/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Winlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_APP_SOURCE_HPP #define SRS_APP_SOURCE_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SrsFormat; class SrsRtmpFormat; class SrsConsumer; class SrsPlayEdge; class SrsPublishEdge; class SrsSource; class SrsCommonMessage; class SrsOnMetaDataPacket; class SrsSharedPtrMessage; class SrsForwarder; class SrsRequest; class SrsStSocket; class SrsRtmpServer; class SrsEdgeProxyContext; class SrsMessageArray; class SrsNgExec; class SrsConnection; class SrsMessageHeader; class SrsHls; class SrsDvr; class SrsDash; class SrsEncoder; class SrsBuffer; #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HDS class SrsHds; #endif /** * the time jitter algorithm: * 1. full, to ensure stream start at zero, and ensure stream monotonically increasing. * 2. zero, only ensure sttream start at zero, ignore timestamp jitter. * 3. off, disable the time jitter algorithm, like atc. */ enum SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm { SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL = 0x01, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmZERO, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmOFF }; int _srs_time_jitter_string2int(std::string time_jitter); /** * time jitter detect and correct, * to ensure the rtmp stream is monotonically. */ class SrsRtmpJitter { private: int64_t last_pkt_time; int64_t last_pkt_correct_time; public: SrsRtmpJitter(); virtual ~SrsRtmpJitter(); public: /** * detect the time jitter and correct it. * @param ag the algorithm to use for time jitter. */ virtual srs_error_t correct(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm ag); /** * get current client time, the last packet time. */ virtual int64_t get_time(); }; #ifdef SRS_PERF_QUEUE_FAST_VECTOR /** * to alloc and increase fixed space, * fast remove and insert for msgs sender. * @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/251 */ class SrsFastVector { private: SrsSharedPtrMessage** msgs; int nb_msgs; int count; public: SrsFastVector(); virtual ~SrsFastVector(); public: virtual int size(); virtual int begin(); virtual int end(); virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage** data(); virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage* at(int index); virtual void clear(); virtual void erase(int _begin, int _end); virtual void push_back(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); virtual void free(); }; #endif /** * the message queue for the consumer(client), forwarder. * we limit the size in seconds, drop old messages(the whole gop) if full. */ class SrsMessageQueue { private: // The start and end time. srs_utime_t av_start_time; srs_utime_t av_end_time; private: // Whether do logging when shrinking. bool _ignore_shrink; // The max queue size, shrink if exceed it. srs_utime_t max_queue_size; #ifdef SRS_PERF_QUEUE_FAST_VECTOR SrsFastVector msgs; #else std::vector msgs; #endif public: SrsMessageQueue(bool ignore_shrink = false); virtual ~SrsMessageQueue(); public: /** * get the size of queue. */ virtual int size(); /** * get the duration of queue. */ virtual srs_utime_t duration(); /** * set the queue size * @param queue_size the queue size in seconds. */ virtual void set_queue_size(double queue_size); public: /** * enqueue the message, the timestamp always monotonically. * @param msg, the msg to enqueue, user never free it whatever the return code. * @param is_overflow, whether overflow and shrinked. NULL to ignore. */ virtual srs_error_t enqueue(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg, bool* is_overflow = NULL); /** * get packets in consumer queue. * @pmsgs SrsSharedPtrMessage*[], used to store the msgs, user must alloc it. * @count the count in array, output param. * @max_count the max count to dequeue, must be positive. */ virtual srs_error_t dump_packets(int max_count, SrsSharedPtrMessage** pmsgs, int& count); /** * dumps packets to consumer, use specified args. * @remark the atc/tba/tbv/ag are same to SrsConsumer.enqueue(). */ virtual srs_error_t dump_packets(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool atc, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm ag); private: /** * remove a gop from the front. * if no iframe found, clear it. */ virtual void shrink(); public: /** * clear all messages in queue. */ virtual void clear(); }; /** * the wakable used for some object * which is waiting on cond. */ class ISrsWakable { public: ISrsWakable(); virtual ~ISrsWakable(); public: /** * when the consumer(for player) got msg from recv thread, * it must be processed for maybe it's a close msg, so the cond * wait must be wakeup. */ virtual void wakeup() = 0; }; /** * the consumer for SrsSource, that is a play client. */ class SrsConsumer : public ISrsWakable { private: SrsRtmpJitter* jitter; SrsSource* source; SrsMessageQueue* queue; // the owner connection for debug, maybe NULL. SrsConnection* conn; bool paused; // when source id changed, notice all consumers bool should_update_source_id; #ifdef SRS_PERF_QUEUE_COND_WAIT // the cond wait for mw. // @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/251 srs_cond_t mw_wait; bool mw_waiting; int mw_min_msgs; srs_utime_t mw_duration; #endif public: SrsConsumer(SrsSource* s, SrsConnection* c); virtual ~SrsConsumer(); public: /** * set the size of queue. */ virtual void set_queue_size(double queue_size); /** * when source id changed, notice client to print. */ virtual void update_source_id(); public: /** * get current client time, the last packet time. */ virtual int64_t get_time(); /** * enqueue an shared ptr message. * @param shared_msg, directly ptr, copy it if need to save it. * @param whether atc, donot use jitter correct if true. * @param ag the algorithm of time jitter. */ virtual srs_error_t enqueue(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_msg, bool atc, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm ag); /** * get packets in consumer queue. * @param msgs the msgs array to dump packets to send. * @param count the count in array, intput and output param. * @remark user can specifies the count to get specified msgs; 0 to get all if possible. */ virtual srs_error_t dump_packets(SrsMessageArray* msgs, int& count); #ifdef SRS_PERF_QUEUE_COND_WAIT /** * wait for messages incomming, atleast nb_msgs and in duration. * @param nb_msgs the messages count to wait. * @param msgs_duration the messages duration to wait. */ virtual void wait(int nb_msgs, srs_utime_t msgs_duration); #endif /** * when client send the pause message. */ virtual srs_error_t on_play_client_pause(bool is_pause); // ISrsWakable public: /** * when the consumer(for player) got msg from recv thread, * it must be processed for maybe it's a close msg, so the cond * wait must be wakeup. */ virtual void wakeup(); }; /** * cache a gop of video/audio data, * delivery at the connect of flash player, * to enable it to fast startup. */ class SrsGopCache { private: /** * if disabled the gop cache, * the client will wait for the next keyframe for h264, * and will be black-screen. */ bool enable_gop_cache; /** * the video frame count, avoid cache for pure audio stream. */ int cached_video_count; /** * when user disabled video when publishing, and gop cache enalbed, * we will cache the audio/video for we already got video, but we never * know when to clear the gop cache, for there is no video in future, * so we must guess whether user disabled the video. * when we got some audios after laster video, for instance, 600 audio packets, * about 3s(26ms per packet) 115 audio packets, clear gop cache. * * @remark, it is ok for performance, for when we clear the gop cache, * gop cache is disabled for pure audio stream. * @see: https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/124 */ int audio_after_last_video_count; /** * cached gop. */ std::vector gop_cache; public: SrsGopCache(); virtual ~SrsGopCache(); public: /** * cleanup when system quit. */ virtual void dispose(); /** * to enable or disable the gop cache. */ virtual void set(bool v); virtual bool enabled(); /** * only for h264 codec * 1. cache the gop when got h264 video packet. * 2. clear gop when got keyframe. * @param shared_msg, directly ptr, copy it if need to save it. */ virtual srs_error_t cache(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_msg); /** * clear the gop cache. */ virtual void clear(); /** * dump the cached gop to consumer. */ virtual srs_error_t dump(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool atc, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm jitter_algorithm); /** * used for atc to get the time of gop cache, * the atc will adjust the sequence header timestamp to gop cache. */ virtual bool empty(); /** * get the start time of gop cache, in ms. * @return 0 if no packets. */ virtual int64_t start_time(); /** * whether current stream is pure audio, * when no video in gop cache, the stream is pure audio right now. */ virtual bool pure_audio(); }; /** * the handler to handle the event of srs source. * for example, the http flv streaming module handle the event and * mount http when rtmp start publishing. */ class ISrsSourceHandler { public: ISrsSourceHandler(); virtual ~ISrsSourceHandler(); public: /** * when stream start publish, mount stream. */ virtual srs_error_t on_publish(SrsSource* s, SrsRequest* r) = 0; /** * when stream stop publish, unmount stream. */ virtual void