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* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Winlin
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <srs_core.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// For srs-librtmp, @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/213
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <srs_kernel_log.hpp>
#include <srs_kernel_error.hpp>
#include <srs_kernel_consts.hpp>
#include <srs_core_performance.hpp>
#include <srs_kernel_flv.hpp>
class SrsFastStream;
class SrsBuffer;
class SrsAmf0Any;
class SrsMessageHeader;
class SrsChunkStream;
class SrsSharedPtrMessage;
class SrsProtocol;
class ISrsProtocolReader;
class ISrsProtocolReadWriter;
class SrsCreateStreamPacket;
class SrsFMLEStartPacket;
class SrsPublishPacket;
class SrsOnMetaDataPacket;
class SrsPlayPacket;
class SrsCommonMessage;
class SrsPacket;
class SrsAmf0Object;
class IMergeReadHandler;
class SrsCallPacket;
// The amf0 command message, command name macros
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_CONNECT "connect"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_CREATE_STREAM "createStream"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_CLOSE_STREAM "closeStream"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_PLAY "play"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_PAUSE "pause"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_ON_STATUS "onStatus"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_RESULT "_result"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_ERROR "_error"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_RELEASE_STREAM "releaseStream"
#define RTMP_AMF0_COMMAND_PUBLISH "publish"
#define RTMP_AMF0_DATA_SAMPLE_ACCESS "|RtmpSampleAccess"
// The signature for packets to client.
#define RTMP_SIG_FMS_VER "3,5,3,888"
#define RTMP_SIG_AMF0_VER 0
// The onStatus consts.
#define StatusLevel "level"
#define StatusCode "code"
#define StatusDescription "description"
#define StatusDetails "details"
#define StatusClientId "clientid"
// The status value
#define StatusLevelStatus "status"
// The status error
#define StatusLevelError "error"
// The code value
#define StatusCodeConnectSuccess "NetConnection.Connect.Success"
#define StatusCodeConnectRejected "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected"
#define StatusCodeStreamReset "NetStream.Play.Reset"
#define StatusCodeStreamStart "NetStream.Play.Start"
#define StatusCodeStreamPause "NetStream.Pause.Notify"
#define StatusCodeStreamUnpause "NetStream.Unpause.Notify"
#define StatusCodePublishStart "NetStream.Publish.Start"
#define StatusCodeDataStart "NetStream.Data.Start"
#define StatusCodeUnpublishSuccess "NetStream.Unpublish.Success"
// The decoded message payload.
// @remark we seperate the packet from message,
// for the packet focus on logic and domain data,
// the message bind to the protocol and focus on protocol, such as header.
// we can merge the message and packet, using OOAD hierachy, packet extends from message,
// it's better for me to use components -- the message use the packet as payload.
class SrsPacket
virtual ~SrsPacket();
// Covert packet to common message.
virtual srs_error_t to_msg(SrsCommonMessage* msg, int stream_id);
// The subpacket can override this encode,
// For example, video and audio will directly set the payload withou memory copy,
// other packet which need to serialize/encode to bytes by override the
// get_size and encode_packet.
virtual srs_error_t encode(int& size, char*& payload);
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
// The subpacket must override to decode packet from stream.
// @remark never invoke the super.decode, it always failed.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
// The cid(chunk id) specifies the chunk to send data over.
// Generally, each message perfer some cid, for example,
// all protocol control messages perfer RTMP_CID_ProtocolControl,
// SrsSetWindowAckSizePacket is protocol control message.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
// The subpacket must override to provide the right message type.
// The message type set the RTMP message type in header.
virtual int get_message_type();
// The subpacket can override to calc the packet size.
virtual int get_size();
// The subpacket can override to encode the payload to stream.
// @remark never invoke the super.encode_packet, it always failed.
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// The protocol provides the rtmp-message-protocol services,
// To recv RTMP message from RTMP chunk stream,
// and to send out RTMP message over RTMP chunk stream.
class SrsProtocol
class AckWindowSize
uint32_t window;
// number of received bytes.
int64_t nb_recv_bytes;
// previous responsed sequence number.
uint32_t sequence_number;
// For peer in/out
// The underlayer socket object, send/recv bytes.
ISrsProtocolReadWriter* skt;
// The requests sent out, used to build the response.
// key: transactionId
// value: the request command name
std::map<double, std::string> requests;
// For peer in
// The chunk stream to decode RTMP messages.
std::map<int, SrsChunkStream*> chunk_streams;
// Cache some frequently used chunk header.
// cs_cache, the chunk stream cache.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/249
SrsChunkStream** cs_cache;
// The bytes buffer cache, recv from skt, provide services for stream.
SrsFastStream* in_buffer;
// The input chunk size, default to 128, set by peer packet.
int32_t in_chunk_size;
// The input ack window, to response acknowledge to peer,
// For example, to respose the encoder, for server got lots of packets.
AckWindowSize in_ack_size;
// The output ack window, to require peer to response the ack.
AckWindowSize out_ack_size;
// The buffer length set by peer.
int32_t in_buffer_length;
// Whether print the protocol level debug info.
// Generally we print the debug info when got or send first A/V packet.
bool show_debug_info;
// Whether auto response when recv messages.
