mirror of https://github.com/ossrs/srs.git
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463 lines
21 KiB
463 lines
21 KiB
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.media.Camera;
import flash.media.H264Profile;
import flash.media.H264VideoStreamSettings;
import flash.media.Microphone;
import flash.media.MicrophoneEnhancedMode;
import flash.media.MicrophoneEnhancedOptions;
import flash.media.SoundCodec;
import flash.media.Video;
import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.system.SecurityPanel;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class srs_publisher extends Sprite
// user set id.
private var js_id:String = null;
// user set callback
private var js_on_publisher_ready:String = null;
private var js_on_publisher_error:String = null;
private var js_on_publisher_warn:String = null;
// publish param url.
private var user_url:String = null;
// play param, user set width and height
private var user_w:int = 0;
private var user_h:int = 0;
private var user_vcodec:Object = {};
private var user_acodec:Object = {};
// media specified.
private var media_conn:NetConnection = null;
private var media_stream:NetStream = null;
private var media_video:Video = null;
private var media_camera:Camera = null;
private var media_microphone:Microphone = null;
// error code.
private const error_camera_get:int = 100;
private const error_microphone_get:int = 101;
private const error_camera_muted:int = 102;
private const error_connection_closed:int = 103;
private const error_connection_failed:int = 104;
public function srs_publisher()
if (!this.stage) {
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.system_on_add_to_stage);
} else {
* system event callback, when this control added to stage.
* the main function.
private function system_on_add_to_stage(evt:Event):void {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.system_on_add_to_stage);
this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
this.contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var flashvars:Object = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
if (!flashvars.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
throw new Error("must specifies the id");
this.js_id = flashvars.id;
this.js_on_publisher_ready = flashvars.on_publisher_ready;
this.js_on_publisher_error = flashvars.on_publisher_error;
this.js_on_publisher_warn = flashvars.on_publisher_warn;
// initialized size.
this.user_w = flashvars.width;
this.user_h = flashvars.height;
// try to get the camera, if muted, alert the security and requires user to open it.
var c:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if (c.muted) {
flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 0);
* system callack event, when js ready, register callback for js.
* the actual main function.
private function system_on_js_ready():void {
if (!flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
trace("js not ready, try later.");
flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 100);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__publish", this.js_call_publish);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__stop", this.js_call_stop);
var cameras:Array = Camera.names;
var microphones:Array = Microphone.names;
trace("retrieve system cameras(" + cameras + ") and microphones(" + microphones + ")");
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_on_publisher_ready, this.js_id, cameras, microphones);
* notify the js an error occur.
private function system_error(code:int, desc:String):void {
trace("system error, code=" + code + ", error=" + desc);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_on_publisher_error, this.js_id, code);
private function system_warn(code:int, desc:String):void {
trace("system warn, code=" + code + ", error=" + desc);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_on_publisher_warn, this.js_id, code);
// srs infos
private var srs_server:String = null;
private var srs_primary:String = null;
private var srs_authors:String = null;
private var srs_id:String = null;
private var srs_pid:String = null;
private var srs_server_ip:String = null;
private function update_context_items():void {
// for context menu
var customItems:Array = [new ContextMenuItem("SrsPlayer")];
if (srs_server != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Server: " + srs_server));
if (srs_primary != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Primary: " + srs_primary));
if (srs_authors != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Authors: " + srs_authors));
if (srs_server_ip != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsIp: " + srs_server_ip));
if (srs_pid != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsPid: " + srs_pid));
if (srs_id != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsId: " + srs_id));
contextMenu.customItems = customItems;
* publish stream to server.
* @param url a string indicates the rtmp url to publish.
* @param _width, the player width.
* @param _height, the player height.
* @param vcodec an object contains the video codec info.
* @param acodec an object contains the audio codec info.
private function js_call_publish(url:String, _width:int, _height:int, vcodec:Object, acodec:Object):void {
trace("start to publish to " + url + ", vcodec " + JSON.stringify(vcodec) + ", acodec " + JSON.stringify(acodec));
this.user_url = url;
this.user_w = _width;
this.user_h = _height;
this.user_vcodec = vcodec;
this.user_acodec = acodec;
// microphone and camera
var microphone:Microphone = null;
//microphone = Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone(acodec.device_code);
if (!microphone) {
microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone(acodec.device_code);
if(microphone == null){
this.system_error(this.error_microphone_get, "failed to open microphone " + acodec.device_code + "(" + acodec.device_name + ")");
// ignore muted, for flash will require user to access it.
