/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Winlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include string srs_generate_id() { static int64_t srs_gvid = 0; if (srs_gvid == 0) { srs_gvid = getpid(); } string prefix = "vid"; string rand_id = srs_int2str(srs_get_system_time() % 1000); return prefix + "-" + srs_int2str(srs_gvid++) + "-" + rand_id; } SrsStatisticVhost::SrsStatisticVhost() { id = srs_generate_id(); clk = new SrsWallClock(); kbps = new SrsKbps(clk); kbps->set_io(NULL, NULL); nb_clients = 0; nb_streams = 0; } SrsStatisticVhost::~SrsStatisticVhost() { srs_freep(kbps); srs_freep(clk); } srs_error_t SrsStatisticVhost::dumps(SrsJsonObject* obj) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // dumps the config of vhost. bool hls_enabled = _srs_config->get_hls_enabled(vhost); bool enabled = _srs_config->get_vhost_enabled(vhost); obj->set("id", SrsJsonAny::str(id.c_str())); obj->set("name", SrsJsonAny::str(vhost.c_str())); obj->set("enabled", SrsJsonAny::boolean(enabled)); obj->set("clients", SrsJsonAny::integer(nb_clients)); obj->set("streams", SrsJsonAny::integer(nb_streams)); obj->set("send_bytes", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_send_bytes())); obj->set("recv_bytes", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_recv_bytes())); SrsJsonObject* okbps = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("kbps", okbps); okbps->set("recv_30s", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_recv_kbps_30s())); okbps->set("send_30s", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_send_kbps_30s())); SrsJsonObject* hls = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("hls", hls); hls->set("enabled", SrsJsonAny::boolean(hls_enabled)); if (hls_enabled) { hls->set("fragment", SrsJsonAny::number(srsu2msi(_srs_config->get_hls_fragment(vhost))/1000.0)); } return err; } SrsStatisticStream::SrsStatisticStream() { id = srs_generate_id(); vhost = NULL; active = false; connection_cid = ""; has_video = false; vcodec = SrsVideoCodecIdReserved; avc_profile = SrsAvcProfileReserved; avc_level = SrsAvcLevelReserved; has_audio = false; acodec = SrsAudioCodecIdReserved1; asample_rate = SrsAudioSampleRateReserved; asound_type = SrsAudioChannelsReserved; aac_object = SrsAacObjectTypeReserved; width = 0; height = 0; clk = new SrsWallClock(); kbps = new SrsKbps(clk); kbps->set_io(NULL, NULL); nb_clients = 0; nb_frames = 0; } SrsStatisticStream::~SrsStatisticStream() { srs_freep(kbps); srs_freep(clk); } srs_error_t SrsStatisticStream::dumps(SrsJsonObject* obj) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; obj->set("id", SrsJsonAny::str(id.c_str())); obj->set("name", SrsJsonAny::str(stream.c_str())); obj->set("vhost", SrsJsonAny::str(vhost->id.c_str())); obj->set("app", SrsJsonAny::str(app.c_str())); obj->set("live_ms", SrsJsonAny::integer(srsu2ms(srs_get_system_time()))); obj->set("clients", SrsJsonAny::integer(nb_clients)); obj->set("frames", SrsJsonAny::integer(nb_frames)); obj->set("send_bytes", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_send_bytes())); obj->set("recv_bytes", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_recv_bytes())); SrsJsonObject* okbps = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("kbps", okbps); okbps->set("recv_30s", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_recv_kbps_30s())); okbps->set("send_30s", SrsJsonAny::integer(kbps->get_send_kbps_30s())); SrsJsonObject* publish = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("publish", publish); publish->set("active", SrsJsonAny::boolean(active)); publish->set("cid", SrsJsonAny::str(connection_cid.c_str())); if (!has_video) { obj->set("video", SrsJsonAny::null()); } else { SrsJsonObject* video = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("video", video); video->set("codec", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_video_codec_id2str(vcodec).c_str())); video->set("profile", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_avc_profile2str(avc_profile).c_str())); video->set("level", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_avc_level2str(avc_level).c_str())); video->set("width", SrsJsonAny::integer(width)); video->set("height", SrsJsonAny::integer(height)); } if (!has_audio) { obj->set("audio", SrsJsonAny::null()); } else { SrsJsonObject* audio = SrsJsonAny::object(); obj->set("audio", audio); audio->set("codec", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_audio_codec_id2str(acodec).c_str())); audio->set("sample_rate", SrsJsonAny::integer(srs_flv_srates[asample_rate])); audio->set("channel", SrsJsonAny::integer(asound_type + 