/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 OSSRS(winlin) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SRS_AUTO_KAFKA #define SRS_KAKFA_CIMS 3000 #define SRS_KAFKA_PRODUCER_TIMEOUT 30000 #define SRS_KAFKA_PRODUCER_AGGREGATE_SIZE 1 std::string srs_kafka_metadata_summary(SrsKafkaTopicMetadataResponse* metadata) { vector bs; for (int i = 0; i < metadata->brokers.size(); i++) { SrsKafkaBroker* broker = metadata->brokers.at(i); string hostport = srs_int2str(broker->node_id) + "/" + broker->host.to_str(); if (broker->port > 0) { hostport += ":" + srs_int2str(broker->port); } bs.push_back(hostport); } vector ps; for (int i = 0; i < metadata->metadatas.size(); i++) { SrsKafkaTopicMetadata* topic = metadata->metadatas.at(i); for (int j = 0; j < topic->metadatas.size(); j++) { string desc = "topic=" + topic->name.to_str(); SrsKafkaPartitionMetadata* partition = topic->metadatas.at(j); desc += "?partition=" + srs_int2str(partition->partition_id); desc += "&leader=" + srs_int2str(partition->leader); vector replicas = srs_kafka_array2vector(&partition->replicas); desc += "&replicas=" + srs_join_vector_string(replicas, ","); ps.push_back(desc); } } std::stringstream ss; ss << "brokers=" << srs_join_vector_string(bs, ","); ss << ", " << srs_join_vector_string(ps, ", "); return ss.str(); } std::string srs_kafka_summary_partitions(const vector& partitions) { vector ret; vector::const_iterator it; for (it = partitions.begin(); it != partitions.end(); ++it) { SrsKafkaPartition* partition = *it; string desc = "tcp://"; desc += partition->host + ":" + srs_int2str(partition->port); desc += "?broker=" + srs_int2str(partition->broker); desc += "&partition=" + srs_int2str(partition->id); ret.push_back(desc); } return srs_join_vector_string(ret, ", "); } void srs_kafka_metadata2connector(string topic_name, SrsKafkaTopicMetadataResponse* metadata, vector& partitions) { for (int i = 0; i < metadata->metadatas.size(); i++) { SrsKafkaTopicMetadata* topic = metadata->metadatas.at(i); for (int j = 0; j < topic->metadatas.size(); j++) { SrsKafkaPartitionMetadata* partition = topic->metadatas.at(j); SrsKafkaPartition* p = new SrsKafkaPartition(); p->topic = topic_name; p->id = partition->partition_id; p->broker = partition->leader; for (int i = 0; i < metadata->brokers.size(); i++) { SrsKafkaBroker* broker = metadata->brokers.at(i); if (broker->node_id == p->broker) { p->host = broker->host.to_str(); p->port = broker->port; break; } } partitions.push_back(p); } } } SrsKafkaPartition::SrsKafkaPartition() { id = broker = 0; port = SRS_CONSTS_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PORT; transport = NULL; kafka = NULL; } SrsKafkaPartition::~SrsKafkaPartition() { disconnect(); } string SrsKafkaPartition::hostport() { if (ep.empty()) { ep = host + ":" + srs_int2str(port); } return ep; } int SrsKafkaPartition::connect() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (transport) { return ret; } transport = new SrsTcpClient(host, port, SRS_KAFKA_PRODUCER_TIMEOUT); kafka = new SrsKafkaClient(transport); if ((ret = transport->connect()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { disconnect(); srs_error("connect to %s partition=%d failed. ret=%d", hostport().c_str(), id, ret); return ret; } srs_trace("connect at %s, partition=%d, broker=%d", hostport().c_str(), id, broker); return ret; } int SrsKafkaPartition::flush(SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc) { return kafka->write_messages(topic, id, *pc); } void SrsKafkaPartition::disconnect() { srs_freep(kafka); srs_freep(transport); } SrsKafkaMessage::SrsKafkaMessage(SrsKafkaProducer* p, int k, SrsJsonObject* j) { producer = p; key = k; obj = j; } SrsKafkaMessage::~SrsKafkaMessage() { srs_freep(obj); } int SrsKafkaMessage::call() { int ret = producer->send(key, obj); // the obj is manged by producer now. obj = NULL; return ret; } string SrsKafkaMessage::to_string() { return "kafka"; } SrsKafkaCache::SrsKafkaCache() { count = 0; nb_partitions = 0; } SrsKafkaCache::~SrsKafkaCache() { map::iterator it; for (it = cache.begin(); it != cache.end(); ++it) { SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc = it->second; for (vector::iterator it2 = pc->begin(); it2 != pc->end(); ++it2) { SrsJsonObject* obj = *it2; srs_freep(obj); } pc->clear(); srs_freep(pc); } cache.clear(); } void SrsKafkaCache::append(int key, SrsJsonObject* obj) { count++; int partition = 0; if (nb_partitions > 0) { partition = key % nb_partitions; } SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc = NULL; map::iterator it = cache.find(partition); if (it == cache.end()) { pc = new SrsKafkaPartitionCache(); cache[partition] = pc; } else { pc = it->second; } pc->push_back(obj); } int SrsKafkaCache::size() { return count; } bool SrsKafkaCache::fetch(int* pkey, SrsKafkaPartitionCache** ppc) { map::iterator it; for (it = cache.begin(); it != cache.end(); ++it) { int32_t key = it->first; SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc = it->second; if (!pc->empty()) { *pkey = (int)key; *ppc = pc; return true; } } return false; } int SrsKafkaCache::flush(SrsKafkaPartition* partition, int key, SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // ensure the key exists. srs_assert (cache.find(key) != cache.end()); // the cache is vector, which is continous store. // we remember the messages we have written and clear it when completed. int nb_msgs = (int)pc->size(); if (pc->empty()) { return ret; } // connect transport. if ((ret = partition->connect()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("kafka connect to partition failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // write the json objects. if ((ret = partition->flush(pc)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("kafka write messages failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } // free all wrote messages. for (vector::iterator it = pc->begin(); it != pc->end(); ++it) { SrsJsonObject* obj = *it; srs_freep(obj); } // remove the messages from cache. if ((int)pc->size() == nb_msgs) { pc->clear(); } else { pc->erase(pc->begin(), pc->begin() + nb_msgs); } return ret; } ISrsKafkaCluster::ISrsKafkaCluster() { } ISrsKafkaCluster::~ISrsKafkaCluster() { } // @global kafka event producer, user must use srs_initialize_kafka to initialize it. ISrsKafkaCluster* _srs_kafka = NULL; int srs_initialize_kafka() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; SrsKafkaProducer* kafka = new SrsKafkaProducer(); _srs_kafka = kafka; if ((ret = kafka->initialize()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("initialize the kafka producer failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if ((ret = kafka->start()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("start kafka failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } return ret; } void srs_dispose_kafka() { SrsKafkaProducer* kafka = dynamic_cast(_srs_kafka); kafka->stop(); srs_freep(kafka); _srs_kafka = NULL; } SrsKafkaProducer::SrsKafkaProducer() { metadata_ok = false; metadata_expired = st_cond_new(); lock = st_mutex_new(); pthread = new SrsReusableThread("kafka", this, SRS_KAKFA_CIMS); worker = new SrsAsyncCallWorker(); cache = new SrsKafkaCache(); lb = new SrsLbRoundRobin(); } SrsKafkaProducer::~SrsKafkaProducer() { clear_metadata(); srs_freep(lb); srs_freep(worker); srs_freep(pthread); srs_freep(cache); st_mutex_destroy(lock); st_cond_destroy(metadata_expired); } int SrsKafkaProducer::initialize() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; enabled = _srs_config->get_kafka_enabled(); srs_info("initialize kafka ok, enabled=%d.", enabled); return ret; } int SrsKafkaProducer::start() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!enabled) { return ret; } if ((ret = worker->start()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("start kafka worker failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } if ((ret = pthread->start()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("start kafka thread failed. ret=%d", ret); } refresh_metadata(); return ret; } void SrsKafkaProducer::stop() { if (!enabled) { return; } pthread->stop(); worker->stop(); } int SrsKafkaProducer::send(int key, SrsJsonObject* obj) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // cache the json object. cache->append(key, obj); // too few messages, ignore. if (cache->size() < SRS_KAFKA_PRODUCER_AGGREGATE_SIZE) { return ret; } // too many messages, warn user. if (cache->size() > SRS_KAFKA_PRODUCER_AGGREGATE_SIZE * 10) { srs_warn("kafka cache too many messages: %d", cache->size()); } // sync with backgound metadata worker. st_mutex_lock(lock); // flush message when metadata is ok. if (metadata_ok) { ret = flush(); } st_mutex_unlock(lock); return ret; } int SrsKafkaProducer::on_client(int key, SrsListenerType type, string ip) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!enabled) { return ret; } SrsJsonObject* obj = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("msg", SrsJsonAny::str("accept")); obj->set("type", SrsJsonAny::integer(type)); obj->set("ip", SrsJsonAny::str(ip.c_str())); return worker->execute(new SrsKafkaMessage(this, key, obj)); } int SrsKafkaProducer::on_close(int key) { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!enabled) { return ret; } SrsJsonObject* obj = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("msg", SrsJsonAny::str("close")); return worker->execute(new SrsKafkaMessage(this, key, obj)); } int SrsKafkaProducer::cycle() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; if ((ret = do_cycle()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_warn("ignore kafka error. ret=%d", ret); } return ret; } int SrsKafkaProducer::on_before_cycle() { // wait for the metadata expired. // when metadata is ok, wait for it expired. if (metadata_ok) { st_cond_wait(metadata_expired); } // request to lock to acquire the socket. st_mutex_lock(lock); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int SrsKafkaProducer::on_end_cycle() { st_mutex_unlock(lock); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } void SrsKafkaProducer::clear_metadata() { vector::iterator it; for (it = partitions.begin(); it != partitions.end(); ++it) { SrsKafkaPartition* partition = *it; srs_freep(partition); } partitions.clear(); } int SrsKafkaProducer::do_cycle() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // ignore when disabled. if (!enabled) { return ret; } // when kafka enabled, request metadata when startup. if ((ret = request_metadata()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("request kafka metadata failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } return ret; } int SrsKafkaProducer::request_metadata() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // ignore when disabled. if (!enabled) { return ret; } // select one broker to connect to. SrsConfDirective* brokers = _srs_config->get_kafka_brokers(); if (!brokers) { srs_warn("ignore for empty brokers."); return ret; } std::string server; int port = SRS_CONSTS_KAFKA_DEFAULT_PORT; if (true) { srs_assert(!brokers->args.empty()); std::string broker = lb->select(brokers->args); srs_parse_endpoint(broker, server, port); } std::string topic = _srs_config->get_kafka_topic(); if (true) { std::string senabled = srs_bool2switch(enabled); std::string sbrokers = srs_join_vector_string(brokers->args, ","); srs_trace("kafka request enabled:%s, brokers:%s, current:[%d]%s:%d, topic:%s", senabled.c_str(), sbrokers.c_str(), lb->current(), server.c_str(), port, topic.c_str()); } SrsTcpClient* transport = new SrsTcpClient(server, port, SRS_CONSTS_KAFKA_TMMS); SrsAutoFree(SrsTcpClient, transport); SrsKafkaClient* kafka = new SrsKafkaClient(transport); SrsAutoFree(SrsKafkaClient, kafka); // reconnect to kafka server. if ((ret = transport->connect()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("kafka connect %s:%d failed. ret=%d", server.c_str(), port, ret); return ret; } // do fetch medata from broker. SrsKafkaTopicMetadataResponse* metadata = NULL; if ((ret = kafka->fetch_metadata(topic, &metadata)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("kafka fetch metadata failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } SrsAutoFree(SrsKafkaTopicMetadataResponse, metadata); // we may need to request multiple times. // for example, the first time to create a none-exists topic, then query metadata. if (!metadata->metadatas.empty()) { SrsKafkaTopicMetadata* topic = metadata->metadatas.at(0); if (topic->metadatas.empty()) { srs_warn("topic %s metadata empty, retry.", topic->name.to_str().c_str()); return ret; } } // show kafka metadata. string summary = srs_kafka_metadata_summary(metadata); srs_trace("kafka metadata: %s", summary.c_str()); // generate the partition info. srs_kafka_metadata2connector(topic, metadata, partitions); srs_trace("kafka connector: %s", srs_kafka_summary_partitions(partitions).c_str()); // update the total partition for cache. cache->nb_partitions = (int)partitions.size(); metadata_ok = true; return ret; } void SrsKafkaProducer::refresh_metadata() { clear_metadata(); metadata_ok = false; st_cond_signal(metadata_expired); srs_trace("kafka async refresh metadata in background"); } int SrsKafkaProducer::flush() { int ret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // flush all available partition caches. while (true) { int key = -1; SrsKafkaPartitionCache* pc = NULL; // all flushed, or no kafka partition to write to. if (!cache->fetch(&key, &pc) || partitions.empty()) { break; } // flush specified partition. srs_assert(key >= 0 && pc); SrsKafkaPartition* partition = partitions.at(key % partitions.size()); if ((ret = cache->flush(partition, key, pc)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { srs_error("flush partition failed. ret=%d", ret); return ret; } } return ret; } #endif