/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Lixin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include SrsGb28181SipSession::SrsGb28181SipSession(SrsGb28181SipService *c, SrsSipRequest* r) { caster = c; req = new SrsSipRequest(); req->copy(r); _register_status = SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw; _alive_status = SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw; _invite_status = SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw; _register_time = 0; _alive_time = 0; _invite_time = 0; _recv_rtp_time = 0; _reg_expires = 0; _peer_ip = ""; _peer_port = 0; _fromlen = 0; } SrsGb28181SipSession::~SrsGb28181SipSession() { srs_freep(req); } //gb28181 sip Service SrsGb28181SipService::SrsGb28181SipService(SrsConfDirective* c) { // TODO: FIXME: support reload. config = new SrsGb28181Config(c); sip = new SrsSipStack(); if (_srs_gb28181){ _srs_gb28181->set_sip_service(this); } } SrsGb28181SipService::~SrsGb28181SipService() { destroy(); srs_freep(sip); srs_freep(config); } void SrsGb28181SipService::set_stfd(srs_netfd_t fd) { lfd = fd; } srs_error_t SrsGb28181SipService::on_udp_packet(const sockaddr* from, const int fromlen, char* buf, int nb_buf) { char address_string[64]; char port_string[16]; if(getnameinfo(from, fromlen, (char*)&address_string, sizeof(address_string), (char*)&port_string, sizeof(port_string), NI_NUMERICHOST|NI_NUMERICSERV)) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_SYSTEM_IP_INVALID, "bad address"); } std::string peer_ip = std::string(address_string); int peer_port = atoi(port_string); srs_error_t err = on_udp_sip(peer_ip, peer_port, buf, nb_buf, (sockaddr*)from, fromlen); if (err != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "process udp"); } return err; } srs_error_t SrsGb28181SipService::on_udp_sip(string peer_ip, int peer_port, char* buf, int nb_buf, sockaddr* from, const int fromlen) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (config->print_sip_message || true) { srs_trace("gb28181: request peer_ip=%s, peer_port=%d nbbuf=%d", peer_ip.c_str(), peer_port, nb_buf); //srs_trace("gb28181: request recv message=%s", buf); } if (nb_buf < 10) { return err; } SrsSipRequest* req = NULL; if ((err = sip->parse_request(&req, buf, nb_buf)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "parse sip request"); } if (config->print_sip_message) { srs_trace("gb28181: %s method=%s, uri=%s, version=%s ", req->get_cmdtype_str().c_str(), req->method.c_str(), req->uri.c_str(), req->version.c_str()); srs_trace("gb28181: request client id=%s", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); } req->peer_ip = peer_ip; req->peer_port = peer_port; SrsAutoFree(SrsSipRequest, req); std::string session_id = req->sip_auth_id; if (req->is_register()) { std::vector serial = srs_string_split(srs_string_replace(req->uri,"sip:", ""), "@"); if (serial.at(0) != config->sip_serial){ srs_trace("gb28181: client:%s request serial and server serial inconformity(%s:%s)", req->sip_auth_id.c_str(), serial.at(0).c_str(), config->sip_serial.c_str()); return err; } srs_trace("gb28181: request peer_ip=%s, peer_port=%d", peer_ip.c_str(), peer_port, nb_buf); srs_trace("gb28181: request %s method=%s, uri=%s, version=%s ", req->get_cmdtype_str().c_str(), req->method.c_str(), req->uri.c_str(), req->version.c_str()); srs_trace("gb28181: request client id=%s", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); SrsGb28181SipSession* sip_session = create_sip_session(req); if (!sip_session) { srs_trace("gb28181: create sip session faild:%s", req->uri.c_str()); return err; } send_status(req, from, fromlen); sip_session->set_register_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionRegisterOk); sip_session->set_register_time(srs_get_system_time()); sip_session->set_reg_expires(req->expires); sip_session->set_sockaddr((sockaddr)*from); sip_session->set_sockaddr_len(fromlen); sip_session->set_peer_ip(peer_ip); sip_session->set_peer_port(peer_port); }else if (req->is_message()) { SrsGb28181SipSession* sip_session = fetch(session_id); if (!sip_session || sip_session->register_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw){ srs_trace("gb28181: %s client not registered", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); return err; } //reponse status send_status(req, from, fromlen); sip_session->set_register_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionRegisterOk); sip_session->set_register_time(srs_get_system_time()); sip_session->set_alive_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionAliveOk); sip_session->set_alive_time(srs_get_system_time()); sip_session->set_sockaddr((sockaddr)*from); sip_session->set_sockaddr_len(fromlen); sip_session->set_peer_port(peer_port); sip_session->set_peer_ip(peer_ip); //send invite, play client av //start ps rtp listen, recv ps stream if (config->sip_auto_play && sip_session->register_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionRegisterOk && sip_session->alive_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionAliveOk && sip_session->invite_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw) { //stop the possible stream and push a new stream //send_bye(req, from, fromlen); SrsGb28181StreamChannel ch; ch.set_channel_id(session_id); ch.set_ip(config->host); ch.set_stream(session_id); ch.set_app("live"); if (config->sip_invite_port_fixed){ ch.set_port_mode(RTP_PORT_MODE_FIXED); }else { ch.set_port_mode(RTP_PORT_MODE_RANDOM); } int code = _srs_gb28181->create_stream_channel(&ch); if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS){ code = send_invite(req, ch.get_ip(), ch.get_rtp_port(), ch.get_ssrc()); } if (code == ERROR_SUCCESS){ sip_session->set_invite_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionTrying); sip_session->set_invite_time(srs_get_system_time()); } } }else if (req->is_invite()) { SrsGb28181SipSession* sip_session = fetch(session_id); srs_trace("gb28181: request peer_ip=%s, peer_port=%d", peer_ip.c_str(), peer_port, nb_buf); srs_trace("gb28181: request %s method=%s, uri=%s, version=%s ", req->get_cmdtype_str().c_str(), req->method.c_str(), req->uri.c_str(), req->version.c_str()); srs_trace("gb28181: request client id=%s", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); if (!sip_session){ srs_trace("gb28181: %s client not registered", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); return err; } sip_session->set_sockaddr((sockaddr)*from); sip_session->set_sockaddr_len(fromlen); if (sip_session->register_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw || sip_session->alive_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw) { srs_trace("gb28181: %s client not registered or not alive", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); return err; } if (req->cmdtype == SrsSipCmdRespone && req->status == "200") { srs_trace("gb28181: INVITE response %s client status=%s", req->sip_auth_id.c_str(), req->status.c_str()); send_ack(req, from, fromlen); sip_session->set_invite_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionInviteOk); sip_session->set_invite_time(srs_get_system_time()); //Record tag and branch, which are required by the 'bye' command, sip_session->set_request(req); }else{ sip_session->set_invite_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionUnkonw); sip_session->set_invite_time(0); } }else if (req->is_bye()) { srs_trace("gb28181: request peer_ip=%s, peer_port=%d", peer_ip.c_str(), peer_port, nb_buf); srs_trace("gb28181: request %s method=%s, uri=%s, version=%s ", req->get_cmdtype_str().c_str(), req->method.c_str(), req->uri.c_str(), req->version.c_str()); srs_trace("gb28181: request client id=%s", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); SrsGb28181SipSession* sip_session = fetch(session_id); send_status(req, from, fromlen); if (!sip_session){ srs_trace("gb28181: %s client not registered", req->sip_auth_id.c_str()); return err; } sip_session->set_sockaddr((sockaddr)*from); sip_session->set_sockaddr_len(fromlen); sip_session->set_invite_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionBye); sip_session->set_invite_time(0); }else{ srs_trace("gb28181: ingor request method=%s", req->method.c_str()); } return err; } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_message(sockaddr* from, int