#!/bin/bash # TODO: check gcc/g++ echo "check gcc/g++/gdb/make/openssl-devel" echo "depends tools are ok" ##################################################################################### # st-1.9 ##################################################################################### if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/st-1.9/obj/libst.a && -f ${SRS_OBJS}/st-1.9/obj/libst.so ]]; then echo "st-1.9t is ok."; else echo "build st-1.9t"; ( rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/st-1.9 && cd ${SRS_OBJS} && unzip -q ../3rdparty/st-1.9.zip && cd st-1.9 && make linux-debug && cd .. && rm -f st && ln -sf st-1.9/obj st ) fi # check status ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build st-1.9 failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/st-1.9/obj/libst.a ]; then echo "build st-1.9 failed."; exit -1; fi if [ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/st-1.9/obj/libst.so ]; then echo "build st-1.9 failed."; exit -1; fi ##################################################################################### # http-parser-2.1 ##################################################################################### if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/http-parser-2.1/http_parser.h && -f ${SRS_OBJS}/http-parser-2.1/libhttp_parser.a ]]; then echo "http-parser-2.1 is ok."; else echo "build http-parser-2.1"; ( rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/http-parser-2.1 && cd ${SRS_OBJS} && unzip -q ../3rdparty/http-parser-2.1.zip && cd http-parser-2.1 && sed -i "s/CPPFLAGS_FAST +=.*$/CPPFLAGS_FAST = \$\(CPPFLAGS_DEBUG\)/g" Makefile && sed -i "s/CFLAGS_FAST =.*$/CFLAGS_FAST = \$\(CFLAGS_DEBUG\)/g" Makefile && make package && cd .. && rm -f hp && ln -sf http-parser-2.1 hp ) fi # check status ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build http-parser-2.1 failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [[ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/http-parser-2.1/http_parser.h ]]; then echo "build http-parser-2.1 failed"; exit -1; fi if [[ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/http-parser-2.1/libhttp_parser.a ]]; then echo "build http-parser-2.1 failed"; exit -1; fi fi ##################################################################################### # nginx for HLS, nginx-1.5.0 ##################################################################################### if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/sbin/nginx ]]; then echo "nginx-1.5.7 is ok."; else echo "build nginx-1.5.7"; ( rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx-1.5.7 && cd ${SRS_OBJS} && unzip -q ../3rdparty/nginx-1.5.7.zip && cd nginx-1.5.7 && ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/_release && make && make install && cd .. && ln -sf nginx-1.5.7/_release nginx ) fi # check status ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build nginx-1.5.7 failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/sbin/nginx ]; then echo "build nginx-1.5.7 failed."; exit -1; fi # use current user to config nginx, # srs will write ts/m3u8 file use current user, # nginx default use nobody, so cannot read the ts/m3u8 created by srs. cp ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/conf/nginx.conf ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/conf/nginx.conf.bk sed -i "s/^.user nobody;/user `whoami`;/g" ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/conf/nginx.conf # create forward dir mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/html/forward fi if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then echo "#define SRS_HLS" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H else echo "#undef SRS_HLS" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H fi ##################################################################################### # cherrypy for http hooks callback, CherryPy-3.2.4 ##################################################################################### if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/CherryPy-3.2.4/setup.py ]]; then echo "CherryPy-3.2.4 is ok."; else echo "install CherryPy-3.2.4"; ( sudo rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/CherryPy-3.2.4 && cd ${SRS_OBJS} && unzip -q ../3rdparty/CherryPy-3.2.4.zip && cd CherryPy-3.2.4 && sudo python setup.py install ) fi # check status ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build CherryPy-3.2.4 failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/nginx/sbin/nginx ]; then echo "build CherryPy-3.2.4 failed."; exit -1; fi fi if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then echo "#define SRS_HTTP" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H else echo "#undef SRS_HTTP" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H fi ##################################################################################### # openssl, for rtmp complex handshake ##################################################################################### if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then echo "#define SRS_SSL" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H else echo "#undef SRS_SSL" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H fi ##################################################################################### # live transcoding, ffmpeg-2.1, x264-core138, lame-3.99.5, libaacplus-2.0.2. ##################################################################################### if [ $SRS_FFMPEG = YES ]; then if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg ]]; then echo "ffmpeg-2.1 is ok."; else echo "build ffmpeg-2.1"; ( cd ${SRS_OBJS} && pwd_dir=`pwd` && rm -rf ffmepg.src && mkdir -p ffmpeg.src && cd ffmpeg.src && rm -f build_ffmpeg.sh && ln -sf ../../auto/build_ffmpeg.sh && . build_ffmpeg.sh && cd ${pwd_dir} && ln -sf ffmpeg.src/_release ffmpeg ) fi # check status ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build ffmpeg-2.1 failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi if [ ! -f ${SRS_OBJS}/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg ]; then echo "build ffmpeg-2.1 failed."; exit -1; fi fi if [ $SRS_FFMPEG = YES ]; then echo "#define SRS_FFMPEG" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H else echo "#undef SRS_FFMPEG" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H fi ##################################################################################### # build research code ##################################################################################### (cd research/hls && make) ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build research/hls failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi (cd research/ffempty && make) ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "build research/ffempty failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi