/* The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013-2015 winlin Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HTTP_PARSER #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SRS_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT 80 #define SRS_HTTP_HEADER_BUFFER 1024 // for http parser macros #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OPTIONS HTTP_OPTIONS #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GET HTTP_GET #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_POST HTTP_POST #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PUT HTTP_PUT #define SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_DELETE HTTP_DELETE #define SRS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PAGE "index.html" int srs_go_http_response_json(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, string data) { w->header()->set_content_length(data.length()); w->header()->set_content_type("application/json;charset=utf-8"); return w->write((char*)data.data(), data.length()); } // get the status text of code. string srs_generate_status_text(int status) { static std::map _status_map; if (_status_map.empty()) { _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Continue ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Continue_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SwitchingProtocols ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SwitchingProtocols_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Created ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Created_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Accepted ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Accepted_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NonAuthoritativeInformation_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NoContent ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NoContent_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ResetContent ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ResetContent_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PartialContent ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PartialContent_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MultipleChoices ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MultipleChoices_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MovedPermanently ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MovedPermanently_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Found ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Found_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SeeOther ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_SeeOther_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotModified ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotModified_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UseProxy ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UseProxy_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_TemporaryRedirect ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_TemporaryRedirect_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadRequest ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadRequest_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Unauthorized ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Unauthorized_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PaymentRequired ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PaymentRequired_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Forbidden ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Forbidden_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MethodNotAllowed ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MethodNotAllowed_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotAcceptable ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotAcceptable_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ProxyAuthenticationRequired ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ProxyAuthenticationRequired_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestTimeout ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestTimeout_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Conflict ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Conflict_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Gone ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_Gone_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_LengthRequired ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_LengthRequired_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PreconditionFailed ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PreconditionFailed_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestEntityTooLarge_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestURITooLarge ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestURITooLarge_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_UnsupportedMediaType_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ExpectationFailed ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ExpectationFailed_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_InternalServerError ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_InternalServerError_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotImplemented ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotImplemented_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadGateway ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_BadGateway_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ServiceUnavailable ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_ServiceUnavailable_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GatewayTimeout ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GatewayTimeout_str ; _status_map[SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported ] = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_HTTPVersionNotSupported_str ; } std::string status_text; if (_status_map.find(status) == _status_map.end()) { status_text = "Status Unknown"; } else { status_text = _status_map[status]; } return status_text; } // bodyAllowedForStatus reports whether a given response status code // permits a body. See RFC2616, section 4.4. bool srs_go_http_body_allowd(int status) { if (status >= 100 && status <= 199) { return false; } else if (status == 204 || status == 304) { return false; } return true; } // DetectContentType implements the algorithm described // at http://mimesniff.spec.whatwg.org/ to determine the // Content-Type of the given data. It considers at most the // first 512 bytes of data. DetectContentType always returns // a valid MIME type: if it cannot determine a more specific one, it // returns "application/octet-stream". string srs_go_http_detect(char* data, int size) { return "application/octet-stream"; // fallback } // Error replies to the request with the specified error message and HTTP code. // The error message should be plain text. int srs_go_http_error(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, int code, string error) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; w->header()->set_content_type("text/plain; charset=utf-8"); w->header()->set_content_length(error.length()); w->write_header(code); w->write((char*)error.data(), (int)error.length()); return ret; } SrsGoHttpHeader::SrsGoHttpHeader() { } SrsGoHttpHeader::~SrsGoHttpHeader() { } void SrsGoHttpHeader::set(string key, string value) { headers[key] = value; } string SrsGoHttpHeader::get(string key) { std::string v; if (headers.find(key) != headers.end()) { v = headers[key]; } return v; } int64_t SrsGoHttpHeader::content_length() { std::string cl = get("Content-Length"); if (cl.empty()) { return -1; } return (int64_t)::atof(cl.c_str()); } void SrsGoHttpHeader::set_content_length(int64_t size) { char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRId64, size); set("Content-Length", buf); } string SrsGoHttpHeader::content_type() { return get("Content-Type"); } void SrsGoHttpHeader::set_content_type(string ct) { set("Content-Type", ct); } void SrsGoHttpHeader::write(stringstream& ss) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) { ss << it->first << ": " << it->second << __SRS_CRLF; } } ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter::ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter() { } ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter::~ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter() { } ISrsGoHttpHandler::ISrsGoHttpHandler() { } ISrsGoHttpHandler::~ISrsGoHttpHandler() { } SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler::SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler(string u, int c) { url = u; code = c; } SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler::~SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler() { } int SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler::serve_http(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // TODO: FIXME: implements it. return ret; } SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler::SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler() { } SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler::~SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler() { } int SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler::serve_http(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r) { return srs_go_http_error(w, SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound, SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_NotFound_str); } SrsGoHttpFileServer::SrsGoHttpFileServer(string root_dir) { dir = root_dir; } SrsGoHttpFileServer::~SrsGoHttpFileServer() { } int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_http(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; string upath = r->path(); // add default pages. if (srs_string_ends_with(upath, "/")) { upath += SRS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PAGE; } string fullpath = dir + "/" + upath; if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".flv") || srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".fhv")) { std::string start = r->query_get("start"); if (start.empty()) { return serve_file(fullpath, w, r); } int offset = ::atoi(start.c_str()); if (offset <= 0) { return serve_file(fullpath, w, r); } return serve_flv_stream(fullpath, w, r, offset); } else { return serve_file(fullpath, w, r); } return ret; } int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_file(string