function update_nav() { $("#nav_srs_player").attr("href", "srs_player.html" +; $("#nav_srs_publisher").attr("href", "srs_publisher.html" +; $("#nav_srs_bwt").attr("href", "srs_bwt.html" +; $("#nav_jwplayer6").attr("href", "jwplayer6.html" +; $("#nav_osmf").attr("href", "osmf.html" +; $("#nav_vlc").attr("href", "vlc.html" +; } function parse_query_string(){ var query_string = String(" ", "").split("?")[1]; if(query_string == undefined){ return {}; } var queries = query_string.split("&"); var obj = {}; $(queries).each(function(){ var query = this.split("="); obj[query[0]] = query[1]; }); return obj; } /** @param vhost the vhost of rtmp. default to window.location.hostname @param port the port of rtmp. default to 1935 @param app the app of rtmp. default to live. @param stream the stream of rtmp. default to livestream. */ function build_default_rtmp_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); var port = (query.port == undefined)? 1935:query.port; var vhost = (query.vhost == undefined)? window.location.hostname:query.vhost; var app = ( == undefined)? "live"; var stream = ( == undefined)? "livestream"; return "rtmp://" + vhost + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream; } /** @param vhost the vhost of hls. default to window.location.hostname @param hls_port the port of hls. default to window.location.port @param app the app of hls. default to live. @param stream the stream of hls. default to livestream. */ function build_default_hls_url() { var query = parse_query_string(); var vhost = (query.vhost == undefined)? window.location.hostname:query.vhost; var port = (query.hls_port == undefined)? window.location.port:query.hls_port; var app = ( == undefined)? "live"; var stream = ( == undefined)? "livestream"; if (port == "" || port == null || port == undefined) { port = 80; } return "http://" + vhost + ":" + port + "/" + app + "/" + stream + ".m3u8"; } function srs_init(rtmp_url, hls_url) { update_nav(); if (rtmp_url) { $(rtmp_url).val(build_default_rtmp_url()); } if (hls_url) { $(hls_url).val(build_default_hls_url()); } }