/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2015 SRS(simple-rtmp-server) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #if defined(SRS_AUTO_HTTP_CORE) #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HTTP_CORE SrsHttpResponseWriter::SrsHttpResponseWriter(SrsStSocket* io) { skt = io; hdr = new SrsHttpHeader(); header_wrote = false; status = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK; content_length = -1; written = 0; header_sent = false; nb_iovss_cache = 0; iovss_cache = NULL; } SrsHttpResponseWriter::~SrsHttpResponseWriter() { srs_freep(hdr); srs_freep(iovss_cache); } int SrsHttpResponseWriter::final_request() { // complete the chunked encoding. if (content_length == -1) { std::stringstream ss; ss << 0 << SRS_HTTP_CRLF << SRS_HTTP_CRLF; std::string ch = ss.str(); return skt->write((void*)ch.data(), (int)ch.length(), NULL); } // flush when send with content length return write(NULL, 0); } SrsHttpHeader* SrsHttpResponseWriter::header() { return hdr; } int SrsHttpResponseWriter::write(char* data, int size) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!header_wrote) { write_header(SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK); if ((ret = send_header(data, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("http: send header failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } } // check the bytes send and content length. written += size; if (content_length != -1 && written > content_length) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH; srs_error("http: exceed content length. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // ignore NULL content. if (!data) { return ret; } // directly send with content length if (content_length != -1) { return skt->write((void*)data, size, NULL); } // send in chunked encoding. int nb_size = snprintf(header_cache, SRS_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_SIZE, "%x", size); iovec iovs[4]; iovs[0].iov_base = (char*)header_cache; iovs[0].iov_len = (int)nb_size; iovs[1].iov_base = (char*)SRS_HTTP_CRLF; iovs[1].iov_len = 2; iovs[2].iov_base = (char*)data; iovs[2].iov_len = size; iovs[3].iov_base = (char*)SRS_HTTP_CRLF; iovs[3].iov_len = 2; ssize_t nwrite; if ((ret = skt->writev(iovs, 4, &nwrite)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } return ret; } int SrsHttpResponseWriter::writev(iovec* iov, int iovcnt, ssize_t* pnwrite) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // when header not ready, or not chunked, send one by one. if (!header_wrote || content_length != -1) { ssize_t nwrite = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { iovec* piovc = iov + i; nwrite += piovc->iov_len; if ((ret = write((char*)piovc->iov_base, (int)piovc->iov_len)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } } if (pnwrite) { *pnwrite = nwrite; } return ret; } // ignore NULL content. if (iovcnt <= 0) { return ret; } // send in chunked encoding. int nb_iovss = 3 + iovcnt; iovec* iovss = iovss_cache; if (nb_iovss_cache < nb_iovss) { srs_freep(iovss_cache); nb_iovss_cache = nb_iovss; iovss = iovss_cache = new iovec[nb_iovss]; } // send in chunked encoding. // chunk size. int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { iovec* data_iov = iov + i; size += data_iov->iov_len; } written += size; // chunk header int nb_size = snprintf(header_cache, SRS_HTTP_HEADER_CACHE_SIZE, "%x", size); iovec* iovs = iovss; iovs[0].iov_base = (char*)header_cache; iovs[0].iov_len = (int)nb_size; iovs++; // chunk header eof. iovs[0].iov_base = (char*)SRS_HTTP_CRLF; iovs[0].iov_len = 2; iovs++; // chunk body. for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) { iovec* data_iov = iov + i; iovs[0].iov_base = (char*)data_iov->iov_base; iovs[0].iov_len = (int)data_iov->iov_len; iovs++; } // chunk body eof. iovs[0].iov_base = (char*)SRS_HTTP_CRLF; iovs[0].iov_len = 2; iovs++; // sendout all ioves. ssize_t nwrite; if ((ret = srs_write_large_iovs(skt, iovss, nb_iovss, &nwrite)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (pnwrite) { *pnwrite = nwrite; } return ret; } void SrsHttpResponseWriter::write_header(int code) { if (header_wrote) { srs_warn("http: multiple write_header calls, code=%d", code); return; } header_wrote = true; status = code; // parse the content length from header. content_length = hdr->content_length(); } int SrsHttpResponseWriter::send_header(char* data, int size) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (header_sent) { return