/** * the SrsPublisher object. * @param container the html container id. * @param width a float value specifies the width of publisher. * @param height a float value specifies the height of publisher. * @param private_object [optional] an object that used as private object, * for example, the logic chat object which owner this publisher. */ function SrsPublisher(container, width, height, private_object) { if (!SrsPublisher.__id) { SrsPublisher.__id = 100; } if (!SrsPublisher.__publishers) { SrsPublisher.__publishers = []; } SrsPublisher.__publishers.push(this); this.private_object = private_object; this.container = container; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.id = SrsPublisher.__id++; this.callbackObj = null; // set the values when publish. this.url = null; this.vcodec = {}; this.acodec = {}; // callback set the following values. this.cameras = []; this.microphones = []; this.code = 0; // error code defines. this.errors = { "100": "无法获取指定的摄像头。", //error_camera_get "101": "无法获取指定的麦克风。", //error_microphone_get "102": "摄像头为禁用状态,推流时请允许flash访问摄像头。", //error_camera_muted "103": "服务器关闭了连接。", //error_connection_closed "104": "服务器连接失败。", //error_connection_failed "199": "未知错误。" }; } /** * user can set some callback, then start the publisher. * callbacks: * on_publisher_ready(cameras, microphones):int, when srs publisher ready, user can publish. * on_publisher_error(code, desc):int, when srs publisher error, callback this method. * on_publisher_warn(code, desc):int, when srs publisher warn, callback this method. */ SrsPublisher.prototype.start = function() { // embed the flash. var flashvars = {}; flashvars.id = this.id; flashvars.width = this.width; flashvars.height = this.height; flashvars.on_publisher_ready = "__srs_on_publisher_ready"; flashvars.on_publisher_error = "__srs_on_publisher_error"; flashvars.on_publisher_warn = "__srs_on_publisher_warn"; var params = {}; params.wmode = "opaque"; params.allowFullScreen = "true"; params.allowScriptAccess = "always"; var attributes = {}; var self = this; swfobject.embedSWF( "srs_publisher/release/srs_publisher.swf?_version="+srs_get_version_code(), this.container, this.width, this.height, "11.1", "js/AdobeFlashPlayerInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes, function(callbackObj){ self.callbackObj = callbackObj; } ); return this; } /** * publish stream to server. * @param url a string indicates the rtmp url to publish. * @param vcodec an object contains the video codec info. * @param acodec an object contains the audio codec info. */ SrsPublisher.prototype.publish = function(url, vcodec, acodec) { this.stop(); SrsPublisher.__publishers.push(this); if (url) { this.url = url; } if (vcodec) { this.vcodec = vcodec; } if (acodec) { this.acodec = acodec; } this.callbackObj.ref.__publish(this.url, this.width, this.height, this.vcodec, this.acodec); } SrsPublisher.prototype.stop = function() { for (var i = 0; i < SrsPublisher.__publishers.length; i++) { var player = SrsPublisher.__publishers[i]; if (player.id != this.id) { continue; } SrsPublisher.__publishers.splice(i, 1); break; } this.callbackObj.ref.__stop(); } /** * when publisher ready. * @param cameras a string array contains the names of cameras. * @param microphones a string array contains the names of microphones. */ SrsPublisher.prototype.on_publisher_ready = function(cameras, microphones) { } /** * when publisher error. * @code the error code. * @desc the error desc message. */ SrsPublisher.prototype.on_publisher_error = function(code, desc) { throw new Error("publisher error. code=" + code + ", desc=" + desc); } SrsPublisher.prototype.on_publisher_warn = function(code, desc) { throw new Error("publisher warn. code=" + code + ", desc=" + desc); } function __srs_find_publisher(id) { for (var i = 0; i < SrsPublisher.__publishers.length; i++) { var publisher = SrsPublisher.__publishers[i]; if (publisher.id != id) { continue; } return publisher; } throw new Error("publisher not found. id=" + id); } function __srs_on_publisher_ready(id, cameras, microphones) { var publisher = __srs_find_publisher(id); publisher.cameras = cameras; publisher.microphones = microphones; publisher.on_publisher_ready(cameras, microphones); } function __srs_on_publisher_error(id, code) { var publisher = __srs_find_publisher(id); publisher.code = code; publisher.on_publisher_error(code, publisher.errors[""+code]); } function __srs_on_publisher_warn(id, code) { var publisher = __srs_find_publisher(id); publisher.code = code; publisher.on_publisher_warn(code, publisher.errors[""+code]); }