#!/bin/bash # when options parsed, setup some variables, then build the depends. OS_KERNEL_NAME=$(uname -s) OS_KERNRL_RELEASE=$(uname -r|awk -F '-' '{print $1}') OS_PREFIX="Platform" # Build platform cache. SRS_PLATFORM="${OS_PREFIX}-${OS_KERNEL_NAME}-${OS_KERNRL_RELEASE}" if [[ ${SRS_BUILD_TAG} != "" ]]; then SRS_PLATFORM="${SRS_PLATFORM}-${SRS_BUILD_TAG}" fi # Use isolate cache for different SRS version. SRS_PLATFORM="${SRS_PLATFORM}-SRS4" echo "SRS_WORKDIR: ${SRS_WORKDIR}, SRS_OBJS_DIR: ${SRS_OBJS_DIR}, SRS_OBJS: ${SRS_OBJS}, SRS_PLATFORM: ${SRS_PLATFORM}" # For src object files on each platform. ( mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS_DIR} && cd ${SRS_OBJS_DIR} && rm -rf src utest srs srs_utest research include lib srs_hls_ingester srs_mp4_parser && mkdir -p ${SRS_PLATFORM}/src && ln -sf ${SRS_PLATFORM}/src && mkdir -p ${SRS_PLATFORM}/utest && ln -sf ${SRS_PLATFORM}/utest && mkdir -p ${SRS_PLATFORM}/research && ln -sf ${SRS_PLATFORM}/research && mkdir -p ${SRS_PLATFORM}/include && ln -sf ${SRS_PLATFORM}/include && mkdir -p ${SRS_PLATFORM}/lib && ln -sf ${SRS_PLATFORM}/lib ) if [[ $SRS_CLEAN == NO ]]; then echo "Fast cleanup, if need to do full cleanup, please use: make clean" fi # Python or python2, for CentOS8. python2 --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && alias python=python2 && echo "Alias python2 as python"