#!/bin/bash # In .circleci/config.yml, generate *.gcno with # ./configure --gcov --without-research --without-librtmp && make # and generate *.gcda by # ./objs/srs_utest # Workdir is objs/cover. workdir=`pwd`/objs/cover # Create trunk under workdir. mkdir -p $workdir && cd $workdir ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Enter workdir failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi # Collect all *.gcno and *.gcda to objs/cover. (rm -rf src && cp -R ../../src . && cp -R ../src .) ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Collect *.gcno and *.gcda failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi # Generate *.gcov for coverage. for file in `find src -name "*.cpp"|grep -v utest`; do gcov $file -o `dirname $file` ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Collect $file failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi done # Cook the gcov files. find . -name "*.gcov"|grep -v srs|xargs rm -f ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Cook gcov files failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi # Upload report with *.gcov # Remark: The file codecov.yml is not neccessary. It literally depends on git. # Note: The right path is like: # https://codecov.io/gh/ossrs/srs/src/3.0release/trunk/src/protocol/srs_rtmp_stack.cpp # https://codecov.io/gh/ossrs/srs/src/20fbb4466fdc8ba5d810b8570df6004063212838/trunk/src/protocol/srs_rtmp_stack.cpp # Remark: It takes a few minutes to sync with github, so it might not available when CircleCI is done. # https://circleci.com/gh/ossrs/srs/tree/3.0release cd $workdir && export CODECOV_TOKEN="493bba46-c468-4e73-8b45-8cdd8ff62d96" && bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) && echo "Done" && exit 0