#!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: simple-rtmp-server(srs) # RequiRED-Start: $all # RequiRED-Stop: $all # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: simple-rtmp-server(srs) # Description: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server ### END INIT INFO # the config of ROOT, user must modify it when start srs from other directory, # it's ok to use the script by command ./etc/init.d/simple-rtmp-server ROOT="./" APP="./objs/srs" CONFIG="./conf/srs.conf" DEFAULT_PID_FILE='./objs/srs.pid' DEFAULT_LOG_FILE='./objs/srs.log' ######################################################################## # utility functions ######################################################################## RED="\\e[31m" GREEN="\\e[32m" YELLOW="\\e[33m" BLACK="\\e[0m" POS="\\e[60G" ok_msg() { echo -e "${1}${POS}${BLACK}[${GREEN} OK ${BLACK}]" } failed_msg() { echo -e "${1}${POS}${BLACK}[${RED}FAILED${BLACK}]" } # load process info of srs # @set variable $srs_pid to the process id in srs.pid file. # @return 0, if process exists; otherwise: # 1, for pid file not exists. # 2, for get proecess info by pid failed. # @set variable $error_msg if error. # @set variable $pid_file to pid file. load_process_info() { # get pid file pid_file=`cd ${ROOT} && cat ${CONFIG} |grep ^pid|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F ';' '{print $1}'` if [[ -z $pid_file ]]; then pid_file=${DEFAULT_PID_FILE}; fi # get abs path pid_dir=`dirname $pid_file` pid_file=`(cd ${ROOT}; cd $pid_dir; pwd)`/`basename $pid_file` srs_pid=`cat $pid_file 2>/dev/null` ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then error_msg="file $pid_file does not exists"; return 1; fi ps -p ${srs_pid} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then error_msg="process $srs_pid does not exists"; return 2; fi return 0; } start() { # if exists, exit. load_process_info if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then failed_msg "SRS started(pid ${srs_pid}), should not start it again."; return 0; fi # not exists, start server ok_msg "Starting SRS..." # get log file log_file=`cd ${ROOT} && cat ${CONFIG} |grep '^log_file'| awk '{print $2}'| awk -F ';' '{print $1}'` if [[ -z $log_file ]]; then log_file=${DEFAULT_LOG_FILE}; fi # get abs path log_dir=`dirname $log_file` log_file=`(cd ${ROOT} && cd $log_dir && pwd)`/`basename $log_file` # TODO: FIXME: set limit by, for instance, "ulimit -HSn 10000" if [[ -z $log_file ]]; then (ulimit -c unlimited && cd ${ROOT}; ${APP} -c ${CONFIG} >/dev/null 2>&1) else (ulimit -c unlimited && cd ${ROOT}; ${APP} -c ${CONFIG} >> $log_file 2>&1) fi # check again after start server for ((i = 0; i < 5; i++)); do # sleep a little while, for srs may start then crash. sleep 0.1 load_process_info ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then failed_msg "SRS start failed"; failed_msg "see $log_file"; return $ret; fi done # check whether started. load_process_info ret=$?; if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then ok_msg "SRS started(pid ${srs_pid})"; return 0; fi failed_msg "SRS not started" return $ret } stop() { # not start, exit load_process_info if [[ 0 -ne $? ]]; then failed_msg "SRS not start."; return 0; fi ok_msg "Stopping SRS(pid ${srs_pid})..." # process exists, try to kill to stop normally for((i=0;i<30;i++)); do load_process_info if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then kill -s SIGTERM ${srs_pid} 2>/dev/null ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then failed_msg "send signal SIGTERM failed ret=$ret"; return $ret; fi sleep 0.1 else ok_msg "SRS stopped by SIGTERM" # delete the pid file when stop success. rm -f ${pid_file} break; fi done # process exists, use kill -9 to force to exit load_process_info if [[ 0 -eq $? ]]; then kill -s SIGKILL ${srs_pid} 2>/dev/null ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then failed_msg "send signal SIGKILL failed ret=$ret"; return $ret; fi ok_msg "SRS stopped by SIGKILL" else # delete the pid file when stop success. rm -f ${pid_file} fi sleep 0.1 return 0 } # get the status of srs process # @return 0 if srs is running; otherwise, 1 for stopped. status() { load_process_info ret=$?; if [[ 0 -eq $ret ]]; then echo "SRS(pid ${srs_pid}) is running."; return 0; fi echo "SRS is stopped, $error_msg" return 1 } reload() { # not start, exit load_process_info if [[ 0 -ne $? ]]; then failed_msg "SRS not start."; return 0; fi ok_msg "Reload SRS(pid ${srs_pid})..." # process exists, reload it kill -s SIGHUP ${srs_pid} 2>/dev/null ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then failed_msg "Reload SRS failed ret=$ret"; return $ret; fi load_process_info if [[ 0 -ne $? ]]; then failed_msg "SRS reload failed."; return $ret; fi ok_msg "SRS reloaded" return 0 } menu() { case "$1" in start) start ;; stop) stop ;; restart) stop start ;; status) status ;; reload) reload ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload}" return 1 ;; esac } menu $1 code=$? exit ${code}