// default to true for it's very easy to use the protocol stack.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/217
bool auto_response_when_recv;
// When not auto response message, manual flush the messages in queue.
std::vector<SrsPacket*> manual_response_queue;
// For peer out
// Cache for multiple messages send,
// initialize to iovec[SRS_CONSTS_IOVS_MAX] and realloc when consumed,
// it's ok to realloc the iovs cache, for all ptr is ok.
iovec* out_iovs;
int nb_out_iovs;
// The output header cache.
// used for type0, 11bytes(or 15bytes with extended timestamp) header.
// or for type3, 1bytes(or 5bytes with extended timestamp) header.
// The c0c3 caches must use unit SRS_CONSTS_RTMP_MAX_FMT0_HEADER_SIZE bytes.
// @remark, the c0c3 cache cannot be realloc.
// To allocate it in heap to make VS2015 happy.
char* out_c0c3_caches;
// Whether warned user to increase the c0c3 header cache.
bool warned_c0c3_cache_dry;
// The output chunk size, default to 128, set by config.
int32_t out_chunk_size;
SrsProtocol(ISrsProtocolReadWriter* io);
virtual ~SrsProtocol();
// Set the auto response message when recv for protocol stack.
// @param v, whether auto response message when recv message.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/217
virtual void set_auto_response(bool v);
// Flush for manual response when the auto response is disabled
// by set_auto_response(false), we default use auto response, so donot
// need to call this api(the protocol sdk will auto send message).
// @see the auto_response_when_recv and manual_response_queue.
virtual srs_error_t manual_response_flush();
// To improve read performance, merge some packets then read,
// When it on and read small bytes, we sleep to wait more data.,
// that is, we merge some data to read together.
// @param v true to ename merged read.
// @param handler the handler when merge read is enabled.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/241
virtual void set_merge_read(bool v, IMergeReadHandler* handler);
// Create buffer with specifeid size.
// @param buffer the size of buffer.
// @remark when MR(SRS_PERF_MERGED_READ) disabled, always set to 8K.
// @remark when buffer changed, the previous ptr maybe invalid.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/241
virtual void set_recv_buffer(int buffer_size);
// To set/get the recv timeout in srs_utime_t.
// if timeout, recv/send message return ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT.
virtual void set_recv_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual srs_utime_t get_recv_timeout();
// To set/get the send timeout in srs_utime_t.
// if timeout, recv/send message return ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT.
virtual void set_send_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual srs_utime_t get_send_timeout();
// Get recv/send bytes.
virtual int64_t get_recv_bytes();
virtual int64_t get_send_bytes();
// Set the input default ack size. This is generally set by the message from peer,
// but for some encoder, it never send the ack message while it default to a none zone size.
// This will cause the encoder to block after publishing some messages to server,
// because it wait for server to send acknowledge, but server default to 0 which means no need
// To ack encoder. We can change the default input ack size. We will always response the
// ack size whatever the encoder set or not.
virtual srs_error_t set_in_window_ack_size(int ack_size);
// Recv a RTMP message, which is bytes oriented.
// user can use decode_message to get the decoded RTMP packet.
// @param pmsg, set the received message,
// always NULL if error,
// NULL for unknown packet but return success.
// never NULL if decode success.
// @remark, drop message when msg is empty or payload length is empty.
virtual srs_error_t recv_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg);
// Decode bytes oriented RTMP message to RTMP packet,
// @param ppacket, output decoded packet,
// always NULL if error, never NULL if success.
// @return error when unknown packet, error when decode failed.
virtual srs_error_t decode_message(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsPacket** ppacket);
// Send the RTMP message and always free it.
// user must never free or use the msg after this method,
// For it will always free the msg.
// @param msg, the msg to send out, never be NULL.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_message(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, int stream_id);
// Send the RTMP message and always free it.
// user must never free or use the msg after this method,
// For it will always free the msg.
// @param msgs, the msgs to send out, never be NULL.
// @param nb_msgs, the size of msgs to send out.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_messages(SrsSharedPtrMessage** msgs, int nb_msgs, int stream_id);
// Send the RTMP packet and always free it.
// user must never free or use the packet after this method,
// For it will always free the packet.
// @param packet, the packet to send out, never be NULL.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_packet(SrsPacket* packet, int stream_id);
// Expect a specified message, drop others util got specified one.
// @pmsg, user must free it. NULL if not success.
// @ppacket, user must free it, which decode from payload of message. NULL if not success.
// @remark, only when success, user can use and must free the pmsg and ppacket.
// For example:
// SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL;
// SrsConnectAppResPacket* pkt = NULL;
// if ((ret = protocol->expect_message<SrsConnectAppResPacket>(protocol, &msg, &pkt)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// return ret;
// }
// // Use then free msg and pkt
// srs_freep(msg);
// srs_freep(pkt);
// user should never recv message and convert it, use this method instead.
