#!/bin/bash # variables, parent script must set it: ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### # parse user options, do this at first ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### # output variables ##################################################################################### help=no ################################################################ # feature options SRS_HDS=NO SRS_SRT=NO SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_GPERF=NO # Performance test: tcmalloc SRS_GPERF_MC=NO # Performance test: gperf memory check SRS_GPERF_MD=NO # Performance test: gperf memory defence SRS_GPERF_MP=NO # Performance test: gperf memory profile SRS_GPERF_CP=NO # Performance test: gperf cpu profile SRS_GPROF=NO # Performance test: gprof # Always enable the bellow features. SRS_STREAM_CASTER=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_SSL=YES SRS_STAT=YES SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_HTTP_CORE=YES SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES # ################################################################ # libraries SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=NO # arguments SRS_PREFIX=/usr/local/srs SRS_JOBS=1 SRS_STATIC=NO # whether enable the gcov SRS_GCOV=NO # whether enable the log verbose/info/trace level. # always enable the warn/error level. SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=NO SRS_LOG_INFO=NO SRS_LOG_TRACE=NO # ################################################################ # experts # donot compile ssl, use system ssl(-lssl) if required. SRS_USE_SYS_SSL=NO # enable memory watch, detect memory leak, # similar to gmc, should disable in release version for hurts performance. SRS_MEM_WATCH=NO # export the srs-librtmp to specified project, NO to disable it. SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_PROJECT=NO # export the srs-librtmp to a single .h and .c, NO to disable it. SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_SINGLE=NO # valgrind SRS_VALGRIND=NO # ################################################################ # presets # for x86/x64 pc/servers SRS_X86_X64=NO # for osx system SRS_OSX=NO # dev, open all features for dev, no gperf/prof/arm. SRS_DEV=NO # dev, open main server feature for dev, no utest/research/librtmp SRS_FAST_DEV=NO # demo, for the demo of srs, @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/wiki/v1_CN_SampleDemo SRS_DEMO=NO # raspberry-pi, open hls/ssl/static SRS_PI=NO # cubieboard, donot open ffmpeg/nginx. SRS_CUBIE=NO # the most fast compile, nothing, only support vp6 RTMP. SRS_FAST=NO # only support RTMP with ssl. SRS_PURE_RTMP=NO # the most fast compile, nothing, only support vp6 RTMP. SRS_DISABLE_ALL=NO # all features is on SRS_ENABLE_ALL=NO # ##################################################################################### # Toolchain crossbuild for ARM or MIPS. SRS_CROSS_BUILD=NO SRS_TOOL_CC=gcc SRS_TOOL_CXX=g++ SRS_TOOL_AR=ar SRS_TOOL_LD=ld SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB=randlib SRS_EXTRA_FLAGS= ##################################################################################### # menu ##################################################################################### function show_help() { cat << END Presets: --x86-64, --x86-x64 [default] For x86/x64 cpu, common pc and servers. --arm Enable crossbuild for ARM, should also set bellow toolchain options. --mips Enable crossbuild for MIPS Features: -h, --help Print this message and exit 0. --with-ssl Enable rtmp complex handshake, requires openssl-devel installed. --with-hds Enable hds streaming, mux RTMP to F4M/F4V files. --with-stream-caster Enable stream caster to serve other stream over other protocol. --with-stat Enable the data statistic, for http api. --with-librtmp Enable srs-librtmp, library for client. --with-research Build the research tools. --with-utest Build the utest for SRS. --with-srt Build the srt for SRS. --without-ssl Disable rtmp complex handshake. --without-hds Disable hds, the adobe http dynamic streaming. --without-stream-caster Disable stream caster, only listen and serve RTMP/HTTP. --without-stat Disable the data statistic feature. --without-librtmp Disable srs-librtmp, library for client. --without-research Do not build the research tools. --without-utest Do not build the utest for SRS. --without-srt Do not build the srt for SRS. --prefix= The absolute installation path for srs. Default: $SRS_PREFIX --static Whether add '-static' to link options. --gcov Whether enable the GCOV compiler options. --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. Used for make in the configure, for example, to make ffmpeg. --log-verbose Whether enable the log verbose level. default: no. --log-info Whether enable the log info level. default: no. --log-trace Whether enable the log trace level. default: yes. Performance: @see https://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/53503869 --with-valgrind Support valgrind for memory