/** * the SrsBandwidth object. * @param container the html container id. * @param width a float value specifies the width of bandwidth. * @param height a float value specifies the height of bandwidth. * @param private_object [optional] an object that used as private object, * for example, the logic chat object which owner this bandwidth. */ function SrsBandwidth(container, width, height, private_object) { if (!SrsBandwidth.__id) { SrsBandwidth.__id = 100; } if (!SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths) { SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths = []; } SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths.push(this); this.private_object = private_object; this.container = container; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.id = SrsBandwidth.__id++; this.stream_url = null; this.callbackObj = null; // the callback set data. this.percent = 0; this.status = ""; } /** * user can set some callback, then start the bandwidth. * @param url the bandwidth test url. * callbacks: * on_bandwidth_ready():void, when srs bandwidth ready, user can play. * on_update_progress(percent:Number):void, when srs bandwidth update the progress. * percent:Number 100 means 100%. * on_update_status(status:String):void, when srs bandwidth update the status. * status:String the human readable status text. */ SrsBandwidth.prototype.start = function(url) { if (url) { this.stream_url = url; } // embed the flash. var flashvars = {}; flashvars.id = this.id; flashvars.on_bandwidth_ready = "__srs_on_bandwidth_ready"; flashvars.on_update_progress = "__srs_on_update_progress"; flashvars.on_update_status = "__srs_on_update_status"; var params = {}; params.wmode = "opaque"; params.allowFullScreen = "true"; params.allowScriptAccess = "always"; var attributes = {}; var self = this; swfobject.embedSWF( "srs_bwt/release/srs_bwt.swf?_version="+srs_get_version_code(), this.container, this.width, this.height, "11.1.0", "js/AdobeFlashbandwidthInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes, function(callbackObj){ self.callbackObj = callbackObj; } ); return this; } /** * play the stream. * @param stream_url the url of stream, rtmp or http. * @param volume the volume, 0 is mute, 1 is 100%, 2 is 200%. */ SrsBandwidth.prototype.check_bandwidth = function(url) { this.stop(); SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths.push(this); if (url) { this.stream_url = url; } this.callbackObj.ref.__check_bandwidth(this.stream_url); } SrsBandwidth.prototype.stop = function(url) { for (var i = 0; i < SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths.length; i++) { var bandwidth = SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths[i]; if (bandwidth.id != this.id) { continue; } SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths.splice(i, 1); break; } this.callbackObj.ref.__stop(); } SrsBandwidth.prototype.on_bandwidth_ready = function() { } SrsBandwidth.prototype.on_update_progress = function(percent) { } SrsBandwidth.prototype.on_update_status = function(status) { } function __srs_find_bandwidth(id) { for (var i = 0; i < SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths.length; i++) { var bandwidth = SrsBandwidth.__bandwidths[i]; if (bandwidth.id != id) { continue; } return bandwidth; } throw new Error("bandwidth not found. id=" + id); } function __srs_on_bandwidth_ready(id) { var bandwidth = __srs_find_bandwidth(id); bandwidth.on_bandwidth_ready(); } function __srs_on_update_progress(id, percent) { var bandwidth = __srs_find_bandwidth(id); bandwidth.percent = percent; bandwidth.on_update_progress(percent); } function __srs_on_update_status(id, status) { var bandwidth = __srs_find_bandwidth(id); bandwidth.status = status; bandwidth.on_update_status(status); }