// if need to set timeout, use set timeout of SrsProtocol.
template<class T>
srs_error_t expect_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg, T** ppacket)
*pmsg = NULL;
*ppacket = NULL;
srs_error_t err = srs_success;
while (true) {
SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL;
if ((err = recv_message(&msg)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "recv message");
SrsPacket* packet = NULL;
if ((err = decode_message(msg, &packet)) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "decode message");
T* pkt = dynamic_cast<T*>(packet);
if (!pkt) {
*pmsg = msg;
*ppacket = pkt;
return err;
// Send out the messages, donot free it,
// The caller must free the param msgs.
virtual srs_error_t do_send_messages(SrsSharedPtrMessage** msgs, int nb_msgs);
// Send iovs. send multiple times if exceed limits.
virtual srs_error_t do_iovs_send(iovec* iovs, int size);
// The underlayer api for send and free packet.
virtual srs_error_t do_send_and_free_packet(SrsPacket* packet, int stream_id);
// The imp for decode_message
virtual srs_error_t do_decode_message(SrsMessageHeader& header, SrsBuffer* stream, SrsPacket** ppacket);
// Recv bytes oriented RTMP message from protocol stack.
// return error if error occur and nerver set the pmsg,
// return success and pmsg set to NULL if no entire message got,
// return success and pmsg set to entire message if got one.
virtual srs_error_t recv_interlaced_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg);
// Read the chunk basic header(fmt, cid) from chunk stream.
// user can discovery a SrsChunkStream by cid.
virtual srs_error_t read_basic_header(char& fmt, int& cid);
// Read the chunk message header(timestamp, payload_length, message_type, stream_id)
// From chunk stream and save to SrsChunkStream.
virtual srs_error_t read_message_header(SrsChunkStream* chunk, char fmt);
// Read the chunk payload, remove the used bytes in buffer,
// if got entire message, set the pmsg.
virtual srs_error_t read_message_payload(SrsChunkStream* chunk, SrsCommonMessage** pmsg);
// When recv message, update the context.
virtual srs_error_t on_recv_message(SrsCommonMessage* msg);
// When message sentout, update the context.
virtual srs_error_t on_send_packet(SrsMessageHeader* mh, SrsPacket* packet);
// Auto response the ack message.
virtual srs_error_t response_acknowledgement_message();
// Auto response the ping message.
virtual srs_error_t response_ping_message(int32_t timestamp);
virtual void print_debug_info();
// incoming chunk stream maybe interlaced,
// Use the chunk stream to cache the input RTMP chunk streams.
class SrsChunkStream
// Represents the basic header fmt,
// which used to identify the variant message header type.
char fmt;
// Represents the basic header cid,
// which is the chunk stream id.
int cid;
// Cached message header
SrsMessageHeader header;
// Whether the chunk message header has extended timestamp.
bool extended_timestamp;
// The partially read message.
SrsCommonMessage* msg;
// Decoded msg count, to identify whether the chunk stream is fresh.
int64_t msg_count;
SrsChunkStream(int _cid);
virtual ~SrsChunkStream();
// The original request from client.
class SrsRequest
// The client ip.
std::string ip;
// The tcUrl: rtmp://request_vhost:port/app/stream
// support pass vhost in query string, such as:
// rtmp://ip:port/app?vhost=request_vhost/stream
// rtmp://ip:port/app...vhost...request_vhost/stream
std::string tcUrl;
std::string pageUrl;
std::string swfUrl;
double objectEncoding;
// The data discovery from request.
// Discovery from tcUrl and play/publish.
std::string schema;
// The vhost in tcUrl.
std::string vhost;
// The host in tcUrl.
std::string host;
// The port in tcUrl.
int port;
// The app in tcUrl, without param.
std::string app;
// The param in tcUrl(app).
std::string param;
// The stream in play/publish
std::string stream;
// For play live stream,
// used to specified the stop when exceed the duration.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/45
// in srs_utime_t.
srs_utime_t duration;
// The token in the connect request,
// used for edge traverse to origin authentication,
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/104
SrsAmf0Object* args;
virtual ~SrsRequest();
// Deep copy the request, for source to use it to support reload,
// For when initialize the source, the request is valid,
// When reload it, the request maybe invalid, so need to copy it.
virtual SrsRequest* copy();
// update the auth info of request,
// To keep the current request ptr is ok,
// For many components use the ptr of request.
virtual void update_auth(SrsRequest* req);
// Get the stream identify, vhost/app/stream.
virtual std::string get_stream_url();
// To strip url, user must strip when update the url.
virtual void strip();
// Transform it as HTTP request.
virtual SrsRequest* as_http();
// The response to client.
class SrsResponse
// The stream id to response client createStream.
int stream_id;
virtual ~SrsResponse();
// The rtmp client type.
enum SrsRtmpConnType
std::string srs_client_type_string(SrsRtmpConnType type);
bool srs_client_type_is_publish(SrsRtmpConnType type);
// store the handshake bytes,
// For smart switch between complex and simple handshake.
class SrsHandshakeBytes
// For RTMP proxy, the real IP.
uint32_t proxy_real_ip;
// [1+1536]
char* c0c1;
// [1+1536+1536]
char* s0s1s2;
// [1536]
char* c2;
virtual ~SrsHandshakeBytes();
virtual void dispose();
virtual srs_error_t read_c0c1(ISrsProtocolReader* io);
virtual srs_error_t read_s0s1s2(ISrsProtocolReader* io);
virtual srs_error_t read_c2(ISrsProtocolReader* io);
virtual srs_error_t create_c0c1();
virtual srs_error_t create_s0s1s2(const char* c1 = NULL);
virtual srs_error_t create_c2();
// The information return from RTMP server.
