/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Winlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include using namespace std; #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _SRS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_INTERVAL_MS 100 // default sample duration, in ms #define _SRS_BANDWIDTH_SAMPLE_DURATION_MS 3000 // wait for a while for flash to got all packets. #define _SRS_BANDWIDTH_FINAL_WAIT_MS 600 SrsBandwidthSample::SrsBandwidthSample() { duration_ms = _SRS_BANDWIDTH_SAMPLE_DURATION_MS; kbps = interval_ms = actual_duration_ms = bytes = 0; } SrsBandwidthSample::~SrsBandwidthSample() { } void SrsBandwidthSample::calc_kbps(int _bytes, int _duration) { bytes = _bytes; actual_duration_ms = _duration; if (actual_duration_ms <= 0) { return; } kbps = bytes * 8 / actual_duration_ms; } /** * recv bandwidth helper. */ typedef bool (*_CheckPacketType)(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt); bool _bandwidth_is_final(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt) { return pkt->is_final(); } bool _bandwidth_is_starting_play(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt) { return pkt->is_starting_play(); } bool _bandwidth_is_stopped_play(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt) { return pkt->is_stopped_play(); } bool _bandwidth_is_starting_publish(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt) { return pkt->is_starting_publish(); } bool _bandwidth_is_stopped_publish(SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt) { return pkt->is_stopped_publish(); } srs_error_t _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(SrsRtmpServer* rtmp, _CheckPacketType pfn) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; while (true) { SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL; SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = NULL; if ((err = rtmp->expect_message(&msg, &pkt)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect message"); } SrsAutoFree(SrsCommonMessage, msg); SrsAutoFree(SrsBandwidthPacket, pkt); if (pfn(pkt)) { return err; } } return err; } SrsBandwidth::SrsBandwidth() { _req = NULL; _rtmp = NULL; } SrsBandwidth::~SrsBandwidth() { } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::bandwidth_check(SrsRtmpServer* rtmp, ISrsProtocolStatistic* io_stat, SrsRequest* req, string local_ip) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; _rtmp = rtmp; _req = req; if (!_srs_config->get_bw_check_enabled(_req->vhost)) { return err; } // validate the bandwidth check key std::string key = "key=" + _srs_config->get_bw_check_key(_req->vhost); if (_req->tcUrl.find(key) == std::string::npos) { return srs_error_new(ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_KEY, "check the vhost=%s %s failed, tcUrl=%s", _req->vhost.c_str(), key.c_str(), _req->tcUrl.c_str()); } // shared global last check time, // to prevent bandwidth check attack, // if client request check in the window(specifeid by interval), // directly reject the request. static int64_t last_check_time = 0; int interval_ms = _srs_config->get_bw_check_interval_ms(_req->vhost); srs_update_system_time_ms(); int64_t time_now = srs_get_system_time_ms(); // reject the connection in the interval window. if (last_check_time > 0 && time_now - last_check_time < interval_ms) { _rtmp->response_connect_reject(_req, "bandcheck rejected"); return srs_error_new(ERROR_SYSTEM_BANDWIDTH_DENIED, "reject, last_check=%" PRId64 ", now=%" PRId64 ", interval=%d", last_check_time, time_now, interval_ms); } // accept and do bandwidth check. last_check_time = time_now; if ((err = _rtmp->response_connect_app(_req, local_ip.c_str())) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "response connect app"); } // create a limit object. SrsKbps kbps; kbps.set_io(io_stat, io_stat); int limit_kbps = _srs_config->get_bw_check_limit_kbps(_req->vhost); SrsKbpsLimit limit(&kbps, limit_kbps); return do_bandwidth_check(&limit); } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::do_bandwidth_check(SrsKbpsLimit* limit) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; SrsBandwidthSample play_sample; SrsBandwidthSample publish_sample; // timeout for a packet. _rtmp->set_send_timeout(play_sample.duration_ms * 2); _rtmp->set_recv_timeout(publish_sample.duration_ms * 2); // start test. srs_update_system_time_ms(); int64_t start_time = srs_get_system_time_ms(); // sample play if ((err = play_start(&play_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "play start"); } if ((err = play_checking(&play_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "play check"); } if ((err = play_stop(&play_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "play stop"); } // sample publish if ((err = publish_start(&publish_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "publish start"); } if ((err = publish_checking(&publish_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "publish check"); } if ((err = publish_stop(&publish_sample, limit)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "publish stop"); } // stop test. srs_update_system_time_ms(); int64_t end_time = srs_get_system_time_ms(); srs_trace("bandwidth ok. duartion=%dms(%d+%d), play=%dkbps, publish=%dkbps", (int)(end_time - start_time), play_sample.actual_duration_ms, publish_sample.actual_duration_ms, play_sample.kbps, publish_sample.kbps); if ((err = do_final(play_sample, publish_sample, start_time, end_time)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "final"); } srs_usleep(_SRS_BANDWIDTH_FINAL_WAIT_MS * 1000); return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::play_start(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* limit) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (true) { // send start play command to client SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_start_play(); pkt->data->set("limit_kbps", SrsAmf0Any::number(limit->limit_kbps())); pkt->data->set("duration_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("interval_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->interval_ms)); if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } } if ((err = _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(_rtmp, _bandwidth_is_starting_play)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect bandwidth"); } return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::play_checking(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* limit) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // send play data to client int size = 1024; // TODO: FIXME: magic number char random_data[size]; memset(random_data, 