// // Copyright (c) 2013-2023 The SRS Authors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT or MulanPSL-2.0 // #ifndef SRS_KERNEL_MP4_HPP #define SRS_KERNEL_MP4_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class ISrsWriter; class ISrsWriteSeeker; class ISrsReadSeeker; class SrsMp4TrackBox; class SrsMp4MediaBox; class SrsSimpleStream; class SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox; class SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox; class SrsMp4SampleTableBox; class SrsMp4MediaInformationBox; class SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox; class SrsMp4AvccBox; class SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo; class SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry; class SrsMp4AvccBox; class SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry; class SrsMp4EsdsBox; class SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox; class SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox; class SrsMp4SampleSizeBox; class SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox; class SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox; class SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox; class SrsMp4SyncSampleBox; class SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox; class SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox; class SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox; class SrsMp4DataInformationBox; class SrsMp4DataReferenceBox; class SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox; class SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox; class SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox; class SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox; class SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox; class SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox; class SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox; class SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox; class SrsMp4EditBox; class SrsMp4EditListBox; // 4.2 Object Structure // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 16 enum SrsMp4BoxType { SrsMp4BoxTypeForbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4BoxTypeUUID = 0x75756964, // 'uuid' SrsMp4BoxTypeFTYP = 0x66747970, // 'ftyp' SrsMp4BoxTypeMDAT = 0x6d646174, // 'mdat' SrsMp4BoxTypeFREE = 0x66726565, // 'free' SrsMp4BoxTypeSKIP = 0x736b6970, // 'skip' SrsMp4BoxTypeMOOV = 0x6d6f6f76, // 'moov' SrsMp4BoxTypeMVHD = 0x6d766864, // 'mvhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeTRAK = 0x7472616b, // 'trak' SrsMp4BoxTypeTKHD = 0x746b6864, // 'tkhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeEDTS = 0x65647473, // 'edts' SrsMp4BoxTypeELST = 0x656c7374, // 'elst' SrsMp4BoxTypeMDIA = 0x6d646961, // 'mdia' SrsMp4BoxTypeMDHD = 0x6d646864, // 'mdhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeHDLR = 0x68646c72, // 'hdlr' SrsMp4BoxTypeMINF = 0x6d696e66, // 'minf' SrsMp4BoxTypeVMHD = 0x766d6864, // 'vmhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeSMHD = 0x736d6864, // 'smhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeDINF = 0x64696e66, // 'dinf' SrsMp4BoxTypeURL = 0x75726c20, // 'url ' SrsMp4BoxTypeURN = 0x75726e20, // 'urn ' SrsMp4BoxTypeDREF = 0x64726566, // 'dref' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTBL = 0x7374626c, // 'stbl' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTSD = 0x73747364, // 'stsd' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTTS = 0x73747473, // 'stts' SrsMp4BoxTypeCTTS = 0x63747473, // 'ctts' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTSS = 0x73747373, // 'stss' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTSC = 0x73747363, // 'stsc' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTCO = 0x7374636f, // 'stco' SrsMp4BoxTypeCO64 = 0x636f3634, // 'co64' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTSZ = 0x7374737a, // 'stsz' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTZ2 = 0x73747a32, // 'stz2' SrsMp4BoxTypeAVC1 = 0x61766331, // 'avc1' SrsMp4BoxTypeAVCC = 0x61766343, // 'avcC' SrsMp4BoxTypeMP4A = 0x6d703461, // 'mp4a' SrsMp4BoxTypeESDS = 0x65736473, // 'esds' SrsMp4BoxTypeUDTA = 0x75647461, // 'udta' SrsMp4BoxTypeMVEX = 0x6d766578, // 'mvex' SrsMp4BoxTypeTREX = 0x74726578, // 'trex' SrsMp4BoxTypePASP = 0x70617370, // 'pasp' SrsMp4BoxTypeSTYP = 0x73747970, // 'styp' SrsMp4BoxTypeMOOF = 0x6d6f6f66, // 'moof' SrsMp4BoxTypeMFHD = 0x6d666864, // 'mfhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeTRAF = 0x74726166, // 'traf' SrsMp4BoxTypeTFHD = 0x74666864, // 'tfhd' SrsMp4BoxTypeTFDT = 0x74666474, // 'tfdt' SrsMp4BoxTypeTRUN = 0x7472756e, // 'trun' SrsMp4BoxTypeSIDX = 0x73696478, // 'sidx' }; // Semantics // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 37 enum SrsMp4HandlerType { SrsMp4HandlerTypeForbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4HandlerTypeVIDE = 0x76696465, // 'vide' SrsMp4HandlerTypeSOUN = 0x736f756e, // 'soun' }; // File format brands // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 166 enum SrsMp4BoxBrand { SrsMp4BoxBrandForbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4BoxBrandISOM = 0x69736f6d, // 'isom' SrsMp4BoxBrandISO2 = 0x69736f32, // 'iso2' SrsMp4BoxBrandAVC1 = 0x61766331, // 'avc1' SrsMp4BoxBrandMP41 = 0x6d703431, // 'mp41' SrsMp4BoxBrandISO5 = 0x69736f35, // 'iso5' SrsMp4BoxBrandISO6 = 0x69736f36, // 'iso6' SrsMp4BoxBrandMP42 = 0x6d703432, // 'mp42' SrsMp4BoxBrandDASH = 0x64617368, // 'dash' SrsMp4BoxBrandMSDH = 0x6d736468, // 'msdh' SrsMp4BoxBrandMSIX = 0x6d736978, // 'msix' }; // The context to dump. class SrsMp4DumpContext { public: int level; bool summary; SrsMp4DumpContext(); virtual ~SrsMp4DumpContext(); SrsMp4DumpContext indent(); }; // 4.2 Object Structure // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 16 class SrsMp4Box : public ISrsCodec { private: // The size is the entire size of the box, including the size and type header, fields, // And all contained boxes. This facilitates general parsing of the file. // // if size is 1 then the actual size is in the field largesize; // if size is 0, then this box is the last one in the file, and its contents // extend to the end of the file (normally only used for a Media Data Box) uint32_t smallsize; uint64_t largesize; public: // identifies the box type; standard boxes use a compact type, which is normally four printable // characters, to permit ease of identification, and is shown so in the boxes below. User extensions use // An extended type; in this case, the type field is set to ‘uuid’. SrsMp4BoxType type; // For box 'uuid'. std::vector usertype; protected: std::vector boxes; private: // The position at buffer to start demux the box. int start_pos; public: SrsMp4Box(); virtual ~SrsMp4Box(); public: // Get the size of box, whatever small or large size. // @remark For general box(except mdat), we use this sz() to create the buffer to codec it. virtual uint64_t sz(); // Get the size of header, without contained boxes. // @remark For mdat box, we must codec its header, use this instead of sz(). virtual int sz_header(); // Update the size of box. virtual uint64_t update_size(); // Get the left space of box, for decoder. virtual int left_space(SrsBuffer* buf); // Box type helper. virtual bool is_ftyp(); virtual bool is_moov(); virtual bool is_mdat(); // Get the contained box of specific type. // @return The first matched box. virtual SrsMp4Box* get(SrsMp4BoxType bt); // Remove the contained box of specified type. // @return The removed count. virtual int remove(SrsMp4BoxType bt); // Append a child box. virtual void append(SrsMp4Box* box); // Dumps the box and all contained boxes. virtual std::stringstream& dumps(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); // Discovery the box from buffer. // @param ppbox Output the discoveried box, which user must free it. static srs_error_t discovery(SrsBuffer* buf, SrsMp4Box** ppbox); // Interface ISrsCodec public: virtual uint64_t nb_bytes(); virtual srs_error_t encode(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* buf); protected: virtual srs_error_t encode_boxes(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_boxes(SrsBuffer* buf); // Sub classes can override these functions for special codec. // @remark For mdat box, we use completely different codec. protected: // The size of header, not including the contained boxes. virtual int nb_header(); // It's not necessary to check the buffer, because we already know the size in parent function, // so we have checked the buffer is ok to write. virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); // It's not necessary to check the buffer, unless the box is not only determined by the verson. // Generally, it's not necessary, that is, all boxes is determinated by version. virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); // Whether there contained boxes in header. virtual bool boxes_in_header(); // @remark internal for template methods. public: // Dumps the detail of box. virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 4.2 Object Structure // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 17 class SrsMp4FullBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: // An integer that specifies the version of this format of the box. uint8_t version; // A map of flags uint32_t flags; public: SrsMp4FullBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4FullBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 4.3 File Type Box (ftyp) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 17 // Files written to this version of this specification must contain a file-type box. For compatibility with an earlier // version of this specification, files may be conformant to this specification and not contain