struct SrsServerInfo
std::string ip;
std::string sig;
int pid;
int cid;
int major;
int minor;
int revision;
int build;
// implements the client role protocol.
class SrsRtmpClient
SrsHandshakeBytes* hs_bytes;
SrsProtocol* protocol;
ISrsProtocolReadWriter* io;
SrsRtmpClient(ISrsProtocolReadWriter* skt);
virtual ~SrsRtmpClient();
// Protocol methods proxy
virtual void set_recv_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual void set_send_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual int64_t get_recv_bytes();
virtual int64_t get_send_bytes();
virtual srs_error_t recv_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg);
virtual srs_error_t decode_message(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsPacket** ppacket);
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_message(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, int stream_id);
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_messages(SrsSharedPtrMessage** msgs, int nb_msgs, int stream_id);
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_packet(SrsPacket* packet, int stream_id);
// handshake with server, try complex, then simple handshake.
virtual srs_error_t handshake();
// only use simple handshake
virtual srs_error_t simple_handshake();
// only use complex handshake
virtual srs_error_t complex_handshake();
// Connect to RTMP tcUrl and app, get the server info.
// @param app, The app to connect at, for example, live.
// @param tcUrl, The tcUrl to connect at, for example, rtmp://ossrs.net/live.
// @param req, the optional req object, use the swfUrl/pageUrl if specified. NULL to ignore.
// @param dsu, Whether debug SRS upnode. For edge, set to true to send its info to upnode.
// @param si, The server information, retrieve from response of connect app request. NULL to ignore.
virtual srs_error_t connect_app(std::string app, std::string tcUrl, SrsRequest* r, bool dsu, SrsServerInfo* si);
// Create a stream, then play/publish data over this stream.
virtual srs_error_t create_stream(int& stream_id);
// start play stream.
virtual srs_error_t play(std::string stream, int stream_id, int chunk_size);
// start publish stream. use flash publish workflow:
// connect-app => create-stream => flash-publish
virtual srs_error_t publish(std::string stream, int stream_id, int chunk_size);
// start publish stream. use FMLE publish workflow:
// connect-app => FMLE publish
virtual srs_error_t fmle_publish(std::string stream, int& stream_id);
// Expect a specified message, drop others util got specified one.
// @pmsg, user must free it. NULL if not success.
// @ppacket, user must free it, which decode from payload of message. NULL if not success.
// @remark, only when success, user can use and must free the pmsg and ppacket.
// For example:
// SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL;
// SrsConnectAppResPacket* pkt = NULL;
// if ((ret = client->expect_message<SrsConnectAppResPacket>(protocol, &msg, &pkt)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// return ret;
// }
// // Use then free msg and pkt
// srs_freep(msg);
// srs_freep(pkt);
// user should never recv message and convert it, use this method instead.
// if need to set timeout, use set timeout of SrsProtocol.
template<class T>
srs_error_t expect_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg, T** ppacket)
return protocol->expect_message<T>(pmsg, ppacket);
// The rtmp provices rtmp-command-protocol services,
// a high level protocol, media stream oriented services,
// such as connect to vhost/app, play stream, get audio/video data.
class SrsRtmpServer
SrsHandshakeBytes* hs_bytes;
SrsProtocol* protocol;
ISrsProtocolReadWriter* io;
SrsRtmpServer(ISrsProtocolReadWriter* skt);
virtual ~SrsRtmpServer();
// For RTMP proxy, the real IP. 0 if no proxy.
// @doc https://github.com/ossrs/go-oryx/wiki/RtmpProxy
virtual uint32_t proxy_real_ip();
// Protocol methods proxy
// Set the auto response message when recv for protocol stack.
// @param v, whether auto response message when recv message.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/217
virtual void set_auto_response(bool v);
// To improve read performance, merge some packets then read,
// When it on and read small bytes, we sleep to wait more data.,
// that is, we merge some data to read together.
// @param v true to ename merged read.
// @param handler the handler when merge read is enabled.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/241
virtual void set_merge_read(bool v, IMergeReadHandler* handler);
// Create buffer with specifeid size.
// @param buffer the size of buffer.
// @remark when MR(SRS_PERF_MERGED_READ) disabled, always set to 8K.
// @remark when buffer changed, the previous ptr maybe invalid.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/241
virtual void set_recv_buffer(int buffer_size);
// To set/get the recv timeout in srs_utime_t.
// if timeout, recv/send message return ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT.
virtual void set_recv_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual srs_utime_t get_recv_timeout();
// To set/get the send timeout in srs_utime_t.
// if timeout, recv/send message return ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT.
virtual void set_send_timeout(srs_utime_t tm);
virtual srs_utime_t get_send_timeout();
// Get recv/send bytes.
virtual int64_t get_recv_bytes();
virtual int64_t get_send_bytes();
// Recv a RTMP message, which is bytes oriented.
// user can use decode_message to get the decoded RTMP packet.
// @param pmsg, set the received message,
// always NULL if error,
// NULL for unknown packet but return success.
// never NULL if decode success.
