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// Copyright (c) 2024 Winlin
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
package rtmp
import (
// The handshake implements the RTMP handshake protocol.
type Handshake struct {
// The random number generator.
r *rand.Rand
// The c1s1 cache.
c1s1 []byte
func NewHandshake(r *rand.Rand) *Handshake {
return &Handshake{r: r}
func (v *Handshake) C1S1() []byte {
return v.c1s1
func (v *Handshake) WriteC0S0(w io.Writer) (err error) {
r := bytes.NewReader([]byte{0x03})
if _, err = io.Copy(w, r); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "write c0s0")
func (v *Handshake) ReadC0S0(r io.Reader) (c0 []byte, err error) {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if _, err = io.CopyN(b, r, 1); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "read c0s0")
c0 = b.Bytes()
func (v *Handshake) WriteC1S1(w io.Writer) (err error) {
p := make([]byte, 1536)
for i := 8; i < len(p); i++ {
p[i] = byte(v.r.Int())
r := bytes.NewReader(p)
if _, err = io.Copy(w, r); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "write c0s1")
func (v *Handshake) ReadC1S1(r io.Reader) (c1s1 []byte, err error) {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if _, err = io.CopyN(b, r, 1536); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "read c1s1")
c1s1 = b.Bytes()
v.c1s1 = c1s1
func (v *Handshake) WriteC2S2(w io.Writer, s1c1 []byte) (err error) {
r := bytes.NewReader(s1c1[:])
if _, err = io.Copy(w, r); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "write c2s2")
func (v *Handshake) ReadC2S2(r io.Reader) (c2 []byte, err error) {
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
if _, err = io.CopyN(b, r, 1536); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "read c2s2")
c2 = b.Bytes()
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 16, @section 6.1. Chunk Format
// Extended timestamp: 0 or 4 bytes
// This field MUST be sent when the normal timsestamp is set to
// 0xffffff, it MUST NOT be sent if the normal timestamp is set to
// anything else. So for values less than 0xffffff the normal
// timestamp field SHOULD be used in which case the extended timestamp
// MUST NOT be present. For values greater than or equal to 0xffffff
// the normal timestamp field MUST NOT be used and MUST be set to
// 0xffffff and the extended timestamp MUST be sent.
const extendedTimestamp = uint64(0xffffff)
// The default chunk size of RTMP is 128 bytes.
const defaultChunkSize = 128
// The intput or output settings for RTMP protocol.
type settings struct {
chunkSize uint32
func newSettings() *settings {
return &settings{
chunkSize: defaultChunkSize,
// The chunk stream which transport a message once.
type chunkStream struct {
format formatType
cid chunkID
header messageHeader
message *Message
count uint64
extendedTimestamp bool
func newChunkStream() *chunkStream {
return &chunkStream{}
// The protocol implements the RTMP command and chunk stack.
type Protocol struct {
r *bufio.Reader
w *bufio.Writer
input struct {
opt *settings
chunks map[chunkID]*chunkStream
transactions map[amf0Number]amf0String
ltransactions sync.Mutex
output struct {
opt *settings
func NewProtocol(rw io.ReadWriter) *Protocol {
v := &Protocol{
r: bufio.NewReader(rw),
w: bufio.NewWriter(rw),
v.input.opt = newSettings()
v.input.chunks = map[chunkID]*chunkStream{}
v.input.transactions = map[amf0Number]amf0String{}
v.output.opt = newSettings()
return v
func ExpectPacket[T Packet](ctx context.Context, v *Protocol, ppkt *T) (m *Message, err error) {
for {
if m, err = v.ReadMessage(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "read message")
var pkt Packet
if pkt, err = v.DecodeMessage(m); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "decode message")
if p, ok := pkt.(T); ok {
*ppkt = p
// Deprecated: Please use rtmp.ExpectPacket instead.
func (v *Protocol) ExpectPacket(ctx context.Context, ppkt any) (m *Message, err error) {
panic("Please use rtmp.ExpectPacket instead")
func (v *Protocol) ExpectMessage(ctx context.Context, types ...MessageType) (m *Message, err error) {
for {
if m, err = v.ReadMessage(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "read message")
if len(types) == 0 {
for _, t := range types {
if m.MessageType == t {
func (v *Protocol) parseAMFObject(p []byte) (pkt Packet, err error) {
var commandName amf0String
if err = commandName.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal command name")
switch commandName {
case commandResult, commandError:
var transactionID amf0Number
if err = transactionID.UnmarshalBinary(p[commandName.Size():]); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal tid")
var requestName amf0String
if err = func() error {
defer v.input.ltransactions.Unlock()
var ok bool
if requestName, ok = v.input.transactions[transactionID]; !ok {
return errors.Errorf("No matched request for tid=%v", transactionID)
delete(v.input.transactions, transactionID)
return nil
}(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "discovery request name")
switch requestName {
case commandConnect:
return NewConnectAppResPacket(transactionID), nil
case commandCreateStream:
return NewCreateStreamResPacket(transactionID), nil
case commandReleaseStream, commandFCPublish, commandFCUnpublish:
call := NewCallPacket()
call.TransactionID = transactionID
return call, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("No request for %v", string(requestName))
case commandConnect:
return NewConnectAppPacket(), nil
case commandPublish:
return NewPublishPacket(), nil
case commandPlay:
return NewPlayPacket(), nil
return NewCallPacket(), nil