ret; } header_sent = true; std::stringstream ss; // status_line ss << "HTTP/1.1 " << status << " " << srs_generate_http_status_text(status) << SRS_HTTP_CRLF; // detect content type if (srs_go_http_body_allowd(status)) { if (hdr->content_type().empty()) { hdr->set_content_type(srs_go_http_detect(data, size)); } } // set server if not set. if (hdr->get("Server").empty()) { hdr->set("Server", RTMP_SIG_SRS_KEY"/"RTMP_SIG_SRS_VERSION); } // chunked encoding if (content_length == -1) { hdr->set("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); } // keep alive to make vlc happy. hdr->set("Connection", "Keep-Alive"); // write headers hdr->write(ss); // header_eof ss << SRS_HTTP_CRLF; std::string buf = ss.str(); return skt->write((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.length(), NULL); } SrsHttpResponseReader::SrsHttpResponseReader(SrsHttpMessage* msg, SrsStSocket* io) { skt = io; owner = msg; is_eof = false; nb_total_read = 0; nb_left_chunk = 0; buffer = NULL; } SrsHttpResponseReader::~SrsHttpResponseReader() { } int SrsHttpResponseReader::initialize(SrsFastBuffer* body) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; nb_chunk = 0; nb_left_chunk = 0; nb_total_read = 0; buffer = body; return ret; } bool SrsHttpResponseReader::eof() { return is_eof; } int SrsHttpResponseReader::read(char* data, int nb_data, int* nb_read) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (is_eof) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_RESPONSE_EOF; srs_error("http: response EOF. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // chunked encoding. if (owner->is_chunked()) { return read_chunked(data, nb_data, nb_read); } // read by specified content-length int max = (int)owner->content_length() - (int)nb_total_read; if (max <= 0) { is_eof = true; return ret; } // change the max to read. nb_data = srs_min(nb_data, max); return read_specified(data, nb_data, nb_read); } int SrsHttpResponseReader::read_chunked(char* data, int nb_data, int* nb_read) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // when no bytes left in chunk, // parse the chunk length first. if (nb_left_chunk <= 0) { char* at = NULL; int length = 0; while (!at) { // find the CRLF of chunk header end. char* start = buffer->bytes(); char* end = start + buffer->size(); for (char* p = start; p < end - 1; p++) { if (p[0] == SRS_HTTP_CR && p[1] == SRS_HTTP_LF) { // invalid chunk, ignore. if (p == start) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_CHUNK_HEADER; srs_error("chunk header start with CRLF. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } length = (int)(p - start + 2); at = buffer->read_slice(length); break; } } // got at, ok. if (at) { break; } // when empty, only grow 1bytes, but the buffer will cache more. if ((ret = buffer->grow(skt, buffer->size() + 1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("read body from server failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } } srs_assert(length >= 3); // it's ok to set the pos and pos+1 to NULL. at[length - 1] = 0; at[length - 2] = 0; // size is the bytes size, excludes the chunk header and end CRLF. int ilength = (int)::strtol(at, NULL, 16); if (ilength < 0) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_CHUNK_HEADER; srs_error("chunk header negative, length=%d. ret=%d", ilength, ret); return ret; } // all bytes in chunk is left now. nb_chunk = nb_left_chunk = ilength; } if (nb_chunk <= 0) { // for the last chunk, eof. is_eof = true; } else { // for not the last chunk, there must always exists bytes. // left bytes in chunk, read some. srs_assert(nb_left_chunk); int nb_bytes = srs_min(nb_left_chunk, nb_data); ret = read_specified(data, nb_bytes, &nb_bytes); // the nb_bytes used for output already read size of bytes. if (nb_read) { *nb_read = nb_bytes; } nb_left_chunk -= nb_bytes; srs_info("http: read %d bytes of chunk", nb_bytes); // error or still left bytes in chunk, ignore and read in future. if (nb_left_chunk > 0 || (ret != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { return ret; } srs_info("http: read total chunk %dB", nb_chunk); } // for both the last or not, the CRLF of chunk payload end. if ((ret = buffer->grow(skt, 2)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("read EOF of chunk from server failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } buffer->read_slice(2); return ret; } int SrsHttpResponseReader::read_specified(char* data, int nb_data, int* nb_read) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (buffer->size() <= 0) { // when empty, only grow 1bytes, but the buffer will cache more. if ((ret = buffer->grow(skt, 1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("read body from server failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } } int nb_bytes = srs_min(nb_data, buffer->size()); // read data to buffer. srs_assert(nb_bytes); char* p = buffer->read_slice(nb_bytes); memcpy(data, p, nb_bytes); if (nb_read) { *nb_read = nb_bytes; } // increase the total read to determine whether EOF. nb_total_read += nb_bytes; // for not chunked if (!owner->is_chunked()) { // when read completed, eof. if (nb_total_read >= (int)owner->content_length()) { is_eof = true; } } return ret; } SrsHttpMessage::SrsHttpMessage(SrsStSocket* io, SrsConnection* c) : ISrsHttpMessage() { conn = c; chunked = false; keep_alive = true; _uri = new SrsHttpUri(); _body = new SrsHttpResponseReader(this, io); _http_ts_send_buffer = new char[SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE]; } SrsHttpMessage::~SrsHttpMessage() { srs_freep(_body); srs_freep(_uri); srs_freep(_http_ts_send_buffer); } int SrsHttpMessage::update(string url, http_parser* header, SrsFastBuffer* body, vector& headers) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; _url = url; _header = *header; _headers = headers; // whether chunked. std::string transfer_encoding = get_request_header("Transfer-Encoding"); chunked = (transfer_encoding == "chunked"); // whether keep alive. keep_alive = http_should_keep_alive(header); // set the buffer. if ((ret = _body->initialize(body)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // parse uri from url. std::string host = get_request_header("Host"); // donot parse the empty host for uri, // for example, the response contains no host, // ignore it is ok. if (host.empty()) { return ret; } // parse uri to schema/server:port/path?query std::string uri = "http://" + host + _url; if ((ret = _uri->initialize(uri)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // must format as key=value&...&keyN=valueN std::string q = _uri->get_query(); size_t pos = string::npos; while (!q.empty()) { std::string k = q; if ((pos = q.find("=")) != string::npos) { k = q.substr(0, pos); q = q.substr(pos + 1); } else { q = ""; } std::string v = q; if ((pos = q.find("&")) != string::npos) { v = q.substr(0, pos); q = q.substr(pos + 1); } else { q = ""; } _query[k] = v; } // parse ext. _ext = _uri->get_path(); if ((pos = _ext.rfind(".")) != string::npos) { _ext = _ext.substr(pos); } else { _ext = ""; } return ret; } SrsConnection* SrsHttpMessage::connection() { return conn; } u_int8_t SrsHttpMessage::method() { return (u_int8_t)_header.method; } u_int16_t SrsHttpMessage::status_code() { return (u_int16_t)_header.status_code; } string SrsHttpMessage::method_str() { if (is_http_get()) { return "GET"; } if (is_http_put()) { return "PUT"; } if (is_http_post()) { return "POST"; } if (is_http_delete()) { return "DELETE"; } if (is_http_options()) { return "OPTIONS"; } return "OTHER"; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_get() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GET; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_put() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PUT; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_post() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_POST; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_delete() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_DELETE; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_options() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OPTIONS; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_chunked() { return chunked; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_keep_alive() { return keep_alive; } string SrsHttpMessage::uri() { std::string uri = _uri->get_schema(); if (uri.empty()) { uri += "http"; } uri += "://"; uri += host(); uri += path(); return uri; } string SrsHttpMessage::url() { return _uri->get_url(); } string SrsHttpMessage::host() { return _uri->get_host(); } string SrsHttpMessage::path() { return _uri->get_path(); } string SrsHttpMessage::ext() { return _ext; } int SrsHttpMessage::body_read_all(string& body) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // cache to read. char* buf = new char[SRS_HTTP_READ_CACHE_BYTES]; SrsAutoFree(char, buf); // whatever, read util EOF. while (!