fullpath, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // open the target file. SrsFileReader fs; if ((ret = fs.open(fullpath)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_warn("open file %s failed, ret=%d", fullpath.c_str(), ret); return ret; } int64_t length = fs.filesize(); w->header()->set_content_length(length); if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".ts")) { w->header()->set_content_type("video/MP2T"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".m3u8")) { w->header()->set_content_type("application/x-mpegURL;charset=utf-8"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".flv")) { w->header()->set_content_type("video/x-flv"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".xml")) { w->header()->set_content_type("text/xml;charset=utf-8"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".js")) { w->header()->set_content_type("text/javascript"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".json")) { w->header()->set_content_type("application/json;charset=utf-8"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".swf")) { w->header()->set_content_type("application/x-shockwave-flash"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".css")) { w->header()->set_content_type("text/css;charset=utf-8"); } else if (srs_string_ends_with(fullpath, ".ico")) { w->header()->set_content_type("image/x-icon"); } else { w->header()->set_content_type("text/html;charset=utf-8"); } // write body. int64_t left = length; char* buf = r->http_ts_send_buffer(); while (left > 0) { ssize_t nread = -1; if ((ret = fs.read(buf, __SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_warn("read file %s failed, ret=%d", fullpath.c_str(), ret); break; } left -= nread; if ((ret = w->write(buf, nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } } return ret; } int SrsGoHttpFileServer::serve_flv_stream(string fullpath, ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r, int offset) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; SrsFileReader fs; // open flv file if ((ret = fs.open(fullpath)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (offset > fs.filesize()) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_FLV_OFFSET_OVERFLOW; srs_warn("http flv streaming %s overflow. size=%"PRId64", offset=%d, ret=%d", fullpath.c_str(), fs.filesize(), offset, ret); return ret; } SrsFlvVodStreamDecoder ffd; // open fast decoder if ((ret = ffd.initialize(&fs)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // save header, send later. char flv_header[13]; // send flv header if ((ret = ffd.read_header_ext(flv_header)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // save sequence header, send later char* sh_data = NULL; int sh_size = 0; if (true) { // send sequence header int64_t start = 0; if ((ret = ffd.read_sequence_header_summary(&start, &sh_size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (sh_size <= 0) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_FLV_SEQUENCE_HEADER; srs_warn("http flv streaming no sequence header. size=%d, ret=%d", sh_size, ret); return ret; } } sh_data = new char[sh_size]; SrsAutoFree(char, sh_data); if ((ret = fs.read(sh_data, sh_size, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // seek to data offset int64_t left = fs.filesize() - offset; // write http header for ts. w->header()->set_content_length((int)(sizeof(flv_header) + sh_size + left)); w->header()->set_content_type("video/x-flv"); // write flv header and sequence header. if ((ret = w->write(flv_header, sizeof(flv_header))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } if (sh_size > 0 && (ret = w->write(sh_data, sh_size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // write body. char* buf = r->http_ts_send_buffer(); if ((ret = ffd.lseek(offset)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // send data while (left > 0) { ssize_t nread = -1; if ((ret = fs.read(buf, __SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } left -= nread; if ((ret = w->write(buf, nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } } return ret; } SrsGoHttpMuxEntry::SrsGoHttpMuxEntry() { explicit_match = false; handler = NULL; } SrsGoHttpMuxEntry::~SrsGoHttpMuxEntry() { srs_freep(handler); } SrsGoHttpServeMux::SrsGoHttpServeMux() { } SrsGoHttpServeMux::~SrsGoHttpServeMux() { std::map::iterator it; for (it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* entry = it->second; srs_freep(entry); } entries.clear(); } int SrsGoHttpServeMux::initialize() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // TODO: FIXME: implements it. return ret; } int SrsGoHttpServeMux::handle(std::string pattern, ISrsGoHttpHandler* handler) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; srs_assert(handler); if (pattern.empty()) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_PATTERN_EMPTY; srs_error("http: empty pattern. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (entries.find(pattern) != entries.end()) { SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* exists = entries[pattern]; if (exists->explicit_match) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_PATTERN_DUPLICATED; srs_error("http: multiple registrations for %s. ret=%d", pattern.c_str(), ret); return ret; } } if (true) { SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* entry = new SrsGoHttpMuxEntry(); entry->explicit_match = true; entry->handler = handler; entry->pattern = pattern; if (entries.find(pattern) != entries.end()) { SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* exists = entries[pattern]; srs_freep(exists); } entries[pattern] = entry; } // Helpful behavior: // If pattern is /tree/, insert an implicit permanent redirect for /tree. // It can be overridden by an explicit registration. if (!pattern.empty() && pattern.at(pattern.length() - 1) == '/') { std::string rpattern = pattern.substr(0, pattern.length() - 1); SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* entry = NULL; // free the exists not explicit entry if (entries.find(rpattern) != entries.end()) { SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* exists = entries[rpattern]; if (!exists->explicit_match) { entry = exists; } } // create implicit redirect. if (!entry || entry->explicit_match) { srs_freep(entry); entry = new SrsGoHttpMuxEntry(); entry->explicit_match = false; entry->handler = new SrsGoHttpRedirectHandler(pattern, SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_MovedPermanently); entry->pattern = pattern; entries[rpattern] = entry; } } return ret; } int SrsGoHttpServeMux::serve_http(ISrsGoHttpResponseWriter* w, SrsHttpMessage* r) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; ISrsGoHttpHandler* h = NULL; if ((ret = find_handler(r, &h)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("find handler failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } srs_assert(h); if ((ret = h->serve_http(w, r)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("handler serve http failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } return ret; } int SrsGoHttpServeMux::find_handler(SrsHttpMessage* r, ISrsGoHttpHandler** ph) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // TODO: FIXME: support the path . and .. if (r->url().find("..") != std::string::npos) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_URL_NOT_CLEAN; srs_error("htt url not canonical, url=%s. ret=%d", r->url().c_str(), ret); return ret; } if ((ret = match(r, ph)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("http match handler failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if (*ph == NULL) { *ph = new SrsGoHttpNotFoundHandler(); } return ret; } int SrsGoHttpServeMux::match(SrsHttpMessage* r, ISrsGoHttpHandler** ph) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; std::string path = r->path(); int nb_matched = 0; ISrsGoHttpHandler* h = NULL; std::map::iterator it; for (it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { std::string pattern = it->first; SrsGoHttpMuxEntry* entry = it->second; if (!path_match(pattern, path)) { continue; } if (!h || (int)pattern.length() > nb_matched) { nb_matched = (int)pattern.length(); h = entry->handler; } } *ph = h; return ret; } bool SrsGoHttpServeMux::path_match(string pattern, string path) { if (pattern.empty()) { return false; } int n = pattern.length(); // not endswith '/', exactly match. if (pattern.at(n - 1) != '/') { return pattern == path; } // endswith '/', match any, // for example, '/api/' match '/api/[N]' if ((int)path.length() >= n) { if (memcmp(pattern.data(), path.data(), n) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::SrsGoHttpResponseWriter(SrsStSocket* io) { skt = io; hdr = new SrsGoHttpHeader(); header_wrote = false; status = SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK; content_length = -1; written = 0; header_sent = false; } SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::~SrsGoHttpResponseWriter() { srs_freep(hdr); } SrsGoHttpHeader* SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::header() { return hdr; } int SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::write(char* data, int size) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!header_wrote) { write_header(SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OK); } written += size; if (content_length != -1 && written > content_length) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH; srs_error("http: exceed content length. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if ((ret = send_header(data, size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("http: send header failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } return skt->write((void*)data, size, NULL); } void SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::write_header(int code) { if (header_wrote) { srs_warn("http: multiple write_header calls, code=%d", code); return; } header_wrote = true; status = code; // parse the content length from header. content_length = hdr->content_length(); } int SrsGoHttpResponseWriter::send_header(char* data, int size) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (header_sent) { return ret; } header_sent = true; std::stringstream ss; // status_line ss << "HTTP/1.1 " << status << " " << srs_generate_status_text(status) << __SRS_CRLF; // detect content type if (srs_go_http_body_allowd(status)) { if (hdr->content_type().empty()) { hdr->set_content_type(srs_go_http_detect(data, size)); } } // set server if not set. if (hdr->get("Server").empty()) { hdr->set("Server", RTMP_SIG_SRS_KEY"/"RTMP_SIG_SRS_VERSION); } // write headers hdr->write(ss); // header_eof ss << __SRS_CRLF; std::string buf = ss.str(); return skt->write((void*)buf.c_str(), buf.length(), NULL); } SrsHttpMessage::SrsHttpMessage() { _body = new SrsSimpleBuffer(); _state = SrsHttpParseStateInit; _uri = new SrsHttpUri(); _http_ts_send_buffer = new char[__SRS_HTTP_TS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE]; } SrsHttpMessage::~SrsHttpMessage() { srs_freep(_body); srs_freep(_uri); srs_freep(_http_ts_send_buffer); } int SrsHttpMessage::initialize() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // parse uri to schema/server:port/path?query if ((ret = _uri->initialize(_url)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return ret; } // must format as key=value&...