1)); audio->set("profile", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_aac_object2str(aac_object).c_str())); } return err; } void SrsStatisticStream::publish(string cid) { connection_cid = cid; active = true; vhost->nb_streams++; } void SrsStatisticStream::close() { has_video = false; has_audio = false; active = false; vhost->nb_streams--; } SrsStatisticClient::SrsStatisticClient() { stream = NULL; conn = NULL; req = NULL; type = SrsRtmpConnUnknown; create = srs_get_system_time(); } SrsStatisticClient::~SrsStatisticClient() { } srs_error_t SrsStatisticClient::dumps(SrsJsonObject* obj) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; obj->set("id", SrsJsonAny::str(id.c_str())); obj->set("vhost", SrsJsonAny::str(stream->vhost->id.c_str())); obj->set("stream", SrsJsonAny::str(stream->id.c_str())); obj->set("ip", SrsJsonAny::str(req->ip.c_str())); obj->set("pageUrl", SrsJsonAny::str(req->pageUrl.c_str())); obj->set("swfUrl", SrsJsonAny::str(req->swfUrl.c_str())); obj->set("tcUrl", SrsJsonAny::str(req->tcUrl.c_str())); obj->set("url", SrsJsonAny::str(req->get_stream_url().c_str())); obj->set("type", SrsJsonAny::str(srs_client_type_string(type).c_str())); obj->set("publish", SrsJsonAny::boolean(srs_client_type_is_publish(type))); obj->set("alive", SrsJsonAny::number(srsu2ms(srs_get_system_time() - create) / 1000.0)); return err; } SrsStatistic* SrsStatistic::_instance = NULL; SrsStatistic::SrsStatistic() { _server_id = srs_generate_id(); clk = new SrsWallClock(); kbps = new SrsKbps(clk); kbps->set_io(NULL, NULL); } SrsStatistic::~SrsStatistic() { srs_freep(kbps); srs_freep(clk); if (true) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = vhosts.begin(); it != vhosts.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = it->second; srs_freep(vhost); } } if (true) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticStream* stream = it->second; srs_freep(stream); } } if (true) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = clients.begin(); it != clients.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticClient* client = it->second; srs_freep(client); } } vhosts.clear(); rvhosts.clear(); streams.clear(); rstreams.clear(); } SrsStatistic* SrsStatistic::instance() { if (_instance == NULL) { _instance = new SrsStatistic(); } return _instance; } SrsStatisticVhost* SrsStatistic::find_vhost_by_id(std::string vid) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = vhosts.find(vid)) != vhosts.end()) { return it->second; } return NULL; } SrsStatisticVhost* SrsStatistic::find_vhost_by_name(string name) { if (rvhosts.empty()) { return NULL; } std::map::iterator it; if ((it = rvhosts.find(name)) != rvhosts.end()) { return it->second; } return NULL; } SrsStatisticStream* SrsStatistic::find_stream(std::string sid) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = streams.find(sid)) != streams.end()) { return it->second; } return NULL; } SrsStatisticClient* SrsStatistic::find_client(std::string cid) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = clients.find(cid)) != clients.end()) { return it->second; } return NULL; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::on_video_info(SrsRequest* req, SrsVideoCodecId vcodec, SrsAvcProfile avc_profile, SrsAvcLevel avc_level, int width, int height) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); stream->has_video = true; stream->vcodec = vcodec; stream->avc_profile = avc_profile; stream->avc_level = avc_level; stream->width = width; stream->height = height; return err; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::on_audio_info(SrsRequest* req, SrsAudioCodecId acodec, SrsAudioSampleRate asample_rate, SrsAudioChannels asound_type, SrsAacObjectType aac_object) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); stream->has_audio = true; stream->acodec = acodec; stream->asample_rate = asample_rate; stream->asound_type = asound_type; stream->aac_object = aac_object; return err; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::on_video_frames(SrsRequest* req, int nb_frames) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); stream->nb_frames += nb_frames; return err; } void SrsStatistic::on_stream_publish(SrsRequest* req, std::string cid) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); stream->publish(cid); } void SrsStatistic::on_stream_close(SrsRequest* req) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); stream->close(); // TODO: FIXME: Should fix https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/803 if (true) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = streams.find(stream->id)) != streams.end()) { streams.erase(it); } } // TODO: FIXME: Should fix https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/803 if (true) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = rstreams.find(stream->url)) != rstreams.end()) { rstreams.erase(it); } } } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::on_client(std::string id, SrsRequest* req, SrsConnection* conn, SrsRtmpConnType type) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = create_vhost(req); SrsStatisticStream* stream = create_stream(vhost, req); // create client if not exists SrsStatisticClient* client = NULL; if (clients.find(id) == clients.end()) { client = new SrsStatisticClient(); client->id = id; client->stream = stream; clients[id] = client; } else { client = clients[id]; } // got client. client->conn = conn; client->type = type; stream->nb_clients++; vhost->nb_clients++; // The req might be freed, in such as SrsLiveStream::update, so we must copy it. // @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/2311 srs_freep(client->req); client->req = req->copy(); return err; } void SrsStatistic::on_disconnect(std::string id) { std::map::iterator it; if ((it = clients.find(id)) == clients.end()) { return; } SrsStatisticClient* client = it->second; SrsStatisticStream* stream = client->stream; SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = stream->vhost; srs_freep(client); clients.erase(it); stream->nb_clients--; vhost->nb_clients--; } void SrsStatistic::kbps_add_delta(SrsConnection* conn) { string id = srs_int2str(conn->srs_id()); if (clients.find(id) == clients.end()) { return; } SrsStatisticClient* client = clients[id]; // resample the kbps to collect the delta. int64_t in, out; conn->remark(&in, &out); // add delta of connection to kbps. // for next sample() of server kbps can get the stat. kbps->add_delta(in, out); client->stream->kbps->add_delta(in, out); client->stream->vhost->kbps->add_delta(in, out); } SrsKbps* SrsStatistic::kbps_sample() { kbps->sample(); if (true) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = vhosts.begin(); it != vhosts.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = it->second; vhost->kbps->sample(); } } if (true) { std::map::iterator it; for (it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticStream* stream = it->second; stream->kbps->sample(); } } return kbps; } std::string SrsStatistic::server_id() { return _server_id; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::dumps_vhosts(SrsJsonArray* arr) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; std::map::iterator it; for (it = vhosts.begin(); it != vhosts.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = it->second; SrsJsonObject* obj = SrsJsonAny::object(); arr->append(obj); if ((err = vhost->dumps(obj)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump vhost"); } } return err; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::dumps_streams(SrsJsonArray* arr) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; std::map::iterator it; for (it = streams.begin(); it != streams.end(); it++) { SrsStatisticStream* stream = it->second; SrsJsonObject* obj = SrsJsonAny::object(); arr->append(obj); if ((err = stream->dumps(obj)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump stream"); } } return err; } srs_error_t SrsStatistic::dumps_clients(SrsJsonArray* arr, int start, int count) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; std::map::iterator it = clients.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < start + count && it != clients.end(); it++, i++) { if (i < start) { continue; } SrsStatisticClient* client = it->second; SrsJsonObject* obj = SrsJsonAny::object(); arr->append(obj); if ((err = client->dumps(obj)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "dump client"); } } return err; } SrsStatisticVhost* SrsStatistic::create_vhost(SrsRequest* req) { SrsStatisticVhost* vhost = NULL; // create vhost if not exists. if (rvhosts.find(req->vhost) == rvhosts.end()) { vhost = new SrsStatisticVhost(); vhost->vhost = req->vhost; rvhosts[req->vhost] = vhost; vhosts[vhost->id] = vhost; return vhost; } vhost = rvhosts[req->vhost]; return vhost; } SrsStatisticStream* SrsStatistic::create_stream(SrsStatisticVhost* vhost, SrsRequest* req) { std::string url = req->get_stream_url(); SrsStatisticStream* stream = NULL; // create stream if not exists. if (rstreams.find(url) == rstreams.end()) { stream = new SrsStatisticStream(); stream->vhost = vhost; stream->stream = req->stream; stream->app = req->app; stream->url = url; rstreams[url] = stream; streams[stream->id] = stream; return stream; } stream = rstreams[url]; return stream; }