_body->eof()) { int nb_read = 0; if ((ret = _body->read(buf, SRS_HTTP_READ_CACHE_BYTES, &nb_read)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (nb_read > 0) { body.append(buf, nb_read); } } return ret; } ISrsHttpResponseReader* SrsHttpMessage::body_reader() { return _body; } int64_t SrsHttpMessage::content_length() { return _header.content_length; } string SrsHttpMessage::query_get(string key) { std::string v; if (_query.find(key) != _query.end()) { v = _query[key]; } return v; } int SrsHttpMessage::request_header_count() { return (int)_headers.size(); } string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_key_at(int index) { srs_assert(index < request_header_count()); SrsHttpHeaderField item = _headers[index]; return item.first; } string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_value_at(int index) { srs_assert(index < request_header_count()); SrsHttpHeaderField item = _headers[index]; return item.second; } string SrsHttpMessage::get_request_header(string name) { std::vector::iterator it; for (it = _headers.begin(); it != _headers.end(); ++it) { SrsHttpHeaderField& elem = *it; std::string key = elem.first; std::string value = elem.second; if (key == name) { return value; } } return ""; } SrsRequest* SrsHttpMessage::to_request(string vhost) { SrsRequest* req = new SrsRequest(); req->app = _uri->get_path(); size_t pos = string::npos; if ((pos = req->app.rfind("/")) != string::npos) { req->stream = req->app.substr(pos + 1); req->app = req->app.substr(0, pos); } if ((pos = req->stream.rfind(".")) != string::npos) { req->stream = req->stream.substr(0, pos); } req->tcUrl = "rtmp://" + vhost + req->app; req->pageUrl = get_request_header("Referer"); req->objectEncoding = 0; srs_discovery_tc_url(req->tcUrl, req->schema, req->host, req->vhost, req->app, req->port, req->param); req->strip(); return req; } SrsHttpParser::SrsHttpParser() { buffer = new SrsFastBuffer(); } SrsHttpParser::~SrsHttpParser() { srs_freep(buffer); } int SrsHttpParser::initialize(enum http_parser_type type) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings)); settings.on_message_begin = on_message_begin; settings.on_url = on_url; settings.on_header_field = on_header_field; settings.on_header_value = on_header_value; settings.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete; settings.on_body = on_body; settings.on_message_complete = on_message_complete; http_parser_init(&parser, type); // callback object ptr. parser.data = (void*)this; return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::parse_message(SrsStSocket* skt, SrsConnection* conn, ISrsHttpMessage** ppmsg) { *ppmsg = NULL; int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // reset request data. field_name = ""; field_value = ""; expect_field_name = true; state = SrsHttpParseStateInit; header = http_parser(); url = ""; headers.clear(); header_parsed = 0; // do parse if ((ret = parse_message_imp(skt)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("parse http msg failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } // create msg SrsHttpMessage* msg = new SrsHttpMessage(skt, conn); // initalize http msg, parse url. if ((ret = msg->update(url, &header, buffer, headers)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("initialize http msg failed. ret=%d", ret); srs_freep(msg); return ret; } // parse ok, return the msg. *ppmsg = msg; return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::parse_message_imp(SrsStSocket* skt) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; while (true) { ssize_t nparsed = 0; // when got entire http header, parse it. // @see https://github.com/simple-rtmp-server/srs/issues/400 char* start = buffer->bytes(); char* end = start + buffer->size(); for (char* p = start; p <= end - 4; p++) { // SRS_HTTP_CRLFCRLF "\r\n\r\n" // 0x0D0A0D0A if (p[0] == SRS_CONSTS_CR && p[1] == SRS_CONSTS_LF && p[2] == SRS_CONSTS_CR && p[3] == SRS_CONSTS_LF) { nparsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings, buffer->bytes(), buffer->size()); srs_info("buffer=%d, nparsed=%d, header=%d", buffer->size(), (int)nparsed, header_parsed); break; } } // consume the parsed bytes. if (nparsed && header_parsed) { buffer->read_slice(header_parsed); } // ok atleast header completed, // never wait for body completed, for maybe chunked. if (state == SrsHttpParseStateHeaderComplete || state == SrsHttpParseStateMessageComplete) { break; } // when nothing