a file-type box. Files // with no file-type box should be read as if they contained an FTYP box with Major_brand='mp41', minor_version=0, and // The single compatible brand 'mp41'. class SrsMp4FileTypeBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: // A brand identifier SrsMp4BoxBrand major_brand; // An informative integer for the minor version of the major brand uint32_t minor_version; private: // A list, to the end of the box, of brands std::vector compatible_brands; public: SrsMp4FileTypeBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4FileTypeBox(); public: virtual void set_compatible_brands(SrsMp4BoxBrand b0, SrsMp4BoxBrand b1); virtual void set_compatible_brands(SrsMp4BoxBrand b0, SrsMp4BoxBrand b1, SrsMp4BoxBrand b2, SrsMp4BoxBrand b3); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.16.2 Segment Type Box (styp) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 105 // If segments are stored in separate files (e.g. on a standard HTTP server) it is recommended that these // 'segment files' contain a segment-type box, which must be first if present, to enable identification of those files, // And declaration of the specifications with which they are compliant. class SrsMp4SegmentTypeBox : public SrsMp4FileTypeBox { public: SrsMp4SegmentTypeBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SegmentTypeBox(); }; // 8.8.4 Movie Fragment Box (moof) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 66 // The movie fragments extend the presentation in time. They provide the information that would previously have // been in the Movie Box. The actual samples are in Media Data Boxes, as usual, if they are in the same file. // The data reference index is in the sample description, so it is possible to build incremental presentations // where the media data is in files other than the file containing the Movie Box. class SrsMp4MovieFragmentBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4MovieFragmentBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MovieFragmentBox(); public: // Get the header of moof. virtual SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox* mfhd(); virtual void set_mfhd(SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox* v); // Get the traf. virtual SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox* traf(); virtual void set_traf(SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox* v); }; // 8.8.5 Movie Fragment Header Box (mfhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 67 // The movie fragment header contains a sequence number, as a safety check. The sequence number usually // starts at 1 and must increase for each movie fragment in the file, in the order in which they occur. This allows // readers to verify integrity of the sequence; it is an error to construct a file where the fragments are out of // sequence. class SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // The ordinal number of this fragment, in increasing order uint32_t sequence_number; public: SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MovieFragmentHeaderBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.8.6 Track Fragment Box (traf) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 67 // Within the movie fragment there is a set of track fragments, zero or more per track. The track fragments in // turn contain zero or more track runs, each of which document a contiguous run of samples for that track. // Within these structures, many fields are optional and can be defaulted. class SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackFragmentBox(); public: // Get the tfhd. virtual SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox* tfhd(); virtual void set_tfhd(SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox* v); // Get the tfdt. virtual SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox* tfdt(); virtual void set_tfdt(SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox* tfdt); // Get the trun. virtual SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox* trun(); virtual void set_trun(SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox* v); }; // The tf_flags of tfhd. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 68 enum SrsMp4TfhdFlags { // indicates the presence of the base-data-offset field. This provides // An explicit anchor for the data offsets in each track run (see below). If not provided, the base-data- // offset for the first track in the movie fragment is the position of the first byte of the enclosing Movie // Fragment Box, and for second and subsequent track fragments, the default is the end of the data // defined by the preceding fragment. Fragments 'inheriting' their offset in this way must all use // The same data-reference (i.e., the data for these tracks must be in the same file). SrsMp4TfhdFlagsBaseDataOffset = 0x000001, // indicates the presence of this field, which over-rides, in this // fragment, the default set up in the Track Extends Box. SrsMp4TfhdFlagsSampleDescriptionIndex = 0x000002, SrsMp4TfhdFlagsDefaultSampleDuration = 0x000008, SrsMp4TfhdFlagsDefautlSampleSize = 0x000010, SrsMp4TfhdFlagsDefaultSampleFlags = 0x000020, // this indicates that the duration provided in either default-sample-duration, // or by the default-duration in the Track Extends Box, is empty, i.e. that there are no samples for this // time interval. It is an error to make a presentation that has both edit lists in the Movie Box, and empty- // duration fragments. SrsMp4TfhdFlagsDurationIsEmpty = 0x010000, // if base-data-offset-present is zero, this indicates that the base-data- // offset for this track fragment is the position of the first byte of the enclosing Movie Fragment Box. // Support for the default-base-is-moof flag is required under the ‘iso5’ brand, and it shall not be used in // brands or compatible brands earlier than iso5. SrsMp4TfhdFlagsDefaultBaseIsMoof = 0x020000, }; // 8.8.7 Track Fragment Header Box (tfhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 68 // Each movie fragment can add zero or more fragments to each track; and a track fragment can add zero or // more contiguous runs of samples. The track fragment header sets up information and defaults used for those // runs of samples. class SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: uint32_t track_id; // all the following are optional fields public: // The base offset to use when calculating data offsets uint64_t base_data_offset; uint32_t sample_description_index; uint32_t default_sample_duration; uint32_t default_sample_size; uint32_t default_sample_flags; public: SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackFragmentHeaderBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.8.12 Track fragment decode time (tfdt) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 72 // The Track Fragment Base Media Decode Time Box provides the absolute decode time, measured on // The media timeline, of the first sample in decode order in the track fragment. This can be useful, for example, // when performing random access in a file; it is not necessary to sum the sample durations of all preceding // samples in previous fragments to find this value (where the sample durations are the deltas in the Decoding // Time to Sample Box and the sample_durations in the preceding track runs). class SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // It's in ms. uint64_t base_media_decode_time; public: SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackFragmentDecodeTimeBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // The tr_flags for trun // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 69 enum SrsMp4TrunFlags { // data-offset-present. SrsMp4TrunFlagsDataOffset = 0x000001, // this over-rides the default flags for the first sample only. This // makes it possible to record a group of frames where the first is a key and the rest are difference // frames, without supplying explicit flags for every sample. If this flag and field are used, sample-flags // shall not be present. SrsMp4TrunFlagsFirstSample = 0x000004, // indicates that each sample has its own duration, otherwise the default is used. SrsMp4TrunFlagsSampleDuration = 0x000100, // Each sample has its own size, otherwise the default is used. SrsMp4TrunFlagsSampleSize = 0x000200, // Each sample has its own flags, otherwise the default is used. SrsMp4TrunFlagsSampleFlag = 0x000400, // Each sample has a composition time offset (e.g. as used for I/P/B video in MPEG). SrsMp4TrunFlagsSampleCtsOffset = 0x000800, }; // Entry for trun. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 69 class SrsMp4TrunEntry : public ISrsCodec { public: SrsMp4FullBox* owner; uint32_t sample_duration; uint32_t sample_size; uint32_t sample_flags; // if version == 0, unsigned int(32); otherwise, signed int(32). int64_t sample_composition_time_offset; SrsMp4TrunEntry(SrsMp4FullBox* o); virtual ~SrsMp4TrunEntry(); virtual uint64_t nb_bytes(); virtual srs_error_t encode(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual std::stringstream& dumps(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.8.8 Track Fragment Run Box (trun) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 69 // Within the Track Fragment Box, there are zero or more Track Run Boxes. If the duration-is-empty flag is set in // The tf_flags, there are no track runs. A track run documents a contiguous set of samples for a track. class SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // The number of samples being added in this run; also the number of rows in the following // table (the rows can be empty) //uint32_t sample_count; // The following are optional fields public: // added to the implicit or explicit data_offset established in the track fragment header. int32_t data_offset; // provides a set of flags for the first sample only of this run. uint32_t first_sample_flags; // all fields in the following array are optional public: std::vector entries; public: SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackFragmentRunBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.1.1 Media Data Box (mdat) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 29 // This box contains the media data. In video tracks, this box would contain video frames. // A presentation may contain zero or more Media Data Boxes. The actual media data follows the type field; // its structure is described by the metadata (see particularly the sample table, subclause 8.5, and the // item location box, subclause 8.11.3). // // @remark The mdat box only decode and encode the header, // so user must read and write the data by yourself. // To encode mdat: // SrsMp4MediaDataBox* mdat = new SrsMp4MediaDataBox(); // mdat->nb_data = 1024000; // // char* buffer = new char[mdat->sz_header()]; // SrsBuffer* buf = new SrsBuffer(buffer); // mdat->encode(buf); // // file->write(buffer, mdat->sz_header()); // Write the mdat box header. // file->write(data, size); // Write the mdat box data. // // To decode mdat: // SrsMp4MediaDataBox* mdat = new SrsMp4MediaDataBox(); // char* buffer = new char[mdat->sz_header()]; // SrsBuffer* buf = ...; // Read mdat->sz_header() data from io. // // mdat->decode(buf); // The buf should be empty now. // file->lseek(mdat->nb_data, SEEK_CUR); // Skip the mdat data in file. // // To discovery any box from file: // SrsSimpleStream* stream = new SrsSimpleStream(); // SrsBuffer* buf = new SrsBuffer(stream...); // Create read buffer from stream. // // // We don't know what's the next box, so try to read 4bytes and discovery it. // append(file, stream, 4); // Append 4bytes from file to stream. // // SrsMp4Box* box = NULL; // SrsMp4Box::discovery(buf, &box); // // required = (box->is_mdat()? box->sz_header():box->sz()); // Now we know how many bytes we needed. // append(file, stream, required); // box->decode(buf); // // if (box->is_mdat()) { // file->lseek(mdat->nb_data, SEEK_CUR); // Skip the mdat data in file. // } class SrsMp4MediaDataBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: // The contained media data, which we never directly read/write it. uint64_t nb_data; public: SrsMp4MediaDataBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MediaDataBox(); // Interface ISrsCodec public: // The total size of bytes, including the sz_header() and nb_data, // which used to write the smallsize or largesize of mp4. virtual uint64_t nb_bytes(); // To encode the mdat box, the buf should only contains the sz_header(), // because the mdata only encode the header. virtual srs_error_t encode(SrsBuffer* buf); // To decode the mdat box, the buf should only contains the sz_header(), // because the mdat only decode the header. virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* buf); protected: virtual srs_error_t encode_boxes(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_boxes(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.1.2 Free Space Box (free or skip) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 29 class SrsMp4FreeSpaceBox : public SrsMp4Box { private: std::vector data; public: SrsMp4FreeSpaceBox(SrsMp4BoxType v); virtual ~SrsMp4FreeSpaceBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.2.1 Movie Box (moov) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 30 // The metadata for a presentation is stored in the single Movie Box which occurs at the top-level of a file. // Normally this box is close to the beginning or end of the file, though this is not required. class SrsMp4MovieBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4MovieBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MovieBox(); public: // Get the header of moov. virtual SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox* mvhd(); virtual void set_mvhd(SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox* v); // Get the movie extends header. virtual SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox* mvex(); virtual void set_mvex(SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox* v); // Get the first video track. virtual SrsMp4TrackBox* video(); // Get the first audio track. virtual SrsMp4TrackBox* audio(); // Add a new track. virtual void add_trak(SrsMp4TrackBox* v); // Get the number of video tracks. virtual int nb_vide_tracks(); // Get the number of audio tracks. virtual int nb_soun_tracks(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); }; // 8.2.2 Movie Header Box (mvhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 31 class SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that declares the creation time of the presentation (in seconds since // midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t creation_time; // An integer that declares the most recent time the presentation was modified (in // seconds since midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t modification_time; public: // An integer that specifies the time-scale for the entire presentation; this is the number of // time units that pass in one second. For example, a time coordinate system that measures time in // sixtieths of a second has a time scale of 60. uint32_t timescale; // An integer that declares length of the presentation (in the indicated timescale). This property // is derived from the presentation’s tracks: the value of this field corresponds to the duration of the // longest track in the presentation. If the duration cannot be determined then duration is set to all 1s. uint64_t duration_in_tbn; public: // A fixed point 16.16 number that indicates the preferred rate to play the presentation; 1.0 // (0x00010000) is normal forward playback uint32_t rate; // A fixed point 8.8 number that indicates the preferred playback volume. 1.0 (0x0100) is full volume. uint16_t volume; uint16_t reserved0; uint64_t reserved1; // A transformation matrix for the video; (u,v,w) are restricted here to (0,0,1), hex values (0,0,0x40000000). int32_t matrix[9]; uint32_t pre_defined[6]; // A non-zero integer that indicates a value to use for the track ID of the next track to be // added to this presentation. Zero is not a valid track ID value. The value of next_track_ID shall be // larger than the largest track-ID in use. If this value is equal to all 1s (32-bit maxint), and a new media // track is to be added, then a search must be made in the file for an unused track identifier. uint32_t next_track_ID; public: SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MovieHeaderBox(); public: // Get the duration in ms. virtual uint64_t duration(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // The type of track, maybe combine of types. enum SrsMp4TrackType { SrsMp4TrackTypeForbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4TrackTypeAudio = 0x01, SrsMp4TrackTypeVideo = 0x02, }; // 8.8.1 Movie Extends Box (mvex) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 64 // This box warns readers that there might be Movie Fragment Boxes in this file. To know of all samples in the // tracks, these Movie Fragment Boxes must be found and scanned in order, and their information logically // added to that found in the Movie Box. class SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MovieExtendsBox(); public: // Get the track extends box. virtual SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox* trex(); virtual void set_trex(SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox* v); }; // 8.8.3 Track Extends Box(trex) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 65 class SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // identifies the track; this shall be the track ID of a track in the Movie Box uint32_t track_ID; // These fields set up defaults used in the track fragments. uint32_t default_sample_description_index; uint32_t default_sample_duration; uint32_t default_sample_size; uint32_t default_sample_flags; public: SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackExtendsBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.3.1 Track Box (trak) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 32 // This is a container box for a single track of a presentation. A presentation consists of one or more tracks. // Each track is independent of the other tracks in the presentation and carries its own temporal and spatial // information. Each track will contain its associated Media Box. class SrsMp4TrackBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4TrackBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackBox(); public: // Get the type of track, maybe combine of track type, // for example, it maybe Audio|Video when contains both. // Generally, only single type, no combination. virtual SrsMp4TrackType track_type(); // Get the track header box. virtual SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox* tkhd(); virtual void set_tkhd(SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox* v); // Set the EDTS box. virtual void set_edts(SrsMp4EditBox* v); public: // Get the chunk offset box. virtual SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox* stco(); // Get the sample size box. virtual SrsMp4SampleSizeBox* stsz(); // Get the sample to chunk box. virtual SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox* stsc(); // Get the dts box. virtual SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox* stts(); // Get the cts/pts box. virtual SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox* ctts(); // Get the sync dts box. virtual SrsMp4SyncSampleBox* stss(); // Get the media header box. virtual SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox* mdhd(); public: // For vide track, get the video codec. virtual SrsVideoCodecId vide_codec(); // For soun track, get the audio codec. virtual SrsAudioCodecId soun_codec(); // For H.264/AVC codec, get the sps/pps. virtual SrsMp4AvccBox* avcc(); // For AAC codec, get the asc. virtual SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo* asc(); public: // Get the media box. virtual SrsMp4MediaBox* mdia(); virtual void set_mdia(SrsMp4MediaBox* v); // Get the media info box. virtual SrsMp4MediaInformationBox* minf(); // Get the sample table box. virtual SrsMp4SampleTableBox* stbl(); // Get the sample description box virtual SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox* stsd(); public: // For H.264/AVC, get the avc1 box. virtual SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry* avc1(); // For AAC, get the mp4a box. virtual SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry* mp4a(); }; // 8.3.2 Track Header Box (tkhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 32 class SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that declares the creation time of the presentation (in seconds since // midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t creation_time; // An integer that declares the most recent time the presentation was modified (in // seconds since midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t modification_time; // An integer that uniquely identifies this track over the entire life-time of this presentation. // Track IDs are never re-used and cannot be zero. uint32_t track_ID; uint32_t reserved0; // An integer that indicates the duration of this track (in the timescale indicated in the Movie // Header Box). The value of this field is equal to the sum of the durations of all of the track’s edits. If // There is no edit list, then the duration is the sum of the sample durations, converted into the timescale // in the Movie Header Box. If the duration of this track cannot be determined then duration is set to all // 1s. uint64_t duration; public: uint64_t reserved1; // specifies the front-to-back ordering of video tracks; tracks with lower numbers are closer to the // viewer. 0 is the normal value, and -1 would be in front of track 0, and so on. int16_t layer; // An integer that specifies a group or collection of tracks. If this field is 0 there is no // information on possible relations to other tracks. If this field is not 0, it should be the same for tracks // that contain alternate data for one another and different for tracks belonging to different such groups. // Only one track within an alternate group should be played or streamed at any one time, and must be // distinguishable from other tracks in the group via attributes such as bitrate, codec, language, packet // size etc. A group may have only one member. int16_t alternate_group; // A fixed 8.8 value specifying the track's relative audio volume. Full volume is 1.0 (0x0100) and // is the normal value. Its value is irrelevant for a purely visual track. Tracks may be composed by // combining them according to their volume, and then using the overall Movie Header Box volume // setting; or more complex audio composition (e.g. MPEG-4 BIFS) may be used. int16_t volume; uint16_t reserved2; // A transformation matrix for the video; (u,v,w) are restricted here to (0,0,1), hex (0,0,0x40000000). int32_t matrix[9]; // The track's visual presentation size as fixed-point 16.16 values. These need // not be the same as the pixel dimensions of the images, which is documented in the sample // description(s); all images in the sequence are scaled to this size, before any overall transformation of // The track represented by the matrix. The pixel dimensions of the images are the default values. int32_t width; int32_t height; public: SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4TrackHeaderBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.6.5 Edit Box (edts) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 54 // An Edit Box maps the presentation time-line to the media time-line as it is stored in the file. // The Edit Box is a container for the edit lists. class SrsMp4EditBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4EditBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4EditBox(); public: virtual void set_elst(SrsMp4EditListBox* v); }; // 8.6.6 Edit List Box // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 55 // LCOV_EXCL_START class SrsMp4ElstEntry { public: // An integer that specifies the duration of this edit segment in units of the timescale // in the Movie Header Box uint64_t segment_duration; // An integer containing the starting time within the media of this edit segment (in media time // scale units, in composition time). If this field is set to –1, it is an empty edit. The last edit in a track // shall never be an empty edit. Any difference between the duration in the Movie Header Box, and the // track’s duration is expressed as an implicit empty edit at the end. int64_t media_time; public: // specifies the relative rate at which to play the media corresponding to this edit segment. If this value is 0, // Then the edit is specifying a ‘dwell’: the media at media-time is presented for the segment-duration. Otherwise // this field shall contain the value 1. int16_t media_rate_integer; int16_t media_rate_fraction; public: SrsMp4ElstEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4ElstEntry(); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // 8.6.6 Edit List Box (elst) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 54 // This box contains an explicit timeline map. Each entry defines part of the track time-line: by mapping part of // The media time-line, or by indicating ‘empty’ time, or by defining a ‘dwell’, where a single time-point in the // media is held for a period. class SrsMp4EditListBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table std::vector entries; public: SrsMp4EditListBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4EditListBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.4.1 Media Box (mdia) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 36 // The media declaration container contains all the objects that declare information about the media data within a // track. class SrsMp4MediaBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4MediaBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MediaBox(); public: // Get the type of track, maybe combine of track type, // for example, it maybe Audio|Video when contains both. // Generally, only single type, no combination. virtual SrsMp4TrackType track_type(); // Get the media header box. virtual SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox* mdhd(); virtual void set_mdhd(SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox* v); // Get the hdlr box. virtual SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox* hdlr(); virtual void set_hdlr(SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox* v); // Get the media info box. virtual SrsMp4MediaInformationBox* minf(); virtual void set_minf(SrsMp4MediaInformationBox* v); }; // 8.4.2 Media Header Box (mdhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 36 // The media declaration container contains all the objects that declare information about the media data within a // track. class SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that declares the creation time of the presentation (in seconds since // midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t creation_time; // An integer that declares the most recent time the presentation was modified (in // seconds since midnight, Jan. 1, 1904, in UTC time) uint64_t modification_time; // An integer that specifies the time-scale for the entire presentation; this is the number of // time units that pass in one second. For example, a time coordinate system that measures time in // sixtieths of a second has a time scale of 60. uint32_t timescale; // An integer that declares length of the presentation (in the indicated timescale). This property // is derived from the presentation’s tracks: the value of this field corresponds to the duration of the // longest track in the presentation. If the duration cannot be determined then duration is set to all 1s. uint64_t duration; private: // The language code for this media. See ISO 639-2/T for the set of three character // codes. Each character is packed as the difference between its ASCII value and 0x60. Since the code // is confined to being three lower-case letters, these values are strictly positive. uint16_t language; uint16_t pre_defined; public: SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox(); public: // The language code for this media. See ISO 639-2/T for the set of three character // codes. Each character is packed as the difference between its ASCII value and 0x60. Since the code // is confined to being three lower-case letters, these values are strictly positive. // @param v The ASCII, for example, 'u'. virtual char language0(); virtual void set_language0(char v); // @param v The ASCII, for example, 'n'. virtual char language1(); virtual void set_language1(char v); // @param v The ASCII, for example, 'd'. virtual char language2(); virtual void set_language2(char v); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.4.3 Handler Reference Box (hdlr) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 37 // This box within a Media Box declares the process by which the media-data in the track is presented, and thus, // The nature of the media in a track. For example, a video track would be handled by a video handler. class SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: uint32_t pre_defined; // An integer containing one of the following values, or a value from a derived