func (v *Protocol) DecodeMessage(m *Message) (pkt Packet, err error) {
p := m.Payload[:]
if len(p) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Empty packet")
switch m.MessageType {
case MessageTypeAMF3Command, MessageTypeAMF3Data:
p = p[1:]
switch m.MessageType {
case MessageTypeSetChunkSize:
pkt = NewSetChunkSize()
case MessageTypeWindowAcknowledgementSize:
pkt = NewWindowAcknowledgementSize()
case MessageTypeSetPeerBandwidth:
pkt = NewSetPeerBandwidth()
case MessageTypeAMF0Command, MessageTypeAMF3Command, MessageTypeAMF0Data, MessageTypeAMF3Data:
if pkt, err = v.parseAMFObject(p); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("Parse AMF %v", m.MessageType))
case MessageTypeUserControl:
pkt = NewUserControl()
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unknown message %v", m.MessageType)
if err = pkt.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, fmt.Sprintf("Unmarshal %v", m.MessageType))
func (v *Protocol) ReadMessage(ctx context.Context) (m *Message, err error) {
for m == nil {
// TODO: We should convert buffered io to async io, because we will be stuck in block io here,
// TODO: but the risk is acceptable because we literally will set the underlay io timeout.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
var cid chunkID
var format formatType
if format, cid, err = v.readBasicHeader(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "read basic header")
var ok bool
var chunk *chunkStream
if chunk, ok = v.input.chunks[cid]; !ok {
chunk = newChunkStream()
v.input.chunks[cid] = chunk
chunk.header.betterCid = cid
if err = v.readMessageHeader(ctx, chunk, format); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "read message header")
if m, err = v.readMessagePayload(ctx, chunk); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "read message payload")
if err = v.onMessageArrivated(m); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "on message")
func (v *Protocol) readMessagePayload(ctx context.Context, chunk *chunkStream) (m *Message, err error) {
// Empty payload message.
if chunk.message.payloadLength == 0 {
m = chunk.message
chunk.message = nil
// Calculate the chunk payload size.
chunkedPayloadSize := int(chunk.message.payloadLength) - len(chunk.message.Payload)
if chunkedPayloadSize > int(v.input.opt.chunkSize) {
chunkedPayloadSize = int(v.input.opt.chunkSize)
b := make([]byte, chunkedPayloadSize)
if _, err = io.ReadFull(v.r, b); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "read chunk %vB", chunkedPayloadSize)
chunk.message.Payload = append(chunk.message.Payload, b...)
// Got entire RTMP message?
if int(chunk.message.payloadLength) == len(chunk.message.Payload) {
m = chunk.message
chunk.message = nil
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 18, @section 6.1.2. Chunk Message Header
// There are four different formats for the chunk message header,
// selected by the "fmt" field in the chunk basic header.
type formatType uint8
const (
// Type 0
// Chunks of Type 0 are 11 bytes long. This type MUST be used at the
// start of a chunk stream, and whenever the stream timestamp goes
// backward (e.g., because of a backward seek).
formatType0 formatType = iota
// Type 1
// Chunks of Type 1 are 7 bytes long. The message stream ID is not
// included; this chunk takes the same stream ID as the preceding chunk.
// Streams with variable-sized messages (for example, many video
// formats) SHOULD use this format for the first chunk of each new
// message after the first.
// Type 2
// Chunks of Type 2 are 3 bytes long. Neither the stream ID nor the
// message length is included; this chunk has the same stream ID and
// message length as the preceding chunk. Streams with constant-sized
// messages (for example, some audio and data formats) SHOULD use this
// format for the first chunk of each message after the first.
// Type 3
// Chunks of Type 3 have no header. Stream ID, message length and
// timestamp delta are not present; chunks of this type take values from
// the preceding chunk. When a single message is split into chunks, all
// chunks of a message except the first one, SHOULD use this type. Refer
// to example 2 in section 6.2.2. Stream consisting of messages of
// exactly the same size, stream ID and spacing in time SHOULD use this
// type for all chunks after chunk of Type 2. Refer to example 1 in
// section 6.2.1. If the delta between the first message and the second
// message is same as the time stamp of first message, then chunk of
// type 3 would immediately follow the chunk of type 0 as there is no
// need for a chunk of type 2 to register the delta. If Type 3 chunk
// follows a Type 0 chunk, then timestamp delta for this Type 3 chunk is
// the same as the timestamp of Type 0 chunk.
// The message header size, index is format.
var messageHeaderSizes = []int{11, 7, 3, 0}
// Parse the chunk message header.
// 3bytes: timestamp delta, fmt=0,1,2
// 3bytes: payload length, fmt=0,1
// 1bytes: message type, fmt=0,1
// 4bytes: stream id, fmt=0
// where:
// fmt=0, 0x0X
// fmt=1, 0x4X
// fmt=2, 0x8X
// fmt=3, 0xCX
func (v *Protocol) readMessageHeader(ctx context.Context, chunk *chunkStream, format formatType) (err error) {
// We should not assert anything about fmt, for the first packet.
// (when first packet, the chunk.message is nil).
// the fmt maybe 0/1/2/3, the FMLE will send a 0xC4 for some audio packet.
// the previous packet is:
// 04 // fmt=0, cid=4
// 00 00 1a // timestamp=26
// 00 00 9d // payload_length=157
// 08 // message_type=8(audio)
// 01 00 00 00 // stream_id=1
// the current packet maybe:
// c4 // fmt=3, cid=4
// it's ok, for the packet is audio, and timestamp delta is 26.
