////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // to query the swf anti cache. function srs_get_version_code() { return "1.33"; } /** * player specified size. */ function srs_get_player_modal() { return 740; } function srs_get_player_width() { return srs_get_player_modal() - 30; } function srs_get_player_height() { return srs_get_player_width() * 9 / 19; } // get the default vhost for players. function srs_get_player_vhost() { return "players"; } // the api server port, for chat room. function srs_get_api_server_port() { return 8085; } // the srs http server port function srs_get_srs_http_server_port() { return 8080; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * update the navigator, add same query string. */ function update_nav() { $("#srs_index").attr("href", "index.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_srs_player").attr("href", "srs_player.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_srs_publisher").attr("href", "srs_publisher.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_srs_chat").attr("href", "srs_chat.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_srs_bwt").attr("href", "srs_bwt.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_jwplayer6").attr("href", "jwplayer6.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_osmf").attr("href", "osmf.html" + window.location.search); $("#nav_vlc").attr("href", "vlc.html" + window.location.search); } // Special extra params, such as auth_key. function user_extra_params(query, params) { var queries = params || []; var server = (query.server == undefined)? window.location.hostname:query.server; var vhost = (query.vhost == undefined)? window.location.hostname:query.vhost; for (var key in query.user_query) { if (key == 'app' || key == 'autostart' || key == 'dir' || key == 'filename' || key == 'host' || key == 'hostname' || key == 'http_port' || key == 'pathname' || key == 'port' || key == 'server' || key == 'stream' || key == 'buffer' || key == 'schema' || key == 'vhost' ) { continue; } if (query[key]) { queries.push(key + '=' + query[key]); } } return queries; } /** @param server the ip of server. default to window.location.hostname @param vhost the vhost of rtmp. default to window.location.hostname @param port the port of rtmp. default to 1935 @param app the app of rtmp. default to live. @param stream the stream of rtmp. default to livestream. */ function build_default_rtmp_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); var schema = (!query.schema)? "rtmp":query.schema; var server = (!query.server)? window.location.hostname:query.server; var port = (!query.port)? schema=="http"?80:1935:query.port; var vhost = (!query.vhost)? window.location.hostname:query.vhost; var app = (!query.app)? "live":query.app; var stream = (!query.stream)? "livestream":query.stream; var queries = []; if (server != vhost && vhost != "__defaultVhost__") { queries.push("vhost=" + vhost); } queries = user_extra_params(query, queries); var uri = schema + "://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream + "?" + queries.join('&'); while (uri.indexOf("?") == uri.length - 1) { uri = uri.substr(0, uri.length - 1); } return uri; } // for the chat to init the publish url. function build_default_publish_rtmp_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); var schema = (!query.schema)? "rtmp":query.schema; var server = (!query.server)? window.location.hostname:query.server; var port = (!query.port)? schema=="http"?80:1935:query.port; var vhost = (!query.vhost)? window.location.hostname:query.vhost; var app = (!query.app)? "live":query.app; var stream = (!query.stream)? "demo":query.stream; var queries = []; if (server != vhost && vhost != "__defaultVhost__") { queries.push("vhost=" + vhost); } if (query.shp_identify) { queries.push("shp_identify=" + query.shp_identify); } var uri = schema + "://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream + "?" + queries.join('&'); while (uri.indexOf("?") == uri.length - 1) { uri = uri.substr(0, uri.length - 1); } return uri; } // for the bandwidth tool to init page function build_default_bandwidth_rtmp_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); var server = (!query.server)? window.location.hostname:query.server; var port = (!query.port)? 