// @remark, drop message when msg is empty or payload length is empty.
virtual srs_error_t recv_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg);
// Decode bytes oriented RTMP message to RTMP packet,
// @param ppacket, output decoded packet,
// always NULL if error, never NULL if success.
// @return error when unknown packet, error when decode failed.
virtual srs_error_t decode_message(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsPacket** ppacket);
// Send the RTMP message and always free it.
// user must never free or use the msg after this method,
// For it will always free the msg.
// @param msg, the msg to send out, never be NULL.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_message(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, int stream_id);
// Send the RTMP message and always free it.
// user must never free or use the msg after this method,
// For it will always free the msg.
// @param msgs, the msgs to send out, never be NULL.
// @param nb_msgs, the size of msgs to send out.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
// @remark performance issue, to support 6k+ 250kbps client,
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/194
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_messages(SrsSharedPtrMessage** msgs, int nb_msgs, int stream_id);
// Send the RTMP packet and always free it.
// user must never free or use the packet after this method,
// For it will always free the packet.
// @param packet, the packet to send out, never be NULL.
// @param stream_id, the stream id of packet to send over, 0 for control message.
virtual srs_error_t send_and_free_packet(SrsPacket* packet, int stream_id);
// Do handshake with client, try complex then simple.
virtual srs_error_t handshake();
// Do connect app with client, to discovery tcUrl.
virtual srs_error_t connect_app(SrsRequest* req);
// Set output ack size to client, client will send ack-size for each ack window
virtual srs_error_t set_window_ack_size(int ack_size);
// Set the default input ack size value.
virtual srs_error_t set_in_window_ack_size(int ack_size);
// @type: The sender can mark this message hard (0), soft (1), or dynamic (2)
// using the Limit type field.
virtual srs_error_t set_peer_bandwidth(int bandwidth, int type);
// @param server_ip the ip of server.
virtual srs_error_t response_connect_app(SrsRequest* req, const char* server_ip = NULL);
// Redirect the connection to another rtmp server.
// @param the hostname or ip of target.
// @param whether the client accept the redirect.
virtual srs_error_t redirect(SrsRequest* r, std::string host, int port, bool& accepted);
// Reject the connect app request.
virtual void response_connect_reject(SrsRequest* req, const char* desc);
// Response client the onBWDone message.
virtual srs_error_t on_bw_done();
// Recv some message to identify the client.
// @stream_id, client will createStream to play or publish by flash,
// the stream_id used to response the createStream request.
// @type, output the client type.
// @stream_name, output the client publish/play stream name. @see: SrsRequest.stream
// @duration, output the play client duration. @see: SrsRequest.duration
virtual srs_error_t identify_client(int stream_id, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name, srs_utime_t& duration);
// Set the chunk size when client type identified.
virtual srs_error_t set_chunk_size(int chunk_size);
// When client type is play, response with packets:
// StreamBegin,
// onStatus(NetStream.Play.Reset), onStatus(NetStream.Play.Start).,
// |RtmpSampleAccess(false, false),
// onStatus(NetStream.Data.Start).
virtual srs_error_t start_play(int stream_id);
// When client(type is play) send pause message,
// if is_pause, response the following packets:
// onStatus(NetStream.Pause.Notify)
// StreamEOF
// if not is_pause, response the following packets:
// onStatus(NetStream.Unpause.Notify)
// StreamBegin
virtual srs_error_t on_play_client_pause(int stream_id, bool is_pause);
// When client type is publish, response with packets:
// releaseStream response
// FCPublish
// FCPublish response
// createStream response
// onFCPublish(NetStream.Publish.Start)
// onStatus(NetStream.Publish.Start)
virtual srs_error_t start_fmle_publish(int stream_id);
// For encoder of Haivision, response the startup request.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/844
virtual srs_error_t start_haivision_publish(int stream_id);
// process the FMLE unpublish event.
// @unpublish_tid the unpublish request transaction id.
virtual srs_error_t fmle_unpublish(int stream_id, double unpublish_tid);
// When client type is publish, response with packets:
// onStatus(NetStream.Publish.Start)
virtual srs_error_t start_flash_publish(int stream_id);
// Expect a specified message, drop others util got specified one.
// @pmsg, user must free it. NULL if not success.
// @ppacket, user must free it, which decode from payload of message. NULL if not success.
// @remark, only when success, user can use and must free the pmsg and ppacket.
// For example:
// SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL;
// SrsConnectAppResPacket* pkt = NULL;
// if ((ret = server->expect_message<SrsConnectAppResPacket>(&msg, &pkt)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// return ret;
// }
// // Use then free msg and pkt
// srs_freep(msg);
// srs_freep(pkt);
// user should never recv message and convert it, use this method instead.
