if [[ ! -d $src_dir ]]; then echo "错误:必须在src同目录执行脚本"; exit 1; fi
# linux shell color support.
# step 1: build srs
#bash scripts/_step.build.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 2: start srs
bash scripts/_step.start.srs.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 3(optinal): start srs listen at 19350 to forward to
#bash scripts/_step.start.srs.19350.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 4(optinal): start nginx for HLS
bash scripts/_step.start.nginx.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 5(optinal): start http hooks for srs callback
bash scripts/_step.start.api.server.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 6: publish demo live stream
#bash scripts/_step.start.ffmpeg.demo.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 7: publish players live stream
#bash scripts/_step.start.ffmpeg.players.sh; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then exit $ret; fi
# step 8: add server ip to client hosts as demo.
ip=`ifconfig|grep "inet"|grep "addr"|grep "Mask"|grep -v ""|awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'|awk -F ':' '{print $2}'`
echo -e "${GREEN}SRS系统开发环境启动成功${BLACK}"
echo -e "${BLACK}播放器演示:${BLACK}"
echo -e "${RED} http://$ip/players/srs_player.html?vhost=players${BLACK}"
echo -e "${BLACK}编码器演示:${BLACK}"
echo -e "${RED} http://$ip/players/srs_publisher.html?vhost=players${BLACK}"
echo -e "${BLACK}视频会议演示:${BLACK}"
echo -e "${RED} http://$ip/players/srs_chat.html?vhost=players${BLACK}"
echo -e "${BLACK}服务器测速演示:${BLACK}"
echo -e "${RED} http://$ip/players/srs_bwt.html?vhost=players${BLACK}"