/* * SRT - Secure, Reliable, Transport * Copyright (c) 2018 Haivision Systems Inc. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * */ /***************************************************************************** written by Haivision Systems Inc. 2011-06-23 (jdube) HaiCrypt initial implementation. 2014-03-11 (jdube) Adaptation for SRT. *****************************************************************************/ #include /* snprintf */ #include /* NULL, malloc, free */ #include /* memcpy, memset */ #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include /* timerclear */ #endif #include "hcrypt.h" #if ENABLE_HAICRYPT_LOGGING void HaiCrypt_DumpConfig(const HaiCrypt_Cfg* cfg); #else #define HaiCrypt_DumpConfig(x) (void)0 #endif static hcrypt_Session* sHaiCrypt_PrepareHandle(const HaiCrypt_Cfg* cfg, HaiCrypt_CryptoDir tx) { hcrypt_Session *crypto; unsigned char *mem_buf; size_t mem_siz, inbuf_siz; HaiCrypt_DumpConfig(cfg); HCRYPT_PRINTKEY(cfg->secret.str, cfg->secret.len, "cfgkey"); inbuf_siz = 0; inbuf_siz = hcryptMsg_PaddedLen(cfg->data_max_len, 128/8); /* Allocate crypto session control struct */ mem_siz = sizeof(hcrypt_Session) // structure + inbuf_siz; crypto = malloc(mem_siz); if (NULL == crypto) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s\n", "malloc failed"); return NULL; } mem_buf = (unsigned char *)crypto; mem_buf += sizeof(*crypto); memset(crypto, 0, sizeof(*crypto)); if (inbuf_siz) { crypto->inbuf = mem_buf; crypto->inbuf_siz = inbuf_siz; } crypto->cryspr = cfg->cryspr; crypto->cfg.data_max_len = cfg->data_max_len; /* Setup transport packet info */ switch (cfg->xport) { case HAICRYPT_XPT_STANDALONE: crypto->se = HCRYPT_SE_TSUDP; crypto->msg_info = hcryptMsg_STA_MsgInfo(); break; case HAICRYPT_XPT_SRT: crypto->se = HCRYPT_SE_TSSRT; crypto->msg_info = hcryptMsg_SRT_MsgInfo(); break; default: HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "invalid xport: %d\n", cfg->xport); free(crypto); return NULL; } timerclear(&crypto->km.tx_last); crypto->km.tx_period.tv_sec = cfg->km_tx_period_ms / 1000; crypto->km.tx_period.tv_usec = (cfg->km_tx_period_ms % 1000) * 1000; crypto->km.refresh_rate = cfg->km_refresh_rate_pkt; crypto->km.pre_announce = cfg->km_pre_announce_pkt; /* Indentify each context */ crypto->ctx_pair[0].flags = HCRYPT_MSG_F_eSEK | (tx ? HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT : 0); crypto->ctx_pair[1].flags = HCRYPT_MSG_F_oSEK | (tx ? HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT : 0); /* Point to each other */ crypto->ctx_pair[0].alt = &crypto->ctx_pair[1]; crypto->ctx_pair[1].alt = &crypto->ctx_pair[0]; crypto->cryspr_cb = crypto->cryspr->open(crypto->cryspr, cfg->data_max_len); if (NULL == crypto->cryspr_cb) { free(crypto); return NULL; } return crypto; } int HaiCrypt_Create(const HaiCrypt_Cfg *cfg, HaiCrypt_Handle *phhc) { ASSERT(cfg != NULL); ASSERT(phhc != NULL); hcrypt_Session *crypto; HaiCrypt_CryptoDir tx = (HaiCrypt_CryptoDir)(HAICRYPT_CFG_F_TX & cfg->flags); *phhc = NULL; HCRYPT_LOG_INIT(); //Test log HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_INFO, "creating crypto context(flags=0x%x)\n", cfg->flags); if (!(HAICRYPT_CFG_F_CRYPTO & cfg->flags)) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_INFO, "no supported flags set (0x%x)\n", cfg->flags); return(-1); } else if ((16 != cfg->key_len) /* SEK length */ && (24 != cfg->key_len) && (32 != cfg->key_len)) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "invalid key length (%d). Expected: 16, 24, 32\n", (int)cfg->key_len); return(-1); } else if ((HAICRYPT_SECTYP_PASSPHRASE == cfg->secret.typ) && ((0 == cfg->secret.len) || (sizeof(cfg->secret.str) < cfg->secret.len))) { /* KEK length */ HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "invalid secret passphrase length (%d)\n", (int)cfg->secret.len); return(-1); } else if ((HAICRYPT_SECTYP_PRESHARED == cfg->secret.typ) && (cfg->key_len > cfg->secret.len)) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "preshared secret length (%d) smaller than key length (%d)\n", (int)cfg->secret.len, (int)cfg->key_len); return(-1); } else if (NULL == cfg->cryspr) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s\n", "no cryspr specified"); return(-1); } else if (0 == cfg->data_max_len) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s\n", "no data_max_len specified"); return(-1); } crypto = sHaiCrypt_PrepareHandle(cfg, tx); if (!crypto) return -1; if (tx) { /* Encoder */ /* Configure initial context */ if (hcryptCtx_Tx_Init(crypto, &crypto->ctx_pair[0], cfg) || hcryptCtx_Tx_Init(crypto, &crypto->ctx_pair[1], cfg)) { free(crypto); return(-1); } /* Generate keys for first (default) context */ if (hcryptCtx_Tx_Rekey(crypto, &crypto->ctx_pair[0])) { free(crypto); return(-1); } crypto->ctx = &crypto->ctx_pair[0]; crypto->ctx->flags |= (HCRYPT_CTX_F_ANNOUNCE | HCRYPT_CTX_F_TTSEND); crypto->ctx->status = HCRYPT_CTX_S_ACTIVE; } else { /* Decoder */ /* Configure contexts */ if (hcryptCtx_Rx_Init(crypto, &crypto->ctx_pair[0], cfg) || hcryptCtx_Rx_Init(crypto, &crypto->ctx_pair[1], cfg)) { free(crypto); return(-1); } } *phhc = (void *)crypto; return(0); } int HaiCrypt_ExtractConfig(HaiCrypt_Handle hhcSrc, HaiCrypt_Cfg* pcfg) { hcrypt_Session *crypto = (hcrypt_Session *)hhcSrc; hcrypt_Ctx* ctx = crypto->ctx; if (!ctx) { // Fall back to the first of the pair; // Should this be not initialized, ignore it. ctx = &crypto->ctx_pair[0]; // We assume that when ctx != NULL, it is active or keyed anyway. if (ctx->status != HCRYPT_CTX_S_KEYED && ctx->status != HCRYPT_CTX_S_ACTIVE) return -1; } pcfg->flags = HAICRYPT_CFG_F_CRYPTO; if ((ctx->flags & HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT) == HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT) pcfg->flags |= HAICRYPT_CFG_F_TX; /* Set this explicitly - this use of this library is SRT only. */ pcfg->xport = HAICRYPT_XPT_SRT; pcfg->cryspr = crypto->cryspr; pcfg->key_len = ctx->cfg.key_len; if (pcfg->key_len == 0) // not initialized - usual in RX { pcfg->key_len = ctx->sek_len; } pcfg->data_max_len = crypto->cfg.data_max_len; pcfg->km_tx_period_ms = 0;//No HaiCrypt KM inject period, handled in SRT; pcfg->km_refresh_rate_pkt = crypto->km.refresh_rate; pcfg->km_pre_announce_pkt = crypto->km.pre_announce; /* As SRT is using only the PASSPHRASE type, never PRESHARED, * this is so assumed here, although there are completely no * premises as to which is currently used by the hhcSrc. */ pcfg->secret.typ = HAICRYPT_SECTYP_PASSPHRASE; pcfg->secret.len = ctx->cfg.pwd_len; memcpy(pcfg->secret.str, ctx->cfg.pwd, pcfg->secret.len); return 0; } int HaiCrypt_Clone(HaiCrypt_Handle hhcSrc, HaiCrypt_CryptoDir tx, HaiCrypt_Handle *phhc) { hcrypt_Session *cryptoSrc = (hcrypt_Session *)hhcSrc; hcrypt_Session *cryptoClone; unsigned char *mem_buf; size_t