winlin 115daa3cc1 migarate from winlinvip to srs org
bandwidth.conf refine the max connections, compare the system ulimit max open files, error when exeed limit
console.conf alias http_stream to http_server. rename http to http_static of vhost. rename http_flv to http_renux
demo.19350.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
demo.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
dvr.path.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
dvr.segment.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
dvr.session.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
edge.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
edge.token.traverse.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
ffmpeg.transcode.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
forward.master.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
forward.slave.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
full.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
hds.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
hls.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org migarate from winlinvip to srs org migarate from winlinvip to srs org
http.heartbeat.conf refine code, add comments for monitor.
http.hls.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
http.hooks.callback.conf fix , fix http hooks bug, regression bug. 0.9.184. migarate from winlinvip to srs org
http.server.conf alias http_stream to http_server. rename http to http_static of vhost. rename http_flv to http_renux migarate from winlinvip to srs org
ingest.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org add ingest to conf.
origin.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
push.mpegts.over.udp.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
push.rtsp.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
ram.hls.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
realtime.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
rtmp.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
security.deny.publish.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org
srs.conf alias http_stream to http_server. rename http to http_static of vhost. rename http_flv to http_renux migarate from winlinvip to srs org
transform.edge.conf migarate from winlinvip to srs org