check. --with-gperf Build SRS with gperf tools(no gmd/gmc/gmp/gcp, with tcmalloc only). --with-gmc Build memory check for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gmd Build memory defense(corrupt memory) for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gmp Build memory profile for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gcp Build cpu profile for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gprof Build SRS with gprof(GNU profile tool). --without-valgrind Do not support valgrind for memory check. --without-gperf Do not build SRS with gperf tools(without tcmalloc and gmd/gmc/gmp/gcp). --without-gmc Do not build memory check for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gmd Do not build memory defense for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gmp Do not build memory profile for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gcp Do not build cpu profile for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gprof Do not build srs with gprof(GNU profile tool). Toolchain options: @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/1547#issuecomment-576078411 --arm Enable crossbuild for ARM. --mips Enable crossbuild for MIPS. --cc= Use c compiler CC, default is gcc. --cxx= Use c++ compiler CXX, default is g++. --ar= Use archive tool AR, default is ar. --ld= Use linker tool LD, default is ld. --randlib= Use randlib tool RANDLIB, default is randlib. --extra-flags= Set EFLAGS as CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. Also passed to ST as EXTRA_CFLAGS. Conflicts: 1. --with-gmc vs --with-gmp: @see: http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/heap_checker.html 2. --with-gperf/gmc/gmp vs --with-gprof: The gperftools not compatible with gprof. 3. --arm vs --with-ffmpeg/gperf/gmc/gmp/gprof: The complex tools not available for arm. Experts: --use-sys-ssl Do not compile ssl, use system ssl(-lssl) if required. --export-librtmp-project= Export srs-librtmp to specified project in path. --export-librtmp-single= Export srs-librtmp to a single file(.h+.cpp) in path. Workflow: 1. Apply "Presets". if not specified, use default preset. 2. Apply "Features", "Performance" and others. user specified option will override the preset. 3. Check conflicts, fail if exists conflicts. 4. Generate Makefile. Remark: 1. For performance improving, read https://blog.csdn.net/win_lin/article/details/53503869 END } function parse_user_option() { case "$option" in -h) help=yes ;; --help) help=yes ;; --with-ssl) SRS_SSL=YES ;; --with-hds) SRS_HDS=YES ;; --with-nginx) SRS_NGINX=YES ;; --with-ffmpeg) SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES ;; --with-transcode) SRS_TRANSCODE=YES ;; --with-ingest) SRS_INGEST=YES ;; --with-stat) SRS_STAT=YES ;; --with-stream-caster) SRS_STREAM_CASTER=YES ;; --with-librtmp) SRS_LIBRTMP=YES ;; --with-research) SRS_RESEARCH=YES ;; --with-utest) SRS_UTEST=YES ;; --with-srt) SRS_SRT=YES ;; --with-gperf) SRS_GPERF=YES ;; --with-gmc) SRS_GPERF_MC=YES ;; --with-gmd) SRS_GPERF_MD=YES ;; --with-gmp) SRS_GPERF_MP=YES ;; --with-gcp) SRS_GPERF_CP=YES ;; --with-gprof) SRS_GPROF=YES ;; --with-arm-ubuntu12) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=YES ;; --with-mips-ubuntu12) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=YES ;; --without-hds) SRS_HDS=NO ;; --without-nginx) SRS_NGINX=NO ;; --without-ffmpeg) SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO ;; --without-librtmp) SRS_LIBRTMP=NO ;; --without-research) SRS_RESEARCH=NO ;; --without-utest) SRS_UTEST=NO ;; --without-srt) SRS_SRT=NO ;; --without-gperf) SRS_GPERF=NO ;; --without-gmc) SRS_GPERF_MC=NO ;; --without-gmd) SRS_GPERF_MD=NO ;; --without-gmp) SRS_GPERF_MP=NO ;; --without-gcp) SRS_GPERF_CP=NO ;; --without-gprof) SRS_GPROF=NO ;; --without-arm-ubuntu12) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=NO ;; --without-mips-ubuntu12) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=NO ;; --jobs) SRS_JOBS=${value} ;; --prefix) SRS_PREFIX=${value} ;; --static) SRS_STATIC=YES ;; --log-verbose) SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=YES ;; --log-info) SRS_LOG_INFO=YES ;; --log-trace) SRS_LOG_TRACE=YES ;; --gcov) SRS_GCOV=YES ;; --arm) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=YES ;; --mips) SRS_CROSS_BUILD=YES ;; --cc) SRS_TOOL_CC=${value} ;; --cxx) SRS_TOOL_CXX=${value} ;; --ar) SRS_TOOL_AR=${value} ;; --ld) SRS_TOOL_LD=${value} ;; --randlib) SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB=${value} ;; --extra-flags) SRS_EXTRA_FLAGS=${value} ;; --x86-x64) SRS_X86_X64=YES ;; --x86-64) SRS_X86_X64=YES ;; --osx) SRS_OSX=YES ;; --allow-osx) SRS_OSX=YES ;; --pi) SRS_PI=YES ;; --cubie) SRS_CUBIE=YES ;; --dev) SRS_DEV=YES ;; --fast-dev) SRS_FAST_DEV=YES ;; --demo) SRS_DEMO=YES ;; --fast) SRS_FAST=YES ;; --disable-all) SRS_DISABLE_ALL=YES ;; --pure-rtmp) SRS_PURE_RTMP=YES ;; --full) SRS_ENABLE_ALL=YES ;; --use-sys-ssl) SRS_USE_SYS_SSL=YES ;; --memory-watch) SRS_MEM_WATCH=YES ;; --export-librtmp-project) SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_PROJECT=${value} ;; --export-librtmp-single) SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_SINGLE=${value} ;; --with-valgrind) SRS_VALGRIND=YES ;; --without-valgrind) SRS_VALGRIND=NO ;; --with-http-callback) SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES ;; --with-http-api) SRS_HTTP_API=YES ;; --with-http-server) SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES ;; --with-hls) SRS_HLS=YES ;; --with-dvr) SRS_DVR=YES ;; --without-stream-caster) ;& --without-ingest) ;& --without-ssl) ;& --without-stat) ;& --without-transcode) ;& --without-http-callback) ;& --without-http-server) ;& --without-http-api) ;& --without-hls) ;& --without-dvr) echo "ignore option \"$option\"" ;; *) echo "$0: error: invalid option \"$option\"" exit 1 ;; esac } function parse_user_option_to_value_and_option() { case "$option" in -*=*) value=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|[-_a-zA-Z0-9/]*=||'` option=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|=[-_a-zA-Z0-9/. +]*||'` ;; *) value="" ;; esac } ##################################################################################### # parse preset options ##################################################################################### opt= for option do opt="$opt `echo $option | sed -e \"s/\(--[^=]*=\)\(.* .*\)/\1'\2'/\"`" parse_user_option_to_value_and_option parse_user_option done if [ $help = yes ]; then show_help exit 0 fi function apply_user_presets() { # always set the log level for all presets. SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=NO SRS_LOG_INFO=NO SRS_LOG_TRACE=YES # set default preset if not specifies if [[ $SRS_PURE_RTMP == NO && $SRS_FAST == NO && $SRS_DISABLE_ALL == NO && $SRS_ENABLE_ALL == NO && \ $SRS_DEV == NO && $SRS_FAST_DEV == NO && $SRS_DEMO == NO && $SRS_PI == NO && $SRS_CUBIE == NO && \ $SRS_X86_X64 == NO && $SRS_OSX == NO && $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == NO \ ]]; then SRS_X86_X64=YES; opt="--x86-x64 $opt"; fi # all disabled. if [ $SRS_DISABLE_ALL = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # all enabled. if [ $SRS_ENABLE_ALL = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=YES SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_STATIC=NO fi # only rtmp vp6 if [ $SRS_FAST = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # only ssl for RTMP with complex handshake. if [ $SRS_PURE_RTMP = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # defaults for x86/x64 if [ $SRS_X86_X64 = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if dev specified, open features if possible. if [ $SRS_DEV = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=YES SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if fast dev specified, open main server features. if [ $SRS_FAST_DEV = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # for srs demo if [ $SRS_DEMO = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if raspberry-pi specified, open ssl/hls/static features if [ $SRS_PI = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if cubieboard specified, open features except ffmpeg/nginx. if [ $SRS_CUBIE = YES ]; then SRS_HDS=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if crossbuild, disable research and librtmp. if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES ]]; then SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi } apply_user_presets ##################################################################################### # parse detail feature options ##################################################################################### for option do parse_user_option_to_value_and_option parse_user_option done function apply_user_detail_options() { # if transcode/ingest specified, requires the ffmpeg stub classes. SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=NO if [ $SRS_TRANSCODE = YES ]; then SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=YES; fi if [ $SRS_INGEST = YES ]; then SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=YES; fi # Always enable HTTP utilies. if [ $SRS_HTTP_CORE = NO ]; then SRS_HTTP_CORE=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable HTTP utilies.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_STREAM_CASTER = NO ]; then SRS_STREAM_CASTER=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable StreamCaster.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_INGEST = NO ]; then SRS_INGEST=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable Ingest.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_SSL = NO ]; then SRS_SSL=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable SSL.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_STAT = NO ]; then SRS_STAT=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable Statistic.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_TRANSCODE = NO ]; then SRS_TRANSCODE=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable Transcode.