// if need to set timeout, use set timeout of SrsProtocol.
template<class T>
srs_error_t expect_message(SrsCommonMessage** pmsg, T** ppacket)
return protocol->expect_message<T>(pmsg, ppacket);
virtual srs_error_t identify_create_stream_client(SrsCreateStreamPacket* req, int stream_id, int depth, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name, srs_utime_t& duration);
virtual srs_error_t identify_fmle_publish_client(SrsFMLEStartPacket* req, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name);
virtual srs_error_t identify_haivision_publish_client(SrsFMLEStartPacket* req, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name);
virtual srs_error_t identify_flash_publish_client(SrsPublishPacket* req, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name);
virtual srs_error_t identify_play_client(SrsPlayPacket* req, SrsRtmpConnType& type, std::string& stream_name, srs_utime_t& duration);
// 4.1.1. connect
// The client sends the connect command to the server to request
// connection to a server application instance.
class SrsConnectAppPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command. Set to "connect".
std::string command_name;
// Always set to 1.
double transaction_id;
// Command information object which has the name-value pairs.
// @remark: alloc in packet constructor, user can directly use it,
// user should never alloc it again which will cause memory leak.
// @remark, never be NULL.
SrsAmf0Object* command_object;
// Any optional information
// @remark, optional, init to and maybe NULL.
SrsAmf0Object* args;
virtual ~SrsConnectAppPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Response for SrsConnectAppPacket.
class SrsConnectAppResPacket : public SrsPacket
// The _result or _error; indicates whether the response is result or error.
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID is 1 for call connect responses
double transaction_id;
// Name-value pairs that describe the properties(fmsver etc.) of the connection.
// @remark, never be NULL.
SrsAmf0Object* props;
// Name-value pairs that describe the response from|the server. 'code',
// 'level', 'description' are names of few among such information.
// @remark, never be NULL.
SrsAmf0Object* info;
virtual ~SrsConnectAppResPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 4.1.2. Call
// The call method of the NetConnection object runs remote procedure
// calls (RPC) at the receiving end. The called RPC name is passed as a
// parameter to the call command.
class SrsCallPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the remote procedure that is called.
std::string command_name;
// If a response is expected we give a transaction Id. Else we pass a value of 0
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this
// is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, optional, init to and maybe NULL.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object;
// Any optional arguments to be provided
// @remark, optional, init to and maybe NULL.
SrsAmf0Any* arguments;
virtual ~SrsCallPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Response for SrsCallPacket.
class SrsCallResPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command.
std::string command_name;
// ID of the command, to which the response belongs to
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, optional, init to and maybe NULL.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object;
// Response from the method that was called.
// @remark, optional, init to and maybe NULL.
SrsAmf0Any* response;
SrsCallResPacket(double _transaction_id);
virtual ~SrsCallResPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 4.1.3. createStream
// The client sends this command to the server to create a logical
// channel for message communication The publishing of audio, video, and
// metadata is carried out over stream channel created using the
// createStream command.
class SrsCreateStreamPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command. Set to "createStream".
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID of the command.
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
virtual ~SrsCreateStreamPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Response for SrsCreateStreamPacket.
class SrsCreateStreamResPacket : public SrsPacket
// The _result or _error; indicates whether the response is result or error.
std::string command_name;
// ID of the command that response belongs to.
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// The return value is either a stream ID or an error information object.
double stream_id;
SrsCreateStreamResPacket(double _transaction_id, double _stream_id);
virtual ~SrsCreateStreamResPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// client close stream packet.
class SrsCloseStreamPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command, set to "closeStream".
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information object does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
virtual ~SrsCloseStreamPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// FMLE start publish: ReleaseStream/PublishStream/FCPublish/FCUnpublish
class SrsFMLEStartPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command
std::string command_name;
// The transaction ID to get the response.
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// The stream name to start publish or release.
std::string stream_name;
virtual ~SrsFMLEStartPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Factory method to create specified FMLE packet.
static SrsFMLEStartPacket* create_release_stream(std::string stream);
static SrsFMLEStartPacket* create_FC_publish(std::string stream);
// Response for SrsFMLEStartPacket.
class SrsFMLEStartResPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command
std::string command_name;
// The transaction ID to get the response.
double transaction_id;
// If there exists any command info this is set, else this is set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// The optional args, set to undefined.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 undefined instance.
SrsAmf0Any* args; // undefined
SrsFMLEStartResPacket(double _transaction_id);
virtual ~SrsFMLEStartResPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// FMLE/flash publish
// 4.2.6. Publish
// The client sends the publish command to publish a named stream to the
// server. Using this name, any client can play this stream and receive
// The published audio, video, and data messages.
class SrsPublishPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command, set to "publish".
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information object does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// Name with which the stream is published.
std::string stream_name;
// Type of publishing. Set to "live", "record", or "append".
// record: The stream is published and the data is recorded to a new file.The file
// is stored on the server in a subdirectory within the directory that
// contains the server application. If the file already exists, it is
// overwritten.
// append: The stream is published and the data is appended to a file. If no file
// is found, it is created.
// live: Live data is published without recording it in a file.
// @remark, SRS only support live.
// @remark, optional, default to live.
std::string type;
virtual ~SrsPublishPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 4.2.8. pause
// The client sends the pause command to tell the server to pause or
// start playing.
class SrsPausePacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command, set to "pause".
std::string command_name;
// There is no transaction ID for this command. Set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information object does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// true or false, to indicate pausing or resuming play
bool is_pause;
// Number of milliseconds at which the the stream is paused or play resumed.
