/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Winlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef SRS_APP_HLS_HPP #define SRS_APP_HLS_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class SrsFormat; class SrsSharedPtrMessage; class SrsAmf0Object; class SrsRtmpJitter; class SrsTsContextWriter; class SrsRequest; class SrsPithyPrint; class SrsSource; class SrsOriginHub; class SrsFileWriter; class SrsSimpleStream; class SrsTsAacJitter; class SrsTsMessageCache; class SrsHlsSegment; class SrsTsContext; /** * the wrapper of m3u8 segment from specification: * * 3.3.2. EXTINF * The EXTINF tag specifies the duration of a media segment. */ class SrsHlsSegment : public SrsFragment { public: // sequence number in m3u8. int sequence_no; // ts uri in m3u8. std::string uri; // the underlayer file writer. SrsFileWriter* writer; // The TS context writer to write TS to file. SrsTsContextWriter* tscw; // Will be saved in m3u8 file. unsigned char iv[16]; // The full key path. std::string keypath; public: SrsHlsSegment(SrsTsContext* c, SrsAudioCodecId ac, SrsVideoCodecId vc, SrsFileWriter* w); virtual ~SrsHlsSegment(); public: void config_cipher(unsigned char* key,unsigned char* iv); }; /** * the hls async call: on_hls */ class SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHls : public ISrsAsyncCallTask { private: int cid; std::string path; std::string ts_url; std::string m3u8; std::string m3u8_url; int seq_no; SrsRequest* req; double duration; public: // TODO: FIXME: Use TBN 1000. SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHls(int c, SrsRequest* r, std::string p, std::string t, std::string m, std::string mu, int s, double d); virtual ~SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHls(); public: virtual srs_error_t call(); virtual std::string to_string(); }; /** * the hls async call: on_hls_notify */ class SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHlsNotify : public ISrsAsyncCallTask { private: int cid; std::string ts_url; SrsRequest* req; public: SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHlsNotify(int c, SrsRequest* r, std::string u); virtual ~SrsDvrAsyncCallOnHlsNotify(); public: virtual srs_error_t call(); virtual std::string to_string(); }; /** * muxer the HLS stream(m3u8 and ts files). * generally, the m3u8 muxer only provides methods to open/close segments, * to flush video/audio, without any mechenisms. * * that is, user must use HlsCache, which will control the methods of muxer, * and provides HLS mechenisms. */ class SrsHlsMuxer { private: SrsRequest* req; private: std::string hls_entry_prefix; std::string hls_path; std::string hls_ts_file; bool hls_cleanup; bool hls_wait_keyframe; std::string m3u8_dir; double hls_aof_ratio; // TODO: FIXME: Use TBN 1000. double hls_fragment; double hls_window; SrsAsyncCallWorker* async; private: // whether use floor algorithm for timestamp. bool hls_ts_floor; // the deviation in piece to adjust the fragment to be more // bigger or smaller. int deviation_ts; // the previous reap floor timestamp, // used to detect the dup or jmp or ts. int64_t accept_floor_ts; int64_t previous_floor_ts; private: // encrypted or not bool hls_keys; int hls_fragments_per_key; // key file name std::string hls_key_file; // key file path std::string hls_key_file_path; // key file url std::string hls_key_url; // key and iv. unsigned char key[16]; unsigned char iv[16]; SrsFileWriter *writer; private: int _sequence_no; int max_td; std::string m3u8; std::string m3u8_url; private: // The available cached segments in m3u8. SrsFragmentWindow* segments; // The current writing segment. SrsHlsSegment* current; /** * the ts context, to keep cc continous between ts. * @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/375 */ SrsTsContext* context; public: SrsHlsMuxer(); virtual ~SrsHlsMuxer(); public: virtual void dispose(); public: virtual int sequence_no(); virtual std::string ts_url(); virtual srs_utime_t duration(); virtual int deviation(); public: /** * initialize the hls muxer. */ virtual srs_error_t initialize(); /** * when publish, update the config for muxer. */ virtual srs_error_t update_config(SrsRequest* r, std::string entry_prefix, std::string path, std::string m3u8_file, std::string ts_file, double fragment, double window, bool ts_floor, double aof_ratio, bool cleanup, bool wait_keyframe, bool keys, int fragments_per_key, std::string key_file, std::string key_file_path, std::string key_url); /** * open a new segment(a new ts file) */ virtual srs_error_t segment_open(); virtual srs_error_t