specification: // ‘vide’, Video track // ‘soun’, Audio track SrsMp4HandlerType handler_type; uint32_t reserved[3]; // A null-terminated string in UTF-8 characters which gives a human-readable name for the track // type (for debugging and inspection purposes). std::string name; public: SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4HandlerReferenceBox(); public: virtual bool is_video(); virtual bool is_audio(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.4.4 Media Information Box (minf) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 38 // This box contains all the objects that declare characteristic information of the media in the track. class SrsMp4MediaInformationBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4MediaInformationBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4MediaInformationBox(); public: // Get the vmhd box. virtual SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox* vmhd(); virtual void set_vmhd(SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox* v); // Get the smhd box. virtual SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox* smhd(); virtual void set_smhd(SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox* v); // Get the dinf box. virtual SrsMp4DataInformationBox* dinf(); virtual void set_dinf(SrsMp4DataInformationBox* v); // Get the sample table box. virtual SrsMp4SampleTableBox* stbl(); virtual void set_stbl(SrsMp4SampleTableBox* v); }; // Video Media Header Box (vmhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 38 // The video media header contains general presentation information, independent of the coding, for video // media. Note that the flags field has the value 1. class SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // A composition mode for this video track, from the following enumerated set, // which may be extended by derived specifications: // copy = 0 copy over the existing image uint16_t graphicsmode; // A set of 3 colour values (red, green, blue) available for use by graphics modes uint16_t opcolor[3]; public: SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4VideoMeidaHeaderBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); }; // Sound Media Header Box (smhd) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 39 // The sound media header contains general presentation information, independent of the coding, for audio // media. This header is used for all tracks containing audio. class SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // A fixed-point 8.8 number that places mono audio tracks in a stereo space; 0 is centre (the // normal value); full left is -1.0 and full right is 1.0. int16_t balance; uint16_t reserved; public: SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SoundMeidaHeaderBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); }; // 8.7.1 Data Information Box (dinf) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 56 // The data information box contains objects that declare the location of the media information in a track. class SrsMp4DataInformationBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4DataInformationBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DataInformationBox(); public: // Get the dref box. virtual SrsMp4DataReferenceBox* dref(); virtual void set_dref(SrsMp4DataReferenceBox* v); }; // 8.7.2 Data Reference Box // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 56 // A 24-bit integer with flags; one flag is defined (x000001) which means that the media // data is in the same file as the Movie Box containing this data reference. class SrsMp4DataEntryBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: std::string location; public: SrsMp4DataEntryBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DataEntryBox(); public: virtual bool boxes_in_header(); }; // 8.7.2 Data Reference Box (url ) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 56 class SrsMp4DataEntryUrlBox : public SrsMp4DataEntryBox { public: SrsMp4DataEntryUrlBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DataEntryUrlBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.2 Data Reference Box (urn ) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 56 class SrsMp4DataEntryUrnBox : public SrsMp4DataEntryBox { public: std::string name; public: SrsMp4DataEntryUrnBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DataEntryUrnBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.2 Data Reference Box (dref) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 56 // The data reference object contains a table of data references (normally URLs) that declare the location(s) of // The media data used within the presentation. The data reference index in the sample description ties entries // in this table to the samples in the track. A track may be split over several sources in this way. class SrsMp4DataReferenceBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { private: std::vector entries; public: SrsMp4DataReferenceBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DataReferenceBox(); public: virtual uint32_t entry_count(); virtual SrsMp4DataEntryBox* entry_at(int index); // Note that box must be SrsMp4DataEntryBox* virtual void append(SrsMp4Box* box); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.5.1 Sample Table Box (stbl) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 40 // The sample table contains all the time and data indexing of the media samples in a track. Using the tables // here, it is possible to locate samples in time, determine their type (e.g. I-frame or not), and determine their // size, container, and offset into that container. class SrsMp4SampleTableBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: SrsMp4SampleTableBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SampleTableBox(); public: // Get the sample description box virtual SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox* stsd(); virtual void set_stsd(SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox* v); // Get the chunk offset box. virtual SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox* stco(); virtual void set_stco(SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox* v); // Get the chunk large offset box. virtual SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox* co64(); virtual void set_co64(SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox* v); // Get the sample size box. virtual SrsMp4SampleSizeBox* stsz(); virtual void set_stsz(SrsMp4SampleSizeBox* v); // Get the sample to chunk box. virtual SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox* stsc(); virtual void set_stsc(SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox* v); // Get the dts box. virtual SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox* stts(); virtual void set_stts(SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox* v); // Get the cts/pts box. virtual SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox* ctts(); virtual void set_ctts(SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox* v); // Get the sync dts box. virtual SrsMp4SyncSampleBox* stss(); virtual void set_stss(SrsMp4SyncSampleBox* v); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); }; // 8.5.2 Sample Description Box // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 43 class SrsMp4SampleEntry : public SrsMp4Box { public: uint8_t reserved[6]; // An integer that contains the index of the data reference to use to retrieve // data associated with samples that use this sample description. Data references are stored in Data // Reference Boxes. The index ranges from 1 to the number of data references. uint16_t data_reference_index; public: SrsMp4SampleEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4SampleEntry(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.5.2 Sample Description Box (avc1) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 44 class SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry : public SrsMp4SampleEntry { public: uint16_t pre_defined0; uint16_t reserved0; uint32_t pre_defined1[3]; // The maximum visual width and height of the stream described by this sample // description, in pixels uint16_t width; uint16_t height; uint32_t horizresolution; uint32_t vertresolution; uint32_t reserved1; // how many frames of compressed video are stored in each sample. The default is // 1, for one frame per sample; it may be more than 1 for multiple frames per sample uint16_t frame_count; // A name, for informative purposes. It is formatted in a fixed 32-byte field, with the first // byte set to the number of bytes to be displayed, followed by that number of bytes of displayable data, // And then padding to complete 32 bytes total (including the size byte). The field may be set to 0. char compressorname[32]; // one of the following values // 0x0018 – images are in colour with no alpha uint16_t depth; int16_t pre_defined2; public: SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry(); public: // For avc1, get the avcc box. virtual SrsMp4AvccBox* avcC(); virtual void set_avcC(SrsMp4AvccBox* v); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 5.3.4 AVC Video Stream Definition (avcC) // ISO_IEC_14496-15-AVC-format-2012.pdf, page 19 class SrsMp4AvccBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: std::vector avc_config; public: SrsMp4AvccBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4AvccBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.5.2 Sample Description Box (mp4a) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 45 class SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry : public SrsMp4SampleEntry { public: uint64_t reserved0; uint16_t channelcount; uint16_t samplesize; uint16_t pre_defined0; uint16_t reserved1; uint32_t samplerate; public: SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry(); public: // For AAC codec, get the esds. virtual SrsMp4EsdsBox* esds(); virtual void set_esds(SrsMp4EsdsBox* v); // For AAC codec, get the asc. virtual SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo* asc(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Table 1 — List of Class Tags for Descriptors // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 31 enum SrsMp4ESTagEs { SrsMp4ESTagESforbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4ESTagESObjectDescrTag = 0x01, SrsMp4ESTagESInitialObjectDescrTag = 0x02, SrsMp4ESTagESDescrTag = 0x03, SrsMp4ESTagESDecoderConfigDescrTag = 0x04, SrsMp4ESTagESDecSpecificInfoTag = 0x05, SrsMp4ESTagESSLConfigDescrTag = 0x06, SrsMp4ESTagESExtSLConfigDescrTag = 0x064, }; // BaseDescriptor // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 32 class SrsMp4BaseDescriptor : public ISrsCodec { public: // The values of the class tags are // defined in Table 2. As an expandable class the size of each class instance in bytes is encoded and accessible // through the instance variable sizeOfInstance (see 8.3.3). SrsMp4ESTagEs tag; // bit(8) // The decoded or encoded variant length. int32_t vlen; // bit(28) private: // The position at buffer to start demux the box. int start_pos; public: SrsMp4BaseDescriptor(); virtual ~SrsMp4BaseDescriptor(); public: // Get the left space of box, for decoder. virtual int left_space(SrsBuffer* buf); // Interface ISrsCodec public: virtual uint64_t nb_bytes(); virtual srs_error_t encode(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode(SrsBuffer* buf); protected: virtual int32_t nb_payload() = 0; virtual srs_error_t encode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf) = 0; virtual srs_error_t decode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf) = 0; public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Table 5 — objectTypeIndication Values // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 49 enum SrsMp4ObjectType { SrsMp4ObjectTypeForbidden = 0x00, // Audio ISO/IEC 14496-3 SrsMp4ObjectTypeAac = 0x40, // Audio ISO/IEC 13818-3 SrsMp4ObjectTypeMp3 = 0x69, // Audio ISO/IEC 11172-3 SrsMp4ObjectTypeMp1a = 0x6B, }; // Table 6 — streamType Values // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 51 enum SrsMp4StreamType { SrsMp4StreamTypeForbidden = 0x00, SrsMp4StreamTypeAudioStream = 0x05, }; // DecoderSpecificInfo // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 51 class SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo : public SrsMp4BaseDescriptor { public: // AAC Audio Specific Config. // AudioSpecificConfig, in ISO_IEC_14496-3-AAC-2001.pdf, page 33. std::vector asc; public: SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo(); virtual ~SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo(); protected: virtual int32_t nb_payload(); virtual srs_error_t encode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // DecoderConfigDescriptor // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 48 class SrsMp4DecoderConfigDescriptor : public SrsMp4BaseDescriptor { public: // An indication of the object or scene description type that needs to be supported // by the decoder for this elementary stream as per Table 5. SrsMp4ObjectType objectTypeIndication; // bit(8) SrsMp4StreamType streamType; // bit(6) uint8_t upStream; // bit(1) uint8_t reserved; // bit(1) uint32_t bufferSizeDB; // bit(24) uint32_t maxBitrate; uint32_t avgBitrate; SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo* decSpecificInfo; // optional. public: SrsMp4DecoderConfigDescriptor(); virtual ~SrsMp4DecoderConfigDescriptor(); protected: virtual int32_t nb_payload(); virtual srs_error_t encode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // SL Packet Header Configuration // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 92 class SrsMp4SLConfigDescriptor : public SrsMp4BaseDescriptor { public: uint8_t predefined; public: SrsMp4SLConfigDescriptor(); virtual ~SrsMp4SLConfigDescriptor(); protected: virtual int32_t nb_payload(); virtual srs_error_t encode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); }; // ES_Descriptor // ISO_IEC_14496-1-System-2010.pdf, page 47 class SrsMp4ES_Descriptor : public SrsMp4BaseDescriptor { public: uint16_t ES_ID; uint8_t streamDependenceFlag; // bit(1) uint8_t URL_Flag; // bit(1) uint8_t OCRstreamFlag; // bit(1) uint8_t streamPriority; // bit(5) // if (streamDependenceFlag) uint16_t dependsOn_ES_ID; // if (URL_Flag) std::vector URLstring; // if (OCRstreamFlag) uint16_t OCR_ES_Id; SrsMp4DecoderConfigDescriptor decConfigDescr; SrsMp4SLConfigDescriptor slConfigDescr; public: SrsMp4ES_Descriptor(); virtual ~SrsMp4ES_Descriptor(); protected: virtual int32_t nb_payload(); virtual srs_error_t encode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_payload(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 5.6 Sample Description Boxes // Elementary Stream Descriptors (esds) // ISO_IEC_14496-14-MP4-2003.pdf, page 15 // @see http://www.mp4ra.org/codecs.html class SrsMp4EsdsBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: SrsMp4ES_Descriptor* es; public: SrsMp4EsdsBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4EsdsBox(); public: // For AAC codec, get the asc. virtual SrsMp4DecoderSpecificInfo* asc(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.5.2 Sample Description Box (stsd), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 40 // The sample description table gives detailed information about the coding type used, and any initialization // information needed for that coding. class SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { private: std::vector entries; public: SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SampleDescriptionBox(); public: // For H.264/AVC, get the avc1 box. virtual SrsMp4VisualSampleEntry* avc1(); // For AAC, get the mp4a box. virtual SrsMp4AudioSampleEntry* mp4a(); public: virtual uint32_t entry_count(); virtual SrsMp4SampleEntry* entrie_at(int index); // Note that box must be SrsMp4SampleEntry* virtual void append(SrsMp4Box* box); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual bool boxes_in_header(); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Decoding Time to Sample Box (stts), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 48 class SrsMp4SttsEntry { public: // An integer that counts the number of consecutive samples that have the given // duration. uint32_t sample_count; // An integer that gives the delta of these samples in the time-scale of the media. uint32_t sample_delta; // Constructor SrsMp4SttsEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4SttsEntry(); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Decoding Time to Sample Box (stts), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 48 // This box contains a compact version of a table that allows indexing from decoding time to sample number. // Other tables give sample sizes and pointers, from the sample number. Each entry in the table gives the // number of consecutive samples with the same time delta, and the delta of those samples. By adding the // deltas a complete time-to-sample map may be built. class SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table. std::vector entries; private: // The index for counter to calc the dts for samples. uint32_t index; uint32_t count; public: SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox(); public: // Initialize the counter. virtual srs_error_t initialize_counter(); // When got an sample, index starts from 0. virtual srs_error_t on_sample(uint32_t sample_index, SrsMp4SttsEntry** ppentry); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Composition Time to Sample Box (ctts), for Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 49 // LCOV_EXCL_START class SrsMp4CttsEntry { public: // An integer that counts the number of consecutive samples that have the given offset. uint32_t sample_count; // uint32_t for version=0 // int32_t for version=1 // An integer that gives the offset between CT and DT, such that CT(n) = DT(n) + // CTTS(n). int64_t sample_offset; // Constructor SrsMp4CttsEntry(); virtual ~SrsMp4CttsEntry(); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP // Composition Time to Sample Box (ctts), for Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 49 // This box provides the offset between decoding time and composition time. In version 0 of this box the // decoding time must be less than the composition time, and the offsets are expressed as unsigned numbers // such that CT(n) = DT(n) + CTTS(n) where CTTS(n) is the (uncompressed) table entry for sample n. In version // 1 of this box, the composition timeline and the decoding timeline are still derived from each other, but the // offsets are signed. It is recommended that for the computed composition timestamps, there is exactly one with // The value 0 (zero). class SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table. std::vector entries; private: // The index for counter to calc the dts for samples. uint32_t index; uint32_t count; public: SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox(); public: // Initialize the counter. virtual srs_error_t initialize_counter(); // When got an sample, index starts from 0. virtual srs_error_t on_sample(uint32_t sample_index, SrsMp4CttsEntry** ppentry); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.6.2 Sync Sample Box (stss), for Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 51 // This box provides a compact marking of the sync samples within the stream. The table is arranged in strictly // increasing order of sample number. class SrsMp4SyncSampleBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table. If entry_count is zero, // There