// This is the current stream time at the Client when stream was paused. When the
// playback is resumed, the server will only send messages with timestamps
// greater than this value.
double time_ms;
virtual ~SrsPausePacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 4.2.1. play
// The client sends this command to the server to play a stream.
class SrsPlayPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command. Set to "play".
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// Name of the stream to play.
// To play video (FLV) files, specify the name of the stream without a file
// extension (for example, "sample").
// To play back MP3 or ID3 tags, you must precede the stream name with mp3:
// (for example, "mp3:sample".)
// To play H.264/AAC files, you must precede the stream name with mp4: and specify the
// file extension. For example, to play the file sample.m4v, specify
// "mp4:sample.m4v"
std::string stream_name;
// An optional parameter that specifies the start time in seconds.
// The default value is -2, which means the subscriber first tries to play the live
// stream specified in the Stream Name field. If a live stream of that name is
// not found, it plays the recorded stream specified in the Stream Name field.
// If you pass -1 in the Start field, only the live stream specified in the Stream
// Name field is played.
// If you pass 0 or a positive number in the Start field, a recorded stream specified
// in the Stream Name field is played beginning from the time specified in the
// Start field.
// If no recorded stream is found, the next item in the playlist is played.
double start;
// An optional parameter that specifies the duration of playback in seconds.
// The default value is -1. The -1 value means a live stream is played until it is no
// longer available or a recorded stream is played until it ends.
// If u pass 0, it plays the single frame since the time specified in the Start field
// from the beginning of a recorded stream. It is assumed that the value specified
// in the Start field is equal to or greater than 0.
// If you pass a positive number, it plays a live stream for the time period specified
// in the Duration field. After that it becomes available or plays a recorded
// stream for the time specified in the Duration field. (If a stream ends before the
// time specified in the Duration field, playback ends when the stream ends.)
// If you pass a negative number other than -1 in the Duration field, it interprets the
// value as if it were -1.
double duration;
// An optional Boolean value or number that specifies whether to flush any
// previous playlist.
bool reset;
virtual ~SrsPlayPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Response for SrsPlayPacket.
// @remark, user must set the stream_id in header.
class SrsPlayResPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of the command. If the play command is successful, the command
// name is set to onStatus.
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* command_object; // null
// If the play command is successful, the client receives OnStatus message from
// server which is NetStream.Play.Start. If the specified stream is not found,
// NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound is received.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 object instance.
SrsAmf0Object* desc;
virtual ~SrsPlayResPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// When bandwidth test done, notice client.
class SrsOnBWDonePacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of command. Set to "onBWDone"
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* args; // null
virtual ~SrsOnBWDonePacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// onStatus command, AMF0 Call
// @remark, user must set the stream_id by SrsCommonMessage.set_packet().
class SrsOnStatusCallPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of command. Set to "onStatus"
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* args; // null
// Name-value pairs that describe the response from the server.
// 'code','level', 'description' are names of few among such information.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 object instance.
SrsAmf0Object* data;
virtual ~SrsOnStatusCallPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// The special packet for the bandwidth test.
// actually, it's a SrsOnStatusCallPacket, but
// 1. encode with data field, to send data to client.
// 2. decode ignore the data field, donot care.
class SrsBandwidthPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of command.
std::string command_name;
// Transaction ID set to 0.
double transaction_id;
// Command information does not exist. Set to null type.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 null instance.
SrsAmf0Any* args; // null
// Name-value pairs that describe the response from the server.
// 'code','level', 'description' are names of few among such information.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 object instance.
SrsAmf0Object* data;
virtual ~SrsBandwidthPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// help function for bandwidth packet.
virtual bool is_start_play();
virtual bool is_starting_play();
virtual bool is_stop_play();
virtual bool is_stopped_play();
virtual bool is_start_publish();
virtual bool is_starting_publish();
virtual bool is_stop_publish();
virtual bool is_stopped_publish();
virtual bool is_finish();
virtual bool is_final();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_start_play();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_starting_play();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_playing();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_stop_play();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_stopped_play();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_start_publish();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_starting_publish();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_publishing();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_stop_publish();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_stopped_publish();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_finish();
static SrsBandwidthPacket* create_final();
virtual SrsBandwidthPacket* set_command(std::string command);
// onStatus data, AMF0 Data
// @remark, user must set the stream_id by SrsCommonMessage.set_packet().
class SrsOnStatusDataPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of command. Set to "onStatus"
std::string command_name;
// Name-value pairs that describe the response from the server.
// 'code', are names of few among such information.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 object instance.
SrsAmf0Object* data;
virtual ~SrsOnStatusDataPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// AMF0Data RtmpSampleAccess
// @remark, user must set the stream_id by SrsCommonMessage.set_packet().
class SrsSampleAccessPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of command. Set to "|RtmpSampleAccess".
std::string command_name;
// Whether allow access the sample of video.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/49
// @see: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/NetStream.html#videoSampleAccess
bool video_sample_access;
// Whether allow access the sample of audio.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/49
// @see: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/NetStream.html#audioSampleAccess
bool audio_sample_access;
virtual ~SrsSampleAccessPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// The stream metadata.
// FMLE: @setDataFrame
// others: onMetaData
class SrsOnMetaDataPacket : public SrsPacket
// Name of metadata. Set to "onMetaData"
std::string name;
// Metadata of stream.