// Remark: the name is the index!
var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera(vcodec.device_code);
if(camera == null){
this.system_error(this.error_camera_get, "failed to open camera " + vcodec.device_code + "(" + vcodec.device_name + ")");
// ignore muted, for flash will require user to access it.
// but we still warn user.
if(camera && camera.muted){
this.system_warn(this.error_camera_muted, "Access Denied, camera " + vcodec.device_code + "(" + vcodec.device_name + ") is muted");
this.media_camera = camera;
this.media_microphone = microphone;
this.media_conn = new NetConnection();
this.media_conn.client = {};
this.media_conn.client.onBWDone = function():void {};
this.media_conn.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(evt:NetStatusEvent):void {
trace ("NetConnection: code=" + evt.info.code);
if (evt.info.hasOwnProperty("data") && evt.info.data) {
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_server")) {
srs_server = evt.info.data.srs_server;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_primary")) {
srs_primary = evt.info.data.srs_primary;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_authors")) {
srs_authors = evt.info.data.srs_authors;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_id")) {
srs_id = evt.info.data.srs_id;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_pid")) {
srs_pid = evt.info.data.srs_pid;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_server_ip")) {
srs_server_ip = evt.info.data.srs_server_ip;
if (evt.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Closed") {
system_error(error_connection_closed, "server closed the connection");
if (evt.info.code == "NetConnection.Connect.Failed") {
system_error(error_connection_failed, "connect to server failed");
// TODO: FIXME: failed event.
if (evt.info.code != "NetConnection.Connect.Success") {
media_stream = new NetStream(media_conn);
media_stream.client = {};
media_stream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, function(evt:NetStatusEvent):void {
trace ("NetStream: code=" + evt.info.code);
// TODO: FIXME: failed event.
__build_video_codec(media_stream, camera, vcodec);
__build_audio_codec(media_stream, microphone, acodec);
if (media_microphone) {
if (media_camera) {
var streamName:String = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf("/"));
var tcUrl:String = this.user_url.substr(0, this.user_url.lastIndexOf("/"));
* function for js to call: to stop the stream. ignore if not publish.
private function js_call_stop():void {
if (this.media_stream) {
this.media_stream = null;
if (this.media_conn) {
this.media_conn = null;
private function __build_audio_codec(stream:NetStream, m:Microphone, acodec:Object):void {
if (!m) {
// if no microphone, donot set the params.
if(m == null){
// use default values.
var microEncodeQuality:int = 8;
var microRate:int = 22; // 22 === 22050 Hz
trace("[Publish] audio encoding parameters: "
+ "audio(microphone) codec=" + acodec.codec + "encodeQuality=" + microEncodeQuality
+ ", rate=" + microRate + "(22050Hz)"
// The encoded speech quality when using the Speex codec. Possible values are from 0 to 10. The default value is 6. Higher numbers
// represent higher quality but require more bandwidth, as shown in the following table. The bit rate values that are listed represent
// net bit rates and do not include packetization overhead.
m.encodeQuality = microEncodeQuality;
// The rate at which the microphone is capturing sound, in kHz. Acceptable values are 5, 8, 11, 22, and 44. The default value is 8 kHz
// if your sound capture device supports this value. Otherwise, the default value is the next available capture level above 8 kHz that
// your sound capture device supports, usually 11 kHz.
