#!/bin/bash ##################################################################################### # the main output dir, all configure and make output are in this dir. ##################################################################################### # create the main objs SRS_OBJS="objs" mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS} ##################################################################################### # linux shell color support. RED="\\e[31m" GREEN="\\e[32m" YELLOW="\\e[33m" BLACK="\\e[0m" ##################################################################################### # parse user options, set the variables like: # srs features: SRS_SSL/SRS_HLS/SRS_FFMPEG/SRS_HTTP/SRS_RESEARCH/SRS_UTEST # build options: SRS_JOBS ##################################################################################### # parse options, exit with error when parse options invalid. . auto/options.sh # clean the exists # do this only when the options is ok. if [[ -f Makefile ]]; then make clean fi ##################################################################################### # generate auto headers file, depends on the finished of options.sh ##################################################################################### # write user options to headers SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H="${SRS_OBJS}/srs_auto_headers.hpp" echo "#define SRS_CONFIGURE \"${SRS_CONFIGURE}\"" > $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H echo "#define SRS_BUILD_DATE \"`date \"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`\"" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H echo "#define SRS_BUILD_TS \"`date +%s`\"" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H # apply user options. . auto/depends.sh # new empty line to auto headers file. echo "" >> $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H ##################################################################################### # generate Makefile. ##################################################################################### SRS_MAKEFILE="Makefile" ##################################################################################### # srs-librtmp sample entry SrsLibrtmpSampleEntry="nossl" if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then SrsLibrtmpSampleEntry="ssl";fi # utest make entry, (cd utest; make) SrsUtestMakeEntry="@echo -e \"ignore utest for it's disabled\"" if [ $SRS_UTEST = YES ]; then SrsUtestMakeEntry="(cd ${SRS_OBJS}/utest; \$(MAKE))"; fi ##################################################################################### # colorful summary SrsHlsSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then SrsHlsSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi SrsSslSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then SrsSslSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi SrsFfmpegSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_FFMPEG = YES ]; then SrsFfmpegSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi SrsHttpSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then SrsHttpSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi SrsResearchSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = YES ]; then SrsResearchSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi SrsUtestSummaryColor="\$(YELLOW)(disabled) "; if [ $SRS_UTEST = YES ]; then SrsUtestSummaryColor="\$(GREEN)"; fi ##################################################################################### # makefile echo "generate Makefile" cat << END > ${SRS_MAKEFILE} .PHONY: default help clean server bandwidth librtmp librtmp-sample utest _prepare_dir # linux shell color support. RED="\\${RED}" GREEN="\\${GREEN}" YELLOW="\\${YELLOW}" BLACK="\\${BLACK}" default: bandwidth librtmp-sample utest @echo -e "\$(GREEN)build summary:\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " \$(GREEN)server: ./objs/srs, the srs server\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsHlsSummaryColor}hls: delivery HLS stream, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/DeliveryHLS\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsSslSummaryColor}ssl: support RTMP complex handshake, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/RTMPHandshake\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsFfmpegSummaryColor}ffmpeg: support transcoding with FFMPEG, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/FFMPEG\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsHttpSummaryColor}http: support http callback, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/HTTPCallback\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " \$(GREEN)bandwidth: ./objs/bandwidth, the bandwidth test client\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " \$(GREEN)librtmp: ./objs/include, ./objs/lib, the srs-librtmp library, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/SrsLibrtmp\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " \$(GREEN)simple handshake: publish/play stream with simple handshake to server\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsSslSummaryColor}complex handshake: it's not required to publish/play stream for client, recommend disable it for srs-librtmp\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " \$(GREEN)librtmp-sample: ./research/librtmp, the srs-librtmp client sample\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsResearchSummaryColor}research: ./objs/research, api server, players, ts info.