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK = NO ]; then SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable HTTP callback.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_SERVER = NO ]; then SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable HTTP server.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_API = NO ]; then SRS_HTTP_API=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable HTTP API.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_HLS = NO ]; then SRS_HLS=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable HLS.${BLACK}"; fi if [ $SRS_DVR = NO ]; then SRS_DVR=YES; echo -e "${YELLOW}[WARN] Always enable DVR.${BLACK}"; fi # parse the jobs for make if [[ "" -eq SRS_JOBS ]]; then export SRS_JOBS="--jobs=1" else export SRS_JOBS="--jobs=${SRS_JOBS}" fi # if specified export single file, export project first. if [ $SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_SINGLE != NO ]; then SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_PROJECT=$SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_SINGLE fi # disable almost all features for export srs-librtmp. if [ $SRS_EXPORT_LIBRTMP_PROJECT != NO ]; then SRS_HDS=NO SRS_SSL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=NO SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO SRS_INGEST=NO SRS_STAT=NO SRS_STREAM_CASTER=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=YES SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MD=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi } apply_user_detail_options function regenerate_options() { # save all config options to macro to write to auto headers file SRS_AUTO_USER_CONFIGURE="$opt" # regenerate the options for default values. SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="--prefix=${SRS_PREFIX}" if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-hls"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-hls"; fi if [ $SRS_HDS = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-hds"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-hds"; fi if [ $SRS_DVR = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-dvr"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-dvr"; fi if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-ssl"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-ssl"; fi if [ $SRS_TRANSCODE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-transcode"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-transcode"; fi if [ $SRS_INGEST = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-ingest"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-ingest"; fi if [ $SRS_STAT = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-stat"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-stat"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-callback"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-callback"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_SERVER = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-server"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-server"; fi if [ $SRS_STREAM_CASTER = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-stream-caster"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-stream-caster"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_API = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-api"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-api"; fi if [ $SRS_LIBRTMP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-librtmp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-librtmp"; fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-research"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-research"; fi if [ $SRS_UTEST = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-utest"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-utest"; fi if [ $SRS_SRT = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-srt"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-srt"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gperf"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gperf"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gmc"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gmc"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MD = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gmd"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gmd"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gmp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gmp"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gcp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gcp"; fi if [ $SRS_GPROF = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gprof"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gprof"; fi if [ $SRS_STATIC = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --static"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_VERBOSE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-verbose"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_INFO = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-info"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_TRACE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-trace"; fi if [ $SRS_GCOV = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --gcov"; fi if [[ $SRS_EXTRA_FLAGS != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --extra-flags=\\\"$SRS_EXTRA_FLAGS\\\""; fi if [[ $SRS_TOOL_CC != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --cc=$SRS_TOOL_CC"; fi if [[ $SRS_TOOL_CXX != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --cxx=$SRS_TOOL_CXX"; fi if [[ $SRS_TOOL_AR != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --ar=$SRS_TOOL_AR"; fi if [[ $SRS_TOOL_LD != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --ld=$SRS_TOOL_LD"; fi if [[ $SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB != '' ]]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --randlib=$SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB"; fi echo "User config: $SRS_AUTO_USER_CONFIGURE" echo "Detail config: ${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE}" } regenerate_options ##################################################################################### # check user options ##################################################################################### function check_option_conflicts() { if [[ $SRS_TOOL_CC == '' || $SRS_TOOL_CXX == '' || $SRS_TOOL_AR == '' || $SRS_TOOL_LD == '' || $SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB == '' ]]; then echo "No crossbuild tools, cc: $SRS_TOOL_CC, cxx: $SRS_TOOL_CXX, ar: $SRS_TOOL_AR, ld: $SRS_TOOL_LD, randlib: $SRS_TOOL_RANDLIB"; exit -1 fi if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES && ($SRS_TOOL_CC == 'gcc' || $SRS_TOOL_CXX == 'g++' || $SRS_TOOL_AR == 'ar') ]]; then echo "For crossbuild, must not use default toolchain, cc: $SRS_TOOL_CC, cxx: $SRS_TOOL_CXX, ar: $SRS_TOOL_AR"; exit -1 fi if [ $SRS_OSX = YES ]; then echo "We don't support OSX, please use docker https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docker"; exit -1 fi if [[ $SRS_NGINX == YES ]]; then echo "Don't support building NGINX, please use docker https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docker"; exit -1 fi if [[ $SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL == YES ]]; then echo "Don't support building FFMPEG, please use docker https://github.com/ossrs/srs-docker"; exit -1 fi # TODO: FIXME: check more os. __check_ok=YES # check conflict if [ $SRS_GPERF = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then echo "gperf-mc depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MD = YES ]; then echo "gperf-md depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then echo "gperf-mp depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then echo "gperf-cp depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi if [[ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES && $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]]; then echo "gperf-mc not compatible with gperf-mp, see: ./configure --help"; echo "@see: http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/heap_checker.html"; echo "Note that since the heap-checker uses the heap-profiling framework internally, it is not possible to run both the heap-checker and heap profiler at the same time"; __check_ok=NO fi # generate the group option: SRS_GPERF __gperf_slow=NO if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MD = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $__gperf_slow = YES ]; then if [ $SRS_GPROF = YES ]; then echo "gmc/gmp/gcp not compatible with gprof, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi # check variable neccessary if [ $SRS_HDS = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the hds, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_SSL = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the ssl, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_STREAM_CASTER = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the stream-caster, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_LIBRTMP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the librtmp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the research, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_UTEST = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the utest, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-mc, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MD = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-md, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-mp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-cp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPROF = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gprof, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [[ -z $SRS_PREFIX ]]; then echo "you must specifies the prefix, see: ./configure --prefix"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $__check_ok = NO ]; then exit 1; fi } check_option_conflicts