parsed, read more to parse. if (nparsed == 0) { // when requires more, only grow 1bytes, but the buffer will cache more. if ((ret = buffer->grow(skt, buffer->size() + 1)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("read body from server failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } } } // parse last header. if (!field_name.empty() && !field_value.empty()) { headers.push_back(std::make_pair(field_name, field_value)); } return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::on_message_begin(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); obj->state = SrsHttpParseStateStart; srs_info("***MESSAGE BEGIN***"); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_headers_complete(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); obj->header = *parser; // save the parser when header parse completed. obj->state = SrsHttpParseStateHeaderComplete; obj->header_parsed = (int)parser->nread; srs_info("***HEADERS COMPLETE***"); // see http_parser.c:1570, return 1 to skip body. return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_message_complete(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); // save the parser when body parse completed. obj->state = SrsHttpParseStateMessageComplete; srs_info("***MESSAGE COMPLETE***\n"); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_url(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); if (length > 0) { obj->url.append(at, (int)length); } srs_info("Method: %d, Url: %.*s", parser->method, (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_header_field(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); // field value=>name, reap the field. if (!obj->expect_field_name) { obj->headers.push_back(std::make_pair(obj->field_name, obj->field_value)); // reset the field name when parsed. obj->field_name = ""; obj->field_value = ""; } obj->expect_field_name = true; if (length > 0) { obj->field_name.append(at, (int)length); } srs_info("Header field(%d bytes): %.*s", (int)length, (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_header_value(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); if (length > 0) { obj->field_value.append(at, (int)length); } obj->expect_field_name = false; srs_info("Header value(%d bytes): %.*s", (int)length, (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_body(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; srs_assert(obj); srs_info("Body: %.*s", (int)length, at); return 0; } SrsHttpUri::SrsHttpUri() { port = SRS_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; } SrsHttpUri::~SrsHttpUri() { } int SrsHttpUri::initialize(string _url) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; url = _url; const char* purl = url.c_str(); http_parser_url hp_u; if((ret = http_parser_parse_url(purl, url.length(), 0, &hp_u)) != 0){ int code = ret; ret = ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_URI; srs_error("parse url %s failed, code=%d, ret=%d", purl, code, ret); return ret; } std::string field = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_SCHEMA); if(!field.empty()){ schema = field; } host = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_HOST); field = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_PORT); if(!field.empty()){ port = atoi(field.c_str()); } path = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_PATH); srs_info("parse url %s success", purl); query = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_QUERY); srs_info("parse query %s success", query.c_str()); return ret; } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_url() { return url.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_schema() { return schema.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_host() { return host.data(); } int SrsHttpUri::get_port() { return port; } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_path() { return path.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_query() { return query.data(); } string SrsHttpUri::get_uri_field(string uri, http_parser_url* hp_u, http_parser_url_fields field) { if((hp_u->field_set & (1 << field)) == 0){ return ""; } srs_verbose("uri field matched, off=%d, len=%d, value=%.