on_unpublish(SrsSource* s, SrsRequest* r) = 0; }; /** * the mix queue to correct the timestamp for mix_correct algorithm. */ class SrsMixQueue { private: uint32_t nb_videos; uint32_t nb_audios; std::multimap msgs; public: SrsMixQueue(); virtual ~SrsMixQueue(); public: virtual void clear(); virtual void push(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage* pop(); }; /** * The hub for origin is a collection of utilities for origin only, * for example, DVR, HLS, Forward and Transcode are only available for origin, * they are meanless for edge server. */ class SrsOriginHub : public ISrsReloadHandler { private: SrsSource* source; SrsRequest* req; // Whether the stream hub is active, or stream is publishing. bool is_active; private: // The format, codec information. SrsRtmpFormat* format; // hls handler. SrsHls* hls; // The DASH encoder. SrsDash* dash; // dvr handler. SrsDvr* dvr; // transcoding handler. SrsEncoder* encoder; #ifdef SRS_AUTO_HDS // adobe hds(http dynamic streaming). SrsHds *hds; #endif // nginx-rtmp exec feature. SrsNgExec* ng_exec; // to forward stream to other servers std::vector forwarders; public: SrsOriginHub(); virtual ~SrsOriginHub(); public: // Initialize the hub with source and request. // @param r The request object, managed by source. virtual srs_error_t initialize(SrsSource* s, SrsRequest* r); // Dispose the hub, release utilities resource, // for example, delete all HLS pieces. virtual void dispose(); // Cycle the hub, process some regular events, // for example, dispose hls in cycle. virtual srs_error_t cycle(); public: // When got a parsed metadata. virtual srs_error_t on_meta_data(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_metadata, SrsOnMetaDataPacket* packet); // When got a parsed audio packet. virtual srs_error_t on_audio(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_audio); // When got a parsed video packet. virtual srs_error_t on_video(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_video, bool is_sequence_header); public: // When start publish stream. virtual srs_error_t on_publish(); // When stop publish stream. virtual void on_unpublish(); // Internal callback. public: // for the SrsForwarder to callback to request the sequence headers. virtual srs_error_t on_forwarder_start(SrsForwarder* forwarder); // for the SrsDvr to callback to request the sequence headers. virtual srs_error_t on_dvr_request_sh(); // interface ISrsReloadHandler public: virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_forward(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_dash(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_hls(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_hds(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_dvr(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_transcode(std::string vhost); virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_exec(std::string vhost); private: virtual srs_error_t create_forwarders(); virtual void destroy_forwarders(); }; /** * Each stream have optional meta(sps/pps in sequence header and metadata). * This class cache and update the meta. */ class SrsMetaCache { private: // The cached metadata, FLV script data tag. SrsSharedPtrMessage* meta; // The cached video sequence header, for example, sps/pps for h.264. SrsSharedPtrMessage* video; // The cached audio sequence header, for example, asc for aac. SrsSharedPtrMessage* audio; // The format for sequence header. SrsRtmpFormat* vformat; SrsRtmpFormat* aformat; public: SrsMetaCache(); virtual ~SrsMetaCache(); public: // Dispose the metadata cache. virtual void dispose(); public: // Get the cached metadata. virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage* data(); // Get the cached vsh(video sequence header). virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage* vsh(); virtual SrsFormat* vsh_format(); // Get the cached ash(audio sequence header). virtual SrsSharedPtrMessage* ash(); virtual SrsFormat* ash_format(); // Dumps cached metadata to consumer. // @param dm Whether dumps the metadata. // @param ds Whether dumps the sequence header. virtual srs_error_t dumps(SrsConsumer* consumer, bool atc, SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm ag, bool dm, bool ds); public: // Update the cached metadata by packet. virtual srs_error_t update_data(SrsMessageHeader* header, SrsOnMetaDataPacket* metadata, bool& updated); // Update the cached audio sequence header. virtual srs_error_t update_ash(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); // Update the cached video sequence header. virtual srs_error_t update_vsh(SrsSharedPtrMessage* msg); }; /** * live streaming source. */ class SrsSource : public ISrsReloadHandler { friend class