#!/bin/bash echo "通用打包脚本,--help查看参数" # Usage: # bash package.sh [--help] # option arm, whether build for arm, requires ubuntu12. # user can config the following configs, then package. INSTALL=/usr/local/srs # whether build for arm, only for ubuntu12. help=NO X86_64=YES ARM=NO PI=NO ################################################################################## ################################################################################## ################################################################################## # parse options. for option do case "$option" in -*=*) value=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|[-_a-zA-Z0-9/]*=||'` option=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|=[-_a-zA-Z0-9/]*||'` ;; *) value="" ;; esac case "$option" in --help) help=yes ;; --x86-64) X86_64=YES ;; --arm) ARM=YES ;; --pi) PI=NO ;; *) echo "$0: error: invalid option \"$option\"" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ $help = yes ]; then cat << END --help print this message --x86-64 for x86-64 platform, configure/make/package. --arm for arm cross-build platform, configure/make/package. --pi for pi platform, configure/make/package. default: --x86-64 END exit 0 fi # discover the current work dir, the log and access. echo "argv[0]=$0" if [[ ! -f $0 ]]; then echo "directly execute the scripts on shell."; work_dir=`pwd` else echo "execute scripts in file: $0"; work_dir=`dirname $0`; work_dir=`(cd ${work_dir} && pwd)` fi work_dir=`(cd ${work_dir}/.. && pwd)` product_dir=$work_dir build_objs=${work_dir}/objs package_dir=${build_objs}/package log="${build_objs}/logs/package.`date +%s`.log" && . ${product_dir}/scripts/_log.sh && check_log ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then exit $ret; fi # check os version os_name=`lsb_release --id|awk '{print $3}'` && os_release=`lsb_release --release|awk '{print $2}'` && os_major_version=`echo $os_release|awk -F '.' '{print $1}'` && os_machine=`uname -i` ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then failed_msg "lsb_release get os info failed."; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "target os is ${os_name}-${os_major_version} ${os_release} ${os_machine}" # for raspberry-pi # use rasberry-pi instead all release uname -a|grep "raspberrypi"; if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then os_name="RaspberryPi"; fi if [[ "Raspbian" == $os_name ]]; then os_name="RaspberryPi"; fi # check the cpu machine if [[ "unknown" == $os_machine ]]; then os_machine=`uname -m`; fi # build srs # @see https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/Build ok_msg "start build srs" if [ $X86_64 = YES ]; then ( cd $work_dir && ./configure --x86-x64 --prefix=$INSTALL && make ) >> $log 2>&1 elif [ $ARM = YES ]; then ( cd $work_dir && ./configure --arm --prefix=$INSTALL && make ) >> $log 2>&1 elif [ $PI = YES ]; then ( cd $work_dir && ./configure --pi --prefix=$INSTALL && make ) >> $log 2>&1 else failed_msg "invalid option, must be x86-x64/arm/pi, see --help"; exit 1; fi ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "build srs failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "build srs success" # install srs ok_msg "start install srs" ( cd $work_dir && rm -rf $package_dir && make DESTDIR=$package_dir install ) >> $log 2>&1 ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "install srs failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "install srs success" # copy extra files to package. ok_msg "start copy extra files to package" ( cp $work_dir/scripts/install.sh $package_dir/INSTALL && sed -i "s|^INSTALL=.*|INSTALL=${INSTALL}|g" $package_dir/INSTALL && mkdir -p $package_dir/scripts && cp $work_dir/scripts/_log.sh $package_dir/scripts/_log.sh && chmod +x $package_dir/INSTALL ) >> $log 2>&1 ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "copy extra files failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "copy extra files success" # detect for arm. if [ $ARM = YES ]; then arm_cpu=`arm-linux-gnueabi-readelf --arch-specific ${build_objs}/srs|grep Tag_CPU_arch:|awk '{print $2}'` os_machine=arm${arm_cpu}cpu fi ok_msg "machine: $os_machine" # generate zip dir and zip filename if [ $ARM = YES ]; then srs_version_major=`cat $work_dir/src/core/srs_core.hpp| grep '#define VERSION_MAJOR'| awk '{print $3}'|xargs echo` && srs_version_minor=`cat $work_dir/src/core/srs_core.hpp| grep '#define VERSION_MINOR'| awk '{print $3}'|xargs echo` && srs_version_revision=`cat $work_dir/src/core/srs_core.hpp| grep '#define VERSION_REVISION'| awk '{print $3}'|xargs echo` && srs_version=$srs_version_major.$srs_version_minor.$srs_version_revision else srs_version=`${build_objs}/srs -v 2>/dev/stdout 1>/dev/null` fi ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "get srs version failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "get srs version $srs_version" zip_dir="SRS-${os_name}${os_major_version}-${os_machine}-${srs_version}" ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "generate zip filename failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "target zip filename $zip_dir" # zip package. ok_msg "start zip package" ( mv $package_dir ${build_objs}/${zip_dir} && cd ${build_objs} && rm -rf ${zip_dir}.zip && zip -q -r ${zip_dir}.zip ${zip_dir} && mv ${build_objs}/${zip_dir} $package_dir ) >> $log 2>&1 ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne ${ret} ]]; then failed_msg "zip package failed"; exit $ret; fi ok_msg "zip package success" ok_msg "srs package success" echo "" echo "package: ${build_objs}/${zip_dir}.zip" echo "install:" echo " unzip -q ${zip_dir}.zip &&" echo " cd ${zip_dir} &&" echo " sudo bash INSTALL" exit 0