*s", hp_u->field_data[field].off, hp_u->field_data[field].len, hp_u->field_data[field].len, uri.c_str() + hp_u->field_data[field].off); int offset = hp_u->field_data[field].off; int len = hp_u->field_data[field].len; return uri.substr(offset, len); } SrsHttpConn::SrsHttpConn(IConnectionManager* cm, st_netfd_t fd, ISrsHttpServeMux* m) : SrsConnection(cm, fd) { parser = new SrsHttpParser(); http_mux = m; } SrsHttpConn::~SrsHttpConn() { srs_freep(parser); } void SrsHttpConn::resample() { // TODO: FIXME: implements it } int64_t SrsHttpConn::get_send_bytes_delta() { // TODO: FIXME: implements it return 0; } int64_t SrsHttpConn::get_recv_bytes_delta() { // TODO: FIXME: implements it return 0; } void SrsHttpConn::cleanup() { // TODO: FIXME: implements it } int SrsHttpConn::do_cycle() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; srs_trace("HTTP client ip=%s", ip.c_str()); // initialize parser if ((ret = parser->initialize(HTTP_REQUEST)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("http initialize http parser failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // underlayer socket SrsStSocket skt(stfd); // set the recv timeout, for some clients never disconnect the connection. // @see https://github.com/simple-rtmp-server/srs/issues/398 skt.set_recv_timeout(SRS_HTTP_RECV_TIMEOUT_US); // process http messages. while (!disposed) { ISrsHttpMessage* req = NULL; // get a http message if ((ret = parser->parse_message(&skt, this, &req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // if SUCCESS, always NOT-NULL. srs_assert(req); // always free it in this scope. SrsAutoFree(ISrsHttpMessage, req); // may should discard the body. if ((ret = on_got_http_message(req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // ok, handle http request. SrsHttpResponseWriter writer(&skt); if ((ret = process_request(&writer, req)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // donot keep alive, disconnect it. // @see https://github.com/simple-rtmp-server/srs/issues/399 if (!req->is_keep_alive()) { break; } } return ret; } int SrsHttpConn::process_request(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; srs_trace("HTTP %s %s, content-length=%"PRId64"", r->method_str().c_str(), r->url().c_str(), r->content_length()); // use default server mux to serve http request. if ((ret = http_mux->serve_http(w, r)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("serve http msg failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } return ret; } SrsStaticHttpConn::SrsStaticHttpConn(IConnectionManager* cm, st_netfd_t fd, ISrsHttpServeMux* m) : SrsHttpConn(cm, fd, m) { } SrsStaticHttpConn::~SrsStaticHttpConn() { } int SrsStaticHttpConn::on_got_http_message(ISrsHttpMessage* msg) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // TODO: FIXME: use the post body. std::string res; // get response body. if ((ret = msg->body_read_all(res)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } return ret; } SrsHttpServer::SrsHttpServer(SrsServer* svr) { server = svr; http_stream = new SrsHttpStreamServer(svr); http_static = new SrsHttpStaticServer(svr); } SrsHttpServer::~SrsHttpServer() { srs_freep(http_stream); srs_freep(http_static); } int SrsHttpServer::initialize() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; #if defined(SRS_AUTO_HTTP_SERVER) && defined(SRS_AUTO_HTTP_API) // for SRS go-sharp to detect the status of HTTP server of SRS HTTP FLV Cluster. if ((ret = http_static->mux.handle("/api/v1/versions", new SrsGoApiVersion())) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } #endif if ((ret = http_stream->initialize()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if ((ret = http_static->initialize()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } return ret; } int SrsHttpServer::serve_http(ISrsHttpResponseWriter* w, ISrsHttpMessage* r) { // try http stream first. if (http_stream->mux.can_serve(r)) { return http_stream->mux.serve_http(w, r); } return http_static->mux.serve_http(w, r); } int SrsHttpServer::http_mount(SrsSource* s, SrsRequest* r) { return http_stream->http_mount(s, r); } void SrsHttpServer::http_unmount(SrsSource* s, SrsRequest* r) { http_stream->http_unmount(s, r); } int SrsHttpServer::mount_hls(SrsRequest* r) { return http_stream->mount_hls(r); } int SrsHttpServer::hls_update_m3u8(SrsRequest* r, std::string m3u8) { return http_stream->hls_update_m3u8(r, m3u8); } int SrsHttpServer::hls_update_ts(SrsRequest* r, std::string uri, std::string ts) { return http_stream->hls_update_ts(r, uri, ts); } int SrsHttpServer::hls_remove_ts(SrsRequest* r, std::string uri) { return http_stream->hls_remove_ts(r, uri); } void SrsHttpServer::unmount_hls(SrsRequest* r) { http_stream->unmount_hls(r); } #endif