fromlen, std::stringstream& ss) { std::string str = ss.str(); if (config->print_sip_message) srs_trace("gb28181: send_message:%s", str.c_str()); srs_assert(!str.empty()); int ret = srs_sendto(lfd, (char*)str.c_str(), (int)str.length(), from, fromlen, SRS_UTIME_NO_TIMEOUT); if (ret <= 0){ srs_trace("gb28181: send_message falid (%d)", ret); } return ret; } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_ack(SrsSipRequest *req, sockaddr *f, int l) { srs_assert(req); std::stringstream ss; req->host = config->host; req->host_port = config->sip_port; req->realm = config->sip_realm; req->serial = config->sip_serial; sip->req_ack(ss, req); return send_message(f, l, ss); } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_status(SrsSipRequest *req, sockaddr *f, int l) { srs_assert(req); std::stringstream ss; req->host = config->host; req->host_port = config->sip_port; req->realm = config->sip_realm; req->serial = config->sip_serial; sip->resp_status(ss, req); return send_message(f, l, ss); } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_invite(SrsSipRequest *req, string ip, int port, uint32_t ssrc) { srs_assert(req); SrsGb28181SipSession *sip_session = fetch(req->sip_auth_id); if (!sip_session){ return ERROR_GB28181_SESSION_IS_NOTEXIST; } //if you are inviting or succeed in invite, //you cannot invite again. you need to 'bye' and try again if (sip_session->invite_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionTrying || sip_session->invite_status() == SrsGb28181SipSessionInviteOk){ return ERROR_GB28181_SIP_IS_INVITING; } req->host = config->host; req->host_port = config->sip_port; req->realm = config->sip_realm; req->serial = config->sip_serial; std::stringstream ss; sip->req_invite(ss, req, ip, port, ssrc); sockaddr addr = sip_session->sockaddr_from(); if (send_message(&addr, sip_session->sockaddr_fromlen(), ss) <= 0) { return ERROR_GB28181_SIP_INVITE_FAILED; } sip_session->set_invite_status(SrsGb28181SipSessionTrying); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_bye(SrsSipRequest *req) { srs_assert(req); SrsGb28181SipSession *sip_session = fetch(req->sip_auth_id); if (!sip_session){ return ERROR_GB28181_SESSION_IS_NOTEXIST; } //prame branch, from_tag, to_tag, call_id, //The parameter of 'bye' must be the same as 'invite' SrsSipRequest r = sip_session->request(); req->copy(&r); req->host = config->host; req->host_port = config->sip_port; req->realm = config->sip_realm; req->serial = config->sip_serial; //get protocol stack std::stringstream ss; sip->req_bye(ss, req); sockaddr addr = sip_session->sockaddr_from(); if (send_message(&addr, sip_session->sockaddr_fromlen(), ss) <= 0) { return ERROR_GB28181_SIP_BYE_FAILED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } int SrsGb28181SipService::send_sip_raw_data(SrsSipRequest *req, std::string data) { srs_assert(req); SrsGb28181SipSession *sip_session = fetch(req->sip_auth_id); if (!sip_session){ return ERROR_GB28181_SESSION_IS_NOTEXIST; } std::stringstream ss; ss << data; sockaddr addr = sip_session->sockaddr_from(); if (send_message(&addr, sip_session->sockaddr_fromlen(), ss) <= 0) { return ERROR_GB28181_SIP_BYE_FAILED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } SrsGb28181SipSession* SrsGb28181SipService::create_sip_session(SrsSipRequest *req) { SrsGb28181SipSession *sess = NULL; std::map::iterator it = sessions.find(req->sip_auth_id); if (it == sessions.end()){ sess = new SrsGb28181SipSession(this, req); }else{ return it->second; } sessions[req->sip_auth_id] = sess; return sess; } SrsGb28181SipSession* SrsGb28181SipService::fetch(std::string sid) { std::map::iterator it = sessions.find(sid); if (it == sessions.end()){ return NULL; }else{ return it->second; } } void SrsGb28181SipService::remove_session(std::string sid) { std::map::iterator it = sessions.find(sid); if (it != sessions.end()){ srs_freep(it->second); sessions.erase(it); } } void SrsGb28181SipService::destroy() { //destory all sip session std::map::iterator it; for (it = sessions.begin(); it != sessions.end(); ++it) { srs_freep(it->second); } sessions.clear(); }