m.rate = microRate;
// see: http://www.adobe.com/cn/devnet/flashplayer/articles/acoustic-echo-cancellation.html
if (acodec.codec == "nellymoser") {
m.codec = SoundCodec.NELLYMOSER;
} else if (acodec.codec == "pcma") {
m.codec = SoundCodec.PCMA;
} else if (acodec.codec == "pcmu") {
m.codec = SoundCodec.PCMU;
} else {
m.codec = SoundCodec.SPEEX;
m.framesPerPacket = 1;
private function __build_video_codec(stream:NetStream, c:Camera, vcodec:Object):void {
if (!c) {
if(vcodec.codec == "vp6"){
trace("use VP6, donot use H.264 publish encoding.");
var x264profile:String = (vcodec.profile == "main") ? H264Profile.MAIN : H264Profile.BASELINE;
var x264level:String = vcodec.level;
var cameraFps:Number = Number(vcodec.fps);
var x264KeyFrameInterval:int = int(vcodec.gop * cameraFps);
var cameraWidth:int = String(vcodec.size).split("x")[0];
var cameraHeight:int = String(vcodec.size).split("x")[1];
var cameraBitrate:int = int(vcodec.bitrate);
// use default values.
var cameraQuality:int = 85;
trace("[Publish] video h.264(x264) encoding parameters: "
+ "profile=" + x264profile
+ ", level=" + x264level
+ ", keyFrameInterval(gop)=" + x264KeyFrameInterval
+ "; video(camera) width=" + cameraWidth
+ ", height=" + cameraHeight
+ ", fps=" + cameraFps
+ ", bitrate=" + cameraBitrate
+ ", quality=" + cameraQuality
var h264Settings:H264VideoStreamSettings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
// we MUST set its values first, then set the NetStream.videoStreamSettings, or it will keep the origin values.
h264Settings.setProfileLevel(x264profile, x264level);
stream.videoStreamSettings = h264Settings;
// the setKeyFrameInterval/setMode/setQuality use the camera settings.
// http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/media/VideoStreamSettings.html
// Note This feature will be supported in future releases of Flash Player and AIR, for now, Camera parameters are used.
//h264Settings.setMode(800, 600, 15);
//h264Settings.setQuality(500, 0);
// set the camera and microphone.
// setKeyFrameInterval(keyFrameInterval:int):void
// keyFrameInterval:int — A value that specifies which video frames are transmitted in full (as keyframes) instead of being
// interpolated by the video compression algorithm. A value of 1 means that every frame is a keyframe, a value of 3 means
// that every third frame is a keyframe, and so on. Acceptable values are 1 through 48.
// setMode(width:int, height:int, fps:Number, favorArea:Boolean = true):void
// width:int — The requested capture width, in pixels. The default value is 160.
// height:int — The requested capture height, in pixels. The default value is 120.
// fps:Number — The requested rate at which the camera should capture data, in frames per second. The default value is 15.
c.setMode(cameraWidth, cameraHeight, cameraFps);
// setQuality(bandwidth:int, quality:int):void
// bandwidth:int — Specifies the maximum amount of bandwidth that the current outgoing video feed can use, in bytes per second.
// To specify that the video can use as much bandwidth as needed to maintain the value of quality, pass 0 for bandwidth.
// The default value is 16384.
// quality:int — An integer that specifies the required level of picture quality, as determined by the amount of compression
// being applied to each video frame. Acceptable values range from 1 (lowest quality, maximum compression) to 100
// (highest quality, no compression). To specify that picture quality can vary as needed to avoid exceeding bandwidth,
// pass 0 for quality.
// winlin:
// bandwidth is in Bps not kbps.
// quality=1 is lowest quality, 100 is highest quality.
c.setQuality(cameraBitrate / 8.0 * 1000, cameraQuality);
private function __show_local_camera(c:Camera):void {
if (this.media_video) {
this.media_video = null;
// show local camera
media_video = new Video();
media_video.smoothing = true;
// rescale the local camera.
var cw:Number = user_h * c.width / c.height;
if (cw > user_w) {
var ch:Number = user_w * c.height / c.width;
media_video.width = user_w;
media_video.height = ch;
} else {
media_video.width = cw;
media_video.height = user_h;
media_video.x = (user_w - media_video.width) / 2;
media_video.y = (user_h - media_video.height) / 2;
__draw_black_background(user_w, user_h);
// lowest layer, for mask to cover it.
setChildIndex(media_video, 0);
* draw black background and draw the fullscreen mask.
private function __draw_black_background(_width:int, _height:int):void {
// draw black bg.
this.graphics.beginFill(0x00, 1.0);
this.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _width, _height);
// draw the fs mask.
//this.control_fs_mask.graphics.beginFill(0xff0000, 0);
//this.control_fs_mask.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _width, _height);