mem_siz, inbuf_siz; *phhc = NULL; ASSERT(NULL != hhcSrc); HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_INFO, "%s\n", "creating CLONED crypto context"); if (tx) { HaiCrypt_Cfg crypto_config; HaiCrypt_ExtractConfig(hhcSrc, &crypto_config); /* * Just invert the direction written in flags and use the * standard way of creating the context, as you already have a config. */ crypto_config.flags |= HAICRYPT_CFG_F_TX; cryptoClone = sHaiCrypt_PrepareHandle(&crypto_config, tx); if (!cryptoClone) return -1; /* Configure initial context */ if (hcryptCtx_Tx_Init(cryptoClone, &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0], &crypto_config) || hcryptCtx_Tx_Init(cryptoClone, &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[1], &crypto_config)) { free(cryptoClone); return(-1); } /* Clone keys for first (default) context from the source RX crypto */ if (hcryptCtx_Tx_CloneKey(cryptoClone, &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0], cryptoSrc)) { free(cryptoClone); return(-1); } cryptoClone->ctx = &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0]; cryptoClone->ctx->flags |= (HCRYPT_CTX_F_ANNOUNCE | HCRYPT_CTX_F_TTSEND); cryptoClone->ctx->status = HCRYPT_CTX_S_ACTIVE; } else { /* Receiver */ /* * If cryspr has no special input buffer alignment requirement, * handle it in the crypto session. */ inbuf_siz = cryptoSrc->inbuf_siz ; /* Allocate crypto session control struct */ mem_siz = sizeof(hcrypt_Session) // structure + inbuf_siz; cryptoClone = malloc(mem_siz); if (NULL == cryptoClone) { HCRYPT_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s\n", "malloc failed"); return(-1); } mem_buf = (unsigned char *)cryptoClone; mem_buf += sizeof(*cryptoClone); memcpy(cryptoClone, cryptoSrc, sizeof(*cryptoClone)); if (inbuf_siz) { cryptoClone->inbuf = mem_buf; mem_buf += inbuf_siz; } timerclear(&cryptoClone->km.tx_last); /* Adjust pointers pointing into cryproSrc after copy msg_info and crysprs are extern statics so this is ok*/ cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0].alt = &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[1]; cryptoClone->ctx_pair[1].alt = &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0]; /* create a new cryspr (OpenSSL) context */ cryptoClone->cryspr_cb = cryptoClone->cryspr->open(cryptoClone->cryspr, cryptoClone->cfg.data_max_len); if (NULL == cryptoClone->cryspr_cb) { //shred free(cryptoClone); return(-1); } /* Configure contexts */ if (hcryptCtx_Rx_Init(cryptoClone, &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0], NULL) || hcryptCtx_Rx_Init(cryptoClone, &cryptoClone->ctx_pair[1], NULL)) { free(cryptoClone); return(-1); } /* Clear salt to force later regeneration of KEK as AES decrypting key, copyed one is encrypting key */ cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0].flags &= ~HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT; cryptoClone->ctx_pair[1].flags &= ~HCRYPT_CTX_F_ENCRYPT; memset(cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0].salt, 0, sizeof(cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0].salt)); cryptoClone->ctx_pair[0].salt_len = 0; } *phhc = (void *)cryptoClone; return(0); } int HaiCrypt_Close(HaiCrypt_Handle hhc) { hcrypt_Session *crypto = (hcrypt_Session *)hhc; int rc = -1; if (crypto) { if (crypto->cryspr && crypto->cryspr->close) crypto->cryspr->close(crypto->cryspr_cb); free(crypto); rc = 0; } HCRYPT_LOG_EXIT(); return rc; }