&keyN=valueN std::string q = _uri->get_query(); size_t pos = string::npos; while (!q.empty()) { std::string k = q; if ((pos = q.find("=")) != string::npos) { k = q.substr(0, pos); q = q.substr(pos + 1); } else { q = ""; } std::string v = q; if ((pos = q.find("&")) != string::npos) { v = q.substr(0, pos); q = q.substr(pos + 1); } else { q = ""; } _query[k] = v; } return ret; } char* SrsHttpMessage::http_ts_send_buffer() { return _http_ts_send_buffer; } void SrsHttpMessage::reset() { _state = SrsHttpParseStateInit; _body->erase(_body->length()); _url = ""; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_complete() { return _state == SrsHttpParseStateComplete; } u_int8_t SrsHttpMessage::method() { return (u_int8_t)_header.method; } u_int16_t SrsHttpMessage::status_code() { return (u_int16_t)_header.status_code; } string SrsHttpMessage::method_str() { if (is_http_get()) { return "GET"; } if (is_http_put()) { return "PUT"; } if (is_http_post()) { return "POST"; } if (is_http_delete()) { return "DELETE"; } if (is_http_options()) { return "OPTIONS"; } return "OTHER"; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_get() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_GET; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_put() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_PUT; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_post() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_POST; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_delete() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_DELETE; } bool SrsHttpMessage::is_http_options() { return _header.method == SRS_CONSTS_HTTP_OPTIONS; } string SrsHttpMessage::uri() { std::string uri = _uri->get_schema(); if (uri.empty()) { uri += "http://"; } uri += host(); uri += path(); return uri; } string SrsHttpMessage::url() { return _uri->get_url(); } string SrsHttpMessage::host() { return get_request_header("Host"); } string SrsHttpMessage::path() { return _uri->get_path(); } string SrsHttpMessage::body() { std::string b; if (_body && _body->length() > 0) { b.append(_body->bytes(), _body->length()); } return b; } char* SrsHttpMessage::body_raw() { return _body? _body->bytes() : NULL; } int64_t SrsHttpMessage::body_size() { return (int64_t)_body->length(); } int64_t SrsHttpMessage::content_length() { return _header.content_length; } void SrsHttpMessage::set_url(string url) { _url = url; } void SrsHttpMessage::set_state(SrsHttpParseState state) { _state = state; } void SrsHttpMessage::set_header(http_parser* header) { memcpy(&_header, header, sizeof(http_parser)); } void SrsHttpMessage::append_body(const char* body, int length) { _body->append(body, length); } string SrsHttpMessage::query_get(string key) { std::string v; if (_query.find(key) != _query.end()) { v = _query[key]; } return v; } int SrsHttpMessage::request_header_count() { return (int)headers.size(); } string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_key_at(int index) { srs_assert(index < request_header_count()); SrsHttpHeaderField item = headers[index]; return item.first; } string SrsHttpMessage::request_header_value_at(int index) { srs_assert(index < request_header_count()); SrsHttpHeaderField item = headers[index]; return item.second; } void SrsHttpMessage::set_request_header(string key, string value) { headers.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value)); } string SrsHttpMessage::get_request_header(string name) { std::vector::iterator it; for (it = headers.begin(); it != headers.end(); ++it) { SrsHttpHeaderField& elem = *it; std::string key = elem.first; std::string value = elem.second; if (key == name) { return value; } } return ""; } SrsHttpParser::SrsHttpParser() { msg = NULL; } SrsHttpParser::~SrsHttpParser() { srs_freep(msg); } int SrsHttpParser::initialize(enum http_parser_type type) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; memset(&settings, 0, sizeof(settings)); settings.on_message_begin = on_message_begin; settings.on_url = on_url; settings.on_header_field = on_header_field; settings.on_header_value = on_header_value; settings.on_headers_complete = on_headers_complete; settings.on_body = on_body; settings.on_message_complete = on_message_complete; http_parser_init(&parser, type); // callback object ptr. parser.data = (void*)this; return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::parse_message(SrsStSocket* skt, SrsHttpMessage** ppmsg) { *ppmsg = NULL; int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // the msg must be always NULL srs_assert(msg == NULL); msg = new SrsHttpMessage(); // reset request data. filed_name = ""; // reset response header. msg->reset(); // do parse if ((ret = parse_message_imp(skt)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("parse http msg failed. ret=%d", ret); } srs_freep(msg); return ret; } // initalize http msg, parse url. if ((ret = msg->initialize()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("initialize http msg failed. ret=%d", ret); srs_freep(msg); return ret; } // parse ok, return the msg. *ppmsg = msg; msg = NULL; return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::parse_message_imp(SrsStSocket* skt) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // the msg should never be NULL srs_assert(msg != NULL); // parser header. char buf[SRS_HTTP_HEADER_BUFFER]; for (;;) { ssize_t nread; if ((ret = skt->read(buf, (size_t)sizeof(buf), &nread)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (!srs_is_client_gracefully_close(ret)) { srs_error("read body from server failed. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } ssize_t nparsed = http_parser_execute(&parser, &settings, buf, nread); srs_info("read_size=%d, nparsed=%d", (int)nread, (int)nparsed); // check header size. if (msg->is_complete()) { return ret; } if (nparsed != nread) { ret = ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_HEADER; srs_error("parse response error, parsed(%d)!=read(%d), ret=%d", (int)nparsed, (int)nread, ret); return ret; } } return ret; } int SrsHttpParser::on_message_begin(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; obj->msg->set_state(SrsHttpParseStateStart); srs_info("***MESSAGE BEGIN***"); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_headers_complete(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; obj->msg->set_header(parser); srs_info("***HEADERS COMPLETE***"); // see http_parser.c:1570, return 1 to skip body. return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_message_complete(http_parser* parser) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; // save the parser when header parse completed. obj->msg->set_state(SrsHttpParseStateComplete); srs_info("***MESSAGE COMPLETE***\n"); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_url(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; if (length > 0) { std::string url; url.append(at, (int)length); obj->msg->set_url(url); } srs_info("Method: %d, Url: %.*s", parser->method, (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_header_field(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; if (length > 0) { srs_assert(obj); obj->filed_name.append(at, (int)length); } srs_info("Header field: %.*s", (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_header_value(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; if (length > 0) { srs_assert(obj); srs_assert(obj->msg); std::string field_value; field_value.append(at, (int)length); obj->msg->set_request_header(obj->filed_name, field_value); obj->filed_name = ""; } srs_info("Header value: %.*s", (int)length, at); return 0; } int SrsHttpParser::on_body(http_parser* parser, const char* at, size_t length) { SrsHttpParser* obj = (SrsHttpParser*)parser->data; if (length > 0) { srs_assert(obj); srs_assert(obj->msg); obj->msg->append_body(at, (int)length); } srs_info("Body: %.*s", (int)length, at); return 0; } SrsHttpUri::SrsHttpUri() { port = SRS_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; } SrsHttpUri::~SrsHttpUri() { } int SrsHttpUri::initialize(string _url) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; url = _url; const char* purl = url.c_str(); http_parser_url hp_u; if((ret = http_parser_parse_url(purl, url.length(), 0, &hp_u)) != 0){ int code = ret; ret = ERROR_HTTP_PARSE_URI; srs_error("parse url %s failed, code=%d, ret=%d", purl, code, ret); return ret; } std::string field = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_SCHEMA); if(!field.empty()){ schema = field; } host = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_HOST); field = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_PORT); if(!field.empty()){ port = atoi(field.c_str()); } path = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_PATH); srs_info("parse url %s success", purl); query = get_uri_field(url, &hp_u, UF_QUERY); srs_info("parse query %s success", query.c_str()); return ret; } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_url() { return url.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_schema() { return schema.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_host() { return host.data(); } int SrsHttpUri::get_port() { return port; } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_path() { return path.data(); } const char* SrsHttpUri::get_query() { return query.data(); } string SrsHttpUri::get_uri_field(string uri, http_parser_url* hp_u, http_parser_url_fields field) { if((hp_u->field_set & (1 << field)) == 0){ return ""; } srs_verbose("uri field matched, off=%d, len=%d, value=%.*s", hp_u->field_data[field].off, hp_u->field_data[field].len, hp_u->field_data[field].len, uri.c_str() + hp_u->field_data[field].off); int offset = hp_u->field_data[field].off; int len = hp_u->field_data[field].len; return uri.substr(offset, len); } #endif