are no sync samples within the stream and the following table is empty. uint32_t entry_count; // The numbers of the samples that are sync samples in the stream. uint32_t* sample_numbers; public: SrsMp4SyncSampleBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SyncSampleBox(); public: // Whether the sample is sync, index starts from 0. virtual bool is_sync(uint32_t sample_index); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.4 Sample To Chunk Box (stsc), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 58 class SrsMp4StscEntry { public: // An integer that gives the index of the first chunk in this run of chunks that share the // same samples-per-chunk and sample-description-index; the index of the first chunk in a track has the // value 1 (the first_chunk field in the first record of this box has the value 1, identifying that the first // sample maps to the first chunk). uint32_t first_chunk; // An integer that gives the number of samples in each of these chunks uint32_t samples_per_chunk; // An integer that gives the index of the sample entry that describes the // samples in this chunk. The index ranges from 1 to the number of sample entries in the Sample // Description Box uint32_t sample_description_index; // Constructor SrsMp4StscEntry(); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.4 Sample To Chunk Box (stsc), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 58 // Samples within the media data are grouped into chunks. Chunks can be of different sizes, and the samples // within a chunk can have different sizes. This table can be used to find the chunk that contains a sample, // its position, and the associated sample description. class SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table uint32_t entry_count; // The numbers of the samples that are sync samples in the stream. SrsMp4StscEntry* entries; private: // The index for counter to calc the dts for samples. uint32_t index; public: SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox(); public: // Initialize the counter. virtual void initialize_counter(); // When got an chunk, index starts from 0. virtual SrsMp4StscEntry* on_chunk(uint32_t chunk_index); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.5 Chunk Offset Box (stco), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 59 // The chunk offset table gives the index of each chunk into the containing file. There are two variants, permitting // The use of 32-bit or 64-bit offsets. The latter is useful when managing very large presentations. At most one of // These variants will occur in any single instance of a sample table. class SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table uint32_t entry_count; // A 32 bit integer that gives the offset of the start of a chunk into its containing // media file. uint32_t* entries; public: SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.7.5 Chunk Large Offset Box (co64), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 59 // The chunk offset table gives the index of each chunk into the containing file. There are two variants, permitting // The use of 32-bit or 64-bit offsets. The latter is useful when managing very large presentations. At most one of // These variants will occur in any single instance of a sample table. class SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // An integer that gives the number of entries in the following table uint32_t entry_count; // A 64 bit integer that gives the offset of the start of a chunk into its containing // media file. uint64_t* entries; public: SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4ChunkLargeOffsetBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Sample Size Box (stsz), for Audio/Video. // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 58 // This box contains the sample count and a table giving the size in bytes of each sample. This allows the media data // itself to be unframed. The total number of samples in the media is always indicated in the sample count. class SrsMp4SampleSizeBox : public SrsMp4FullBox { public: // The default sample size. If all the samples are the same size, this field // contains that size value. If this field is set to 0, then the samples have different sizes, and those sizes // are stored in the sample size table. If this field is not 0, it specifies the constant sample size, and no // array follows. uint32_t sample_size; // An integer that gives the number of samples in the track; if sample-size is 0, then it is // also the number of entries in the following table. uint32_t sample_count; // Each entry_size is an integer specifying the size of a sample, indexed by its number. uint32_t* entry_sizes; public: SrsMp4SampleSizeBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SampleSizeBox(); public: // Get the size of sample. virtual srs_error_t get_sample_size(uint32_t sample_index, uint32_t* psample_size); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // 8.10.1 User Data Box (udta) // ISO_IEC_14496-12-base-format-2012.pdf, page 78 // This box contains objects that declare user information about the containing box and its data (presentation or // track). class SrsMp4UserDataBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: std::vector data; public: SrsMp4UserDataBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4UserDataBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // The entry for SegmentIndexBox(sidx) for MPEG-DASH. // @doc https://patches.videolan.org/patch/103/ struct SrsMp4SegmentIndexEntry { uint8_t reference_type; // 1bit uint32_t referenced_size; // 31bits uint32_t subsegment_duration; // 32bits uint8_t starts_with_SAP; // 1bit uint8_t SAP_type; // 3bits uint32_t SAP_delta_time; // 28bits }; // The SegmentIndexBox(sidx) for MPEG-DASH. // @doc https://gpac.wp.imt.fr/2012/02/01/dash-support/ // @doc https://patches.videolan.org/patch/103/ // @doc https://github.com/necccc/iso-bmff-parser-stream/blob/master/lib/box/sidx.js class SrsMp4SegmentIndexBox : public SrsMp4Box { public: uint8_t version; uint32_t flags; uint32_t reference_id; uint32_t timescale; uint64_t earliest_presentation_time; uint64_t first_offset; std::vector entries; public: SrsMp4SegmentIndexBox(); virtual ~SrsMp4SegmentIndexBox(); protected: virtual int nb_header(); virtual srs_error_t encode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); virtual srs_error_t decode_header(SrsBuffer* buf); public: virtual std::stringstream& dumps_detail(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); }; // Generally, a MP4 sample contains a frame, for example, a video frame or audio frame. class SrsMp4Sample { public: // The type of sample, audio or video. SrsFrameType type; // The offset of sample in file. off_t offset; // The index of sample with a track, start from 0. uint32_t index; // The dts in tbn. uint64_t dts; // For video, the pts in tbn. uint64_t pts; // The tbn(timebase). uint32_t tbn; // For video, the frame type, whether keyframe. SrsVideoAvcFrameType frame_type; // The adjust timestamp in milliseconds. // For example, we can adjust a timestamp for A/V to monotonically increase. int32_t adjust; // The sample data. uint32_t nb_data; uint8_t* data; public: SrsMp4Sample(); virtual ~SrsMp4Sample(); public: // Get the adjusted dts in ms. virtual uint32_t dts_ms(); // Get the adjusted pts in ms. virtual uint32_t pts_ms(); }; // Build samples from moov, or write samples to moov. // One or more sample are grouped to a chunk, each track contains one or more chunks. // The offset of chunk is specified by stco. // The chunk-sample series is speicified by stsc. // The sample size is specified by stsz. // The dts is specified by stts. // For video: // The cts/pts is specified by ctts. // The keyframe is specified by stss. class SrsMp4SampleManager { public: std::vector samples; public: SrsMp4SampleManager(); virtual ~SrsMp4SampleManager(); public: // Load the samples from moov. There must be atleast one track. virtual srs_error_t load(SrsMp4MovieBox* moov); // Get the sample at index position. // @remark NULL if exceed the max index. virtual SrsMp4Sample* at(uint32_t index); // Append the sample to the tail of manager. virtual void append(SrsMp4Sample* sample); // Write the samples info to moov. virtual srs_error_t write(SrsMp4MovieBox* moov); // Write the samples info to moof. // @param The dts is the dts of last segment. virtual srs_error_t write(SrsMp4MovieFragmentBox* moof, uint64_t dts); private: virtual srs_error_t write_track(SrsFrameType track, SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox* stts, SrsMp4SyncSampleBox* stss, SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox* ctts, SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox* stsc, SrsMp4SampleSizeBox* stsz, SrsMp4FullBox* co); virtual srs_error_t do_load(std::map& tses, SrsMp4MovieBox* moov); private: // Load the samples of track from stco, stsz and stsc. // @param tses The temporary samples, key is offset, value is sample. // @param tt The type of sample, convert to flv tag type. // TODO: Support co64 for stco. virtual srs_error_t load_trak(std::map& tses, SrsFrameType tt, SrsMp4MediaHeaderBox* mdhd, SrsMp4ChunkOffsetBox* stco, SrsMp4SampleSizeBox* stsz, SrsMp4Sample2ChunkBox* stsc, SrsMp4DecodingTime2SampleBox* stts, SrsMp4CompositionTime2SampleBox* ctts, SrsMp4SyncSampleBox* stss); }; // The MP4 box reader, to get the RAW boxes without decode. // @remark For mdat box, we only decode the header, then skip the data. class SrsMp4BoxReader { private: ISrsReadSeeker* rsio; // The temporary buffer to read from buffer. char* buf; public: SrsMp4BoxReader(); virtual ~SrsMp4BoxReader(); public: virtual srs_error_t initialize(ISrsReadSeeker* rs); public: // Read a MP4 box to pbox, the stream is