// the current packet must be parsed as:
// fmt=0, cid=4
// timestamp=26+26=52
// payload_length=157
// message_type=8(audio)
// stream_id=1
// so we must update the timestamp even fmt=3 for first packet.
// The fresh packet used to update the timestamp even fmt=3 for first packet.
// fresh packet always means the chunk is the first one of message.
var isFirstChunkOfMsg bool
if chunk.message == nil {
isFirstChunkOfMsg = true
// But, we can ensure that when a chunk stream is fresh,
// the fmt must be 0, a new stream.
if chunk.count == 0 && format != formatType0 {
// For librtmp, if ping, it will send a fresh stream with fmt=1,
// 0x42 where: fmt=1, cid=2, protocol contorl user-control message
// 0x00 0x00 0x00 where: timestamp=0
// 0x00 0x00 0x06 where: payload_length=6
// 0x04 where: message_type=4(protocol control user-control message)
// 0x00 0x06 where: event Ping(0x06)
// 0x00 0x00 0x0d 0x0f where: event data 4bytes ping timestamp.
// @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/98
if chunk.cid == chunkIDProtocolControl && format == formatType1 {
// We accept cid=2, fmt=1 to make librtmp happy.
} else {
return errors.Errorf("For fresh chunk, fmt %v != %v(required), cid is %v", format, formatType0, chunk.cid)
// When exists cache msg, means got an partial message,
// the fmt must not be type0 which means new message.
if chunk.message != nil && format == formatType0 {
return errors.Errorf("For exists chunk, fmt is %v, cid is %v", format, chunk.cid)
// Create msg when new chunk stream start
if chunk.message == nil {
chunk.message = NewMessage()
// Read the message header.
p := make([]byte, messageHeaderSizes[format])
if _, err = io.ReadFull(v.r, p); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "read %vB message header", len(p))
// Prse the message header.
// 3bytes: timestamp delta, fmt=0,1,2
// 3bytes: payload length, fmt=0,1
// 1bytes: message type, fmt=0,1
// 4bytes: stream id, fmt=0
// where:
// fmt=0, 0x0X
// fmt=1, 0x4X
// fmt=2, 0x8X
// fmt=3, 0xCX
if format <= formatType2 {
chunk.header.timestampDelta = uint32(p[0])<<16 | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])
p = p[3:]
// fmt: 0
// timestamp: 3 bytes
// If the timestamp is greater than or equal to 16777215
// (hexadecimal 0x00ffffff), this value MUST be 16777215, and the
// 'extended timestamp header' MUST be present. Otherwise, this value
// SHOULD be the entire timestamp.
// fmt: 1 or 2
// timestamp delta: 3 bytes
// If the delta is greater than or equal to 16777215 (hexadecimal
// 0x00ffffff), this value MUST be 16777215, and the 'extended
// timestamp header' MUST be present. Otherwise, this value SHOULD be
// the entire delta.
chunk.extendedTimestamp = uint64(chunk.header.timestampDelta) >= extendedTimestamp
if !chunk.extendedTimestamp {
// Extended timestamp: 0 or 4 bytes
// This field MUST be sent when the normal timsestamp is set to
// 0xffffff, it MUST NOT be sent if the normal timestamp is set to
// anything else. So for values less than 0xffffff the normal
// timestamp field SHOULD be used in which case the extended timestamp
// MUST NOT be present. For values greater than or equal to 0xffffff
// the normal timestamp field MUST NOT be used and MUST be set to
// 0xffffff and the extended timestamp MUST be sent.
if format == formatType0 {
// Type 0
// For a type-0 chunk, the absolute timestamp of the message is sent
// here.
chunk.header.Timestamp = uint64(chunk.header.timestampDelta)
} else {
// Type 1
// Type 2
// For a type-1 or type-2 chunk, the difference between the previous
// chunk's timestamp and the current chunk's timestamp is sent here.
chunk.header.Timestamp += uint64(chunk.header.timestampDelta)
if format <= formatType1 {
payloadLength := uint32(p[0])<<16 | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])
p = p[3:]
// For a message, if msg exists in cache, the size must not changed.
// always use the actual msg size to compare, for the cache payload length can changed,
// for the fmt type1(stream_id not changed), user can change the payload
// length(it's not allowed in the continue chunks).
if !isFirstChunkOfMsg && chunk.header.payloadLength != payloadLength {
return errors.Errorf("Chunk message size %v != %v(required)", payloadLength, chunk.header.payloadLength)
chunk.header.payloadLength = payloadLength
chunk.header.MessageType = MessageType(p[0])
p = p[1:]
if format == formatType0 {
chunk.header.streamID = uint32(p[0]) | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])<<16 | uint32(p[3])<<24
p = p[4:]
} else {
// Update the timestamp even fmt=3 for first chunk packet
if isFirstChunkOfMsg && !chunk.extendedTimestamp {
chunk.header.Timestamp += uint64(chunk.header.timestampDelta)
// Read extended-timestamp
if chunk.extendedTimestamp {
var timestamp uint32
if err = binary.Read(v.r, binary.BigEndian, ×tamp); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "read ext-ts, pkt-ts=%v", chunk.header.Timestamp)
// We always use 31bits timestamp, for some server may use 32bits extended timestamp.
// @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/111
timestamp &= 0x7fffffff
// TODO: FIXME: Support detect the extended timestamp.
// @see http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/13363699
chunk.header.Timestamp = uint64(timestamp)
// The extended-timestamp must be unsigned-int,
// 24bits timestamp: 0xffffff = 16777215ms = 16777.215s = 4.66h
// 32bits timestamp: 0xffffffff = 4294967295ms = 4294967.295s = 1193.046h = 49.71d
// because the rtmp protocol says the 32bits timestamp is about "50 days":
// 3. Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format
// Because timestamps are generally only 32 bits long, they will roll
// over after fewer than 50 days.
// but, its sample says the timestamp is 31bits:
// An application could assume, for example, that all
// adjacent timestamps are within 2^31 milliseconds of each other, so
// 10000 comes after 4000000000, while 3000000000 comes before
// 4000000000.
// and flv specification says timestamp is 31bits:
// Extension of the Timestamp field to form a SI32 value. This
// field represents the upper 8 bits, while the previous
// Timestamp field represents the lower 24 bits of the time in
// milliseconds.
// in a word, 31bits timestamp is ok.
// convert extended timestamp to 31bits.
chunk.header.Timestamp &= 0x7fffffff
// Copy header to msg
chunk.message.messageHeader = chunk.header
// Increase the msg count, the chunk stream can accept fmt=1/2/3 message now.
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 17, @section 6.1.1. Chunk Basic Header
// The Chunk Basic Header encodes the chunk stream ID and the chunk
// type(represented by fmt field in the figure below). Chunk type
// determines the format of the encoded message header. Chunk Basic
// Header field may be 1, 2, or 3 bytes, depending on the chunk stream
// ID.
// The bits 0-5 (least significant) in the chunk basic header represent
// the chunk stream ID.
// Chunk stream IDs 2-63 can be encoded in the 1-byte version of this
// field.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |fmt| cs id |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Figure 6 Chunk basic header 1
// Chunk stream IDs 64-319 can be encoded in the 2-byte version of this
// field. ID is computed as (the second byte + 64).
// 0 1
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |fmt| 0 | cs id - 64 |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Figure 7 Chunk basic header 2
// Chunk stream IDs 64-65599 can be encoded in the 3-byte version of
// this field. ID is computed as ((the third byte)*256 + the second byte
// + 64).
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// |fmt| 1 | cs id - 64 |
// +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
// Figure 8 Chunk basic header 3
// cs id: 6 bits
// fmt: 2 bits
// cs id - 64: 8 or 16 bits
// Chunk stream IDs with values 64-319 could be represented by both 2-
// byte version and 3-byte version of this field.
func (v *Protocol) readBasicHeader(ctx context.Context) (format formatType, cid chunkID, err error) {
// 2-63, 1B chunk header
var t uint8
if err = binary.Read(v.r, binary.BigEndian, &t); err != nil {
return format, cid, errors.Wrap(err, "read basic header")
cid = chunkID(t & 0x3f)
format = formatType((t >> 6) & 0x03)
if cid > 1 {
// 64-319, 2B chunk header
if err = binary.Read(v.r, binary.BigEndian, &t); err != nil {
return format, cid, errors.Wrapf(err, "read basic header for cid=%v", cid)
cid = chunkID(64 + uint32(t))
// 64-65599, 3B chunk header
if cid == 1 {
if err = binary.Read(v.r, binary.BigEndian, &t); err != nil {
return format, cid, errors.Wrapf(err, "read basic header for cid=%v", cid)
cid += chunkID(uint32(t) * 256)
func (v *Protocol) WritePacket(ctx context.Context, pkt Packet, streamID int) (err error) {
m := NewMessage()
if m.Payload, err = pkt.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal payload")
m.MessageType = pkt.Type()
m.streamID = uint32(streamID)
m.betterCid = pkt.BetterCid()
if err = v.WriteMessage(ctx, m); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "write message")
if err = v.onPacketWriten(m, pkt); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "on write packet")
func (v *Protocol) onPacketWriten(m *Message, pkt Packet) (err error) {
var tid amf0Number
var name amf0String
switch pkt := pkt.(type) {
case *ConnectAppPacket:
tid, name = pkt.TransactionID, pkt.CommandName
case *CreateStreamPacket:
tid, name = pkt.TransactionID, pkt.CommandName
case *CallPacket:
tid, name = pkt.TransactionID, pkt.CommandName
if tid > 0 && len(name) > 0 {
defer v.input.ltransactions.Unlock()
v.input.transactions[tid] = name
func (v *Protocol) onMessageArrivated(m *Message) (err error) {
if m == nil {
var pkt Packet
switch m.MessageType {
case MessageTypeSetChunkSize, MessageTypeUserControl, MessageTypeWindowAcknowledgementSize:
if pkt, err = v.DecodeMessage(m); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("decode message %v", m.MessageType)
switch pkt := pkt.(type) {
case *SetChunkSize:
v.input.opt.chunkSize = pkt.ChunkSize
func (v *Protocol) WriteMessage(ctx context.Context, m *Message) (err error) {
m.payloadLength = uint32(len(m.Payload))
var c0h, c3h []byte
if c0h, err = m.generateC0Header(); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "generate c0 header")
if c3h, err = m.generateC3Header(); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "generate c3 header")
var h []byte
p := m.Payload
for len(p) > 0 {
// TODO: We should convert buffered io to async io, because we will be stuck in block io here,
// TODO: but the risk is acceptable because we literally will set the underlay io timeout.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if h == nil {
h = c0h
} else {
h = c3h
if _, err = io.Copy(v.w, bytes.NewReader(h)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "write c0c3 header %x", h)
size := len(p)
if size > int(v.output.opt.chunkSize) {
size = int(v.output.opt.chunkSize)
if _, err = io.Copy(v.w, bytes.NewReader(p[:size])); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "write chunk payload %vB", size)
p = p[size:]
// TODO: We should convert buffered io to async io, because we will be stuck in block io here,
// TODO: but the risk is acceptable because we literally will set the underlay io timeout.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
// TODO: FIXME: Use writev to write for high performance.
if err = v.w.Flush(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "flush writer")
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 30, @section 4.1. Message Header
// 1byte. One byte field to represent the message type. A range of type IDs
// (1-7) are reserved for protocol control messages.
type MessageType uint8
const (
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 30, @section 5. Protocol Control Messages
// RTMP reserves message type IDs 1-7 for protocol control messages.
// These messages contain information needed by the RTM Chunk Stream
// protocol or RTMP itself. Protocol messages with IDs 1 & 2 are
// reserved for usage with RTM Chunk Stream protocol. Protocol messages
// with IDs 3-6 are reserved for usage of RTMP. Protocol message with ID
// 7 is used between edge server and origin server.
MessageTypeSetChunkSize MessageType = 0x01
MessageTypeAbort MessageType = 0x02 // 0x02
MessageTypeAcknowledgement MessageType = 0x03 // 0x03
MessageTypeUserControl MessageType = 0x04 // 0x04
MessageTypeWindowAcknowledgementSize MessageType = 0x05 // 0x05
MessageTypeSetPeerBandwidth MessageType = 0x06 // 0x06
MessageTypeEdgeAndOriginServerCommand MessageType = 0x07 // 0x07
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 38, @section 3. Types of messages
// The server and the client send messages over the network to
// communicate with each other. The messages can be of any type which
// includes audio messages, video messages, command messages, shared
// object messages, data messages, and user control messages.
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 41, @section 3.4. Audio message
// The client or the server sends this message to send audio data to the
// peer. The message type value of 8 is reserved for audio messages.
MessageTypeAudio MessageType = 0x08
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 41, @section 3.5. Video message
// The client or the server sends this message to send video data to the
// peer. The message type value of 9 is reserved for video messages.
// These messages are large and can delay the sending of other type of
// messages. To avoid such a situation, the video message is assigned
// the lowest priority.
MessageTypeVideo MessageType = 0x09 // 0x09
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 38, @section 3.1. Command message
// Command messages carry the AMF-encoded commands between the client
// and the server. These messages have been assigned message type value
// of 20 for AMF0 encoding and message type value of 17 for AMF3
// encoding. These messages are sent to perform some operations like
// connect, createStream, publish, play, pause on the peer. Command
// messages like onstatus, result etc. are used to inform the sender
// about the status of the requested commands. A command message
// consists of command name, transaction ID, and command object that
// contains related parameters. A client or a server can request Remote
// Procedure Calls (RPC) over streams that are communicated using the
// command messages to the peer.
MessageTypeAMF3Command MessageType = 17 // 0x11
MessageTypeAMF0Command MessageType = 20 // 0x14
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 38, @section 3.2. Data message
// The client or the server sends this message to send Metadata or any
// user data to the peer. Metadata includes details about the
// data(audio, video etc.) like creation time, duration, theme and so
// on. These messages have been assigned message type value of 18 for
// AMF0 and message type value of 15 for AMF3.
MessageTypeAMF0Data MessageType = 18 // 0x12
MessageTypeAMF3Data MessageType = 15 // 0x0f
// The header of message.
type messageHeader struct {
// 3bytes.
// Three-byte field that contains a timestamp delta of the message.
// @remark, only used for decoding message from chunk stream.
timestampDelta uint32
// 3bytes.
// Three-byte field that represents the size of the payload in bytes.
// It is set in big-endian format.
payloadLength uint32
// 1byte.
// One byte field to represent the message type. A range of type IDs
// (1-7) are reserved for protocol control messages.
MessageType MessageType
// 4bytes.
// Four-byte field that identifies the stream of the message. These
// bytes are set in little-endian format.
streamID uint32
// The chunk stream id over which transport.
betterCid chunkID
// Four-byte field that contains a timestamp of the message.
// The 4 bytes are packed in the big-endian order.
// @remark, we use 64bits for large time for jitter detect and for large tbn like HLS.
Timestamp uint64
// The RTMP message, transport over chunk stream in RTMP.
// Please read the cs id of @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 30, @section 4.1. Message Header
type Message struct {
// The payload which carries the RTMP packet.
Payload []byte
func NewMessage() *Message {
return &Message{}
func NewStreamMessage(streamID int) *Message {
v := NewMessage()
v.streamID = uint32(streamID)
v.betterCid = chunkIDOverStream
return v
func (v *Message) generateC3Header() ([]byte, error) {
var c3h []byte
if v.Timestamp < extendedTimestamp {
c3h = make([]byte, 1)
} else {
c3h = make([]byte, 1+4)
p := c3h
p[0] = 0xc0 | byte(v.betterCid&0x3f)
p = p[1:]
// In RTMP protocol, there must not any timestamp in C3 header,
// but actually all products from adobe, such as FMS/AMS and Flash player and FMLE,
// always carry a extended timestamp in C3 header.
// @see: http://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/13363699
if v.Timestamp >= extendedTimestamp {
p[0] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 24)
p[1] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 16)
p[2] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 8)
p[3] = byte(v.Timestamp)
return c3h, nil
func (v *Message) generateC0Header() ([]byte, error) {
var c0h []byte
if v.Timestamp < extendedTimestamp {
c0h = make([]byte, 1+3+3+1+4)
} else {
c0h = make([]byte, 1+3+3+1+4+4)
p := c0h
p[0] = byte(v.betterCid) & 0x3f
p = p[1:]
if v.Timestamp < extendedTimestamp {
p[0] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 16)
p[1] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 8)
p[2] = byte(v.Timestamp)
} else {
p[0] = 0xff
p[1] = 0xff
p[2] = 0xff
p = p[3:]
p[0] = byte(v.payloadLength >> 16)
p[1] = byte(v.payloadLength >> 8)
p[2] = byte(v.payloadLength)
p = p[3:]
p[0] = byte(v.MessageType)
p = p[1:]
p[0] = byte(v.streamID)
p[1] = byte(v.streamID >> 8)
p[2] = byte(v.streamID >> 16)
p[3] = byte(v.streamID >> 24)
p = p[4:]
if v.Timestamp >= extendedTimestamp {
p[0] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 24)
p[1] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 16)
p[2] = byte(v.Timestamp >> 8)
p[3] = byte(v.Timestamp)
return c0h, nil
// Please read the cs id of @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 17, @section 6.1.1. Chunk Basic Header
type chunkID uint32
const (
chunkIDProtocolControl chunkID = 0x02
chunkIDOverConnection chunkID = 0x03
chunkIDOverConnection2 chunkID = 0x04
chunkIDOverStream chunkID = 0x05
chunkIDOverStream2 chunkID = 0x06
chunkIDVideo chunkID = 0x07
chunkIDAudio chunkID = 0x08
// The Command Name of message.
const (
commandConnect amf0String = amf0String("connect")
commandCreateStream amf0String = amf0String("createStream")
commandCloseStream amf0String = amf0String("closeStream")
commandPlay amf0String = amf0String("play")
commandPause amf0String = amf0String("pause")
commandOnBWDone amf0String = amf0String("onBWDone")
commandOnStatus amf0String = amf0String("onStatus")
commandResult amf0String = amf0String("_result")
commandError amf0String = amf0String("_error")
commandReleaseStream amf0String = amf0String("releaseStream")
commandFCPublish amf0String = amf0String("FCPublish")
commandFCUnpublish amf0String = amf0String("FCUnpublish")
commandPublish amf0String = amf0String("publish")
commandRtmpSampleAccess amf0String = amf0String("|RtmpSampleAccess")
// The RTMP packet, transport as payload of RTMP message.
type Packet interface {
// Marshaler and unmarshaler
Size() int
// RTMP protocol fields for each packet.
BetterCid() chunkID
Type() MessageType
// A Call packet, both object and args are AMF0 objects.
type objectCallPacket struct {
CommandName amf0String
TransactionID amf0Number
CommandObject *amf0Object
Args *amf0Object
func (v *objectCallPacket) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDOverConnection
func (v *objectCallPacket) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeAMF0Command
func (v *objectCallPacket) Size() int {
size := v.CommandName.Size() + v.TransactionID.Size() + v.CommandObject.Size()
if v.Args != nil {
size += v.Args.Size()
return size
func (v *objectCallPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.CommandName.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal command name")
p = p[v.CommandName.Size():]
if err = v.TransactionID.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal tid")
p = p[v.TransactionID.Size():]
if err = v.CommandObject.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal command")
p = p[v.CommandObject.Size():]
if len(p) == 0 {
v.Args = NewAmf0Object()
if err = v.Args.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal args")
func (v *objectCallPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.CommandName.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal command name")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.TransactionID.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal tid")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.CommandObject.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal command object")
data = append(data, pb...)
if v.Args != nil {
if pb, err = v.Args.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal args")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 45, @section 4.1.1. connect
// The client sends the connect command to the server to request
// connection to a server application instance.
type ConnectAppPacket struct {
func NewConnectAppPacket() *ConnectAppPacket {
v := &ConnectAppPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandConnect
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Object()
v.TransactionID = amf0Number(1.0)
return v
func (v *ConnectAppPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if err = v.objectCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
if v.CommandName != commandConnect {
return errors.Errorf("Invalid command name %v", string(v.CommandName))
if v.TransactionID != 1.0 {
return errors.Errorf("Invalid transaction ID %v", float64(v.TransactionID))
func (v *ConnectAppPacket) TcUrl() string {
if v.CommandObject != nil {
if v, ok := v.CommandObject.Get("tcUrl").(*amf0String); ok {
return string(*v)
return ""
// The response for ConnectAppPacket.
type ConnectAppResPacket struct {
func NewConnectAppResPacket(tid amf0Number) *ConnectAppResPacket {
v := &ConnectAppResPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandResult
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Object()
v.Args = NewAmf0Object()
v.TransactionID = tid
return v
func (v *ConnectAppResPacket) SrsID() string {
if v.Args != nil {
if v, ok := v.Args.Get("data").(*amf0EcmaArray); ok {
if v, ok := v.Get("srs_id").(*amf0String); ok {
return string(*v)
return ""
func (v *ConnectAppResPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if err = v.objectCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(data); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
if v.CommandName != commandResult {
return errors.Errorf("Invalid command name %v", string(v.CommandName))
// A Call object, command object is variant.