\$(BLACK)" @echo -e " ${SrsUtestSummaryColor}utest: ./objs/srs_utest, the utest for srs\$(BLACK)" @echo -e "\$(GREEN)binaries @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/Build\$(BLACK)" help: @echo "Usage: make ||||||" @echo " help display this help menu" @echo " clean cleanup project" @echo " server build the srs(simple rtmp server) over st(state-threads)" @echo " bandwidth build the bandwidth test client tool." @echo " librtmp build the client publish/play library." @echo " librtmp-sample build the srs-librtmp sample" @echo " utest build the utest for srs" clean: (rm -f Makefile) (cd ${SRS_OBJS}; rm -rf srs bandwidth *.hpp srs_utest) (cd ${SRS_OBJS}; rm -rf src research include lib utest) (cd research/librtmp; make clean) server: _prepare_dir @echo "build the srs(simple rtmp server) over st(state-threads)" \$(MAKE) -f ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_MAKEFILE} srs bandwidth: server @echo "build the bandwidth test client tool" \$(MAKE) -f ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_MAKEFILE} bandwidth librtmp: server @echo "build the client publish/play library." \$(MAKE) -f ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_MAKEFILE} librtmp librtmp-sample: librtmp @echo "build the srs-librtmp sample" (cd research/librtmp; \$(MAKE) ${SrsLibrtmpSampleEntry}) @echo "srs-librtmp sample build success" utest: server @echo "build the utest for srs" ${SrsUtestMakeEntry} @echo "utest for srs build success" # the ./configure will generate it. _prepare_dir: @mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS} END ##################################################################################### # build tools or compiler args. # the performance analysis, uncomments the following when use gperf to analysis the performance. see third-party/readme.txt Performance="-pg" # enable gdb debug GDBDebug="-g -O0" # the warning level. WarnLevel="-Wall" # the compile standard. CppStd="-ansi" # for library compile LibraryCompile="-fPIC" # the cxx flag generated. CXXFLAGS="${CppStd} ${WarnLevel} ${GDBDebug} ${LibraryCompile}" #CXXFLAGS="${CppStd} ${WarnLevel} ${GDBDebug} ${Performance}" cat << END > ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_MAKEFILE} CC ?= gcc GCC ?= gcc CXX ?= g++ AR ?= ar LINK ?= g++ CXXFLAGS = ${CXXFLAGS} .PHONY: default srs bandwidth librtmp default: END ##################################################################################### # Libraries, external library to build in srs, # header(.h): add to ModuleLibIncs if need the specified library. for example, LibSTRoot # library(.a): add to ModuleLibFiles if binary need the specifeid library. for example, LibSTfile # # st(state-threads) the basic network library for SRS. LibSTRoot="${SRS_OBJS}/st"; LibSTfile="${LibSTRoot}/libst.a" # hp(http-parser) the http request/url parser, for SRS to support HTTP callback. LibHttpParserRoot=""; LibHttpParserfile="" if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then LibHttpParserRoot="${SRS_OBJS}/hp"; LibHttpParserfile="${LibHttpParserRoot}/libhttp_parser.a"; fi # openssl-1.0.1f, for the RTMP complex handshake. LibSSLRoot="";LibSSLfile="" if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then LibSSLRoot="${SRS_OBJS}/openssl/include"; LibSSLfile="${SRS_OBJS}/openssl/lib/libssl.a ${SRS_OBJS}/openssl/lib/libcrypto.a"; fi ##################################################################################### # Modules, compile each module, then link to binary # #Core, depends only on system apis. MODULE_ID="CORE" MODULE_DEPENDS=() ModuleLibIncs=(${SRS_OBJS}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_core" "srs_core_autofree") CORE_INCS="src/core"; MODULE_DIR=${CORE_INCS} . auto/modules.sh CORE_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" # #Kernel, depends on core, provides error/log/config, nothing about stream information. MODULE_ID="KERNEL" MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE") ModuleLibIncs=(${SRS_OBJS}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_kernel_error" "srs_kernel_log" "srs_kernel_stream" "srs_kernel_buffer") KERNEL_INCS="src/kernel"; MODULE_DIR=${KERNEL_INCS} . auto/modules.sh KERNEL_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" # #RTMP Protocol, depends on core/kernel, provides rtmp/htttp protocol features. MODULE_ID="RTMP" MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE" "KERNEL") ModuleLibIncs=(${SRS_OBJS} ${LibSSLRoot}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_protocol_amf0" "srs_protocol_io" "srs_protocol_rtmp_stack" "srs_protocol_rtmp" "srs_protocol_handshake" "srs_protocol_utility") RTMP_INCS="src/rtmp"; MODULE_DIR=${RTMP_INCS} . auto/modules.sh RTMP_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" # #App Module MODULE_ID="APP" MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE" "KERNEL" "RTMP") ModuleLibIncs=(${LibSTRoot} ${LibHttpParserRoot} ${SRS_OBJS}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_app_server" "srs_app_conn" "srs_app_client" "srs_app_socket" "srs_app_source" "srs_app_codec" "srs_app_refer" "srs_app_hls" "srs_app_forward" "srs_app_encoder" "srs_app_http" "srs_app_thread" "srs_app_bandwidth" "srs_app_st" "srs_app_log" "srs_app_config" "srs_app_pithy_print" "srs_app_reload") APP_INCS="src/app"; MODULE_DIR=${APP_INCS} . auto/modules.sh