SrsOriginHub; private: static std::map pool; public: /** * create source when fetch from cache failed. * @param r the client request. * @param h the event handler for source. * @param pps the matched source, if success never be NULL. */ static srs_error_t fetch_or_create(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h, SrsSource** pps); private: /** * get the exists source, NULL when not exists. * update the request and return the exists source. */ static SrsSource* fetch(SrsRequest* r); public: /** * dispose and cycle all sources. */ static void dispose_all(); static srs_error_t cycle_all(); private: static srs_error_t do_cycle_all(); public: /** * when system exit, destroy the sources, * for gmc to analysis mem leaks. */ static void destroy(); private: // source id, // for publish, it's the publish client id. // for edge, it's the edge ingest id. // when source id changed, for example, the edge reconnect, // invoke the on_source_id_changed() to let all clients know. int _source_id; // previous source id. int _pre_source_id; // deep copy of client request. SrsRequest* req; // to delivery stream to clients. std::vector consumers; // the time jitter algorithm for vhost. SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm jitter_algorithm; // for play, whether use interlaced/mixed algorithm to correct timestamp. bool mix_correct; // the mix queue to implements the mix correct algorithm. SrsMixQueue* mix_queue; /** * for play, whether enabled atc. * atc whether atc(use absolute time and donot adjust time), * directly use msg time and donot adjust if atc is true, * otherwise, adjust msg time to start from 0 to make flash happy. */ bool atc; // whether stream is monotonically increase. bool is_monotonically_increase; // the time of the packet we just got. int64_t last_packet_time; // the event handler. ISrsSourceHandler* handler; // edge control service SrsPlayEdge* play_edge; SrsPublishEdge* publish_edge; // gop cache for client fast startup. SrsGopCache* gop_cache; // The hub for origin server. SrsOriginHub* hub; // The metadata cache. SrsMetaCache* meta; private: // Whether source is avaiable for publishing. bool _can_publish; // The last die time, when all consumers quit and no publisher, // we will remove the source when source die. srs_utime_t die_at; public: SrsSource(); virtual ~SrsSource(); public: virtual void dispose(); virtual srs_error_t cycle(); // remove source when expired. virtual bool expired(); // initialize, get and setter. public: // initialize the hls with handlers. virtual srs_error_t initialize(SrsRequest* r, ISrsSourceHandler* h); // interface ISrsReloadHandler public: virtual srs_error_t on_reload_vhost_play(std::string vhost); // for the tools callback public: // source id changed. virtual srs_error_t on_source_id_changed(int id); // get current source id. virtual int source_id(); virtual int pre_source_id(); // Whether source is inactive, which means there is no publishing stream source. // @remark For edge, it's inactive util stream has been pulled from origin. virtual bool inactive(); // logic data methods public: virtual bool can_publish(bool is_edge); virtual srs_error_t on_meta_data(SrsCommonMessage* msg, SrsOnMetaDataPacket* metadata); public: virtual srs_error_t on_audio(SrsCommonMessage* audio); private: virtual srs_error_t on_audio_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* audio); public: virtual srs_error_t on_video(SrsCommonMessage* video); private: virtual srs_error_t on_video_imp(SrsSharedPtrMessage* video); public: virtual srs_error_t on_aggregate(SrsCommonMessage* msg); /** * publish stream event notify. * @param _req the request from client, the source will deep copy it, * for when reload the request of client maybe invalid. */ virtual srs_error_t on_publish(); virtual void on_unpublish(); // consumer methods public: /** * create consumer and dumps packets in cache. * @param consumer, output the create consumer. * @param ds, whether dumps the sequence header. * @param dm, whether dumps the metadata. * @param dg, whether dumps the gop cache. */ virtual srs_error_t create_consumer(SrsConnection* conn, SrsConsumer*& consumer, bool ds = true, bool dm = true, bool dg = true); virtual void on_consumer_destroy(SrsConsumer* consumer); virtual void set_cache(bool enabled); virtual SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm jitter(); // internal public: // for edge, when publish edge stream, check the state virtual srs_error_t on_edge_start_publish(); // for edge, proxy the publish virtual srs_error_t on_edge_proxy_publish(SrsCommonMessage* msg); // for edge, proxy stop publish virtual void on_edge_proxy_unpublish(); public: virtual std::string get_curr_origin(); }; #endif