type variantCallPacket struct {
CommandName amf0String
TransactionID amf0Number
CommandObject amf0Any // object or null
func (v *variantCallPacket) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDOverConnection
func (v *variantCallPacket) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeAMF0Command
func (v *variantCallPacket) Size() int {
size := v.CommandName.Size() + v.TransactionID.Size()
if v.CommandObject != nil {
size += v.CommandObject.Size()
return size
func (v *variantCallPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.CommandName.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal command name")
p = p[v.CommandName.Size():]
if err = v.TransactionID.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal tid")
p = p[v.TransactionID.Size():]
if len(p) > 0 {
if v.CommandObject, err = Amf0Discovery(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "discovery command object")
if err = v.CommandObject.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal command object")
p = p[v.CommandObject.Size():]
func (v *variantCallPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.CommandName.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal command name")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.TransactionID.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal tid")
data = append(data, pb...)
if v.CommandObject != nil {
if pb, err = v.CommandObject.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal command object")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 51, @section 4.1.2. Call
// The call method of the NetConnection object runs remote procedure
// calls (RPC) at the receiving end. The called RPC name is passed as a
// parameter to the call command.
// @remark onStatus packet is a call packet.
type CallPacket struct {
Args amf0Any // optional or object or null
func NewCallPacket() *CallPacket {
return &CallPacket{}
func (v *CallPacket) ArgsCode() string {
if v.Args != nil {
if v, ok := v.Args.(*amf0Object); ok {
if code, ok := v.Get("code").(*amf0String); ok {
return string(*code)
return ""
func (v *CallPacket) Size() int {
size := v.variantCallPacket.Size()
if v.Args != nil {
size += v.Args.Size()
return size
func (v *CallPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.variantCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
p = p[v.variantCallPacket.Size():]
if len(p) > 0 {
if v.Args, err = Amf0Discovery(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "discovery args")
if err = v.Args.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal args")
func (v *CallPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.variantCallPacket.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal call")
data = append(data, pb...)
if v.Args != nil {
if pb, err = v.Args.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal args")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 52, @section 4.1.3. createStream
// The client sends this command to the server to create a logical
// channel for message communication The publishing of audio, video, and
// metadata is carried out over stream channel created using the
// createStream command.
type CreateStreamPacket struct {
func NewCreateStreamPacket() *CreateStreamPacket {
v := &CreateStreamPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandCreateStream
v.TransactionID = amf0Number(2)
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Null()
return v
// The response for create stream
type CreateStreamResPacket struct {
StreamID amf0Number
func NewCreateStreamResPacket(tid amf0Number) *CreateStreamResPacket {
v := &CreateStreamResPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandResult
v.TransactionID = tid
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Null()
v.StreamID = 0
return v
func (v *CreateStreamResPacket) Size() int {
return v.variantCallPacket.Size() + v.StreamID.Size()
func (v *CreateStreamResPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.variantCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
p = p[v.variantCallPacket.Size():]
if err = v.StreamID.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal sid")
func (v *CreateStreamResPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.variantCallPacket.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal call")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.StreamID.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal sid")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 64, @section 4.2.6. Publish
type PublishPacket struct {
StreamName amf0String
StreamType amf0String
func NewPublishPacket() *PublishPacket {
v := &PublishPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandPublish
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Null()
v.StreamType = "live"
return v
func (v *PublishPacket) Size() int {
return v.variantCallPacket.Size() + v.StreamName.Size() + v.StreamType.Size()
func (v *PublishPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.variantCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
p = p[v.variantCallPacket.Size():]
if err = v.StreamName.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal stream name")
p = p[v.StreamName.Size():]
if err = v.StreamType.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal stream type")
func (v *PublishPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.variantCallPacket.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal call")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.StreamName.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal stream name")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.StreamType.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal stream type")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 54, @section 4.2.1. play
type PlayPacket struct {
StreamName amf0String
func NewPlayPacket() *PlayPacket {
v := &PlayPacket{}
v.CommandName = commandPlay
v.CommandObject = NewAmf0Null()
return v
func (v *PlayPacket) Size() int {
return v.variantCallPacket.Size() + v.StreamName.Size()
func (v *PlayPacket) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
p := data
if err = v.variantCallPacket.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal call")
p = p[v.variantCallPacket.Size():]
if err = v.StreamName.UnmarshalBinary(p); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(err, "unmarshal stream name")
p = p[v.StreamName.Size():]
func (v *PlayPacket) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
var pb []byte
if pb, err = v.variantCallPacket.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal call")
data = append(data, pb...)
if pb, err = v.StreamName.MarshalBinary(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.WithMessage(err, "marshal stream name")
data = append(data, pb...)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 31, @section 5.1. Set Chunk Size
// Protocol control message 1, Set Chunk Size, is used to notify the
// peer about the new maximum chunk size.
type SetChunkSize struct {
ChunkSize uint32
func NewSetChunkSize() *SetChunkSize {
return &SetChunkSize{
ChunkSize: defaultChunkSize,
func (v *SetChunkSize) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDProtocolControl
func (v *SetChunkSize) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeSetChunkSize
func (v *SetChunkSize) Size() int {
return 4
func (v *SetChunkSize) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if len(data) < 4 {
return errors.Errorf("requires 4 only %v bytes, %x", len(data), data)
v.ChunkSize = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data)
func (v *SetChunkSize) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
data = make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data, v.ChunkSize)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 33, @section 5.5. Window Acknowledgement Size (5)
// The client or the server sends this message to inform the peer which
// window size to use when sending acknowledgment.