on_sequence_header(); /** * whether segment overflow, * that is whether the current segment duration>=(the segment in config) */ virtual bool is_segment_overflow(); /** * whether wait keyframe to reap the ts. */ virtual bool wait_keyframe(); /** * whether segment absolutely overflow, for pure audio to reap segment, * that is whether the current segment duration>=2*(the segment in config) * @see https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/151#issuecomment-71155184 */ virtual bool is_segment_absolutely_overflow(); public: /** * whether current hls muxer is pure audio mode. */ virtual bool pure_audio(); virtual srs_error_t flush_audio(SrsTsMessageCache* cache); virtual srs_error_t flush_video(SrsTsMessageCache* cache); /** * Close segment(ts). */ virtual srs_error_t segment_close(); private: virtual srs_error_t write_hls_key(); virtual srs_error_t refresh_m3u8(); virtual srs_error_t _refresh_m3u8(std::string m3u8_file); }; /** * hls stream cache, * use to cache hls stream and flush to hls muxer. * * when write stream to ts file: * video frame will directly flush to M3u8Muxer, * audio frame need to cache, because it's small and flv tbn problem. * * whatever, the Hls cache used to cache video/audio, * and flush video/audio to m3u8 muxer if needed. * * about the flv tbn problem: * flv tbn is 1/1000, ts tbn is 1/90000, * when timestamp convert to flv tbn, it will loose precise, * so we must gather audio frame together, and recalc the timestamp @see SrsTsAacJitter, * we use a aac jitter to correct the audio pts. */ class SrsHlsController { private: // The HLS muxer to reap ts and m3u8. // The TS is cached to SrsTsMessageCache then flush to ts segment. SrsHlsMuxer* muxer; // The TS cache SrsTsMessageCache* tsmc; public: SrsHlsController(); virtual ~SrsHlsController(); public: virtual srs_error_t initialize(); virtual void dispose(); virtual int sequence_no(); virtual std::string ts_url(); virtual srs_utime_t duration(); virtual int deviation(); public: /** * when publish or unpublish stream. */ virtual srs_error_t on_publish(SrsRequest* req); virtual srs_error_t on_unpublish(); /** * when get sequence header, * must write a #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY to m3u8. * @see: hls-m3u8-draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-12.txt * @see: 3.4.11. EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY */ virtual srs_error_t on_sequence_header(); /** * write audio to cache, if need to flush, flush to muxer. */ virtual srs_error_t write_audio(SrsAudioFrame* frame, int64_t pts); /** * write video to muxer. */ virtual srs_error_t write_video(SrsVideoFrame* frame, int64_t dts); private: /** * reopen the muxer for a new hls segment, * close current segment, open a new segment, * then write the key frame to the new segment. * so, user must reap_segment then flush_video to hls muxer. */ virtual srs_error_t reap_segment(); }; /** * Transmux RTMP stream to HLS(m3u8 and ts). * TODO: FIXME: add utest for hls. */ class SrsHls { private: SrsHlsController* controller; private: SrsRequest* req; bool enabled; bool disposable; srs_utime_t last_update_time; private: // If the diff=dts-previous_audio_dts is about 23, // that's the AAC samples is 1024, and we use the samples to calc the dts. int64_t previous_audio_dts; // The total aac samples. uint64_t aac_samples; private: SrsOriginHub* hub; SrsRtmpJitter* jitter; SrsPithyPrint* pprint; public: SrsHls(); virtual ~SrsHls(); public: virtual void dispose(); virtual srs_error_t cycle(); public: /** * initialize the hls by handler and source. */ virtual srs_error_t initialize(SrsOriginHub* h, SrsRequest* r); /** * publish stream event, continue to write the m3u8, * for the muxer object not destroyed. * @param fetch_sequence_header whether fetch sequence from source. */ virtual srs_error_t on_publish(); /** * the unpublish event, only close the muxer, donot destroy the * muxer, for when we continue to publish, the m3u8 will continue. */ virtual void on_unpublish(); /** * mux the audio packets to ts. * @param shared_audio, directly ptr, copy it if need to save it. */ virtual srs_error_t on_audio(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_audio, SrsFormat* format); /** * mux the video packets to ts. * @param shared_video, directly ptr, copy it if need to save it. * @param is_sps_pps whether the video is h.264 sps/pps. */ // TODO: FIXME: Remove param is_sps_pps. virtual srs_error_t on_video(SrsSharedPtrMessage* shared_video, SrsFormat* format); private: virtual void hls_show_mux_log(); }; #endif