// @remark, never be NULL, an AMF0 object instance.
SrsAmf0Object* metadata;
virtual ~SrsOnMetaDataPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 5.5. Window Acknowledgement Size (5)
// The client or the server sends this message to inform the peer which
// window size to use when sending acknowledgment.
class SrsSetWindowAckSizePacket : public SrsPacket
int32_t ackowledgement_window_size;
virtual ~SrsSetWindowAckSizePacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 5.3. Acknowledgement (3)
// The client or the server sends the acknowledgment to the peer after
// receiving bytes equal to the window size.
class SrsAcknowledgementPacket : public SrsPacket
uint32_t sequence_number;
virtual ~SrsAcknowledgementPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 7.1. Set Chunk Size
// Protocol control message 1, Set Chunk Size, is used to notify the
// peer about the new maximum chunk size.
class SrsSetChunkSizePacket : public SrsPacket
// The maximum chunk size can be 65536 bytes. The chunk size is
// maintained independently for each direction.
int32_t chunk_size;
virtual ~SrsSetChunkSizePacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 5.6. Set Peer Bandwidth (6)
enum SrsPeerBandwidthType
// The sender can mark this message hard (0), soft (1), or dynamic (2)
// using the Limit type field.
SrsPeerBandwidthHard = 0,
SrsPeerBandwidthSoft = 1,
SrsPeerBandwidthDynamic = 2,
// 5.6. Set Peer Bandwidth (6)
// The client or the server sends this message to update the output
// bandwidth of the peer.
class SrsSetPeerBandwidthPacket : public SrsPacket
int32_t bandwidth;
// @see: SrsPeerBandwidthType
int8_t type;
virtual ~SrsSetPeerBandwidthPacket();
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);
// 3.7. User Control message
enum SrcPCUCEventType
// Generally, 4bytes event-data
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that a stream has become functional and can be
// used for communication. By default, this event
// is sent on ID 0 after the application connect
// command is successfully received from the
// client. The event data is 4-byte and represents
// The stream ID of the stream that became
// Functional.
SrcPCUCStreamBegin = 0x00,
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that the playback of data is over as requested
// on this stream. No more data is sent without
// issuing additional commands. The client discards
// The messages received for the stream. The
// 4 bytes of event data represent the ID of the
// stream on which playback has ended.
SrcPCUCStreamEOF = 0x01,
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that there is no more data on the stream. If the
// server does not detect any message for a time
// period, it can notify the subscribed clients
// that the stream is dry. The 4 bytes of event
// data represent the stream ID of the dry stream.
SrcPCUCStreamDry = 0x02,
// The client sends this event to inform the server
// of the buffer size (in milliseconds) that is
// used to buffer any data coming over a stream.
// This event is sent before the server starts
// processing the stream. The first 4 bytes of the
// event data represent the stream ID and the next
// 4 bytes represent the buffer length, in
// milliseconds.
SrcPCUCSetBufferLength = 0x03, // 8bytes event-data
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that the stream is a recorded stream. The
// 4 bytes event data represent the stream ID of
// The recorded stream.
SrcPCUCStreamIsRecorded = 0x04,
// The server sends this event to test whether the
// client is reachable. Event data is a 4-byte
// timestamp, representing the local server time
// When the server dispatched the command. The
// client responds with kMsgPingResponse on
// receiving kMsgPingRequest.
SrcPCUCPingRequest = 0x06,
// The client sends this event to the server in
// Response to the ping request. The event data is
// a 4-byte timestamp, which was received with the
// kMsgPingRequest request.
SrcPCUCPingResponse = 0x07,
// For PCUC size=3, for example the payload is "00 1A 01",
// it's a FMS control event, where the event type is 0x001a and event data is 0x01,
// please notice that the event data is only 1 byte for this event.
SrsPCUCFmsEvent0 = 0x1a,
// 5.4. User Control Message (4)
// For the EventData is 4bytes.
// Stream Begin(=0) 4-bytes stream ID
// Stream EOF(=1) 4-bytes stream ID
// StreamDry(=2) 4-bytes stream ID
// SetBufferLength(=3) 8-bytes 4bytes stream ID, 4bytes buffer length.
// StreamIsRecorded(=4) 4-bytes stream ID
// PingRequest(=6) 4-bytes timestamp local server time
// PingResponse(=7) 4-bytes timestamp received ping request.
// 3.7. User Control message
// +------------------------------+-------------------------
// | Event Type ( 2- bytes ) | Event Data
// +------------------------------+-------------------------
// Figure 5 Pay load for the 'User Control Message'.
class SrsUserControlPacket : public SrsPacket
// Event type is followed by Event data.
// @see: SrcPCUCEventType
int16_t event_type;
// The event data generally in 4bytes.
// @remark for event type is 0x001a, only 1bytes.
// @see SrsPCUCFmsEvent0
int32_t event_data;
// 4bytes if event_type is SetBufferLength; otherwise 0.
int32_t extra_data;
virtual ~SrsUserControlPacket();
// Decode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* stream);
// Encode functions for concrete packet to override.
virtual int get_prefer_cid();
virtual int get_message_type();
virtual int get_size();
virtual srs_error_t encode_packet(SrsBuffer* stream);