APP_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" # #LIBS Module, build libsrs.a for static link. MODULE_ID="LIBS" MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE" "KERNEL" "RTMP") ModuleLibIncs=(${SRS_OBJS}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_librtmp" "srs_lib_simple_socket") LIBS_INCS="src/libs"; MODULE_DIR=${LIBS_INCS} . auto/modules.sh LIBS_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" # #Main Module MODULE_ID="MAIN" MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE" "KERNEL" "RTMP" "APP") ModuleLibIncs=(${LibSTRoot} ${SRS_OBJS}) MODULE_FILES=("srs_main_server" "srs_main_bandcheck") MAIN_INCS="src/main"; MODULE_DIR=${MAIN_INCS} . auto/modules.sh MAIN_OBJS="${MODULE_OBJS[@]}" ##################################################################################### # Binaries, main entrances, link the module and its depends modules, # then link to a binary, for example, objs/srs # # all main entrances MAIN_ENTRANCES=("srs_main_server" "srs_main_bandcheck") # # all depends libraries ModuleLibFiles=(${LibSTfile} ${LibHttpParserfile} ${LibSSLfile}) # all depends objects MODULE_OBJS="${CORE_OBJS[@]} ${KERNEL_OBJS[@]} ${RTMP_OBJS[@]} ${APP_OBJS[@]} ${MAIN_OBJS[@]}" LINK_OPTIONS="-ldl" # # srs: # srs(simple rtmp server) over st(state-threads) BUILD_KEY="srs" APP_MAIN="srs_main_server" APP_NAME="srs" . auto/apps.sh # # bandwidth # bandwidth test tool, to test the bandwidth to server BUILD_KEY="bandwidth" APP_MAIN="srs_main_bandcheck" APP_NAME="bandwidth" . auto/apps.sh # # srs librtmp MODULE_OBJS="${CORE_OBJS[@]} ${KERNEL_OBJS[@]} ${RTMP_OBJS[@]} ${LIBS_OBJS[@]}" BUILD_KEY="librtmp" LIB_NAME="lib/srs_librtmp" . auto/libs.sh # # utest, the unit-test cases of srs, base on gtest1.6 MODULE_FILES=("srs_utest") ModuleLibIncs=(${SRS_OBJS} ${LibSTRoot}) ModuleLibFiles=(${LibSTfile} ${LibHttpParserfile} ${LibSSLfile}) MODULE_DEPENDS=("CORE" "KERNEL" "RTMP" "APP") MODULE_OBJS="${CORE_OBJS[@]} ${KERNEL_OBJS[@]} ${RTMP_OBJS[@]} ${APP_OBJS[@]}" MODULE_DIR="src/utest" APP_NAME="srs_utest" . auto/utest.sh echo 'configure ok! ' ##################################################################################### # when configure success, prepare build ##################################################################################### # create objs/logs for ffmpeg to write log. mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS}/logs ##################################################################################### # configure summary ##################################################################################### # summary echo "" echo "configure summary:" if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}HLS over nginx is enabled${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}warning: without HLS support${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}rtmp complex handshake is enabled${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}warning: without rtmp complex handshake support, donot support h264/aac to adobe flash player${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_FFMPEG = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}live stream transcoding over FFMPEG is enabled${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}warning: without live stream transcoding over FFMPEG support${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}http hooks callback over CherryPy is enabled${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}warning: without http hooks callback over CherryPy support${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}research tools are builded${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}note: research tools are not builded${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_UTEST = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}utest for srs are builded${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}note: utest for srs are not builded${BLACK}" fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = YES ]; then echo -e "${GREEN}gperf(mem leak detect, mem/cpu perf) for srs are builded${BLACK}" else echo -e "${YELLOW}note: gperf(mem leak detect, mem/cpu perf) for srs are not builded${BLACK}" fi ##################################################################################### # next step ##################################################################################### ip=`ifconfig|grep "inet addr"| grep -v ""|awk '{print $2}'|awk -F ':' 'NR==1 {print $2}'` echo "" echo "you can:" echo "\" make \" to build the srs(simple rtmp server)." echo "\" make help \" to get the usage of make" if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then echo "\" sudo ./objs/nginx/sbin/nginx \" to start the nginx http server for hls" echo "\" http://$ip \" rtmp players(OSMF/JWPlayer)" fi if [ $SRS_FFMPEG = YES ]; then echo -e "\" ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg \" is used for live stream transcoding" fi if [ $SRS_HTTP = YES ]; then echo -e "\" python ./research/api-server/server.py 8085 \" to start the api-server" fi echo "\" ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf \" to start the srs live server"