type WindowAcknowledgementSize struct {
AckSize uint32
func NewWindowAcknowledgementSize() *WindowAcknowledgementSize {
return &WindowAcknowledgementSize{}
func (v *WindowAcknowledgementSize) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDProtocolControl
func (v *WindowAcknowledgementSize) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeWindowAcknowledgementSize
func (v *WindowAcknowledgementSize) Size() int {
return 4
func (v *WindowAcknowledgementSize) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if len(data) < 4 {
return errors.Errorf("requires 4 only %v bytes, %x", len(data), data)
v.AckSize = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data)
func (v *WindowAcknowledgementSize) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
data = make([]byte, 4)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data, v.AckSize)
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 33, @section 5.6. Set Peer Bandwidth (6)
// The sender can mark this message hard (0), soft (1), or dynamic (2)
// using the Limit type field.
type LimitType uint8
const (
LimitTypeHard LimitType = iota
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 33, @section 5.6. Set Peer Bandwidth (6)
// The client or the server sends this message to update the output
// bandwidth of the peer.
type SetPeerBandwidth struct {
Bandwidth uint32
LimitType LimitType
func NewSetPeerBandwidth() *SetPeerBandwidth {
return &SetPeerBandwidth{}
func (v *SetPeerBandwidth) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDProtocolControl
func (v *SetPeerBandwidth) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeSetPeerBandwidth
func (v *SetPeerBandwidth) Size() int {
return 4 + 1
func (v *SetPeerBandwidth) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if len(data) < 5 {
return errors.Errorf("requires 5 only %v bytes, %x", len(data), data)
v.Bandwidth = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data)
v.LimitType = LimitType(data[4])
func (v *SetPeerBandwidth) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
data = make([]byte, 5)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data, v.Bandwidth)
data[4] = byte(v.LimitType)
type EventType uint16
const (
// Generally, 4bytes event-data
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that a stream has become functional and can be
// used for communication. By default, this event
// is sent on ID 0 after the application connect
// command is successfully received from the
// client. The event data is 4-byte and represents
// The stream ID of the stream that became
// Functional.
EventTypeStreamBegin = 0x00
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that the playback of data is over as requested
// on this stream. No more data is sent without
// issuing additional commands. The client discards
// The messages received for the stream. The
// 4 bytes of event data represent the ID of the
// stream on which playback has ended.
EventTypeStreamEOF = 0x01
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that there is no more data on the stream. If the
// server does not detect any message for a time
// period, it can notify the subscribed clients
// that the stream is dry. The 4 bytes of event
// data represent the stream ID of the dry stream.
EventTypeStreamDry = 0x02
// The client sends this event to inform the server
// of the buffer size (in milliseconds) that is
// used to buffer any data coming over a stream.
// This event is sent before the server starts
// processing the stream. The first 4 bytes of the
// event data represent the stream ID and the next
// 4 bytes represent the buffer length, in
// milliseconds.
EventTypeSetBufferLength = 0x03 // 8bytes event-data
// The server sends this event to notify the client
// that the stream is a recorded stream. The
// 4 bytes event data represent the stream ID of
// The recorded stream.
EventTypeStreamIsRecorded = 0x04
// The server sends this event to test whether the
// client is reachable. Event data is a 4-byte
// timestamp, representing the local server time
// When the server dispatched the command. The
// client responds with kMsgPingResponse on
// receiving kMsgPingRequest.
EventTypePingRequest = 0x06
// The client sends this event to the server in
// Response to the ping request. The event data is
// a 4-byte timestamp, which was received with the
// kMsgPingRequest request.
EventTypePingResponse = 0x07
// For PCUC size=3, for example the payload is "00 1A 01",
// it's a FMS control event, where the event type is 0x001a and event data is 0x01,
// please notice that the event data is only 1 byte for this event.
EventTypeFmsEvent0 = 0x1a
// Please read @doc rtmp_specification_1.0.pdf, @page 32, @5.4. User Control Message (4)
// The client or the server sends this message to notify the peer about the user control events.
// This message carries Event type and Event data.
type UserControl struct {
// Event type is followed by Event data.
// @see: SrcPCUCEventType
EventType EventType
// The event data generally in 4bytes.
// @remark for event type is 0x001a, only 1bytes.
// @see SrsPCUCFmsEvent0
EventData int32
// 4bytes if event_type is SetBufferLength; otherwise 0.
ExtraData int32
func NewUserControl() *UserControl {
return &UserControl{}
func (v *UserControl) BetterCid() chunkID {
return chunkIDProtocolControl
func (v *UserControl) Type() MessageType {
return MessageTypeUserControl
func (v *UserControl) Size() int {
size := 2
if v.EventType == EventTypeFmsEvent0 {
size += 1
} else {
size += 4
if v.EventType == EventTypeSetBufferLength {
size += 4
return size
func (v *UserControl) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) (err error) {
if len(data) < 3 {
return errors.Errorf("requires 5 only %v bytes, %x", len(data), data)
v.EventType = EventType(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data))
if len(data) < v.Size() {
return errors.Errorf("requires %v only %v bytes, %x", v.Size(), len(data), data)
if v.EventType == EventTypeFmsEvent0 {
v.EventData = int32(uint8(data[2]))
} else {
v.EventData = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[2:]))
if v.EventType == EventTypeSetBufferLength {
v.ExtraData = int32(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(data[6:]))
func (v *UserControl) MarshalBinary() (data []byte, err error) {
data = make([]byte, v.Size())
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(data, uint16(v.EventType))
if v.EventType == EventTypeFmsEvent0 {
data[2] = uint8(v.EventData)
} else {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[2:], uint32(v.EventData))
if v.EventType == EventTypeSetBufferLength {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(data[6:], uint32(v.ExtraData))