fill with the bytes of box to decode. virtual srs_error_t read(SrsSimpleStream* stream, SrsMp4Box** ppbox); // Skip the box from stream, and skip in file if need. virtual srs_error_t skip(SrsMp4Box* box, SrsSimpleStream* stream); }; // The MP4 demuxer. class SrsMp4Decoder { private: // The major brand of decoder, parse from ftyp. SrsMp4BoxBrand brand; // The samples build from moov. SrsMp4SampleManager* samples; // The current written sample information. uint32_t current_index; off_t current_offset; public: // The video codec of first track, generally there is zero or one track. // Forbidden if no video stream. // TODO: FIXME: Use SrsFormat instead. SrsVideoCodecId vcodec; private: // For H.264/AVC, the avcc contains the sps/pps. std::vector pavcc; // Whether avcc is written to reader. bool avcc_written; public: // The audio codec of first track, generally there is zero or one track. // Forbidden if no audio stream. SrsAudioCodecId acodec; // The audio sample rate. SrsAudioSampleRate sample_rate; // The audio sound bits. SrsAudioSampleBits sound_bits; // The audio sound type. SrsAudioChannels channels; private: // For AAC, the asc in esds box. std::vector pasc; // Whether asc is written to reader. bool asc_written; private: // Underlayer reader and seeker. // @remark The demuxer must use seeker for general MP4 to seek the moov. ISrsReadSeeker* rsio; // The MP4 box reader. SrsMp4BoxReader* br; // The stream used to demux the boxes. // TODO: FIXME: refine for performance issue. SrsSimpleStream* stream; public: SrsMp4Decoder(); virtual ~SrsMp4Decoder(); public: // Initialize the decoder with a reader r. // @param r The underlayer io reader, user must manage it. virtual srs_error_t initialize(ISrsReadSeeker* rs); // Read a sample from mp4. // @param pht The sample hanler type, audio/soun or video/vide. // @param pft, The frame type. For video, it's SrsVideoAvcFrameType. For audio, ignored. // @param pct, The codec type. For video, it's SrsVideoAvcFrameTrait. For audio, it's SrsAudioAacFrameTrait. // @param pdts The output dts in milliseconds. // @param ppts The output pts in milliseconds. // @param pnb_sample The output size of payload. // @param psample The output payload, user must free it. // @remark The decoder will generate the first two audio/video sequence header. virtual srs_error_t read_sample(SrsMp4HandlerType* pht, uint16_t* pft, uint16_t* pct, uint32_t* pdts, uint32_t* ppts, uint8_t** psample, uint32_t* pnb_sample); private: virtual srs_error_t parse_ftyp(SrsMp4FileTypeBox* ftyp); virtual srs_error_t parse_moov(SrsMp4MovieBox* moov); private: // Load the next box from reader. // @param required_box_type The box type required, 0 for any box. virtual srs_error_t load_next_box(SrsMp4Box** ppbox, uint32_t required_box_type); // @remark Never load the mdat box content, for it's too large. virtual srs_error_t do_load_next_box(SrsMp4Box** ppbox, uint32_t required_box_type); }; // The MP4 muxer. class SrsMp4Encoder { private: ISrsWriteSeeker* wsio; // The mdat offset at file, we must update the header when flush. off_t mdat_offset; // The mdat size in bytes, we must update it to the mdat box header. uint64_t mdat_bytes; // The samples build from moov. SrsMp4SampleManager* samples; public: // The audio codec of first track, generally there is zero or one track. // Forbidden if no audio stream. SrsAudioCodecId acodec; // The audio sample rate. SrsAudioSampleRate sample_rate; // The audio sound bits. SrsAudioSampleBits sound_bits; // The audio sound type. SrsAudioChannels channels; private: // For AAC, the asc in esds box. std::vector pasc; // The number of audio samples. uint32_t nb_audios; // The duration of audio stream. uint64_t aduration; public: // The video codec of first track, generally there is zero or one track. // Forbidden if no video stream. SrsVideoCodecId vcodec; private: // For H.264/AVC, the avcc contains the sps/pps. std::vector pavcc; // The number of video samples. uint32_t nb_videos; // The duration of video stream. uint64_t vduration; // The size width/height of video. uint32_t width; uint32_t height; public: SrsMp4Encoder(); virtual ~SrsMp4Encoder(); public: // Initialize the encoder with a writer and seeker ws. // @param ws The underlayer io writer and seeker, user must manage it. virtual srs_error_t initialize(ISrsWriteSeeker* ws); // Write a sample to mp4. // @param ht, The sample handler type, audio/soun or video/vide. // @param ft, The frame type. For video, it's SrsVideoAvcFrameType. // @param ct, The codec type. For video, it's SrsVideoAvcFrameTrait. For audio, it's SrsAudioAacFrameTrait. // @param dts The output dts in milliseconds. // @param pts The output pts in milliseconds. // @param sample The output payload, user must free it. // @param nb_sample The output size of payload. virtual srs_error_t write_sample(SrsFormat* format, SrsMp4HandlerType ht, uint16_t ft, uint16_t ct, uint32_t dts, uint32_t pts, uint8_t* sample, uint32_t nb_sample); // Flush the encoder, to write the moov. virtual srs_error_t flush(); private: virtual srs_error_t copy_sequence_header(SrsFormat* format, bool vsh, uint8_t* sample, uint32_t nb_sample); virtual srs_error_t do_write_sample(SrsMp4Sample* ps, uint8_t* sample, uint32_t nb_sample); virtual SrsMp4ObjectType get_audio_object_type(); }; // A fMP4 encoder, to write the init.mp4 with sequence header. class SrsMp4M2tsInitEncoder { private: ISrsWriter* writer; public: SrsMp4M2tsInitEncoder(); virtual ~SrsMp4M2tsInitEncoder(); public: // Initialize the encoder with a writer w. virtual srs_error_t initialize(ISrsWriter* w); // Write the sequence header. virtual srs_error_t write(SrsFormat* format, bool video, int tid); }; // A fMP4 encoder, to cache segments then flush to disk, because the fMP4 should write // trun box before mdat. class SrsMp4M2tsSegmentEncoder { private: ISrsWriter* writer; uint32_t sequence_number; srs_utime_t decode_basetime; uint32_t track_id; private: uint32_t nb_audios; uint32_t nb_videos; uint32_t styp_bytes; uint64_t mdat_bytes; SrsMp4SampleManager* samples; public: SrsMp4M2tsSegmentEncoder(); virtual ~SrsMp4M2tsSegmentEncoder(); public: // Initialize the encoder with a writer w. virtual srs_error_t initialize(ISrsWriter* w, uint32_t sequence, srs_utime_t basetime, uint32_t tid); // Cache a sample. // @param ht, The sample handler type, audio/soun or video/vide. // @param ft, The frame type. For video, it's SrsVideoAvcFrameType. // @param dts The output dts in milliseconds. // @param pts The output pts in milliseconds. // @param sample The output payload, user must free it. // @param nb_sample The output size of payload. // @remark All samples are RAW AAC/AVC data, because sequence header is writen to init.mp4. virtual srs_error_t write_sample(SrsMp4HandlerType ht, uint16_t ft, uint32_t dts, uint32_t pts, uint8_t* sample, uint32_t nb_sample); // Flush the encoder, to write the moof and mdat. virtual srs_error_t flush(uint64_t& dts); }; // LCOV_EXCL_START ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MP4 dumps functions. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #define SrsMp4SummaryCount 8 extern std::stringstream& srs_mp4_padding(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc, int tab = 4); extern void srs_mp4_delimiter_inline(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); extern void srs_mp4_delimiter_inspace(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); extern void srs_mp4_delimiter_newline(std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc); extern std::stringstream& srs_print_mp4_type(std::stringstream& ss, uint32_t v); extern std::stringstream& srs_mp4_print_bytes(std::stringstream& ss, const char* p, int size, SrsMp4DumpContext dc, int line = SrsMp4SummaryCount, int max = -1); // TODO: FIXME: Extract to common utility. template std::stringstream& srs_dumps_array(std::vector&arr, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc, void (*pfn)(T&, std::stringstream&, SrsMp4DumpContext), void (*delimiter)(std::stringstream&, SrsMp4DumpContext)) { int limit = arr.size(); if (dc.summary) { limit = srs_min(SrsMp4SummaryCount, limit); } for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)limit; i++) { T& elem = arr[i]; pfn(elem, ss, dc); if ((int)i < limit - 1) { delimiter(ss, dc); } } return ss; } // TODO: FIXME: Extract to common utility. template std::stringstream& srs_dumps_array(T* arr, int size, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc, void (*pfn)(T&, std::stringstream&, SrsMp4DumpContext), void (*delimiter)(std::stringstream&, SrsMp4DumpContext)) { int limit = size; if (dc.summary) { limit = srs_min(SrsMp4SummaryCount, limit); } for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)limit; i++) { T& elem = arr[i]; pfn(elem, ss, dc); if ((int)i < limit - 1) { delimiter(ss, dc); } } return ss; } template void srs_mp4_pfn_box(T& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc) { elem.dumps(ss, dc); } template void srs_mp4_pfn_detail(T& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc) { elem.dumps_detail(ss, dc); } template void srs_mp4_pfn_box2(T*& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc) { elem->dumps(ss, dc); } template void srs_mp4_pfn_detail2(T*& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext dc) { elem->dumps_detail(ss, dc); } template void srs_mp4_pfn_type(T& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext /*dc*/) { srs_print_mp4_type(ss, (uint32_t)elem); } template void srs_mp4_pfn_hex(T& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext /*dc*/) { ss << "0x" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << (uint32_t)(uint8_t)elem << std::dec; } template void srs_mp4_pfn_elem(T& elem, std::stringstream& ss, SrsMp4DumpContext /*dc*/) { ss << elem; } // LCOV_EXCL_STOP #endif