connections, 750Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 81.9%, MEM 28MB.
- 1800 connections, 900Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 90.2%, MEM 41MB.
[winlin@dev6 srs]$ dstat ----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- ---net/lo-- ---paging-- ---system-- usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send| in out | int csw 58 9 32 0 0 1| 0 4168k| 277M 277M| 0 0 | 29k 25k 61 8 30 0 0 1| 0 1168k| 336M 336M| 0 0 | 29k 24k 63 8 27 0 0 1| 0 2240k| 124M 124M| 0 0 | 32k 33k 62 8 28 0 0 1| 0 1632k| 110M 110M| 0 0 | 31k 33k 53 7 40 0 0 1| 0 1360k| 115M 115M| 0 0 | 24k 26k 51 7 41 0 0 1| 0 1184k| 146M 146M| 0 0 | 24k 27k 39 6 54 0 0 1| 0 1284k| 105M 105M| 0 0 | 22k 28k 41 6 52 0 0 1| 0 1264k| 116M 116M| 0 0 | 25k 28k 48 6 45 0 0 1| 0 1272k| 143M 143M| 0 0 | 27k 27k
See also: Performance Test Guide
- 2013-12-25, Release v0.9, support bandwidth test, player/encoder/chat demos. 20926 lines.
- 2013-12-08, Release v0.8, support http hooks callback, update st_load. 19186 lines.
- 2013-12-03, Release v0.7, support live stream transcoding. 17605 lines.
- 2013-11-29, Release v0.6, support forward stream to origin/edge. 16094 lines.
- 2013-11-26, Release v0.5, support HLS(m3u8), fragment and window. 14449 lines.
- 2013-11-10, Release v0.4, support reload config, pause, longtime publish/play. 12500 lines.
- 2013-11-04, Release v0.3, support vhost, refer, gop cache, listen multiple ports. 11773 lines.
- 2013-10-25, Release v0.2, support rtmp flash publish, h264, time jitter correct. 10125 lines.
- 2013-10-23, Release v0.1, support rtmp FMLE/FFMPEG publish, vp6. 8287 lines.
- 2013-10-17, Created.
- SRS v0.9: 20926 lines. player/encoder/chat demos. bandwidth test for encoder/CDN.
- SRS v0.8: 19186 lines. implements http hooks refer to nginx-rtmp.
- SRS v0.7: 17605 lines. implements transcoding(FFMPEG) feature refer to wowza.
- SRS v0.6: 16094 lines. important feature forward for CDN.
- SRS v0.5: 14449 lines. implements HLS feature refer to nginx-rtmp.
- SRS v0.4: 12500 lines. important feature reload for CDN.
- SRS v0.3: 11773 lines. implements vhost feature refer to FMS.
- SRS v0.2: 10125 lines. implements rtmp protocol stack refer to nginx-rtmp.
- SRS v0.1: 8287 lines. base on state-threads.
- nginx-rtmp v1.0.4: 26786 lines
- nginx v1.5.0: 139524 lines
- v1.0, 2014-03-02, srs-librtmp, client publish/play library like librtmp.
- v1.0, 2014-03-01, modularity, extract core/kernel/os/protocol/drm/app/main module.
- v1.0, 2014-02-28, support arm build(SRS/ST), add ssl to 3rdparty package.
- v1.0, 2014-02-28, add wiki BuildArm, FFMPEG, Reload
- v1.0, 2014-02-27, add wiki LowLatency, HTTPCallback, ServerSideScript, IDE
- v1.0, 2014-01-19, add wiki DeliveryHLS
- v1.0, 2014-01-12, add wiki HowToAskQuestion, RtmpUrlVhost
- v1.0, 2014-01-11, fix jw/flower player pause bug, which send closeStream actually.
- v1.0, 2014-01-05, add wiki Build, Performance, Cluster
- v1.0, 2014-01-01, change listen(512), chunk-size(60000), to improve performance.
- v1.0, 2013-12-27, merge from wenjie, the bandwidth test feature.
- v0.9, 2013-12-25, v0.9 released. 20926 lines.
- v0.9, 2013-12-25, fix the bitrate bug(in Bps), use enhanced microphone.
- v0.9, 2013-12-22, demo video meeting or chat(SRS+cherrypy+jquery+bootstrap).
- v0.9, 2013-12-22, merge from wenjie, support banwidth test.
- v0.9, 2013-12-22, merge from wenjie: support set chunk size at vhost level
- v0.9, 2013-12-21, add players for play and publish.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, ensure the HLS(ts) is continous when republish stream.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, fix the hls reload bug, feed it the sequence header.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, refine protocol, use int64_t timestamp for ts and jitter.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, support set the live queue length(in seconds), drop when full.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, fix the forwarder reconnect bug, feed it the sequence header.
- v0.9, 2013-12-15, support reload the hls/forwarder/transcoder.
- v0.9, 2013-12-14, refine the thread model for the retry threads.
- v0.9, 2013-12-10, auto install depends tools/libs on centos/ubuntu.
- v0.8, 2013-12-08, v0.8 released. 19186 lines.
- v0.8, 2013-12-08, support http hooks: on_connect/close/publish/unpublish/play/stop.
- v0.8, 2013-12-08, support multiple http hooks for a event.
- v0.8, 2013-12-07, support http callback hooks, on_connect.
- v0.8, 2013-12-07, support network based cli and json result, add CherryPy 3.2.4.
- v0.8, 2013-12-07, update http/hls/rtmp load test tool st_load, use SRS rtmp sdk.
- v0.8, 2013-12-06, support max_connections, drop if exceed.
- v0.8, 2013-12-05, support log_dir, write ffmpeg log to file.
- v0.8, 2013-12-05, fix the forward/hls/encoder bug.
- v0.7, 2013-12-03, v0.7 released. 17605 lines.
- v0.7, 2013-12-01, support dead-loop detect for forwarder and transcoder.
- v0.7, 2013-12-01, support all ffmpeg filters and params.
- v0.7, 2013-11-30, support live stream transcoder by ffmpeg.
- v0.7, 2013-11-30, support --with/without -ffmpeg, build ffmpeg-2.1.
- v0.7, 2013-11-30, add ffmpeg-2.1, x264-core138, lame-3.99.5, libaacplus-2.0.2.
- v0.6, 2013-11-29, v0.6 released. 16094 lines.
- v0.6, 2013-11-29, add performance summary, 1800 clients, 900Mbps, CPU 90.2%, 41MB.
- v0.6, 2013-11-29, support forward stream to other edge server.
- v0.6, 2013-11-29, support forward stream to other origin server.
- v0.6, 2013-11-28, fix memory leak bug, aac decode bug.
- v0.6, 2013-11-27, support --with or --without -hls and -ssl options.
- v0.6, 2013-11-27, support AAC 44100HZ sample rate for iphone, adjust the timestamp.
- v0.5, 2013-11-26, v0.5 released. 14449 lines.
- v0.5, 2013-11-24, support HLS(m3u8), fragment and window.
- v0.5, 2013-11-24, support record to ts file for HLS.
- v0.5, 2013-11-21, add ts_info tool to demux ts file.
- v0.5, 2013-11-16, add rtmp players(OSMF/jwplayer5/jwplayer6).
- v0.4, 2013-11-10, v0.4 released. 12500 lines.
- v0.4, 2013-11-10, support config and reload the pithy print.
- v0.4, 2013-11-09, support reload config(vhost and its detail).
- v0.4, 2013-11-09, support reload config(listen and chunk_size) by SIGHUP(1).
- v0.4, 2013-11-09, support longtime(>4.6hours) publish/play.
- v0.4, 2013-11-09, support config the chunk_size.
- v0.4, 2013-11-09, support pause for live stream.
- v0.3, 2013-11-04, v0.3 released. 11773 lines.
- v0.3, 2013-11-04, support refer/play-refer/publish-refer.
- v0.3, 2013-11-04, support vhosts specified config.
- v0.3, 2013-11-02, support listen multiple ports.
- v0.3, 2013-11-02, support config file in nginx-conf style.
- v0.3, 2013-10-29, support pithy print log message specified by stage.
- v0.3, 2013-10-28, support librtmp without extended-timestamp in 0xCX chunk packet.
- v0.3, 2013-10-27, support cache last gop for client fast startup.
- v0.2, 2013-10-25, v0.2 released. 10125 lines.
- v0.2, 2013-10-25, support flash publish.
- v0.2, 2013-10-25, support h264/avc codec by rtmp complex handshake.
- v0.2, 2013-10-24, support time jitter detect and correct algorithm
- v0.2, 2013-10-24, support decode codec type to cache the h264/avc sequence header.
- v0.1, 2013-10-23, v0.1 released. 8287 lines.
- v0.1, 2013-10-23, support basic amf0 codec, simplify the api using c-style api.
- v0.1, 2013-10-23, support shared ptr msg for zero memory copy.
- v0.1, 2013-10-22, support vp6 codec with rtmp protocol specified simple handshake.
- v0.1, 2013-10-20, support multiple flash client play live streaming.
- v0.1, 2013-10-20, support FMLE/FFMPEG publish live streaming.
- v0.1, 2013-10-18, support rtmp message2chunk protocol(send_message).
- v0.1, 2013-10-17, support rtmp chunk2message protocol(recv_message).
Beijing, 2013