1935:query.port; var vhost = "bandcheck.srs.com"; var app = (!query.app)? "app":query.app; var key = (!query.key)? "35c9b402c12a7246868752e2878f7e0e":query.key; return "rtmp://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + app + "?key=" + key + "&vhost=" + vhost; } /** @param server the ip of server. default to window.location.hostname @param vhost the vhost of hls. default to window.location.hostname @param hls_vhost the vhost of hls. override the server if specified. @param hls_port the port of hls. default to window.location.port @param app the app of hls. default to live. @param stream the stream of hls. default to livestream. */ function build_default_hls_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); // for http, use hls_vhost to override server if specified. var server = window.location.hostname; if (query.server != undefined) { server = query.server; } else if (query.hls_vhost != undefined) { server = query.hls_vhost; } var port = (!query.hls_port)? window.location.port:query.hls_port; var app = (!query.app)? "live":query.app; var stream = (!query.stream)? "demo":query.stream; if (!port) { port = 8080; } if (stream.indexOf(".flv") >= 0) { return "http://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream; } return "http://" + server + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream + ".m3u8"; } /** * initialize the page. * @param rtmp_url the div id contains the rtmp stream url to play * @param hls_url the div id contains the hls stream url to play * @param modal_player the div id contains the modal player */ function srs_init_rtmp(rtmp_url, modal_player) { srs_init(rtmp_url, null, modal_player); } function srs_init_hls(hls_url, modal_player) { srs_init(null, hls_url, modal_player); } function srs_init(rtmp_url, hls_url, modal_player) { update_nav(); if (rtmp_url) { $(rtmp_url).val(build_default_rtmp_url()); } if (hls_url) { $(hls_url).val(build_default_hls_url()); } if (modal_player) { $(modal_player).width(srs_get_player_modal() + "px"); $(modal_player).css("margin-left", "-" + srs_get_player_modal() / 2 +"px"); } } // for the chat to init the publish url. function srs_init_publish(rtmp_url) { update_nav(); if (rtmp_url) { $(rtmp_url).val(build_default_publish_rtmp_url()); } } // for bw to init url // url: scheme://host:port/path?query#fragment function srs_init_bwt(rtmp_url, hls_url) { update_nav(); if (rtmp_url) { $(rtmp_url).val(build_default_bandwidth_rtmp_url()); } } // check whether can republish function srs_can_republish() { var browser = get_browser_agents(); if (browser.Chrome || browser.Firefox) { return true; } if (browser.MSIE || browser.QQBrowser) { return false; } return false; } // without default values set. function srs_initialize_codec_page( cameras, microphones, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ) { $(sl_cameras).empty(); for (var i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { $(sl_cameras).append("<option value='" + i + "'>" + cameras[i] + "</option"); } // optional: select the except matches matchs = ["virtual"]; for (var i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < matchs.length; j++) { if (cameras[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(matchs[j]) == -1) { $(sl_cameras + " option[value='" + i + "']").attr("selected", true); break; } } if (j < matchs.length) { break; } } // optional: select the first matched. matchs = ["truevision", "integrated"]; for (var i = 0; i < cameras.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < matchs.length; j++) { if (cameras[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(matchs[j]) >= 0) { $(sl_cameras + " option[value='" + i + "']").attr("selected", true); break; } } if (j < matchs.length) { break; } } $(sl_microphones).empty(); for (var i = 0; i < microphones.length; i++) { $(sl_microphones).append("<option value='" + i + "'>" + microphones[i] + "</option"); } // optional: select the except matches matchs = ["default"]; for (var i = 0; i < microphones.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < matchs.length; j++) { if (microphones[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(matchs[j]) == -1) { $(sl_microphones + " option[value='" + i + "']").attr("selected", true); break; } } if (j < matchs.length) { break; } } // optional: select the first matched. matchs = ["realtek", "内置式麦克风"]; for (var i = 0; i < microphones.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < matchs.length; j++) { if (microphones[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(matchs[j]) >= 0) { $(sl_microphones + " option[value='" + i + "']").attr("selected", true); break; } } if (j < matchs.length) { break; } } $(sl_vcodec).empty(); var vcodecs = ["h264", "vp6"]; vcodecs = ["h264"]; // h264 only. for (var i = 0; i < vcodecs.length; i++) { $(sl_vcodec).append("<option value='" + vcodecs[i] + "'>" + vcodecs[i] + "</option"); } $(sl_profile).empty(); var profiles = ["baseline", "main"]; for (var i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) { $(sl_profile).append("<option value='" + profiles[i] + "'>" + profiles[i] + "</option"); } $(sl_level).empty(); var levels = ["1", "1b", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", "2", "2.1", "2.2", "3", "3.1", "3.2", "4", "4.1", "4.2", "5", "5.1"]; for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) { $(sl_level).append("<option value='" + levels[i] + "'>" + levels[i] + "</option"); } $(sl_gop).empty(); var gops = ["0.3", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "15", "20"]; for (var i = 0; i < gops.length; i++) { $(sl_gop).append("<option value='" + gops[i] + "'>" + gops[i] + "秒</option"); } $(sl_size).empty(); var sizes = ["176x144", "320x240", "352x240", "352x288", "480x360", "640x480", "720x480", "720x576", "800x600", "1024x768", "1280x720", "1360x768", "1920x1080"]; for (i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { $(sl_size).append("<option value='" + sizes[i] + "'>" + sizes[i] + "</option"); } $(sl_fps).empty(); var fpses = ["5", "10", "15", "20", "24", "25", "29.97", "30"]; for (i = 0; i < fpses.length; i++) { $(sl_fps).append("<option value='" + fpses[i] + "'>" + Number(fpses[i]).toFixed(2) + " 帧/秒</option"); } $(sl_bitrate).empty(); var bitrates = ["50", "200", "350", "500", "650", "800", "950", "1000", "1200", "1500", "1800", "2000", "3000", "5000"]; for (i = 0; i < bitrates.length; i++) { $(sl_bitrate).append("<option value='" + bitrates[i] + "'>" + bitrates[i] + " kbps</option"); } $(sl_acodec).empty(); var bitrates = ["speex", "nellymoser", "pcma", "pcmu"]; for (i = 0; i < bitrates.length; i++) { $(sl_acodec).append("<option value='" + bitrates[i] + "'>" + bitrates[i] + "</option"); } } /** * when publisher ready, init the page elements. */ function srs_publisher_initialize_page( cameras, microphones, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ) { srs_initialize_codec_page( cameras, microphones, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ); //var profiles = ["baseline", "main"]; $(sl_profile + " option[value='main']").attr("selected", true); //var levels = ["1", "1b", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", // "2", "2.1", "2.2", "3", "3.1", "3.2", "4", "4.1", "4.2", "5", "5.1"]; $(sl_level + " option[value='4.1']").attr("selected", true); //var gops = ["0.3", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "4", // "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "15", "20"]; $(sl_gop + " option[value='10']").attr("selected", true); //var sizes = ["176x144", "320x240", "352x240", // "352x288", "480x360", "640x480", "720x480", "720x576", "800x600", // "1024x768", "1280x720", "1360x768", "1920x1080"]; $(sl_size + " option[value='640x480']").attr("selected", true); //var fpses = ["5", "10", "15", "20", "24", "25", "29.97", "30"]; $(sl_fps + " option[value='20']").attr("selected", true); //var bitrates = ["50", "200", "350", "500", "650", "800", // "950", "1000", "1200", "1500", "1800", "2000", "3000", "5000"]; $(sl_bitrate + " option[value='500']").attr("selected", true); // speex $(sl_acodec + " option[value='speex']").attr("selected", true); } /** * for chat, use low latecy settings. */ function srs_chat_initialize_page( cameras, microphones, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ) { srs_initialize_codec_page( cameras, microphones, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ); //var profiles = ["baseline", "main"]; $(sl_profile + " option[value='baseline']").attr("selected", true); //var levels = ["1", "1b", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3", // "2", "2.1", "2.2", "3", "3.1", "3.2", "4", "4.1", "4.2", "5", "5.1"]; $(sl_level + " option[value='3.1']").attr("selected", true); //var gops = ["0.3", "0.5", "1", "2", "3", "4", // "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "15", "20"]; $(sl_gop + " option[value='2']").attr("selected", true); //var sizes = ["176x144", "320x240", "352x240", // "352x288", "480x360", "640x480", "720x480", "720x576", "800x600", // "1024x768", "1280x720", "1360x768", "1920x1080"]; $(sl_size + " option[value='480x360']").attr("selected", true); //var fpses = ["5", "10", "15", "20", "24", "25", "29.97", "30"]; $(sl_fps + " option[value='15']").attr("selected", true); //var bitrates = ["50", "200", "350", "500", "650", "800", // "950", "1000", "1200", "1500", "1800", "2000", "3000", "5000"]; $(sl_bitrate + " option[value='350']").attr("selected", true); // speex $(sl_acodec + " option[value='speex']").attr("selected", true); } /** * get the vcodec and acodec. */ function srs_publiser_get_codec( vcodec, acodec, sl_cameras, sl_microphones, sl_vcodec, sl_profile, sl_level, sl_gop, sl_size, sl_fps, sl_bitrate, sl_acodec ) { acodec.codec = $(sl_acodec).val(); acodec.device_code = $(sl_microphones).val(); acodec.device_name = $(sl_microphones).text(); vcodec.device_code = $(sl_cameras).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.device_name = $(sl_cameras).find("option:selected").text(); vcodec.codec = $(sl_vcodec).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.profile = $(sl_profile).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.level = $(sl_level).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.fps = $(sl_fps).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.gop = $(sl_gop).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.size = $(sl_size).find("option:selected").val(); vcodec.bitrate = $(sl_bitrate).find("option:selected").val(); }