'A', size); int data_count = 1; srs_update_system_time_ms(); int64_t starttime = srs_get_system_time_ms(); while ((srs_get_system_time_ms() - starttime) < sample->duration_ms) { srs_usleep(sample->interval_ms); // TODO: FIXME: use shared ptr message. SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_playing(); // TODO: FIXME: magic number for (int i = 0; i < data_count; ++i) { std::stringstream seq; seq << i; std::string play_data = "SRS band check data from server's playing......"; pkt->data->set(seq.str(), SrsAmf0Any::str(play_data.c_str())); } data_count += 2; if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } limit->send_limit(); } srs_update_system_time_ms(); sample->calc_kbps((int)_rtmp->get_send_bytes(), (int)(srs_get_system_time_ms() - starttime)); return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::play_stop(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* /*limit*/) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (true) { // notify client to stop play SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_stop_play(); pkt->data->set("duration_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("interval_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->interval_ms)); pkt->data->set("duration_delta", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->actual_duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("bytes_delta", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->bytes)); if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } } if ((err = _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(_rtmp, _bandwidth_is_stopped_play)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect bandwidth"); } return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::publish_start(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* limit) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (true) { // notify client to start publish SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_start_publish(); pkt->data->set("limit_kbps", SrsAmf0Any::number(limit->limit_kbps())); pkt->data->set("duration_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("interval_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->interval_ms)); if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } } if ((err = _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(_rtmp, _bandwidth_is_starting_publish)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect packet"); } return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::publish_checking(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* limit) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // recv publish msgs until @duration_ms ms srs_update_system_time_ms(); int64_t starttime = srs_get_system_time_ms(); while ((srs_get_system_time_ms() - starttime) < sample->duration_ms) { SrsCommonMessage* msg = NULL; SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = NULL; if ((err = _rtmp->expect_message(&msg, &pkt)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect message"); } SrsAutoFree(SrsCommonMessage, msg); SrsAutoFree(SrsBandwidthPacket, pkt); srs_info("get publish message success."); // client requires to stop. if (pkt->is_stop_publish()) { break; } limit->recv_limit(); } srs_update_system_time_ms(); sample->calc_kbps((int)_rtmp->get_recv_bytes(), (int)(srs_get_system_time_ms() - starttime)); return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::publish_stop(SrsBandwidthSample* sample, SrsKbpsLimit* /*limit*/) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; if (true) { // notify client to stop publish SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_stop_publish(); pkt->data->set("duration_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("interval_ms", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->interval_ms)); pkt->data->set("duration_delta", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->actual_duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("bytes_delta", SrsAmf0Any::number(sample->bytes)); if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } } // expect client to stop publish // if flash client, we never expect the client stop publish bytes, // for the flash send call packet to test publish bandwidth, // there are many many packets in the queue. // we just ignore the packet and send the bandwidth test data. bool is_flash = (_req->swfUrl != ""); if (!is_flash) { if ((err = _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(_rtmp, _bandwidth_is_stopped_publish)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "expect bandwidth"); } } return err; } srs_error_t SrsBandwidth::do_final(SrsBandwidthSample& play_sample, SrsBandwidthSample& publish_sample, int64_t start_time, int64_t& end_time) { srs_error_t err = srs_success; // send finished msg, // flash client will close connection when got this packet, // for the publish queue may contains packets. SrsBandwidthPacket* pkt = SrsBandwidthPacket::create_finish(); pkt->data->set("start_time", SrsAmf0Any::number(start_time)); pkt->data->set("end_time", SrsAmf0Any::number(end_time)); pkt->data->set("play_kbps", SrsAmf0Any::number(play_sample.kbps)); pkt->data->set("publish_kbps", SrsAmf0Any::number(publish_sample.kbps)); pkt->data->set("play_bytes", SrsAmf0Any::number(play_sample.bytes)); pkt->data->set("publish_bytes", SrsAmf0Any::number(publish_sample.bytes)); pkt->data->set("play_time", SrsAmf0Any::number(play_sample.actual_duration_ms)); pkt->data->set("publish_time", SrsAmf0Any::number(publish_sample.actual_duration_ms)); if ((err = _rtmp->send_and_free_packet(pkt, 0)) != srs_success) { return srs_error_wrap(err, "send packet"); } // we notice the result, and expect a final packet if not flash. // if flash client, client will disconnect when got finish packet. bool is_flash = (_req->swfUrl != ""); if (!is_flash) { // ignore any error. err = _srs_expect_bandwidth_packet(_rtmp, _bandwidth_is_final); srs_error_reset(err); } return err; } SrsKbpsLimit::SrsKbpsLimit(SrsKbps* kbps, int limit_kbps) { _kbps = kbps; _limit_kbps = limit_kbps; } SrsKbpsLimit::~SrsKbpsLimit() { } int SrsKbpsLimit::limit_kbps() { return _limit_kbps; } void SrsKbpsLimit::recv_limit() { _kbps->sample(); while (_kbps->get_recv_kbps() > _limit_kbps) { _kbps->sample(); srs_usleep(_SRS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_INTERVAL_MS * 1000); } } void SrsKbpsLimit::send_limit() { _kbps->sample(); while (_kbps->get_send_kbps() > _limit_kbps) { _kbps->sample(); srs_usleep(_SRS_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT_INTERVAL_MS * 1000); } }