winlin d81b2cb140 support hls mount to vhost and reload
bandwidth.conf refine the max connections, compare the system ulimit max open files, error when exeed limit
compatible.conf for , support raw update global.listen
console.conf alias http_stream to http_server. rename http to http_static of vhost. rename http_flv to http_renux
demo.19350.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
demo.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
dvr.path.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
dvr.segment.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
dvr.session.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
edge.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
edge.token.traverse.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
exec.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
ffmpeg.transcode.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
forward.master.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
forward.slave.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
full.conf support hls mount to vhost and reload for , api raw update global.listen
hds.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
hls.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
http.heartbeat.conf refine code, add comments for monitor.
http.hls.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
http.hooks.callback.conf fix , fix http hooks bug, regression bug. 0.9.184. rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
http.server.conf refine the conf, use srs3 style rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
ingest.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs add ingest to conf.
origin.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
push.flv.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
push.mpegts.over.udp.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
push.rtsp.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
ram.hls.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
realtime.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs
rtmp.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
security.deny.publish.conf rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
srs.conf alias http_stream to http_server. rename http to http_static of vhost. rename http_flv to http_renux rename org simple-rtmp-server to ossrs
transform.edge.conf rename org simle-rtmp-server to ossrs